Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 115 Apprenticeship to Yun Ming (4k)

Na'er jumped off the sparring ring, her youthful and perfect body bathing in the afterglow of the setting sun. She walked happily along the wide and quiet school road of Shrek Academy, with her white jade hands pinned behind her back, looking extremely lively.

If the inner court disciples of Shrek Academy saw Na'er's current appearance, their jaws would definitely drop.

Although Na'er is not so cold in the inner courtyard that it makes people feel inaccessible, she usually lives in seclusion, like a high-ranking goddess who cannot be desecrated. Even Yun Ming and Yali, who had adopted Na'er since childhood, had probably never seen Na'er display such a delicate posture like that of an ordinary young girl.

Realizing that Yu Nanyuan did not follow, Na'er suddenly turned around and looked back at Yu Nanyuan with a smile. Her silky silver hair was rippling, her eyes were bright and her teeth were shining brightly.

At this moment, the scene in the painting seems to overlap with reality.

Na'er is like stepping out of a beautiful painting, charming and charming.

"Why are you still standing there? Come here."

Yu Nanyuan came to his senses, tapped his toes, and came to Na'er's side in an airy manner. The same gentle smile as before appeared on his face again, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

Na'er and Yu Nanyuan walked side by side and asked with a smile: "I heard about you from the teacher and my wife. Your name is Yu Nanyuan, right?"

"Don't you already know?" Yu Nanyuan replied with a smile, without exposing Na'er's knowing behavior. At the same time, he was also secretly sizing up Na'er.

The current relationship between Na'er and Gu Yue is obviously different from what he remembered in his previous life.

"The teacher wants to accept you as a closed disciple, so he asked me to take you there and prepare to ask you what you think. What do you think, are you willing to become a teacher?"

Na'er looked sideways at Yu Nanyuan, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, and her beautiful and strange big eyes fluttering. She smiled and took the initiative to find a topic again.

"I am also the teacher's disciple, and I became a disciple of the teacher very early. If you are willing to become a disciple, then I will be your senior sister from now on."

Yu Nanyuan's heart moved slightly and he laughed out loud: "Then do you want me to become a disciple?"

"Of course I hope. So am I not planning to convince you?"

Na'er nodded without hesitation and said with a smile: "The teacher and my wife are very good people. They adopted me when I was very young. At that time, I lost all my memories, even my own... I can’t remember anyone clearly. After that, the teacher and my wife took me back to the academy and treated me as their own. Do you think the teacher and my wife were very good people?"

"During the period when you lost your memory, were your teacher and mistress the first people you met?" Yu Nanyuan asked thoughtfully.


During the conversation, Yu Nanyuan and Na'er had arrived at the entrance to the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. Walking inside, you will see green flowers and trees everywhere. Judging from the thick trunks and lush branches and leaves of those trees, they have been around for at least thousands of years.

The entire inner courtyard gives people a simple and profound feeling.

This inner courtyard of Shrek Academy is the Shrek Academy in ancient times ten thousand years ago. It can meet all kinds of resources needed for cultivation. The vast majority of students in the inner courtyard stay here to practice and seldom go out.

Only the most outstanding inner academy students or direct disciples of the elders of Poseidon Pavilion are qualified to practice and study on Poseidon Island.

From the subsequent conversation with Na'er, Yu Nanyuan also learned the whereabouts of Wu Changkong. Wu Zhangkong returned to Poseidon Island after Na'er came to discuss the arena.

Zhuo Shi was a typical arrogant person. Although he said that Wu Zhangkong would not be allowed to see him if he did not bring the members of Class 0 of Donghai Academy to Shrek Academy, he did not refuse Wu Zhangkong's service.

Going deep into the inner courtyard, you can see old trees everywhere. The surrounding area is covered with a large amount of vegetation, and the green trees cover the gorgeous sunset glow on the horizon.

Na'er took Yu Nanyuan into a path. Only then did Yu Nanyuan see that behind the tall trees was a blue lake. The lake is crystal clear and sparkles in the sunset.

A small island with more lush and dense vegetation can be vaguely seen in the middle of the lake. From a distance, it looks like an isolated virgin forest.

"We're here, the teacher and his wife are on Poseidon Island in the center of the lake." Na'er's crisp voice sounded. I saw her stretching her delicate body forward and arriving at the lakeside. Then he turned around and looked at Yu Nanyuan with a smile.

Yu Nanyuan was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Na'er meant. Then he looked around and found that there was no wooden boat crossing the lake nearby, and then he summoned the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake in his mind.

Dazzling silver rays of light flashed in the sky, the space shattered, and the figure of the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake emerged from it. Its huge body of more than twenty meters left a large shadow on the lake, especially the pair of silver light wings behind it that seemed to block out the sky and the sun.

The silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake kept shuttling through the void, making bursts of excited shrill neighing sounds. Since Yu Nanyuan's soul power cultivation and spiritual power realm have made breakthroughs again, it has also received certain feedback.

Not long after, the silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake swooped in the direction of Yu Nanyuan, floating steadily in the low air ahead.

Yu Nanyuan jumped up and landed on the head of the silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake.

But Na'er just looked at the Silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake with great interest. It wasn't until she noticed that Yu Nanyuan's eyes fell on her again that she raised her head and met Yu Nanyuan's eyes.

Na'er naturally stretched out one of her slender hands towards Yu Nanyuan, the smile on her pretty face not diminishing.

Seeing this scene, Yu Nanyuan suddenly looked slightly startled, but he still took Na'er's hand and brought her to his side. Na'er's palms were smooth and slightly cool, and the texture was like the finest jade.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, when the Silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake started to fly towards Poseidon Island, Na'er slipped unprepared. Out of instinct, she subconsciously hugged Yu Nanyuan's waist and threw her whole body into Yu Nanyuan's arms.

Na'er buried her head on Yu Nanyuan's chest, and Yu Nanyuan could even clearly smell the faint fragrance between her hair. The expression on his face couldn't help but be a little weird.

In the memory of his previous life, it was Na'er who influenced Gu Yue, but now it seems that Na'er was influenced by Gu Yue.

As the thought came to mind, the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake used its control over the power of space to isolate the surrounding airflow. Although it maintained a high speed of flight, it was as smooth as walking on flat ground.

Yu Nanyuan reminded softly to Na'er in his arms: "Okay, it's okay."

"I'm a little scared. I haven't flown in the sky yet." Na'er still hugged Yu Nanyuan tightly, her soft and delicate body trembling slightly, and her voice had a cute nasal sound. Seeing Na'er's reaction, Yu Nanyuan couldn't tell for a moment whether she was really scared or whether she was pretending to be.

But what he can be sure of is that Na'er has a special attitude towards him, and has an unusual sense of closeness.

From a perspective that Yu Nanyuan couldn't see, Na'er's pale silver eyes showed a rare look of amusement and ridicule. Her delicate and straight nose wrinkled slightly, she hugged Yu Nanyuan tighter, greedily sucking the breath of Yu Nanyuan's body.

The two blushes on her cheeks made Na'er even more charming at this time.

Although Poseidon Lake is wide, it only takes a few minutes to fly at the speed of the Silver Winged Void Breaker Snake.

The Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake stopped on the shore of Poseidon Island. Na'er uncrossed her arms and jumped from the top of the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake. However, there was no strangeness on her face, and she smiled brightly at Yu Nanyuan.

"Teacher and Mistress are waiting for you at the Poseidon Pavilion. I will take you there."


Yu Nanyuan responded and followed Na'er with a meaningful look in his eyes.

The warm and fragrant nephrite had just entered his arms, and his heart was somewhat touched. What's more, he had known for a long time that Na'er and Gu Yue were one and the same, which gave him a different feeling.

Na'er led Yu Nanyuan towards the depths of Poseidon Island while chatting with Yu Nanyuan with a normal expression. He didn't seem to care at all about what just happened.

Poseidon Pavilion is built on a mountain peak in the center of Poseidon Island, and there are steep and rugged mountain roads along the way. Na'er's figure was flowing gracefully and soaring through the mountain roads. It was really hard to imagine that she would have fallen unsteadily into Yu Nanyuan's arms just now.

Yu Nanyuan followed Na'er, and couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth. It's so obvious, you can't even pretend to be pretending now, right?

Not long after, Yu Nanyuan and Na'er came to a platform on the top of the mountain. The surrounding mountains and rocks are rugged and shrouded in clouds and mist.

The first thing that catches the eye is a towering tree that reaches as far as the eye can see. Under the giant tree, there is a huge golden tree house, which is completely built on the trunk of the giant tree. There is a plaque hanging on the tree house with three big characters on it.

Poseidon Pavilion!

The energy of heaven and earth surges around, and the rich breath of life makes people feel relaxed and happy. Yu Nanyuan took a deep breath and felt that the soul power in his body was not affected by it.

Yun Ming and Yali were standing in the center of the platform on the top of the mountain, looking at Yu Nanyuan and Na'er standing side by side with gentle smiles.

Standing together, Yu Nanyuan and Naer looked like a match made in heaven. Whether it's appearance, temperament or talent, they all match perfectly.

The reason why Yun Ming and Yali came to think of this was because they vaguely guessed Na'er's thoughts from some of her previous actions. With their cultivation level, as long as they are willing, everything that happens in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy cannot escape their perception.

"You little girl have grown up too." Yali stretched out her white jade hand and touched Na'er's head affectionately. It is human nature for the young girl Huaichun to have a crush on the opposite sex, but she did not expect that Na'er would be so proactive. But she was also very relieved to see Na'er so happy.

Thinking of this, Yali carefully looked at Yu Nanyuan next to Na'er, and the more she looked at it, the more satisfied she became.

Na'er didn't know that her teacher and mistress were watching her every move just now. She immediately blushed and stepped forward to hug Yali, acting coquettishly.

"Master's Wife——"

"Okay, go back to Poseidon Pavilion with your wife and leave the space here to them." Yali gently hugged Na'er's shoulders, then nodded to Yu Nanyuan with a smile.

Yu Nanyuan quickly bowed his head in greeting. Although he considers himself to be extremely talented, he respects powerful people like Yun Ming and Yali from the bottom of his heart. In this world where strength is respected, one should be in awe of the strong.

If you can't even understand this, it's not pride, but arrogance.

What's more, Yun Ming and Yali are fundamentally different from those spiritual Shrek people.

Na'er obediently followed Yali into the Poseidon Pavilion, not forgetting to look back at Yu Nanyuan before doing so.

In the open space in front of the Poseidon Pavilion, only Yun Ming and Yu Nanyuan were left.

Yun Ming looked at Yu Nanyuan in front of him, his mood was a little complicated, or maybe he was disgusted.

He and Yali have always treated Na'er as their own child. Na'er showed extraordinary affection and closeness to Yu Nanyuan, how could he not feel emotional about it.

If Yu Nanyuan was that kind of incompetent mediocre person, Yun Ming would definitely not give him much good looks, but even with his eyes, he couldn't find any problems with Yu Nanyuan. That's another attitude.

After the two looked at each other in silence for a moment, Yun Ming took the initiative to break the weird atmosphere.

"What I mean, Na'er should have conveyed it to you before." Yun Ming said straight to the point: "I intend to accept you as my disciple and inherit my mantle. I won't say those high-sounding words. I want to say only one sentence. . Only if you follow me to practice can you reach the ultimate realm of spears with the least detours."

Yun Ming's tone was calm, but filled with an indescribable confidence that was convincing.

Facing Yun Ming's burning gaze, Yu Nanyuan saluted respectfully to Yun Ming without any hesitation.

"I am willing to become your teacher."

In fact, Yu Nanyuan had this idea before coming to Shrek Academy to challenge. Shrek Academy suffered a disastrous defeat this time. Yun Ming's performance from beginning to end fully demonstrated the magnanimity of a strong man, which shows his character.

And Yun Ming is the number one person in the mainland today, so he is definitely qualified to teach him.

Becoming a disciple of Yun Ming is indeed the best choice.

"Okay." Yun Ming smiled gently and put a hand on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder, stopping Yu Nanyuan from making any further movements.

"My lineage doesn't need to pay attention to so many complicated etiquette. From now on, just bend down and bow."

"Yes, teacher." A warm smile appeared on Yu Nanyuan's face. His personality and temperament were somewhat similar to Yun Ming. They are all gentle to the outside world, but their sharpness is hidden in their hearts.

This was one of the reasons why Yun Ming wanted to take Yu Nanyuan as his disciple without going through the so-called xinxing test. Because Yu Nanyuan's gun intention has proven everything.

At this moment, Yali and Naer walked out of the Poseidon Pavilion.

Yali took Yun Ming's arm and congratulated her with a gentle smile: "Congratulations, Brother Ming."

"Congratulations, teacher." Na'er also congratulated Yun Ming with joy, and was very excited.

The two women didn't seem surprised at all by this result.

"Master's wife." Yu Nanyuan first bowed respectfully to Yali, and then said hello to Na'er.


Yali looked at Yu Nanyuan with an affectionate and distressed expression.

"Your teacher also said that there is no need to be polite. Your teacher and I have no children. From now on, you and Na'er will be our children."

Through the channels of Shrek Academy, Yali and Yun Ming knew Yu Nanyuan's life experience very early.

After being a martyr with an innocent life, and possessing such talent and character, they really like Yu Nanyuan, a child.

To explain, Yun Ming will not send my book, but will give it directly to the protagonist. The protagonist has a talent ceiling and a background ceiling. This is the genius novel that Shushu likes. Some readers asked me not to go to Shrek. All I can say is that Shushu will not listen. Just go, just go, just go. How can you show off if you don’t go to Shrek? Writing a lot of original plots for √8 fans is not purely thankless.

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