Tang San's laughter echoed in the secret realm of Rakshasa.

After Dai Mubai successively sent five thousand sacrifices, he used the soul power absorbed from the Rakshasa statue to successfully break through the ninety-ninth level.

When Wuhun has no understanding, he is the last person in Ultimate Douluo. But so what, as long as he breaks through the last layer of shackles, he will be the supreme god.

No matter how strong the Ultimate Douluo is, he is only a mortal and cannot be compared to the gods at all.

Tang San put away the smile on his face and immediately headed to the palace.

During these days of seclusion, he knew nothing about the situation on the mainland. Maybe, now that Jialing Pass has been breached, the Star Luo Empire's army will march towards Tiandou City.

When he found Dai Mubai, he was shocked by Dai Mubai's performance.

As if seeing a savior, Dai Mubai rushed forward and said, "Xiao San, you are finally out of isolation. If you don't get out of isolation, the empire will probably fall!"

"What happened to the empire?" Tang San asked subconsciously.

He had a vague guess in his mind. Before he went into seclusion, the Xingluo Empire had already assembled its troops in front of Jialing Pass. After so long, even if the battle of Jialing Pass was not over, the outcome could already be decided.

With Dai Mubai's expression on his face, could it be that the Xingluo army was defeated?

But thinking about it carefully, Tang San felt something was wrong. With Bo Saixi, an Extreme Douluo, on the front line, how could those soldiers from the Tiandou Empire be her opponent?

After Dai Mubai's explanation, Tang San's face became terrifyingly gloomy.

"You mean, Wuhun Palace participated in the war, and their strong men killed great-grandmother! Mubai, didn't you tell me that the movements of Wuhun Palace's troops were all under your control, why did the Spirit Master of Wuhun Palace Legion will appear in Jialing Pass? You'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

Dai Mubai still doesn't know the specific reason. He can only tell his guess, "Xiao San, these soul master legions are most likely deployed outside the city by Wuhun Palace in advance. As for the titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace, Our scouts have limited strength and there is no way we can detect their movements.”

Tang San laughed angrily.

Dai Mubai's remarks did not mean that he passed the responsibility to outsiders.

At the beginning, he had repeatedly asked Dai Mubai to increase manpower to investigate possible movements in the Spirit Hall. But the latter not only did not do it, but instead vowed that the soul master legion under the jurisdiction of His Highness Wuhun was under his control.

Since it is under your control, then the defeat of Jialing Pass is also under your control!

Originally, Tang San thought about letting Dai Mubai be the emperor for a while longer, but now it seems that there is no need for this at all.

His performance has exceeded the category of a faint king, and he can be called a king of subjugation.

Without his and Tang Xiao's assistance during this period, Dai Mubai might have finished the Star Luo Empire long ago!

"Mubai, don't worry. I will immediately send people from the Tang Sect to Huxiao Pass. With my uncle, Haotian Sect disciples, and Tang Sect disciples, Huxiao Pass will not be lost."

The stone hanging in Dai Mubai's heart finally fell, "Thank you, Xiaosan. I really don't know what I would do without you."

Tang San snorted coldly and said: "You should be lucky to have me and uncle wiping your ass. Now, the situation in the empire is not optimistic. You can't handle it alone. You immediately announce that I will be the regent and lead the Star Luo Empire." Achieve ultimate victory.”

Although Tang Xiao and Tang San did not have the title of regent, their actions were no different from those of regents. Dai Mubai didn't think much and immediately made Tang San the regent.

"Mubai, wait for me in front of the Rakshasa Secret Realm tonight. Senior Rakshasa God has new instructions. The empire is now in danger. Senior Rakshasa God has decided to give you some soul power rewards. I hope you can break through the Titled Douluo. Give me a helping hand.”

These words were naturally what Tang San thought of in order to paralyze Dai Mubai.

If Dai Mubai is brought to the secret realm of Rakshasa, even if there is any movement, the outside world will not notice it. Furthermore, in the name of the Rakshasa God, Dai Mubai could be made to relax his vigilance.

And the prerequisite for Tang San's ninth test was for Dai Mubai to sacrifice.

"Okay, I will definitely be there." Dai Mubai looked excited, thinking about the scene after becoming White Tiger Douluo.

Tang San sneered in his heart: Death is imminent and you don't know it yet, how pitiful!

Tiandou's army has advanced to the front of Huxiao Pass.

Huxiao Pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack, so Marshal Ge Long was not in a hurry to attack the city. Instead, they camped in place and thought about attack strategies.

"In my opinion, it is better for the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect to take the lead, and we, the disciples of the Holy Dragon Sect, will take the rear." Tuoba Xi said with a smile.

The disciples of several of their major sects are equipped with defensive soul tools, and the crossbows on the walls of Huxiao Pass cannot break through their soul tools at all.

Of course, the only soul guidance devices they are equipped with are defensive soul guidance devices. Lou Gao and others alone are producing soul guidance devices. It is quite difficult to produce such a large number of defensive soul guidance devices in recent years.

Among the six major sects, the defensive power of the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect and the Holy Dragon Sect is astonishing.

"Tuoba Xi, why should I, a disciple of the Elephant Armor Sect, rush into the battle? Can't you, the Holy Dragon Sect, do the same?"

Seeing the two people getting into an argument, Ge Long couldn't interrupt for a while.

Letting the soul master legion stand in front of the formation will greatly reduce the attrition of their ordinary soldiers. In this case, he couldn't decide who would charge into the battle.

After the battle at Jialing Pass, Qian Daoliu returned to Wuhun Palace. The only ones left now are a few major enshrined Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo.

Their role is more to suppress the formation, and they will only join the battlefield after the enemy sends high-level soul masters.

"What's the fuss about?" Golden Crocodile's voice was full of intimidation.

Hu Yanzhen and Tuoba Xi immediately ended their quarrel.

"It all depends on the orders of Senior Golden Crocodile." These two people were also human beings, and they hurriedly said with fists in their hands.

Jin Crocodile arranged: "The disciples of the Holy Dragon Sect and the Elephant Armor Sect rushed into the formation at the same time, and the disciples of the Bird Bee Sect attacked from high altitudes to harass the enemy's defenses. After the Tiger Roar Pass was broken, the disciples of the Black Tiger Sect and the Wind Sword Sect ensured that Kill every Haotian Sect disciple."

It is worth mentioning that Feng Bailong, the leader of Fengjian Sect, finally resisted the temptation of Haotian Sect, rejected Tang Yuehua, and chose to side with Wuhun Palace.

In fact, it is easy to understand. Feng Bailong has been the sect leader for so many years, and he naturally understands the situation in the mainland. The Wuhun Palace has the most powerful soul masters in the entire continent. Even if they really united with the Haotian Sect, the power of their two major sects alone would not be enough to compete with the Spirit Hall, let alone unify the continent.

As the sect leader, he should first consider the interests of the sect, and then his personal interests.

"Senior Golden Crocodile, you shouldn't be in a hurry to capture Huxiao Pass." Ge Long said quickly: "Our Tiandou army has not yet been assembled. With the strength of several major sects, we can indeed capture Huxiao Pass, but we cannot Knowing the specific layout of Huxiao Pass, it is not ruled out that the Xingluo Empire has laid a secret passage here. "

"There are not enough soldiers to guard Huxiao Pass. Once Xingluo's army emerges from the secret passage, Huxiao Pass is likely to be lost. Even the supply route of the frontline army will be cut off."

If you can't get timely supplies if you go deep into the customs, everyone knows what the outcome will be.

Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded, "Indeed, we cannot capture Huxiao Pass without more than 50,000 soldiers guarding it."

It is not impossible to forcibly demolish Huxiao Pass, but the manpower and material resources consumed will be very large.

"The entire army will camp on the spot and rest for a while!" Ge Long ordered.

They also knew that during the rest and recuperation process, the Xingluo army would be continuously sent to the front line. But so what, as long as Golden Crocodile Douluo and the others attack with all their strength and blast a few big holes in the wall of Huxiao Pass, it won't be a problem at all.

At that time, the Tiandou army will rush into it.

At night, Dai Mubai came to the Rakshasa statue.

"Xiao San, I'm here." He did not enter, but asked Tang San first.

Tang San was not in the Rakshasa Secret Realm, but walked out from behind him.

"Mubai, you came just in time, come with me to see Senior Rakshasa God." Tang San smiled and patted his shoulder.

Dai Mubai had no doubts about the deception. After the door of the Rakshasa Secret Realm opened, the two of them quickly entered it.

Entering it, the surrounding environment is like a world away from the previous prison.

The flesh and blood of the people who had been brought as sacrifices had long since disappeared, leaving only white bones on the ground. With every step he took, he could clearly hear the sound of bones being broken.

The candles on the surrounding walls have now been replaced by purple flames, making the environment here extremely gloomy.

Dai Mubai not only did not feel any discomfort, but actually enjoyed it.

"Mistress, I didn't expect that you have transformed this place into such a luxurious place." Dai Mubai couldn't help but praise.

Tang San nodded in agreement, "The Rakshasa statue is at the bottom. Later you only need to sit in front of the statue and enter a meditative state, and you will be able to get the soul power given by the senior Rakshasa god from the Rakshasa statue."

"Okay, when I become a Titled Douluo, those bastards called Wuhun Palace will never come back." Dai Mubai was in a very good mood.

Watching Tang San improve his soul power day by day, he felt very uncomfortable. Now, it was finally his turn to improve his soul power. How could he feel unhappy?

Soon after, the two came to the Rakshasa statue.

According to Tang San's words, Dai Mubai crossed his legs in front of the statue, preparing to accept the gift from the Rakshasa God.

At the same time, Tang San's hands turned into the shape of white jade, and with a slight stroke of his fingers on the twenty-four bridges on the moonlit night, a Hell's Tie soaked with powerful poison appeared in his hands.

The toxin needed for the King of Hell Tie comes from the soul beast from which the eighth soul ring of Blue Silver Grass comes. Originally, Tang San planned to use hidden weapons to fight the enemy, but considering that he was about to break through the gods, the poison attached by the King of Hell obviously did not pose a threat to the gods.

It's better to use it on Dai Mubai now.

At this time, Dai Mubai entered a meditative state. He did not feel the soul power emitted by the Rakshasa statue fall into his body. Just when he was about to ask, the King of Hell came from behind and penetrated his entire body.

Poison swept through his body instantly, Dai Mubai's eyes widened, he turned around and stared at Tang San.

"Mistress, you..." Before he could finish his words, the poison instantly eroded his body.

A burst of dark purple light flashed over the Rakshasa statue, and Dai Mubai's body was swallowed up in an instant.

Tang San looked at all this with cold eyes. For Dai Mubai, his friend for many years, he didn't have any sympathy in his heart, but only the joy of becoming a god.

"The nine Rakshasa exams are coming, and the assessment is about to begin."

In front of the Rakshasa statue, a dark purple space door appeared.

Tang San didn't hesitate and quickly submerged into it.

"Sect Master, what should we do? The Wuhun Palace and the Tiandou Empire are coming fiercely, and we're afraid we won't be able to stop them." The third elder of the Haotian Sect looked nervous.

The second elder was killed, and the remaining third and fourth elders were insignificant. Tang Xiao had the final say in the Haotian Sect now.

If it were the third elder, he would of course surrender without hesitation. At least they can leave a way to survive and continue to resist. Once defeated, there will be only a dead end waiting for them.

Tang Xiao glanced at him and said calmly: "We haven't lost yet, and the Star Luo Empire hasn't lost yet. Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire didn't rush to attack, and it was clear that they were giving us a chance to breathe. Xiao San has already The Tang Sect disciples have been transferred to the front line and will arrive soon."

"By then, if our two major sects join forces, I don't believe we can't defeat their coalition."

The third elder and the fourth elder looked at each other and smiled bitterly in their hearts.

They really can't beat him. A Qian Daoliu from Wuhun Palace is more than they can handle.

The third elder and others had already scolded Bo Saixi countless times in their hearts. This bitch was so arrogant in front of them that she was killed in a fight with Qian Daoliu. This was probably not a joke.

Now, their only chance of winning seems to be to pray that the old sect leader Tang Chen can take action to save the Haotian Sect from the fire and water.

But what they didn't know was that since the Shura Demonic Sword left Tang Chen's body, his remaining consciousness was swallowed up in an instant. The only thing left in the world about Tang Chen was his body.

But what's the use, the King of Slaughter will not come to save them. On the contrary, if the King of Slaughter knew that the culprit who caused the sharp decline in the number of fallen people had an affair with the Star Luo Empire, he might help the Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace to attack the Star Luo Empire.

"Third Elder, go check the mechanical crossbow on the city wall. This is Xiao San's hidden weapon of the Tang Clan, and it is also our last resort in protecting Huxiao Pass." Tang Xiao said in a deep voice.

After the defeat at Jialing Pass, the failure of the Xingluo Empire was inevitable.

Tang Xiao knew that it would be difficult for them to resist when the Wuhun Palace was deployed in full force.

But he couldn't give up Huxiao Pass. What he had to do now was to buy enough time for Tang San to become a god.

Only gods can change the current decadent situation of the Star Luo Empire.

Besides, Haotian Sect had no way out, Tang Xiao didn't think that if they surrendered obediently, Wuhun Palace would give up causing trouble for them.

If you extend your head, it will be a knife. If you shrink your head, it will be a knife. Rather than letting Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire take down Huxiao Pass without bloodshed, it would be better to give him a fight, and maybe there would be a chance of victory.

"Fourth Elder, go and rectify the morale of the army. Anyone who dares to speak ill of the current situation of the empire will be killed! This unhealthy trend must be completely nipped in the cradle!"

How dare the Fourth Elder disobey him? Once he showed a negative attitude, Tang Xiao would probably be the first to sacrifice his flag to him. (End of chapter)

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