Tianyue felt unhappy and wanted to pursue him.

Sea Dragon Douluo was seriously injured, and she wanted to take this opportunity to expand the results of the victory.

"Tianyue, no!" Feng Xiaotian quickly stepped forward to stop him.

Pursuing further, they stepped into the encirclement of Xingluo army. No matter how strong Tianyue is, once she is surrounded by the powerful people of the Star Luo Empire, she will only be beaten.

Moreover, the victory in the first battle has greatly boosted the morale of the army, and there is no need to expand the results in a short period of time.

Seeing Tianyue being held back by Feng Xiaotian, the generals of the Tiandou Empire finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly announced: "Ming Jin withdraws his troops!"

Judging from the strength of the soldiers on the ground, the Tiandou Empire has won this battle. Moreover, the Star Luo Empire's soul master legion lost hundreds of people, while the Tiandou Empire did not suffer any losses.

Of course, most of the results were achieved by Tianyue. When he entered the Star Luo Empire's military formation, he was like a wolf entering the sheepfold and launched a frantic attack.

Back at the rear, Ge Long was very satisfied with today's results.

"If they didn't run away, that bullshit Titled Douluo, see if I don't twist off his head!" Tianyue crossed his arms on his chest and said angrily.

Ge Long smiled helplessly and quickly made a promise, "Don't worry, we will not retreat until the decisive battle, which is enough to make you feel comfortable."

It's not that they won't retreat, it's that they can't retreat. If we retreat further, the empire will be in danger!

"Marshal, one thousand of our troops died in this battle, and another three thousand were injured to varying degrees." The general who led the team reported.

"What's the number of enemy troops annihilated?" Ge Long asked.

"Reporting to the marshal, my subordinates roughly estimate that no less than two thousand ordinary enemy soldiers died, and the number of wounded will be even more."

The strength of the individual soldiers of the Star Luo Empire far exceeds that of the Tiandou Empire. In the past, they fought against the Xingluo army, and the battle loss ratio was close to two to one. That means two Tiandou Empire soldiers must be killed or wounded to kill one Star Luo soldier.

Today's victory was due to Tianyue's charge. The moment she activated her martial soul's true form, the morale of the Xingluo army was in chaos. The Tiandou soldiers seized the opportunity to expand their victory.

As for the attrition of the Star Luo Empire's soul master legions, they had no way of knowing.

"Pass on my military order to bury the fallen soldiers in a dignified manner. Soldiers who are seriously injured and unable to participate in the battle can be withdrawn to Jialing Pass. Soldiers who are slightly injured will be temporarily deployed in logistics."

After a round of testing, the scale of the next round of war will only be even greater.

The Tiandou Empire must be at its best in order to defeat the invaders.

In the early morning four days later, it started to rain lightly in Jialingguan.

Ge Long walked out of the military camp, his face a little heavy, "It's foggy, it's really not a good sign."

Feng Xiaotian was behind him and reminded: "General Ge Long, the fog will gradually gather later, I'm afraid someone will come to attack our camp."

Of course Gelong understands this.

The fog is thick enough to threaten the final battle.

Fighting in the fog, it is still unknown whether the order can be passed on in time. And once the sound of the enemy's fighting is heard, the Tiandou Empire's army will be in chaos!

At that time, once the Xingluo army arrives, the 400,000 of them will be defeated in an instant.

Ge Long now doesn't know whether there is thick fog in the Xingluo Empire's camp. To be on the safe side, he decided to take advantage of the moment to assemble his entire army.

Not long after his order was passed down, there were bursts of explosions in the mist.

"What's going on?" Ge Long was about to follow the source of the sound, but suddenly, explosions came from all directions around him.

"Enemy attack!"

"Marshal Ge Long, please maintain order in the army while I go check on the situation." A pair of wings sprouted from Feng Xiaotian's back.

With a vigorous wave of his wings, all the fog within a few hundred meters in front of him was blown away.

On the wall of Jialingguan, Xue Qinghe listened to the commotion below and couldn't help but ask: "National Master, what is going on?"

Han Yu sighed quietly: "The Star Luo Empire can't sit still anymore, the decisive battle is about to begin."

"This" Xue Qinghe staggered.

At this time, the support from Wuhun Palace has not yet arrived. Now that the decisive battle begins, the 400,000 troops below will soon be eaten away.

He is just a puppet emperor and does not want to be a prisoner!

Han Yu's figure slowly floated in the air.

Because the city wall of Jialing Pass is a hundred meters long, the wind direction happens to be blowing towards Jialing Pass.

The mist brought by this light rain was blown towards Jialing Pass by the wind, and was blocked by the city wall. The water mist was difficult to dissipate, and finally became dense around the tent of Tiandou army.

The commanders of the Xingluo army are not fools. With such a favorable time, place and people, they will inevitably launch a general attack.

In Han Yu's perception, the Xingluo army was still ten miles away from the Tiandou military camp. The first to attack the military camp was the Soul Master Legion of the Star Luo Empire.

In the current situation, even Xue Qinghe, the ignorant emperor, knew that defeat was inevitable. How could Han Yu not see it?

"Then show a miracle."

A colorful flaming lotus appeared in his right hand.

With a thought, an earthy yellow flame was peeled off and fell into the sky above Tiandou's army.

This is the Wind Fury Dragon Flame.

Leaving the suppression of Emperor Yan, like a fish leaping into the sea, bursts of earth-yellow fire tornadoes formed rapidly. Under Han Yu's exquisite control, the wind-furious dragon flames shuttled over the battlefield like a swimming dragon.

The dense mist quickly evaporated. The sky where there had been light rain turned into clear skies.

"The teacher has taken action." Feng Xiaotian dealt with the attacker in front of him and looked up to the sky, with longing in his eyes.

This is the power of the gods. Even a slight wave of the hand is a miracle to mortals.

"The Imperial Master is really powerful. With him here, the empire cannot lose." Ge Long smiled in his heart.

The burden on his shoulders was greatly reduced in an instant. But he didn't want to rely solely on Han Yu.

Han Yu only gave them the bottom line, and they had to rely on themselves for the war.

"The entire army will obey orders, reorganize their armaments, and camp with me."

"Unless we defeat the enemy, we will never turn back!"

Ge Long's voice carried soul power and resounded throughout the entire military camp. Countless soldiers from the Tiandou Empire picked up their weapons and worked together to encircle and suppress the attackers.

There were only more than 300 attackers in total.

This is an operation behind enemy lines, and the number of people will certainly not be large.

Seeing that the soldiers of the Tiandou Empire regained their fighting spirit, they were forced to evacuate.

But this was not over yet. Without the obstruction of the water mist, Ge Long could clearly see the black sky in the distance through the soul guide telescope.

"The horn of decisive battle has sounded, and we have no way out."

Ge Long's martial spirit is Yazui. In order to boost the morale of the army, he activated his true form and rushed to the front of the military formation.


The soldiers of the Tiandou Empire raised their shields and spears, followed Ge Long, and charged into the enemy formation.

"The seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Avatar." Tianyue smiled, activated the Martial Soul Avatar and followed Ge Long.

Feng Xiaotian, Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan also activated their martial soul true bodies and rushed in front of the army.

After Jialing closed the door, Xue Qinghe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The National Master still has a way. If it were me, I'd probably have to leave it to fate."

Han Yu glanced at him and said nothing.

He, the puppet emperor, can retire with honor after the mainland is unified. According to the merit distribution system in Wuhun Palace, his merit is enough for him to live a comfortable life.

Han Yu looked away from him and looked at the battlefield in the distance.

This time, the Xingluo army was dispatched in full force. The second leader of Haotian Sect, Sea Dragon Douluo and Bo Saixi, the three titled Douluo were dispatched at the same time. There are quite a few Contras in the army.

The Tiandou army crushed them in terms of the number of Titled Douluo, but Tianyue and the others were just newbies to the Titled Douluo and could not be Bo Saixi's opponents, while the Contra only had Ge Long and his lieutenant.

It can be said that in terms of high-end combat power, the Xingluo army completely crushed them.

Bo Saixi chose to take action, so this time they were bound to win. Even though the water mist had been blown away, they still did not stop their attack.

"It's time for you to come, great minister." Han Yu leaned on the city wall and looked into the distance.

Below, two imperial armies were approaching.

Three miles, one mile, one hundred meters

"Kill these invaders!"

The soldiers of the Tiandou Empire were extremely excited and kept charging at the enemy.

As a high-end combat force, this is not the battlefield for Ge Long and others.

There are six Contras in the Xingluo army, and only Ge Long and his lieutenants can deal with them at this time.

Feng Xiaotian and others flew high into the sky to fight the titled Douluo led by Bo Saixi.

"Such a young Titled Douluo, I don't want to do anything to you. I voluntarily withdraw from the battlefield. Maybe I can spare your life!" Bo Saixi crossed his arms in front of his chest and said in a cold tone.

Feng Xiaotian sneered and said: "It doesn't matter whether you are strong or not, this is the land of the Tiandou Empire, not the place where you people from Poseidon Island should come!"

Bo Saixi sneered and ignored it.

When the Tiandou Empire falls, the entire continent will belong to the Star Luo Empire. And Tang San promised that the Wuhun Palace would belong to them. By then, the belief in the Lake God will shine throughout the entire continent.

"The sixth soul skill, burial at sea!"

Bo Saixi waved the scepter in his hand, and a huge whirlpool of seawater appeared out of thin air.

Facing the pressure of the Ultimate Douluo, Feng Xiaotian and others were unable to move, and their bodies were caught in the vortex.

Waves of suffocation surged into my heart, and my consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Thanks to Senior Bo Saixi's intervention, if it were me, I might have been entangled with these four little kids for a long time." The second elder looked relaxed and held his hand towards Bo Saixi.

He is just a level ninety-four titled Douluo, and he may not be a match for Feng Xiaotian, who is also level ninety-four, let alone the other three.

Sea Dragon Douluo chuckled and said, "The strength of the Great Enshrinement cannot be shaken by ordinary people."

After solving Feng Xiaotian and others, Ge Long is next.

At this time, Ge Long, who was facing the joint attack of four Contras, was already showing signs of decline. If he falls, the military morale of the Tiandou Empire will be lost, and the outcome is basically doomed.

Just when they thought they had a chance to win, a sturdy figure hurried over not far away.

"Bullying young people is nothing, let me come and meet you."

"The ninth soul skill, the soul of the golden crocodile!"

The moment the golden crocodile's shadow appeared, an aura belonging to Extreme Douluo burst out.

Countless Star Luo Empire soldiers exploded and died under this powerful pressure.

"Golden Crocodile Douluo, it's you!" The second elder was startled and hurriedly fought with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

His ninety-fourth level soul power could not make any waves in the eyes of Golden Crocodile. The Golden Sky Crocodile hit the Clear Sky Hammer and aimed directly at Bo Saixi.

As an Extreme Douluo and on land, Bo Saixi didn't dare to be careless at all.

The scepter in her hand was waved again, and her sixth soul skill was immediately interrupted. Only then did Feng Xiaotian and others have room to breathe.

"Grandpa!" Tianyue was delighted.

"Arrogance! The ninth soul skill, the sea that reaches the sky!"

The scepter danced rapidly in her hand, and a vast sea enveloped the entire sky.

The shadow of the golden crocodile was continuously melted by the sea water, like a heavy fist hitting cotton.

"Second brother, step back." There was a sigh in the sky.

Here comes Qian Daoliu.

Han Yu opened the door of inheritance for Qian Renxue, saving him from sacrifice. But correspondingly, he needs to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue are still in Wuhun City, and the gods cannot easily interfere with the mortal victory.

"Qiandaoliu, I didn't expect that we would have a chance to fight." Bo Saixi raised his head and looked directly at the figure in mid-air.

"Bo Saixi, remembering the old friendship between you and me, as long as you are willing to withdraw from the battlefield and disband the forces on the Lake Island, I can make the decision and forget about your mistakes." Qian Daoliu sighed.

He would never say so many words when facing Tang Chen. Facing Bo Saixi, his former crush, he really couldn't do anything.

"Don't be pretentious here. So what if Tang Chen is gone? I have nothing to do with you!"

With an angry roar, Bo Saixi jumped up and rushed into the air.

"The fifth soul skill, the sacred sword."

A ball of sacred fire emerged from Qian Daoliu's right hand, and the flame continued to condense, eventually becoming a long sword.

"The seventh soul skill, the true form of the Lake God."

Bo Saixi didn't think about your old feelings at all, and every move went straight to Qiandaoliu's vital point.

"Hey~ why are you doing this?" Qian Daoliu sighed.

In the face of the big issues of right and wrong, his selfishness means nothing.

His eyes gradually became sharper, and the sacred sword was swung in his hand. His swordsmanship was natural and flawless.

On the ground battlefield, Ghost Leopard Douluo, Demon Bear Douluo and Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo, who were supported by Wuhun Palace, came behind Feng Xiaotian and others.

"We old guys haven't been buried yet, so why do we want you little guys to come to the battlefield?" Golden Crocodile Douluo chuckled and took the initiative to walk in front of the team.

"Seniors." Feng Xiaotian and others bowed slightly.

Jin Crocodile smiled and said: "Okay, the opponent's Titled Douluo will be handed over to us old guys. You go to support the battlefield below."

While speaking, he glanced specifically in the direction of Marshal Ge Long.

Six Contras besieged two Contras, and the result was predictable.

Feng Xiaotian and others resigned and quickly rushed to support Marshal Ge Long.

"Martial Soul Hall, you actually started a war without declaring it. Do you want to make the world your enemy?" the second elder sternly rebuked.

In this current situation, the several titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace formed a campaign to encircle and suppress them. Especially Golden Crocodile Douluo's soul power level is as high as ninety-nine. (End of chapter)

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