Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 110 Young Genius List? Teen clown list!

"Donghai Yu Nanyuan, please fight."

As soon as these words came out, the first-year and second-year students of Shrek Academy were in an uproar.

"Nineth on the Young Genius List, Void Yu Nanyuan?!"

Void was the nickname given to Yu Nanyuan when Chuanling Pagoda released the Young Genius List. Usually, such nicknames were related to the abilities of Wuhun.

For the students of Shrek Academy, Yu Nanyuan's name is definitely known as thunder. In the Tianhai League competition that year, the Shrek Academy team was defeated by the Donghai Academy Class 0 representative team led by Yu Nanyuan.

Although Shrek Academy's title as the No. 1 Academy in the Mainland was not shaken by this, it caused a sensation in the entire Sun Moon Federation at the time. The news even spread to the distant Tiandou Continent and Star Luo Continent.

For more than two years, Yu Nanyuan has been keeping a very low profile. Today, he appeared in the public eye again and took the initiative to challenge Shrek Academy. It's really just a matter of silence and a blockbuster.

The students at Shrek Academy looked at each other at Yu Nanyuan, and many of their eyes were full of hostility and eagerness to try.

If they can defeat Yu Nanyuan head-on, they will not only rectify the name of Shrek Academy, but also leave a mark in the history of Shrek Academy. Yu Nanyuan's door-to-door challenge just gave them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, not everyone is optimistic about this, such as Wu Rui, a member of the Shrek Academy team.

Two and a half years ago, Wu Rui began to make a name for himself in the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy. Now only seventeen years old, his soul power cultivation level has reached level 45, and he is the strongest control system soul master in Class 1 of the second grade. Moreover, he is also on the list of young geniuses. He is expected to become a one-word armor master before the age of twenty and be admitted to the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy.

Perhaps because of the fiasco at the time, Wu Rui's character became much calmer as he grew older. At this time, he was standing solemnly behind Song Lin, the head teacher of the second grade class.

Although his overall strength has improved greatly over the years, Yu Nanyuan, who was only ten years old at the time, was able to suppress Yu Yaoye who did not use Doukai. Now that two and a half years have passed, they have no way of knowing how far Yu Nanyuan will grow.

"Did you and Yu Yaoye lose to him?" A clear voice sounded in his ears, and Wu Rui subconsciously looked sideways.

It was a girl of medium height, with long black hair hanging down behind her, reaching her waist. Her appearance is extremely sweet, and her beautiful eyes look like a proud black swan.

Mo Jue, deputy monitor of Class 1, Grade 2. He is seventeen years old this year, and his soul power is level 47. Her cultivation and strength are even higher than Wu Rui's.

"If you and Yu Yaoye had put away their contempt from the beginning and directly used the Doukai's ability, he would have had no chance." At some point, a tall young man had appeared next to Mo Jue. He has an ancient appearance and is not very handsome, but he has a sense of immovable majesty. Just standing there quietly, it seemed that he had become the mainstay in this world. Even if the sky falls, you can calmly hold it up.

Li Qiankun, monitor of Class 1 of the second grade, is a level 48 defensive battle soul master. His martial spirit is the same as his name, it is called Qiankun Ball. It is a very rare mutant weapon spirit.

Li Qiankun, Mo Jue, and Wu Rui, together with Yu Yaoye, who returned to the family to practice in seclusion to break through the fifty-level bottleneck, are the core leaders of Class 1, the second grade of Shrek Academy's outer college.

Yu Yaoye's talent and strength are indeed the strongest in Class 1 of the second grade, but this is more because of the support of his family behind him. Backed by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, he has enjoyed top-notch training resources since he was a child. The family has already built a complete set of one-word battle armor for him in advance. As long as he successfully breaks through the fifty-level bottleneck this time, he can directly enter the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy to study.

However, due to his own personality, Yu Yaoye's prestige in Class 1 of the second grade was not as good as that of the more responsible Li Qiankun and the strong-willed Mo Jue.

"Squad leader, Sister Mo." Wu Rui smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I'm not making excuses for Yao Ye and I's failure, but Yu Nanyuan must not ignore it with common sense. I remember that you are all ranked in the top five on the young genius list. I'm afraid you are the targets of his challenge this time. ."

Hearing this, Li Qiankun's eyes instantly became deep and he didn't say anything. Mo Jue raised his eyebrows and stretched out a pair of jade hands to move the black hair between his temples behind his back. There was a strange light shining in her beautiful eyes.

At the same time, Song Lin, the head teacher of the second grade class, and Long Xiu, the first grade class teacher, looked at each other, and then their eyes fell on Yu Nanyuan again.

"You want a challenge? Come with us."

In order to maintain the reputation of Shrek Academy, it was naturally impossible for them to refuse Yu Nanyuan's challenge.

After saying this, Song Lin and Long Xiu told the students in their respective classes: "All first-grade class 1 and second-grade class 1, gather together to compete."

Shrek Academy recruits students every three years, and the basic requirements for enrollment are those who are under fifteen years old and have a soul power of level twenty-five or above. Because there is no minimum age requirement, this leads to uneven age.

But one thing is certain, the students in Class 1 of the second grade and Class 1 of the first grade will not be over 18 years old. In other words, all the young geniuses in Shrek Academy are in the classes of these two grades.

The students from Shrek Academy went to the competition ring in large numbers, but Song Lin and Long Xiu still stayed where they were, looking in the direction of Yu Nanyuan. To be more precise, they were looking at Wu Changkong, who was standing not far behind Yu Nanyuan.

Long Xiu frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Are you Changkong?"

Long Xiu and Song Lin were both senior two-word battle armor masters and inner-court students of Shrek Academy. They are about the same age as Wu Zhangkong. Although they are not in the same class, they also studied in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy at the same time.

The inner court disciples of Shrek Academy have always been few in number, and they are all very familiar with each other.

In addition, after learning that Wu Zhangkong was the leading teacher of Class 0 of Donghai College, Long Xiu and Song Lin recognized Wu Zhangkong almost at a glance.

Wu Zhangkong nodded expressionlessly, but the expression on his face was a bit complicated, and there were strong emotional fluctuations deep in his eyes. He never thought that he would return to Shrek Academy in this way.

"Let's go." Wu Zhangkong stepped forward and reminded Yu Nanyuan, and then strode into the gate of Shrek Academy. He moved very quickly, as if he was afraid of retreating in the face of battle.

Yu Nanyuan followed Wuchangkong silently and did not say anything to disturb Wuchangkong. While walking, he was also looking around at this so-called first college in the mainland.

Wu Zhangkong also remained silent. Now he seemed to have entered his own world.

The competition arena is at the south end of the first floor of the main teaching building of the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy. The diameter of the sparring ring is a hundred meters, and there are a large number of metal instruments placed around it. Some of these instruments are used to analyze and record data, and some are responsible for protection, with different functions.

Yu Nanyuan, Wu Changkong, Long Xiu, and Song Lin arrived at the competition ring at the same time. Under the auspices of both squad leaders, Class 1 of the first grade and Class 1 of the second grade stood on both sides of the competition in an orderly manner.

Standing at the front of Grade 1 Class 1 were Li Qiankun and Mo Jue. Standing in front of Grade 1 Class 1 were two teenagers who looked to be fourteen or five years old. The young man on the left is slender and handsome, giving him an elegant and free feeling.

In comparison, the young man on the right has a more ordinary appearance, and his figure is also extremely thin. However, his eyes were very special, terrifyingly calm, and not at all like what he could have at his age.

As soon as Yu Nanyuan came to the sparring side, he noticed the thin young man. Through the memories of his previous life, he has already determined his identity in his mind.

The current monitor of the first grade class and the future monitor of the second grade class is Yuan En Yehui, who is disguised as a man.

Sensing Yu Nanyuan's gaze, Yuanen Yehui just returned a cold look, not as hostile as others.

Yu Nanyuan tiptoed and landed in the center of the sparring ring. He turned to face the crowd, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his right index finger pretending to be frivolous.

"Which of you will come first? Or maybe we should all come together."

Yu Nanyuan just made a provocative action and two short sentences, which completely ignited the inner anger of all the students of Shrek Academy. Being able to be admitted to Shrek Academy, which one of them is not a proud person of heaven. For them, who have high self-esteem and are immersed in the past glory of Shrek Academy, this is simply a great humiliation.

This is also the source of the sense of superiority in the hearts of Shrek Academy students.

Song Lin looked at Long Xiu beside her.

Long Xiu nodded understandingly and shouted in a low voice: "Duanhunxiao."

There are only two people under the age of fifteen on Shrek Academy's Young Genius List, both in Class 1, Grade 1. In order to take into account the reputation of the college, they could not bully the small ones by sending out senior students from the beginning.

Moreover, these two people from Class 1, Grade 1, have very distinct abilities and characteristics, which can be used to test the changes in Yu Nanyuan's strength after more than two years to ensure the final victory.

The handsome young man next to Yuan En Yehui responded before getting on the sparring ring and looking at Yu Nanyuan with burning eyes.

"No. 15 on the Young Genius List, Duanhunxiao."

"Both sides retreat, the game will begin after a five-second countdown." Strange electronic sounds sounded from all directions in the sparring ring.

"Five, four, three, two, one, the game begins!"

Yu Nanyuan retreated to the side of the sparring ring, the expression on his face showing no signs of disturbance from beginning to end.

On the other side, Duanhunxiao released his martial soul immediately. He flipped his right wrist, and a long green flute appeared in his palm. Two yellows, two purples, and four soul rings surround the long flute and move slowly.

Astonishingly, he was a four-ring soul sect.

Duanhunxiao put the long flute to his mouth and blew gently. The yellow soul rings of the two first ones flashed alternately, and the sad flute sound suddenly sounded. Seeing that Yu Nanyuan was so confident and didn't even release his martial spirit, he felt angry and happy in his heart.

He was angry because Yu Nanyuan looked down upon him, but he was happy because he saw the opportunity to rectify the name of the college. With this resume, his chances of being admitted to the Inner Academy will definitely be much higher in the future.

But soon a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

Yu Nanyuan was not affected by the sound of the flute at all, his eyes became clear, and the joking tone on his lips became more intense.

Duanhunxiao subconsciously activated his third soul skill. The purple thousand-year soul ring shines and the flute blows, filling this space with a chilling air. Strong murderous intent filled the air, shrouding Yu Nanyuan on the opposite side.

Sonic attack, killing people invisible. This is exactly the effect of his third soul skill, which integrates spiritual attacks into sound waves. This kind of soul skill is extremely difficult to deal with.

But in the next moment, Duan Hunxiao, who was using his soul skill, felt his eyes go dark, and a sharp pain like a needle prick came from the sea of ​​​​spirit. Then he lost consciousness on the spot amid the screams.

Such an abrupt change made everyone present completely unable to react.

Yu Nanyuan didn't even look at Duanhunxiao again, and looked down at the people of Shrek Academy again with a calm expression.


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