Golden Crocodile Douluo sneered and said, "You, the Haotian Sect, are collaborating with the Star Luo Empire, which has made the people of the Tiandou Empire miserable. I, the Spirit Hall, work for heaven, so there is no need to declare war on you."

The second elder didn't want to play meaningless words, so he turned around and ran away, "Sea Dragon Douluo, I'll leave this place to you. I'll go back and fetch reinforcements."

Sea Dragon Douluo felt bitter in his heart. The second elder ran faster than a rabbit, causing him to be surrounded by the powerful men from the Spirit Hall.

He only has one way to survive now, which is for Bo Saixi to defeat Qian Daoliu and free up his hands to save him. But this is land, not an ocean.

Qian Daoliu is said to be invincible in the sky, and the battlefield is above the sky, so Bo Saixi's chances of winning are slim.

The island in the middle of the lake is dead!

However, Wuhun Palace will not let the second elder go.

Qingluan Douluo and the other five worshippers have been waiting outside the battlefield for a long time.

There are now two gods in Wuhun City, so there is no need to worry about safety. They should also use their remaining energy before retiring.

"Capture the thief first! Capture the king first!" Lion Douluo said in a low voice and took a few steps forward.

Qingluan Douluo patted his shoulder, "Let Guang Ling come."

Guang Ling Douluo grinned, and the Guang Ling Divine Bow appeared in his hand. He stepped on the bow with his right foot and strung the arrow with both hands.

"The eighth soul skill, the end!"

An arrow with ultimate ice flew out.

During the process of escaping, the second elder kept paying attention to the movement behind him and did not notice the oncoming arrow.


The arrow pierced his heart. Relying on the title Douluo's tenacious vitality, the second elder did not die immediately. Only then did he realize the five worship Douluo standing in front of him.

"Tang San, you must become a god quickly, otherwise the Haotian Sect is in danger." A feeling of powerlessness came, and the second elder's body crashed to the ground, losing all signs of life.

All seven worshipers from the Wuhun Palace came out, even the Haotian Sect was no match. If Tang San couldn't become a god in time, these seven worshipers would be enough to bulldoze the entire Star Luo Empire.

On the other side, after Feng Xiaotian joined the battlefield, Ge Long's pressure dropped sharply.

After getting rid of his opponent's entanglement, he quickly issued orders to the army.

Now that the second elder is dead, the Star Luo Empire's army has lost its morale.

Even their soul master army could not make any splash after the six major sects headed by the Elephant Armor Sect joined the battlefield.

These six major sects have been waiting for the opportunity since they declared their opposition to the Star Luo Empire. And they were the reinforcements sent by Wuhun Palace.

Moreover, the Xingluo Empire's scouts stationed in Wuhun City found no trace of military mobilization in Wuhun Palace.

The situation on the battlefield has become clear, and most of the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire have chosen to surrender, but there are still some who are still resisting.

Feng Xiaotian and others were titled Douluo, and these Soul Douluo from the Star Luo Empire were no match for them.

After finishing dealing with their opponents, their eyes looked into the air in unison.

The victory or defeat between Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi will determine the outcome of this battle.

If Qian Dao Liu wins, the Star Luo Empire will completely give up resistance. If Bo Saixi wins, the Star Luo Empire's army will rise up to resist. Moreover, the titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace present would also be in danger.

"The battlefield is in the sky, and the great sacrifice is invincible in the sky. Even I can't survive a few moves in the air." Golden Crocodile Douluo said in a deep voice.

In fact, the situation on the battlefield was just as he said, and Bo Saixi could not benefit at all from Qian Daoliu's hands.

Every time the sacred sword is swung, the heaven and earth will tremble.

Qian Daoliu's strength has improved much compared to the past. Han Yu, who was above Jialing Pass, saw the clues.

In the past, the angel god had fallen, and the only divine power Qiandaoliu could rely on was the part that remained on the statue. And, use it once and less often.

In order to ensure that the angel god can continue to rely on generations, Qian Daoliu did not dare to borrow the angel's power rashly.

It was different now. After Qian Renxue became a god, his divine power could be continuously replenished, and Qian Daoliu no longer had the worries he had before.

"It's a decisive battle." Han Yu smiled.

The ninth soul rings under their feet lit up at the same time for the two people in the sky.

"The ninth soul skill, angel descends."

"The ninth soul skill, the arrival of the Lake God."

Different from Bo Saixi's soul skill, Qian Daoliu's Angel's Arrival did not involve the Angel God to fight on his behalf, but borrowed divine power from the Angel God for his use.

Two divine powers suddenly descended, and the surrounding space seemed to be collapsing.

After Bo Saixi uses her ninth soul skill, her consciousness will be occupied by Bo Saidong.

Poseidong, who had tampered with Qian Renxue's divine examination, was swallowed up by void swallowing flames and fell into a coma.

Bo Saixi's move to summon the gods happened to bring out the crippled and unconscious Bo Saidong.

A figure of Poseidong missing an arm appeared in mid-air. The next moment, the figure suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious.

"This" Except for Han Yu, who knew the situation, countless soldiers present were dumbfounded.

This scene is probably not the most ridiculous thing in the world.

After a brief moment of surprise, bursts of laughter erupted from the Tiandou Empire's military formation.

The battlefield is not a child's play, Ge Long shouted in a stern voice to stop the behavior of the soldiers.

This Tiandou army was indeed the true foundation of the Tiandou Empire. The soldiers immediately put away the laughter on their faces and stared at the surroundings with serious eyes, guarding against the surrender of the Xingluo army.

Of course, the Star Luo army had a total number of 400,000, and they could only capture 30,000 people, and more of them fled to the rear of the Star Luo Empire.

Qian Daoliu's mouth twitched slightly. This victory came so easily that he couldn't bear to kill him.

But no, not only Han Yu was supervising the battle in the distance, but Qian Renxue in the rear was also always paying attention to the situation on the battlefield. If he let Bo Saixi go, Qian Renxue might take action herself.

"The eighth soul skill, Qiming!"

The sacred light fell from high altitude to the ground, and Bo Saixi's body evaporated instantly without any precautions.

At this moment, the eyes of the soldiers of the Tiandou Empire showed joy.

"Don't chase the poor invaders, withdraw your troops. Everything will be decided by Your Majesty and the National Advisor." Ge Long announced.

Statistics after the war showed that in this all-out fighting, the Tiandou Empire killed more than 70,000 enemy soldiers and captured 30,000 soldiers at the cost of 30,000 soldiers killed and 80,000 injured. The remaining 300,000 troops of the Star Luo Empire were defeated across the board. Countless soldiers became deserters. Only a small number returned to the rear to occupy the city and wait for the counterattack.

The situation was decided, Ge Long left the Tiandou Empire's army outside the pass, and he entered Jialing Pass with all the titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace.

The originally spacious command room was inevitably a little crowded with so many people coming in at once. In addition to a few enshrined Douluo in Wuhun Palace, all the sect leaders of the six major sects also entered.

Xue Qinghe sat at the front seat, but he was not the backbone. Everyone's eyes were turned to Han Yu.

Han Yu walked up to everyone and said with a smile: "On behalf of His Majesty and the Tiandou Empire, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you in the Spirit Hall."

"The Imperial Master is joking, my Wuhun Palace is just thinking about the common people in the world." Qian Daoliu said.

Also present were Marshal Ge Long and many generals from the Tiandou Empire. They did not want to reveal the identities of Han Yu and Xue Qinghe, lest civil strife would arise.

"Next, all the power will be left to the Imperial Preceptor. I am very relieved to have the Imperial Preceptor handle the matter." Xue Qinghe said knowingly.

"On behalf of Wuhun Palace, I am also willing to obey the arrangements of the Imperial Master." Qian Daoliu was the first to express his position.

Immediately afterwards, the heads of the six major sects expressed their stance one after another.

Han Yu chuckled and said, "Then I will show my shame."

As he spoke, he spread out the map of the continent.

"Now that the overall situation has been decided, the Xingluo Empire has lost three titled Douluo, and the morale of the military will inevitably collapse. Next is the perfect opportunity for our Tiandou Empire to regain the lost territory."

Upon hearing this, Marshal Ge Long and the generals of the Tiandou Empire quickly said, "Your Majesty, the National Advisor, the last general is willing to lead the troops to regain territory for the empire!"

"Marshal Ge Long, don't be anxious." Han Yu continued: "The power of the continent will divide if it unites for a long time, and it will unite if it divides for a long time. The world has been suffering for a long time. We, the Tiandou Empire, are the army of benevolence and righteousness. We should take advantage of this opportunity to unify the continent. "

"This is the general trend."

The unification of the world is the fantasy of countless generations of ancestors. Now that the goal is in sight, Ge Long and others' eyes are filled with fire.

This is an unparalleled achievement, and once completed, they will become pioneers in history.

"Of course, these are all things for later. The top priority is to regain the lost territory." As he said that, Han Yu looked at the heads of the six major sects, "I hope the six major sects can join forces with the imperial army to regain the lost territory."

Tuoba Xi and Hu Yanzhen were the backbone of the six major sects. They looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

After destroying the Haotian Sect, their sect ranking can move one step forward, and they can also enjoy the dividends of the times in the peaceful and prosperous era. Now is the time for them to contribute to the mainland.

"We are willing to use the Heavenly Dou army to defeat the enemy." The six sect leaders said in unison.

Ge Long quickly asked: "By the way, National Master, how should we deal with the 30,000 prisoners of the Star Luo Empire?"

With 30,000 prisoners, daily food and drink cost a large sum of money. If this continues, the Tiandou Empire will be overwhelmed.

Han Yu smiled and said: "Simple, we will remove their armor and arrange for them to rebuild the cities damaged by the war. When the mainland is unified, we can let them go home. Moreover, they are not allowed to verbally abuse or physically spur them, and they must treat others with kindness. . They were just bewitched by Dai Mubai, and their intentions were not bad. "

When the conversation changed, Han Yu's face became extremely serious, "However, those who belong to the forces in the center of the lake must be found. These people are wanted criminals in the two empires. How to sentence them, we must not be lenient!"

"Yes!" Ge Long responded quickly.

"Reorganize the 200,000-strong army and set out immediately to recover the lost territory in three days!" Han Yu issued the order.

It is certainly impossible for all of these 200,000 troops to be deployed on the front line.

The recovered cities must be guarded by large armies to avoid major chaos.

At the same time, the Barak royal family received orders from the Tiandou Empire.

Ten days later, they and the Tiandou army attacked the Xingluo army from front to back and cut off the enemy's food and grass supplies.

The Xingluo army was instantly defeated.

Regarding the newly captured enemy troops, Ge Long continued Han Yu's approach and ordered them to repair the cities damaged by the war. And, try the war criminals among them.

The speed at which the Star Luo Empire delivers news is not as timely as the Tiandou Empire.

The news of the defeat of Jialing Pass and the loss of the occupied area was known to Tang Xiao who was guarding Wuxiao Pass on the fifth day. But he did not send the news back to Xingluo Palace.

Tang Xiao's idea was also very simple. He couldn't let the rear know about the frontline's defeat, so as not to cause turmoil in the empire.

In addition, Wuhun Daily did not report the battle situation, so Dai Mubai was really kept in the dark for a while.

A month later, when the Tiandou army crossed the border of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai's scouts stationed in Wuhun City encountered the scene of soldiers on the border of the Star Luo Empire fighting with the Tiandou Empire on their way back to the palace. Only then did they learn of the major event. Not good.

When he returned to the palace, it was already three days later.

"What, our army was defeated in the battle of Jialing Pass!" Dai Mubai glared at the scout in front of him, thinking that the scout was a spy of the empire and was here to spread false news.

If the front line was defeated, why didn't Tang Xiao send the news back to the palace?

"Your Majesty, what I said has been witnessed by my own eyes. The Tiandou Empire has sent out a hundred thousand troops. With such a formation, there is no way I can be wrong about it. Moreover."

"And what!" Dai Mubai asked sharply.

The scout lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, the Wuhun Palace has ended. I have seen the man leading the charge. He is none other than Ghost Leopard Douluo. Behind him is the army of soul masters from the Wuhun Palace. The empire's The border may have been lost."

"What!" Dai Mubai was furious, "When did Wuhun Palace send out the soul master legion? Why do I know nothing about it!"

It’s just that the scouts he sent were unable to track the whereabouts of the powerful Titled Douluo. Why were they still unaware of the Spirit Masters’ army being mobilized by the Spirit Hall?

Dai Mubai had reason to believe that this group of scouts had been instigated by people from Wuhun Palace to rebel.

But now is not the time to execute them. Dai Mubai asked patiently: "Senior Bo Saixi is a ninety-ninth level extreme Douluo. Who is her opponent in this world? In the battle of Jialing Pass, we How could it be possible to lose?”

His understanding of Bo Saixi's strength was what Yu Xiaogang had said before. Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu joined forces and were defeated by Bo Saixi. But he didn't notice that the battle took place at sea.

The scout whispered: "Your Majesty, according to the villain's information, Bo Saixi has died, and the power of the island in the center of the lake no longer exists!"

"How dare you speak nonsense in front of me." Dai Mubai was so furious that he slapped the scout to death.

The scout didn't know until his death how Wuhun Palace mobilized the army under his nose, making him completely unaware of it.

In fact, the six major sects went to Wuhun City in name, but in fact only the old, weak, sick and disabled from their respective sects entered the city. The elite forces of the sects did not enter the city for a long time, but had been lurking in Balak. within the kingdom. When the battle of Jialing Pass started, they set off.

None of them were in Wuhun City. How could they, the scouts who were keeping an eye on Wuhun City, know their movements?

This trick successfully misled the Star Luo Empire and reversed the decadent situation of the Tiandou Empire.

At this moment, the Tiandou army invaded the territory of the Star Luo Empire. Dai Mubai can only hope that Tang Xiao can guard Huxiao Pass.

Although the terrain of Huxiao Pass is not as steep as Jialing Pass, it is still easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Once the Tiger Roar Pass is broken, the Star Luo Empire will be in danger! (End of chapter)

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