Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 111 The ashamed Yuan En Yehui (6k)

Duanhunxiao's tragic defeat was like a bucket of cold water poured directly on the students of Shrek Academy. The hostility in their eyes dissipated a lot, replaced by a strong look of fear.

The scene that happened before was really weird. From the beginning to the end, Yu Nanyuan was clearly standing on the edge of the competition stage and did not even release his martial soul. However, Duanhunxiao, who was the active attacker, lost consciousness on the spot.

"Spiritual backlash?!" Mo Jue's eyes were full of shock and disbelief, and his gaze on Yu Nanyuan suddenly became serious.

Although she was not a spiritual soul master, her martial soul ability was very closely related to her spiritual power. She could tell at a glance why Duanhunxiao lost consciousness on the spot.

Duanhunxiao was able to rank fifteenth on the list of young geniuses because of his special soul skill that integrated sonic and spiritual attacks. Among the first-grade class, his overall strength is second only to the squad leader Yuan En Yehui, and he is also the deputy squad leader of the first-grade class.

With Duanhunxiao's martial soul ability, he can restrain almost all types of soul masters. Only soul masters with particularly strong mental power may be less affected.

Now Duanhunxiao has suffered a spiritual backlash, which shows how powerful Yu Nanyuan's mental power is.

Wu Rui smiled bitterly, as if he was recalling his weakness and frustration when facing Yu Nanyuan in the Tianhai Alliance competition two years ago. He had a strong feeling that there would be no peace in Shrek Academy this time.

Even Li Qiankun, who had always behaved calmly, was staring at Yu Nanyuan standing in the sparring ring, thinking to himself.

Duanhunxiao himself is a kind of soul master who is good at spiritual power, and his spiritual power level has already reached the spiritual sea realm. Considering that his spiritual power at the spiritual sea level has suffered such severe mental backlash, doesn't it mean that Yu Nanyuan's mental power has most likely reached...

"Lingyuan Realm." Song Lin, the head teacher of Class 1 of the second grade, slowly relaxed her frown and said the three words that Li Qiankun was thinking about.

Hearing this, all the students at Shrek Academy secretly swallowed their saliva.

At the age of twelve, in the Lingyuan realm, this was like a fantasy. Let alone Shrek Academy, even in the entire history of the soul master world, this is probably unprecedented. This can no longer be described by two simple words: genius.

Mental power will improve on its own as the soul master's cultivation level and age increase. At the age of twelve, his mental strength reached the Spirit Realm realm, which means that Yu Nanyuan will almost certainly be able to break through to the Spirit Realm realm in the future.

The spiritual realm is the pinnacle that normal human soul masters can reach. It is said that after reaching the spiritual realm of spiritual cultivation, a spiritual realm will be created on its own. The spiritual domain of each soul master is different, but there is no doubt that this spiritual domain will bring indescribable huge benefits to the soul master, and it can also greatly improve the combat effectiveness.

All Extreme Douluo are based on the spiritual power of the spiritual realm.

Coupled with Yu Nanyuan's cultivation talent, as long as he doesn't die midway, he will definitely reach his limit in the future and enter the world of demigods and even quasi-gods.

Even the students of Shrek Academy, who had high self-esteem, felt extremely wary of Yu Nanyuan at this time, and they couldn't help but have other thoughts in their hearts. After all, no one wants to offend a future top powerhouse.

Wu Zhangkong became more and more sure of his guess.

Before setting off for Shrek City, Yu Nanyuan's spiritual power was only close to the intermediate level of the spiritual sea realm. Now, in just three days, there has been such an astonishing improvement in the level of spiritual power, which is probably related to the soul that he fused in the soul tower.

The only thing that can bring about such an improvement in mental power is the soul with that kind of spiritual attribute, and it must be the top type of spiritual attribute soul.

Just when everyone was thinking about their own thoughts, Yuanen Yehui had already boarded the sparring ring and brought down the unconscious Duanhunxiao.

Long Xiu looked at Yuan En Ye Hui hesitantly, but Yuan En Ye Hui just nodded firmly and then returned to the competition arena.

As the monitor of Class 1, Grade 1, she must not back down at this time.

Yuanen Yehui has always had a deep prestige among Class 1, Grade 1.

Long Xiu hesitated for a moment, but finally did not stop Yuan En Yehui from playing. Regarding Yuan En Yehui's affairs, as his class teacher, he was one of the few insiders.

Although Yuanen Yehui's soul power cultivation is weaker than Duanhunxiao, he possesses two top-notch martial souls, Titan Giant Ape and Fallen Angel. The fallen angel spirit can make her highly resistant to mental attacks, and the titan ape spirit can give her extremely terrifying strength and combat effectiveness.

Yuanen Yehui's ranking on the young genius list is even higher than Duanhunxiao, and he only relies on the ability of the Titan Giant Ape. She is only fourteen years old this year, and her soul power cultivation is not far from the bottleneck of level 40. In about half a year, she will definitely be able to break through to the realm of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect.

"Tenth on the Young Genius List, Yuan En Yehui." Yuan En Yehui looked at Yu Nanyuan across from him and said coldly.

She was included in the top ten of the Young Genius List with her cultivation as a three-ring soul master, which is enough to prove her amazing talent and strength.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes were slightly focused, but there was still a faint smile on his face.

"Five, four, three, two, one." The electronic sound that appeared before sounded again.


Yuanen Yehui took the lead and rushed towards Yu Nanyuan like lightning. His speed is very fast, completely comparable to the agility attack type war soul masters of the same level.

Yu Nanyuan raised his right hand in vain, finally using his martial soul's ability for the first time.

Brilliant silver light bloomed, and silver chains shuttled through the void and appeared, like heavenly locks descending from the sky, binding Yuanen Yehui's thin figure. This is not a soul skill, but the innate entanglement and binding instinct possessed by the Void Chain Martial Spirit.

Although it was just pure martial soul instinct, its power was far more powerful than Tang Wulin's first soul skill, Coil.

Ever since Yu Nanyuan broke through to the realm of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect, the aura of the Void Chain has become stronger and stronger.

The space confinement power attached to the void chain was activated, and Yuanen Yehui's figure suddenly came to a standstill. Because of this moment of pause, she was unprepared and suddenly lost her center of gravity and fell forward.

At the same time, a layer of intense silver light also spread from the void chain to Yuan En Yehui's body. She only felt as if an invisible spiritual power had invaded her spiritual sea, and then turned into a spiritual storm and erupted here. Her face turned pale instantly.

This is exactly the ability of the ten thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant, which is shocking in spirit.

Unlike ordinary souls that leave the body and assist soul masters in combat, Yu Nanyuan can directly integrate the evil-eye tyrant's spiritual attribute attacks into his own martial soul and soul skills.

However, in order to verify some of his abilities, Yu Nanyuan still held back on Yuan En Yehui.

At this moment, Yu Nanyuan keenly noticed an evil purple light flashing in Yuanen Yehui's original black eyes. He did not take advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack, but allowed Yuanen Yehui to relax and release his Titan Giant Ape Martial Spirit.

As three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, rose from Yuanen Yehui's feet, her thin body swelled up in an instant.

There was an extra layer of brown hair on the surface of her skin, her height soared to four meters away, her arms were particularly thick, and her whole body was filled with an indescribable sense of power. Fortunately, because she was wearing elastic tights, she wouldn't be exposed.

Yuanen Yehui's muscles all over his body were tangled, and he suddenly exerted his strength to break free from the shackles of the void chain. A pair of thick and powerful arms smashed onto the ground.

"Boom!" The ground trembled, and the entire sparring ring shook violently. A layer of faint golden light rippled to offset the terrifying concussive force. However, the surface of the sparring ring was already covered by a layer of twisted air waves.

Wu Zhangkong, who was standing on Yu Nanyuan's side and outside the competition, immediately recognized Yuan En Yehui's martial spirit.

Being able to crush the air simply by relying on strength could only be the Titan Giant Ape Martial Spirit inherited from that family. He didn't expect that Yuanen Yehui was actually a descendant of the Titan ape family.

Although the overall strength of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bears is extremely powerful, among soul beasts of the same level, their power can only be ranked in the top ten. The Titans are conservatively estimated to be ranked in the top three. They are symbols of strength.

Yu Nanyuan jumped up with a calm expression, rising into the air to avoid the shock force on the sparring ring.

Yuanen Yehui also jumped up, bursting out with unparalleled terrifying jumping power. His body was in the air, like a humanoid soul beast, and he raised his arms and smashed towards Yu Nanyuan.

During this period, a mysterious silver pattern suddenly appeared between Yuanen Yehui's eyebrows.

"Void contract." Yu Nanyuan groaned in a calm tone, and a silver chain quietly appeared at his feet. He took advantage of the silver chain and rose higher into the air. Then he clenched his right fist and dropped from the sky to punch Yuan En Yehui.

His right fist was filled with solid and thick earth-yellow light, making the surrounding air emit bursts of explosions.

"As a weapon soul master, he actually chose to compete head-on with Yuan En for strength?!"

The students at Shrek Academy were shocked, and even Wu Zhangkong's expression changed slightly.

Yuan En Yehui also had a look of surprise in her eyes, but what surprised her was not that Yu Nanyuan wanted to confront her head-on, but that she felt the same power as her own martial soul from Yu Nanyuan's right fist.

In the flash of lightning, she didn't care to think too much, and crossed a pair of thick arms in front of her to protect her.

Yu Nanyuan's right fist collided heavily with Yuanen Yehui's arms, making an earth-shattering roar. The surrounding air was compressed and became distorted.


Compared with Yuan En Yehui, Yu Nanyuan's figure seemed so small, but Yuan En Yehui was punched down by him and turned into an afterimage and fell into the competition ring.

"Rumble--" The ground collapsed, and deafening roars sounded continuously.

The golden soul shield activated on its own, blocking the next wave of air that swept over him. The golden light flashes and the smoke and dust are everywhere, making it temporarily impossible to see clearly what is going on in the sparring arena.

"How is it possible? How could his power suppress Yuan En?!"

Such an idea appeared in the hearts of everyone present, and the whole place fell into deathly silence.

His mental power has reached the spiritual abyss realm, and his strength is so terrifying. Doesn't he have any weaknesses? Emotions of despair and powerlessness quietly grew in the hearts of the Shrek Academy students.

The halo in the sparring arena subsided and the smoke dispersed, only to see that Yuanen Yehui's huge body after being possessed by the martial spirit sank deeply into the ground, with her body as the center, leaving a huge gap around her. Deep pit.

But Yu Nanyuan was like a god descending from heaven, with his elegant figure and a silver chain on his feet, floating quietly in the sky.

Yuanen Yehui raised his head and stared at Yu Nanyuan, his expression gloomy and uncertain. At this point, she was certain that Yu Nanyuan possessed the abilities of her Titan Ape martial spirit through some unknown means. In this case, the ability of her second martial soul...

For some personal reasons, she did not want to expose her second martial spirit in public.

Song Lin, Long Xiu, and Wu Zhangkong, three senior two-word armor masters, immediately focused their eyes on the silver pattern between Yuan En Yehui's eyebrows, and their pupils shrank.

Is this Yu Nanyuan’s martial soul ability?

But they didn't see Yu Nanyuan use soul skills just now, which means that this ability is only the innate ability of martial soul.

Being able to use your opponent's martial soul ability just by relying on your martial soul talent is a bit too shocking. What level of martial spirit should that be? !

The speculations of Wu Zhangkong and the others were correct. This was the fourth innate ability that Yu Nanyuan awakened after breaking through the Fourth Ring Soul Sect realm. Void Contract.

There are two types of void contracts, namely active contract and passive contract. For example, Gu Yue's original fusion with him was an active contract, but now what he forcibly left on Yuanen Yehui was a passive contract.

The active contract allows Yu Nanyuan to perfectly mobilize the opponent's martial spirit and bloodline power. There is a certain gap between the effects of passive contracts and active contracts, and they will continue to consume his soul power. It is equivalent to forcibly imprinting this contract silver pattern on the opponent's martial spirit and bloodline. It also has extremely high requirements for the strength of the martial spirit and bloodline.

Therefore, Yu Nanyuan's innate ability can only be used by soul masters with particularly powerful martial souls and bloodlines.

Yuanen Yehui, who has the blood of Titan ape and fallen angel, obviously meets this requirement.

The reason why Yu Nanyuan can perfectly use the ability of the Evil Eye Tyrant also relies on this void contract. Of course, it only makes sense to use it on soul masters or soul beasts with particularly powerful martial souls and bloodlines. Otherwise, it would be better to use one's own martial soul and soul skills to fight instead of consuming a lot of soul power for this.

Yuanen Yehui hesitated and lit up the purple thousand-year soul ring next to him. The third soul skill, King Kong Titan.

Her body grew taller again and became stronger. Void punched Yu Nanyuan twice in the air, and two masses of white light that looked like substance burst out instantly.

The surrounding air made a low muffled sound because it was compressed.

The second soul skill is air cannon. This is Yuanen Yehui's rare long-range attack method. With the increase of the King Kong Titan, the attack range of these two air cannons may not be as good as that of ordinary level four soul cannons, but their power is definitely comparable to ordinary level four soul cannons.

Yu Nanyuan stood proudly in the air, and the area around his fists, which were originally wrapped in a thick earthy yellow halo, turned into two pitch-black absolute vacuum zones without any warning. He waved his fists lightly, and the two incandescent air cannons quietly turned into nothingness as soon as they came into contact with these two areas of absolute vacuum.

Using an air cannon against a vacuum, the results can be imagined.

The absolute vacuum field is completely the nemesis of Yuanen Yehui, the second soul skill.

Yuanen Yehui wanted to fight quickly, so he used his second and third soul skills one after another. Her mind was already a little confused, and she still didn't notice the silver pattern of the contract between her eyebrows. In fact, this passive contract of forced imprinting can be resolved through soul power and mental power.

Because Yu Nanyuan used his soul and mental power to leave this void contract on Yuan En Yehui's body, and the void chain that originally wrapped around Yuan En Yehui's body was the opportunity. Therefore, the ten thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant is indeed the soul that best suits him.

"Bang!" Yuan En Yehui's right foot suddenly stamped on the ground, and the powerful and huge figure rushed towards Yu Nanyuan again.

Yu Nanyuan leaned slightly on the silver chain and took the initiative to face Yuan En Yehui.

Incandescent light spurted on Yuanen Yehui's huge fists, holding back. This is another use of her second soul skill, air cannon. When combined with close combat, the power is quite astonishing.

Yu Nanyuan was not afraid, his fists were wrapped in the dark absolute vacuum realm, and he collided head-on with Yuan En Yehui again.

The black and white lights collided with each other, and the figures of both parties stagnated in the air, then flew out simultaneously and landed steadily on the competition ring.

With the Void Contract and Void Chain as the medium, although Yu Nanyuan can control the terrifying power brought by the Titan Giant Ape's martial spirit, he cannot obtain the increase brought by the soul skill effect like Yuan En Yehui.

However, relying on the absolute vacuum field to restrain Yuan En Yehui's second soul skill, this part of the gap was offset.

Moreover, the Void Chain Martial Spirit has continued to absorb the Golden Dragon King's bloodline aura emanating from Tang Wulin's body over the years. Yu Nanyuan's physical strength under normal conditions is not necessarily weaker than Yuan En Yehui. What's more, he also has an increase brought by the right metacarpal bone of the Dark Gold Terror Claw.

As his soul power cultivation level increased and was nourished by high-quality soul power, his dark gold Terrorclaw Bear right metacarpal bone had already evolved to a level close to the ten thousand year level soul bone.

Then a scene appeared in the competition arena that shocked everyone present. That was Yu Nanyuan, a weapon soul master, using this close combat method to start a hand-to-hand fight with Yuan En Yehui.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang--" The two figures overlapped again and again on the sparring ring, fists and feet intersecting. Every collision would cause the ground to tremble violently.

The Titan Giant Ape Martial Spirit gives Yuanen Yehui terrifying power without making its movements cumbersome. The Titan ape is known as the King of the Forest. It is known for its all-round strength and has almost no shortcomings.

However, in comparison, Yu Nanyuan's fighting style is more agile and skillful.

There was another staggering of bodies, and Yu Nanyuan avoided Yuan En Yehui's oncoming punch. Before the punch came, the sound of air explosion had already sounded in advance. The extremely oppressive fist wind caused Yu Nanyuan's long silver hair to fly up, revealing his golden eyes as calm as water.

Yu Nanyuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Because of the characteristics of his martial spirit, he had rarely had the opportunity to fight in close combat like this, which felt quite satisfying. With the innate ability of Void Contract, his fighting style in the future is destined to undergo numerous changes.

At this point, his title of Almighty Battle Soul Master may be considered well-deserved.

Yu Nanyuan's slender and powerful legs were raised high and pressed against Yuan En Yehui's right fist. Yuan En Yehui's right fist was guided by Yu Nanyuan's strong force and hit the ground. At this time, the sky was in front of her, and her flaws were exposed.

However, Yu Nanyuan did not take advantage of the situation to fight back. Instead, he used his calves to suppress Yuan En Yehui's thick right arm. There was a hint of teasing in his gentle smile.

"I'll show you something more interesting next."

Yuanen Yehui was stunned at first, and then she saw an evil purple light emerge from Yu Nanyuan's golden eyes, and his aura suddenly became cold.

Affected by Yu Nanyuan's aura, her black eyes turned into evil purple in an instant, and the second martial spirit, Fallen Angel, wanted to be released uncontrollably.

"No! I surrender!" Yuanen Yehui suddenly screamed, released the Titan Ape's martial spirit possession, and returned to his thin figure. But the look she looked at Yu Nanyuan was no longer so calm, but filled with shame and annoyance.

How could she not see that Yu Nanyuan had already known about her possession of the second martial spirit, Fallen Angel, and even guessed that she was disguised as a man. She doesn't want to expose this in public in Shrek Academy yet, so she can only choose to admit defeat.

The sound Yuanen Yehui just made was obviously a bit sharp. However, the teachers and students of Shrek Academy present were still immersed in the shock and did not notice this.

Win both games.

Although the battle between Yu Nanyuan and Yuan En Yehui seemed to last for a long time, everyone at Shrek Academy was even more shocked. Because they knew that Yu Nanyuan was not serious from beginning to end, and did not even use his own soul skills. He was completely fighting Yuan En Yehui at the level of strength that he was good at.

Is the gap really that big?

The students of Shrek Academy were filled with bitterness.

Yuanen Yehui had already jumped out of the sparring ring. Before doing so, she did not forget to give Yu Nanyuan a meaningful look.

Yu Nanyuan's reaction made Yu Nanyuan feel bored. However, he didn't have to reveal Yuan En Yehui's secret in public, he just gave him a perfect smile in return.

After doing this, Yu Nanyuan looked at Li Qiankun and Mo Jue, who were standing at the front of the second grade class.

"It should be your turn next, right? Come on together."

Let me explain why I chose the title Young Clown List earlier. It was purely because the original work written by Tang San was too outrageous. I was just joking.

Because the Young Genius List should be used as a stepping stone for Tang Wulin to show off, and Tang Wulin's training speed was too fast, he could only set all the Young Genius List to be clowns.

Tang Wulin's generation was extremely talented. Yuanen Yehui's top twin martial soul was only a fifteen-year-old soul master, and Le Zhengyu was about the same. He was not even a soul king at seventeen. The ceiling for those under twenty years old was actually Long Yue, who was only a Soul Emperor, not as good as a genius from the Dou Er period ten thousand years ago. Not to mention compared with people like Yun Ming and Pluto Douluo. It's far from true.

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