"Crash, la, la la -" Countless silver chains moved slowly through the void, filling this space with criss-crossing intertwining.

The moment these chains appeared, the Evil Eye Tyrant seemed to feel something, and its huge silver eye suddenly shrank. The fierce aura and mental coercion quietly converged, and turned into streams of golden and silver light that merged into Yu Nanyuan's body.

Leng Yaozhu chanted an obscure incantation, causing the six-pointed star formation at Yu Nanyuan's feet to shine with an increasingly dazzling golden light.

At the same time, Yu Nanyuan's Void Chain Martial Spirit also transformed into a magical golden and silver color. Although it only lasted for a moment, Leng Yaozhu keenly sensed that the time and space in the Soul Tower seemed to have a feeling of being imprisoned and blocked.

"This is..." Leng Yaozhu's eyes were focused, with a thoughtful look in her beautiful eyes.

At this time, she had some vague guesses in her mind. The quality of Yu Nanyuan's martial spirit might be far more amazing than she imagined. Whether it is the Coiling Dragon Stick inherited from the Qiangu family or Yun Ming's Heaven-Qing Divine Spear, the quality of the martial spirit is inferior to Yu Nanyuan's Void Chain.

Yu Nanyuan's martial spirit may be the well-deserved first martial spirit in the mainland.

"No wonder the martial soul fusion skills between you and Yue'er are dominated by you."

The Evil Eye Tyrant no longer had any resistance. It even opened up its spiritual origin and actively integrated with Yu Nanyuan.

As time passed, Yu Nanyuan's aura became stronger and stronger. Immediately afterwards, a circle of black soul rings as dark as ink slowly rose from his feet and settled on the position of the fourth soul ring.

Three purple and one black, the four soul rings around him flashed alternately, and Yu Nanyuan's aura suddenly increased a lot again. At this point, he finally officially advanced to the Fourth Ring Soul Sect realm.

The fusion process was extremely smooth and took less than half an hour.

However, Yu Nanyuan did not end his meditation practice, but entered into a deeper understanding. Between his eyebrows, a golden and silver vertical line quietly appeared, and then expanded to both sides, turning into a silver eye pupil densely covered with golden lines.

It is the shrunken body of the Evil Eye Tyrant. Different from the normal soul-entering technique where the soul is integrated into the martial spirit, the Evil Eye Tyrant can appear directly from the parts of Yu Nanyuan's body due to its special spatial and spiritual attributes.

In other words, Yu Nanyuan can fully utilize the ability to control the Evil Eye Tyrant even without releasing the Evil Eye Tyrant outside his body. This is simply equivalent to an alternative twin martial spirit.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes were obviously closed, and he was sitting cross-legged on the ground meditating, but he could clearly observe the movements of Leng Yaozhu opposite him through the body of the evil-eyed tyrant between his eyebrows. Moreover, the evil eye tyrant's spiritual origin continues to merge with his spiritual sea, causing his own spiritual power to increase rapidly.

Leng Yaozhu was also looking at the evil-eyed tyrant's body that appeared from between Yu Nanyuan's eyebrows. With her vision, she naturally discovered the unusualness of this evil-eyed tyrant, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, this evil-eyed tyrant has already completed the fusion with Yu Nanyuan, and if anything else, he doesn't have the bearing of a strong man.

After Yu Nanyuan's breath became stable, she took a step forward and disappeared from the spot.

With a flash of light in front of the golden light door, Leng Yaozhu returned to the platform where the Soul Tower was located, and said to Wu Changkong in a calm tone: "The process of soul fusion went smoothly. He has now entered a state of deep meditation. Wait until When the meditation is over, you will naturally be teleported back here."

After saying that, Leng Yaozhu left here with light steps.

Wu Zhangkong didn't say anything, he just bowed his head and saluted Leng Yaozhu. He still trusted Tianfeng Douluo's character. With this person's status, there is no need to lie to him.

The staff of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda in the hall were still busy, while Wu Zhangkong stood in a corner with his eyes closed, waiting for Yu Nanyuan's return. However, he is also somewhat concerned about the second soul Yu Nanyuan merged with this time.

The soul Tianfeng Douluo Leng Yaozhu personally selected for Yu Nanyuan must be extraordinary.

three days later

Shrek City, Shrek Academy.

As the number one academy in the mainland, this is a place that countless soul masters yearn for.

The area of ​​Shrek Academy is extremely vast because it is a city in itself.

In fact, in ancient times, Shrek Academy was Shrek City. Later, due to the creation of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda organization and the suggestion of Huo Yuhao, the first generation Spirit Transferring Pagoda Master Spirit Ice Dou, Shrek City was able to expand, and only then did it reach the size of the continent's largest city.

The original Shrek City was integrated into Shrek Academy and became a city-sized academy. Today's Shrek Academy is also called Shrek Inner City.

Different from the hustle and bustle of the outer city, the inner city of Shrek seemed very quiet. The quaint and wide streets, lined with shops, are all in the style of ancient times, and many buildings are even made of wood. Walking into the inner city of Shrek City is like crossing time and space and arriving thousands of years ago.

Shrek Academy strictly controls Shrek City and even has a law enforcement team that is independent of the Sun-Moon Federation. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a country within a country that belongs exclusively to Shrek Academy.

If you want to enter Shrek's inner city, you must have an access order issued by Shrek Academy. Compared to the outer city, the flow of people on the streets is much less.

To the east of Shrek's inner city, there is a building surrounded by green vegetation. The walls are so high that you can't see inside from the outside. On the huge building sign on the front, there are only two big characters, Inner Courtyard.

Only those who have actually been here will know that in the eyes of outsiders, the mysterious and powerful inner courtyard of Shrek Academy is just a place that looks like a park. The environment is quiet and there are no guards at the gate tower.

Because just the two words "inner court" are enough.

At this moment, two figures walked out of the inner courtyard.

The person walking in front was a girl with a cold temperament. What didn't match her cold temperament was that she had a beautiful face.

The girl is 1.65 meters tall, with long golden hair neatly tied into a single ponytail, and her beautiful big blue eyes seem to be shining with starlight. A pair of long legs are straight and round, which is particularly eye-catching.

The girl is Ye Xinglan. Although her pride was completely shattered by Yu Nanyuan in the Tianhai Alliance Competition, in the past two and a half years, she has regained her confidence and devoted herself wholeheartedly to her swordsmanship.

From then on, she had another purpose of practicing hard, which was to defeat Yu Nanyuan head-on in the future, so as to clear the demonic obstacles in her heart.

Ye Xinglan knew that if he wanted to reach the peak of soul master and swordsmanship, he had to overcome Yu Nanyuan.

The person following Ye Xinglan was naturally Xu Lizhi. Perhaps because he has indulged himself in the past two years, his height is now over 1.8 meters, and his waistline is probably about the same, like a huge meat ball.

Xu Lizhi is fair and fat, with a smile on his face. But even so, there was a strong sense of contrast between him and Ye Xinglan standing together.

"Sister Xinglan, wait for me!" Xu Lizhi shouted anxiously, then shook his fat body and quickly came to Ye Xinglan's side.

Ye Xinglan stopped and looked back at Xu Lizhi. The coldness on his pretty face softened slightly.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say you wanted to go out to eat?"

Xu Lizhi blushed while hesitating.

Of course, Ye Xinglan, who had only focused on cultivation since childhood, did not notice some of Xu Lizhi's little thoughts, and said calmly.

"Hurry up, I have to practice in the afternoon."

"Oh, okay." Xu Lizhi responded sadly, lowering his head.

He could see how hard Ye Xinglan had worked in cultivation over the years and what he had paid for it. He felt extremely distressed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

It can be said that Xu Lizhi had low self-esteem to the core. After all, he did not have the courage to speak out his true thoughts. In fact, he just hoped that Ye Xinglan would stop forcing himself so much and give himself some rest time occasionally.

At the same time, Yu Nanyuan, who had finished his deep meditation practice, and Wu Zhangkong came to the east gate of the inner city of Shrek City. This is also the main entrance of Shrek Academy.

After merging the Evil Eye Tyrant as his second soul, Yu Nanyuan's figure has grown much taller. A pair of bright golden eyes seemed to have a special texture compared to the past, like looking into the death of all things. Once you look at it, your mind will be immersed in it unconsciously, as if falling into an endless abyss.

This change is more due to the improvement of his mental state. Today, his spiritual power level is no longer in the Spiritual Sea realm, but has truly entered the threshold of the Spiritual Abyss realm.

The spiritual abyss realm is like an abyss or a prison, with blue falling water and yellow springs. Thoughts cause all things to return to the heart. It is enough to support a soul master to fuse souls of any level, but souls with a cultivation level of more than 100,000 years can only fuse one soul.

You must know that Wu Changkong, who is in the soul saint realm, has only just entered the spiritual abyss realm for the first time in terms of spiritual power.

This is the most direct benefit that the evil-eyed tyrant brought to Yu Nanyuan. At this point, he was absolutely sure that the evil eye tyrant was definitely an evil eye with pure spiritual attributes. Only this kind of top-level spiritual attribute soul could bring him such an astonishing improvement in mental power.

The stern-faced Wu Changkong looked at the main entrance of Shrek Academy, and there seemed to be something in his eyes. He pursed his lips tightly, and it was clear that strong emotions were surging in his heart.

Yu Nanyuan was controlling his breath, making his heart calm, and the faint smile that filled the corners of his mouth gradually faded away.

"Teacher Wu, now I will fulfill the promise I made to you back then and top the list of young geniuses."

Hearing Yu Nanyuan's words, Wu Zhangkong instantly woke up from the memories of the past. Despite his intangible nature, his face was filled with a look of astonishment at this time.

Yu Nanyuan, on the other hand, used his actual actions to verify his inner speculation. I saw him step forward and stand in front of the city gate.

There were two young men in dark green uniforms standing guard in front of the city gate. They could not help but frown slightly when they saw Yu Nanyuan behaving strangely. But as long as Yu Nanyuan didn't break into Shrek Academy without permission, they didn't bother to care.

Under the gaze of these two Shrek Academy outer court students, Yu Nanyuan's whole temperament suddenly changed. It was as if he was standing on the clouds and overlooking all living things. He was arrogant and arrogant. The terrifying aura suddenly swept out of his body, and his calm voice blended into the invisible spiritual power and spread continuously.

"Donghai Yu Nanyuan, here to challenge all the young geniuses in Shrek Academy."

The whole place fell into a dead silence in an instant, and the two Shrek Academy outer courtyard students on duty widened their eyes. Their eyes were blank, they were all dumbfounded, and it was difficult for them to come back to their senses.

In their understanding, this is simply impossible. As the number one academy in the mainland, Shrek Academy has stood for tens of thousands of years without falling. When has there ever been a challenge?

In other words, the people of Shrek Academy are still living in the glory and arrogance of the past. In fact, in the eyes of many people in Shrek Academy, the disastrous defeat in the Tianhai Alliance did not mean anything. After all, there are many students in Shrek Academy who are stronger than Yu Yaoye, Wu Rui, Ye Xinglan and others.

After that time, who dares to say that Shrek Academy will no longer be the number one academy in the mainland?

This is the arrogance of Shrek Academy.

What Yu Nanyuan has to do, besides climbing to the top of Shrek Academy, is to completely crush the arrogance of these spiritual Shrek people.

"Crazy, crazy, crazy..." One of the two Shrek Academy students muttered and shook his head.

"This person is crazy. He dares to come to the academy to challenge me."

"You are here to watch for now. I will go back to the academy and explain the situation here." The other person turned and left with a solemn expression.

As students of Shrek Academy, they still have a broad vision. Although Yu Nanyuan did not release his martial soul or soul ring just now, the momentum and mental pressure he displayed were enough to prove his power.

It is precisely because of this that the two students from Shrek Academy's outer academy behave like this. If it were those people who looked weak at first glance and came to provoke them, they would probably laugh it off and not take the other party seriously.

Wu Zhangkong stared at Yu Nanyuan's tall and straight back, and was deeply touched in his heart. He must admit that Yu Nanyuan's spirit is far beyond his reach. At first, when Yu Nanyuan said he wanted to take a look at Shrek Academy, he didn't even think about it.

Perhaps in his subconscious, he also felt that this was impossible.

However, what followed in Wu Zhangkong's heart was a strong sense of expectation. He wanted to know how far Yu Nanyuan could do it.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. Since Shrek Academy is called the number one academy in the mainland, it should accept such a challenge.

In just a few minutes, Long Xiu, the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 1, and Song Lin, the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 2 at Shrek Academy, had already walked out of Shrek Academy with the students in their respective classes.

The teacher of Class 1 of the second grade was a middle-aged woman. She looked at Yu Nanyuan with a frown.

"Are you the one who wants to challenge?"

"Donghai Yu Nanyuan, please fight." Yu Nanyuan smiled calmly.

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