Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 113 This shot penetrates the stars (4k)

"Forbidden Sky?! Isn't this the ability of the Pavilion Master's martial spirit?!" All the elders of the Poseidon Pavilion looked at Yu Nanyuan on the competition ring with solemn expressions. Many of them are of the same generation as Yun Ming, and have witnessed Yun Ming's terrifying strength.

When Yun Ming uses the sky-barring special effect of the Qingtian Divine Gun, even those at the Extreme Douluo level will be affected.

From Yu Nanyuan, they seemed to see the shadow of Yun Ming's past. The same talent, the same suppression of an era, and now even the abilities of the martial arts are so similar.

Yali seemed to have thought of something, a strange look appeared in her beautiful eyes, and she called softly to Yun Ming beside her.

"Brother Ming."

Yun Ming vaguely sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough from the shores of the East China Sea in the Sun-Moon Federation, and later brought Na'er back by chance. Although Na'er's talent is very good, not even inferior to Yu Nanyuan's, it obviously has nothing to do with the opportunity for breakthrough.

It wasn't until Yu Nanyuan, who was born in East China Sea City, came to prominence in the Tianhai Alliance competition and defeated the Shrek Academy team head-on that Yun Ming and Yali paid attention to this matter again.

Now that Yu Nanyuan came to Shrek Academy, it was as if there was some kind of guidance from somewhere.

At their level, it is clear that such mysterious and mysterious things as fate and luck do indeed exist.

"Watch the game first." Yun Ming smiled and held Yali's hand, comforting her softly.

In fact, he knew it in his heart without Yali's verbal reminder.

Yun Ming's eyes were still calm and gentle, but his mind couldn't help but recall an event from many years ago.

Just as Leng Yaozhu knew, Yun Ming almost merged with Yu Nanyuan's Evil Eye Tyrant back then.

Later, the reason why Yun Ming retreated to the second choice and chose to fuse the inherited souls in Shrek Academy was not because this ten thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant with both spiritual and spatial attributes was not suitable for his martial soul, nor was it because Shi The conflict between Lake Academy and the Spirit Transferring Tower was due to some strong intuition, or a whim, which made him voluntarily give up the soul of the ten thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant.

This is completely inconsistent with common sense, like the interference of an invisible external force.

However, the facts proved that his original choice was not wrong. Although the inherited soul in Shrek Academy was slightly inferior in quality to the ten thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant, it was more in line with his martial soul. And with this, he laid a deep foundation. Later, he climbed to the pinnacle of human soul masters and became the number one person on the mainland in this era.

At this time, Li Qiankun in the competition arena was no longer as calm as before, and his face was as gloomy as water. Pieces of black and purple battle armor quickly covered his body. He had one more one-word battle armor than Mo Jue. It was a dark headband inlaid with four strange gems.

There are generally two production directions for the head armor. One is a helmet similar to armor, and the other is the headband on Li Qiankun's head. Both of them have their own preferences, but without exception, they can have a huge amplifying effect on the spiritual power of the soul master.

Among a complete set of battle armor, the chest armor and head armor are the most difficult to make. When these two pieces of battle armor are completed, they can already be called a quasi-one-word battle armor master.

Although the difference is only one piece of Doukai, Li Qiankun is obviously ahead of Mo Jue in the cultivation of one-word Doukai.

The four purple thousand-year-old soul rings that were beating around him seemed to sparkle at this moment. The four dark and deep universe balls soared to ten meters away in an instant, and fell into the world like alien planets.

With Mo Jue's lessons learned, Li Qiankun immediately exploded with all his strength. Now he is the only one left in Shrek Academy. No matter what the reason is, he can no longer hold back.

Yu Nanyuan looked at the four black spheres falling from the sky with an expressionless face. The phantom gun in his hand swept out and let out a clear and sharp gun roar. A huge silver spear that was between reality and illusion stretched across the sky and earth, dividing the entire sparring arena from the middle.

"Dimension division."

A transparent silver light curtain rose, and the fourth soul skill dimension division in the form of a gun was activated again, blocking Li Qiankun's attack from the front. Four extremely oppressive Deep Universe Balls came one after another, but the light curtain composed of the spear array remained motionless, blooming with bright silver light.

With this light curtain as the dividing line, the two sides of the entire competition arena are clearly distinct. The eye-catching silver and the deep black collide with each other, like two completely opposite worlds colliding here.

Unlike the gun form's first soul skill, Void Judgment, and the gun form's second soul skill, Void Piercing, Yu Nanyuan's gun form's fourth soul skill, Dimension Division, does not have any attack effect, but is a purely defensive soul skill.

Use the gun array to divide an independent dimensional space.

The dimensional cage that Yu Nanyuan used before was based on the fourth soul skill space cage in the form of a chain, and then divided and reinforced with the fourth soul skill dimension in the form of a gun, finally constructing this space domain that he has absolute control over.

At the same time, Yu Nanyuan clenched the phantom gun in his hand and made a forward stabbing movement. His eyes became extremely majestic, as if he was born to dominate this world.

Three purple and one black, four soul rings flashed around the phantom divine spear, intersecting like rippling waves.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes suddenly condensed, and the phantom gun in his hand instantly turned into a gorgeous and magical golden and silver color. Even his body had a layer of intensely twisted golden and silver light. The sharp tip of the Phantom Gun, which exuded terrifying gun intent, was pointed forward. Pulled by the breath, his long silver hair suddenly fluttered automatically without wind.

Mo Jue, who was on the edge of the sparring ring, felt it most vividly. It was an invisible yet real spear spirit, extremely domineering and fierce, filled with the aura of domination in the world.

"The fusion of soul power and mental power?! Is this Mr. Bei's dominion over the world?!" Even the elders of Poseidon Pavilion could not help but exclaim. Especially Red Dragon Douluo Zhuoshi, who is also a dragon martial spirit. He once practiced with the previous generation of Poseidon Pavilion Master Bei Lao for a period of time, and he is very familiar with the self-created soul skills passed down by Bei Lao's lineage.

The combat skill of "Reigning in the World" was created by a Poseidon Pavilion Master from Shrek Academy ten thousand years ago. The Poseidon Pavilion Master was named Dragon God Douluo Muen.

Mr. Bei is a direct descendant of the Dragon God Douluo Muen, and he has inherited the powerful Holy Dragon Spirit of Light from his ancestors.

After thousands of years of multiplication, the descendants of Dragon God Douluo Munn's bloodline were dispersed throughout the continent. During these ten thousand years, the Holy Dragon Soul Master of Light would occasionally appear.

However, only Bei Lao's bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light is the purest, and it has passed down the combat skill of ruling the world from generation to generation. Like the current deputy master of the Poseidon Pavilion, Long Yeyue, the Light and Dark Douluo, is just a branch of the bloodline. There is no telling how many generations have passed between the two sides.

Perhaps the union between Bei Lao, the Heavenly Douluo, and Long Yeyue, the Light and Darkness Douluo, might have a hidden meaning.

However, Yun Ming, who was the direct disciple of Bei Lao, Tianshun Douluo, shook his head and denied in a deep voice: "The essence of Jun Lin Tianxia is indeed the perfect fusion of mental power and soul power, but he integrates his own mental power and soul power. The method of power is obviously different from Jun Lintianxia. Moreover, on the basis of mental power and soul power, he also integrated his own spear intention."

Having said this, the expression on Yun Ming's face couldn't help but become a little emotional, and a thoughtful look appeared deep in his eyes.

This was the path he took after taking control of Bei Lao's rule. Moreover, the spear intention he understood has great similarities with Yu Nanyuan. They both followed the path of invincibility and fearlessness, reaching the top with indomitable momentum.

The sum of all the things happening now cannot be just a coincidence.

And even with Yun Ming's vision, he must admit that he is a little moved now. Because of his personality, Yu Nanyuan is more suitable than Naer to inherit his mantle.

"Brother Ming, what do you think?" Yali smiled slightly and asked softly to Yun Ming beside her.

Yun Ming naturally knew what Yali was thinking, and the smile on his face slowly faded, and he watched the situation on the sparring ring with a serious expression.

"Lets see."

Yali's beautiful eyes widened in surprise. She didn't know how many years it had been since she saw Yun Ming look so serious. Then she followed Yun Ming's gaze back to the competition arena with a gentle smile and understanding.

At this time, the collision of Yu Nanyuan and Li Qiankun's soul skills just stopped, and the dazzling light bursting out from both sides of the competition arena suddenly subsided, clearly revealing the two figures.

Without any warning, Yu Nanyuan suddenly raised his head, staring at Li Qiankun opposite him as if there were two golden lightnings in his eyes. The dimensional separation light curtain formed by the silver gun array quietly dissipated, and he was seen controlling the phantom magic gun with his right hand, slowly turning his body and stabbing forward with the spear.

It was obviously an extremely simple movement, but when he performed it, it felt like it weighed more than a thousand kilograms, as if he were at the bottom of the sea, and his whole body was under tremendous pressure. But there is no pause in this process, and it is done in one go.

Yu Nanyuan seems to have become the center of this world. Solid and thick golden and silver light burst out from his body, filling the space in the dimensional cage.


A shocking golden and silver gun light appeared across the sky, making everything around it distorted and illusory.

Under the pressure of Yu Nanyuan's terrifying momentum at this time, Li Qiankun's body began to tremble uncontrollably. An emotion of fear he had never felt before rose in his heart.

"Am I scared?!"

Ever since his full-out attack failed to gain the upper hand in Yu Nanyuan's hands, his momentum had actually become weaker. After all, his soul power cultivation level is higher than that of Yu Nanyuan, and he also has the increase of fighting armor.

Although he was frustrated, Li Qiankun still roared unwillingly in his heart, and the soul power in his body poured out crazily. Four deep black spheres were like four stars in a row, lying in front of him, making a strange buzzing sound.

In Douluo Continent, the attribute of chaos is the fusion of light and darkness, symbolizing the nothingness without order. Chaos attributes have a very good resistance and ablation effect on soul skills of various attributes.

The reason why Yu Nanyuan was able to block Li Qiankun's attack just by relying on the dimensional division of the fourth soul skill in the form of a gun was not only because it was a powerful ten thousand year soul skill, but also because of the level of his space attribute. It is far higher than the chaos attribute of Li Qiankun's martial spirit.

Darkness, light, and space are called the three superior elements, but there will also be an insurmountable gap between the qualities of martial arts spirits with these three attributes. The quality of Li Qiankun's chaotic-attribute martial soul that combines darkness and light is far from reaching the level of Void Chain and Phantom Spear. Moreover, the spatial attribute element has always been the most mysterious. It is not that simple to perfectly dissolve the power of space.

The two sides exchange offensive and defensive positions.

Yu Nanyuan thrust out a spear, shocking the world. Li Qiankun faced him bravely, motionless as a mountain.

Both of them used their best abilities, one for offense and one for defense.

Soul power, mental power, and spear intent are the trinity. This was the shot that brought Yu Nanyuan's momentum to its peak.

The golden and silver gun light was extremely solid, and it instantly collided with Li Qiankun's first black sphere. The strong and sharp spear intent raged wildly here, making the entire sparring arena seem to have collapsed, with layers of cracks and shatters.

After only a moment of stalemate, the four-star chain exploded like an extraterrestrial planet being penetrated. Terrifying energy fluctuations swept across the competition arena, causing the soul shield around the competition arena to burst out with dazzling golden light, and loud rumbling noises like the sky and earth shattering rang out one after another in the competition arena.

This shot penetrates the stars!

The movement in the sparring arena lasted for half a quarter of an hour before calming down. It can be clearly seen that fine cracks have appeared on the soul shield covering the competition arena. Finally, Silver Moon Douluo Cai Yue'er took action in time, blocking the aftermath of the subsequent energy shock.

Finally, everyone present saw clearly what was going on in the sparring arena.

The spirit of martial arts was shattered, Li Qiankun's complexion turned pale, and he slumped on the ground in despair.

Cai Yue'er didn't know when she had stood in front of Li Qiankun, four purple, four black and one red, with nine soul rings almost all around her body. A silver crescent moon floated above her head, and her whole body was bathed in the silver moonlight.

Astonishingly, he was a nine-ring titled Douluo expert with a hundred thousand year soul ring.

What shocked everyone present even more was that Mr. Cai, a Titled Douluo-level expert, seemed to be affected by Yu Nanyuan's shot just now. The condensed golden and silver gun light is gradually melting and disintegrating under the erosion of the silver moonlight.

The eyes of everyone present were unanimously focused on Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan stood tall and tall on the north side of the sparring arena, his sharp spear intent soaring into the sky. His golden eyes were as vast as the endless starry sky, his expression was indifferent and arrogant, and he fell into a strange state.

Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi also arrived not long ago, and happened to see the scene in front of them with their own eyes.

The fight scene is over.

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