"Your Majesty, I apologize for my incompetence. The enemy's soul master army far exceeds my Tiandou Empire. Moreover, there are no powerful people at the level of Titled Douluo in our army."

None of the titled Douluo present could be mobilized by Ge Long. Moreover, Dugubo and Litian are still in Canaan City and show no signs of moving out.

A Titled Douluo alone can rival an army of 100,000 people. Once the Haotian Sect of the Star Luo Empire joins the battle, no matter how flawless Ge Long's tactics are. Facing the impact of the powerful Titled Douluo, everything will be gone in an instant.

"Feng Xiaotian, Zhu Zhuqing, Tianyue, and Duguyan, obey your orders. I now order you to obey General Ge Long's orders unconditionally!" Han Yu said loudly.

The rest of the war can be left to Ge Long's command. The four titled Douluo were enough to withstand the Star Luo Empire's army.

Ge Long now has level 89 soul power, and he cannot see through the soul power levels of Feng Xiaotian and the four others. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that their strength is probably Titled Douluo.

With four titled Douluo experts at one go, the pressure on the front line will be greatly relieved.

"The teacher is right, Marshal Ge Long, I just want to teach those in the Star Luo Empire a lesson, don't put me in the rear!" Tianyue said excitedly, waving her small fists.

Ge Long was ashamed and hurriedly clasped his fists: "Four of you, we will cooperate sincerely to protect the empire forever!"

As a marshal, he needs to sit in command and cannot go into battle at will. In addition, he has witnessed the cruelty of countless wars. If he is asked to rush into battle and kill the enemy, he will naturally resist in his heart.

"However, Marshal Ge Long, you still need to be prepared. Feng Xiaotian and his companions' soul power has not exceeded level ninety-five. Once the enemy sends a more powerful Titled Douluo, we do not even rule out the possibility of a Limit Douluo participating in the battle. We still might not be able to withstand it," Han Yu reminded.

Not long after Ge Long was excited, his brows tightened again.

The strength of an Ultimate Douluo is that one person can equal an army of one million. Once the enemy kills them wantonly, I'm afraid these 500,000 troops won't be enough to kill him.

"Marshal Ge Long, don't worry, I have reached an agreement with Wuhun Palace. Soon, Wuhun Palace will send a legion of 10,000 soul masters and several titled Douluo to help!" Xue Qinghe smiled and patted Ge Long on the shoulder. .

"Marshal Ge Long, deploy in the normal way. Titled Douluo will not participate in battles between non-soul masters."

There is indeed no movement in Wuhun Palace on the surface, but they have already secretly gathered forces. Only when the time comes, he will go to the battlefield.

Gelong seemed to have taken a reassurance.

Since Titled Douluo can only deal with the enemy's soul master legion, then he can only lead an ordinary army to annihilate the Star Luo Empire's 400,000-strong army.

As for Dugu Bo, Han Yu originally planned to send him to the front line. After all, as long as his poison is released properly, one person can be as powerful as an army of millions.

However, Han Yu did not want Dugu Bo to be stigmatized as a "human massacre". In addition, Dugu Bo did not want to participate in the war, so he simply left him behind.

In Canaan City, the guard team formed by Yang Wudi also entered wartime status.

The Star Dou Forest lies between the two empires. It cannot be ruled out that the Star Luo Empire will send troops through the Star Dou Forest and directly into the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

At the rear of the Tiandou Empire, except for the guards who maintained order in the city, there were no extra troops. The entire empire's rear area basically had no ability to withstand large-scale attacks.

Han Yu left Dugu Bo and Li Tian behind with the intention of letting them guard the empire.

Only when all threats are eliminated from the rear will the front line become stronger.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the final general will defend the Jialing Pass defense line. We will not turn around until we defeat the enemy!"

"Okay, then I will wait for the good news from Marshal Ge Long!"

After the blessing of five soul rings, Tang San's soul power reached level ninety-eight. Although he is still far away from the ninety-ninth level, it has only been more than a month since he broke through the Titled Douluo. This speed has already surpassed countless powerful people on the mainland.

"Tang San, you did a good job, but if you want to break through the Limit Douluo, you can't rush. Regarding the understanding of martial arts, you are now far behind the strong men on the mainland. Next, it is best to concentrate on training for a while, and then Think about breaking through the Limit Douluo again," Bo Saixi couldn't help but remind him when she saw that Tang San was a little anxious.

Tang San had broken through so many levels in a short period of time, which made her a little envious. Back then, she spent no less than twenty years trying to break through the Limit Douluo. Tang San broke through level ninety-eight in just over a month, and his speed was truly unprecedented and unparalleled.

Tang San was very anxious in his heart. If he couldn't reach level ninety-nine quickly, it would be meaningless to him.

Martial spirits and such were of no help after becoming a god. He did not intend to practice martial arts, but wanted to make a quick breakthrough.

Suddenly, he thought of the Rakshasa statue. If another person is sacrificed into it, will he still be able to take the opportunity to absorb soul power? Even if it is the weakest Ultimate Douluo on the continent, so what?

As long as he becomes a god, his strength will be above all else.

But he didn't say that, "Great-grandmother, you and Sea Dragon Douluo rush to the front line as soon as possible. Later, I will return to the palace and practice martial arts in seclusion as soon as possible."

Bo Saixi chuckled and nodded.

She gradually lost herself in Tang San's "great-grandmother".

"Okay, it's enough for me to go to the front line. You can relax."

Three days later, Tang San returned to Xingluo Palace.

Dai Mubai personally greeted General Tiance, "Xiao San, congratulations on your strength improving again. The current empire's army"

Listening to Dai Mubai's report, Tang San nodded with satisfaction.

"The battle of Jialing Pass will be the turning point of this war. Once we capture Jialing Pass, the Tiandou Empire will be at our fingertips. Besides, great-grandmother has already rushed to the front line, and I will no longer have anything to do with the rest of the war."

"Mubai, prepare some prisoners to be sent to the secret realm of Rakshasa. Senior Rakshasa God has new instructions."

Tang San wanted to use the sacrifices of these prisoners to break through level ninety-nine. As for the battle on the front line, Bo Saixi's strength is enough to overwhelm the Tiandou Empire before the Wuhun Palace ends.

Before leaving, Tang San reminded: "Mubai, remember to keep an eye on the Wuhun Palace. If they make any moves, contact your uncle and great-grandmother in time. I'm worried that once the Wuhun Palace ends, it will pose a huge threat to us. "

Dai Mubai patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry, our scouts have already sneaked into Wuhun City. Once there is any big movement in Wuhun Palace, we will know it immediately."

"It's the best." Tang San nodded.

Time passed quickly, and in front of Jialing Pass, Tiandou and Xingluo had already assembled.

Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo had already arrived at the front line. They were not in a hurry to test the situation. They had been staying in the military camp these days and never left.

The commander-in-chief of the Star Luo Empire's 400,000-strong army is the second elder of the Haotian Sect.

Although they are just a layman, the overall strength of the Star Luo Empire is extremely powerful. Even if they are defeated tactically, there is still no possibility of their defeat.

On the other side, the Tiandou Empire's army has already set up camp at Jialing Pass, and its 400,000-strong army is ready to attack.

"Marshal, our support has not arrived yet. Should we postpone the war?" A general hurriedly came to the Chinese army's tent and reported to Ge Long.

Ge Long shook his head, "Everything is going according to plan. How can I, a man from the Tiandou Empire, be a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

What's more, Feng Xiaotian and the other four are all under his command. At the beginning of the war, the two sides will inevitably not fight with all their strength, but at least test the strength of both sides before making the next response.

"Marshal Ge Long, let me take the lead in the first round of attack tomorrow." Tianyue waved his fists with excitement on his face.

Of course Ge Long had no objection, but he always felt that Tianyue's style was too childish. If there was no one around her who could persuade her, she might cause some trouble.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Feng Xiaotian, tomorrow you and Tian Yue will lead the battle together. Remember not to be greedy for merit, this is just a test, and you must not go deep into the enemy's army. I'm worried that there are many strong people among them."

"Don't worry, Marshal Ge Long." Feng Xiaotian said, clasping his fists.

His acting style is relatively stable. Of course, he can hear the meaning of Ge Long's words, which is nothing more than wanting him to pull Tianyue back in time.

As for killing enemies, it was somewhat embarrassing for them to kill ordinary soldiers as titled Douluo. I only hope that tomorrow the Star Luo Empire can send a certain number of soul master troops to give Tian Yue a good fight.

On the city wall of Jialing Pass, Xue Qinghe was shocked, "National Preceptor, are you saying that there are Ultimate Douluo in the Xingluo Empire's army?"

Han Yu had seen Bo Saixi's aura before, and it couldn't be fake.

At the same time, the appearance of Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo could be regarded as a sign that the forces on the island in the center of the lake were the original Poseidon Island.

Since that old dog Poseidong dared to tamper with Qian Renxue's divine examination, Han Yu would never let him go. To eradicate the forces on the island in the center of the lake would be to completely ruin his cultivation.

In the future, his strength may even drop to the level of a priest.

"Don't tell Marshal Ge Long about this for now. That Extreme Douluo may not end immediately. There is no need to cause trouble to Marshal Ge Long." Han Yu said leisurely.

Now Bo Saixi didn't even have the capital to fight in front of her, so why should he care.

However, it is true that Bo Saixi will not join the battlefield immediately.

In the initial trial of each other, both sides tried to show off their tactics, so her ending was completely meaningless.

The next day.

War drums thunder.

Under the deployment of Marshal Ge Long, the Tiandou Empire marched 20 miles with an army of 50,000.

The Star Luo Empire sent relatively few troops, only 40,000 troops, plus a thousand soul master legions.

"Hai Long, you hold the line at the front and will never allow the Tiandou Empire to send strong men to slaughter our soldiers wantonly." Bo Saixi arranged.

In terms of strength, the third elder of the Haotian Sect should be the one to hold the battle. But no, as the commander-in-chief of an army of 400,000, he must not leave the headquarters rashly.

The two armies rushed to the center of the battlefield at the same time. Before the battle began, the general leading the troops said loudly: "Soldiers, the troops of the Star Luo Empire are robbing my home and seizing my property. This battle must be fought back. Everyone listens to the order and follows. We will kill the enemy together."

The equipment of the Tiandou Empire's army is very ordinary, in contrast to the Xingluo Empire's. Almost all of these 40,000 people are equipped with silent sleeve arrows. Regardless of the quality of the sleeve arrows, they can penetrate their armor.


War is about to break out.

The Tiandou Empire suffered a heavy loss as soon as it came up. The soldiers charging in the front row were all killed by silent sleeve arrows!

"Despicable guy." Tianyue roared.

The figure of the golden dragon crocodile rises from the ground, like a killing god, invincible.

Not far away, Feng Xiaotian's mouth twitched slightly, "Is Tianyue crazy?"

He never thought that Tianyue would activate his martial spirit true form as soon as he came up.

How could an army of ordinary people be her opponent?

The Xingluo army responded quickly, and the soul master legion equipped with a full set of Tang Sect hidden weapons immediately stepped forward to support.

Facing the title Douluo's defense, how could the Tang Sect's hidden weapons have any effect.

At the same time, Tianyue locked the position of the Soul Master Legion of the Star Luo Empire and rushed forward to kill the enemy bravely.

The two armies were officially locked in a fight, and these soldiers were not Tang San. At close range, the silent sleeve arrows were not as effective as the weapons in their hands.

In addition to the advantage gained by relying on hidden weapons at the beginning of the war, the role of hidden weapons in the future is better than nothing.

"The Tiandou Empire unexpectedly sent out a Titled Douluo. Fortunately, the Grand Priest had the foresight." Sea Dragon Douluo, who was supervising the troops at the rear, smiled in his heart.

In an instant, a huge sea dragon figure rose into the sky.

Tianyue is only at level ninety-two, while Sea Dragon Douluo's soul power is as high as level ninety-five.

Even though his strength has declined on the mainland, he is more than enough to deal with Tianyue.

"Well done!" Tianyue's eyes became even more fierce with fighting intent. She rose into the air and took the initiative to meet the opponent.


Marshal Ge Long, who was observing the situation with his soul telescope, frowned slightly.

"If we send out Titled Douluo in the first battle, I'm afraid the decisive battle will come early."

Ge Long did not hesitate and immediately ordered, "Send my military order, the thirty-five armies are ready to go to war, and the soul master army will go to the battlefield immediately."

Titled Douluo all came on stage, and other powerful men from the two empires also began to make moves.

Ge Long didn't want to miss the opportunity. Once the 350,000 troops were ready, he would immediately arrange them to the front line.

So what if the decisive battle comes early? They have no way out in this battle.

Sea Dragon Douluo did not get any advantage in the fight with Tianyue.

The Golden Dragon Crocodile Martial Spirit has entered the super martial spirit sequence, while the Sea Dragon Martial Spirit can only reach the top level of martial arts at best.

"The seventh soul skill, the true form of the demon wolf!"

Feng Xiaotian couldn't sit still anymore and rushed to support him immediately.

At the beginning of the war, if a titled Douluo from the Star Luo Empire could be killed, it would boost the morale of the army to a great extent.

Facing the two men's attack, Sea Dragon Douluo was overwhelmed and was knocked to the ground.

"Two Titled Douluo, the Tiandou Empire has really spent a lot of money!" Sea Dragon Douluo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face extremely solemn.

"Hai Long, take the army and withdraw. We have underestimated the combat effectiveness of Tiandou's army. This battle needs to be considered in the long run." Bo Saixi's voice reached his ears.

Sea Dragon Douluo was not in love with fighting. His voice was filled with soul power and echoed over the battlefield.

"All soldiers of the Star Luo Empire, please retreat!"

Not long ago, the second elder was ready for a decisive battle, but was stopped by Bo Saixi.

They didn't know the situation of Feng Xiaotian and others before this, but now they were caught off guard. Once the decisive battle begins, the Tiandou Empire will send out several more titled Douluo, which will pose a great threat to them. It may even influence the direction of the war. (End of chapter)

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