Early the next morning, evidence of the Star Luo Empire's massacre of "civilians" was published in Wuhun Daily.

Han Yu arranged for this group of death row prisoners to go there in advance. Half of these people are traitors and collaborators. Han Yu gave them two choices, immediate execution or going to live in Yunjin Town.

Not surprisingly, these people chose the latter.

But that doesn't stop Wuhun Palace from using it as evidence to attack the Star Luo Empire.

The Spirit Hall issued a statement that day, condemning the war launched by the Star Luo Empire as a war of aggression, and decided to close all Spirit Banks in the Star Luo Empire.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Although the property of the Star Luo Empire's royal family is not stored in the Spirit Bank, the money of the common people of the Star Luo Empire and some nobles, big and small, is all in the Spirit Bank.

Withdrawing Wuhun Bank now is almost equivalent to withdrawing half of the Star Luo Empire's assets.

For a time, people in the Star Luo Empire were filled with resentment, and countless people rushed to the Wuhun Bank to run on it. However, the Wuhun Palace has been prepared for a long time. All Wuhun Banks have been closed. Ordinary people cannot get a penny even if they forcefully break into the Wuhun Bank.

These people did not blame Wuhun Palace for annexing their money. Before that, they could still deposit and withdraw money in Wuhun Bank normally.

Combined with the Wuhun Daily this morning, people rushed to the palace, denounced the Xingluo Empire for the unjust war, and asked Dai Mubai to end the war so that they could return to normal life.

Wuhun Bank only has four branches in the Star Luo Empire, but there are many people who are looking for small gains. In order to earn Wuhun Bank's interest, many people have deposited their entire family property in the bank. Moreover, Wuhun Bank's loan business also attracted many people.

Most of them are mortgage loans, and before the money is repaid, the collateral is the property of Wuhun Bank.

In the palace, Dai Mubai was so angry that he smashed everything in the imperial study!

Everything was going on normally at Wuhun Bank yesterday. They evacuated completely in one night, which clearly showed that this was premeditated!

Of course, he didn't dare to trouble Bo Saixi about what the army in the center of the lake had done. He could only regard it as an exaggeration and perjury by Wuhun Palace!

But the real problem is before him. With the closure of Wuhun Bank, half of the assets in the Star Luo Empire have disappeared. He must give a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, those soldiers who deposit their money in the Wuhun Bank will inevitably lose their morale!

Once the Spirit Hall said that people from the Star Luo Empire could withdraw money from the Spirit Bank in the Tiandou Empire, wouldn't most of the country's population flow into the enemy country?

How can we fight this battle!

With Tang Xiao's last reprimand, Dai Mubai did not dare to make the ridiculous move of suppressing civilians. But there was no way he could make up for the money. The assets of the royal family and the empire were limited. Even if he confiscated the assets from the homes of those ministers, he had invested them all in the frontline war.

Does the Tang Sect produce hidden weapons for free? The army's weapons and equipment, food and water, all of which cost money like water.

How can he fight a war if he uses money to "subsidize" people's hearts? The situation is great, should we just give up?

For such a big event, Tang San was no longer by Dai Mubai's side, and the rule of the Star Luo Empire was once again in turmoil. Tang Xiao was planning to return to Haotian Sect and transfer his disciples to the front line, but now he had to put it on hold.

Later that day, he rushed to Xingluo Palace.

When Dai Mubai saw him, it was as if he saw a savior, and he quickly invited him to the Golden Palace.

Originally, Tang Xiao just wanted to make Dai Mubai a puppet at the mercy of others. But things turned out to be contrary to expectations. Dai Mubai, the puppet emperor, was of no use to these side tactics devised by Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire.

They only had to leave the palace for a little while, and Dai Mubai was completely at a loss.

At the beginning, if Davis was willing to obey, they would definitely not support Dai Mubai to ascend to power. With Davis' ability to handle these trivial matters, they don't need to worry at all.

Now that the frontline war has reached a critical moment, Tang Xiao must not allow a fire in the backyard.

"Mubai, what do you think?" Tang Xiao asked.

He didn't have much clue now, he just hoped that Dai Mubai could come up with some constructive suggestions.

Dai Mubai sat on the dragon chair and reprimanded: "Sect Master Tang, Wuhun Daily is the cancer of the empire. We must eliminate them from the empire. No matter what, we can no longer let them poison the people of the empire."

Dai Tianfeng allowed Wuhun Daily to enter the Star Luo Empire. In addition to being threatened by Wuhun Palace, he was also among them and saw an opportunity to strengthen the country.

The results discussed in the court may change after being passed on to lower-level officials. Through Wuhun Daily, policies can be passed on in a timely manner, which is very beneficial to the governance of the country.

Before Dai Mubai came to power, the Wuhun Daily in the Star Luo Empire had columns related to imperial policies. But Dai Mubai didn't care about this at all, and even thought that there was a risk of leaking secrets.

When the editor of Wuhun Daily came to the palace, he also kicked people out.

It may not matter once or twice, but every time it drives people away. Of course the editor of Wuhun Daily would not come here to ask for trouble. Without first-hand information, the column was gradually banned.

In other words, the results achieved during Dai Tianfeng's reign were denied by Dai Mubai himself.

Moreover, he had previously attacked those ministers, which made everyone in the empire feel in danger. Who would dare to continue to serve?

The public protests in Xingluo City, without the support of officials, have gradually turned into vandalism, smashing and looting, and half of the shops in the city were not spared.

Regarding Dai Mubai's suggestion, Tang Xiao nodded slightly, "It is true that they should be cleared out. However, the people are used to reading newspapers every day. Next, you need to take the lead in the empire to run a temporary newspaper with similar effects. OK."

"If I remember correctly, you haven't announced the results achieved by the empire on the front line in the past two months."

"We can't do anything about the Wuhun Bank matter. It's hard to get the money back in a short time. So, you need to divert the attention of the people. For example, after capturing the Tiandou Empire, you will The wealth of the empire is distributed by every civilian in the empire.”

Tang Xiao was also helpless. Dai Mubai, the emperor, only liked to eat cakes painted by others and never painted cakes himself.

Painting is an essential skill for a qualified leader.

What Tang Xiao saw in him was not the posture that a leader should have. But an ordinary person who became rich overnight.

The gap between this can be imagined.

Of course, now is not the time to discuss these issues. It doesn't matter whether Dai Mubai lives or dies, but at least now he has to stick to his post and become the spiritual pillar of the Star Luo Empire.

Dai Mubai suddenly realized, "What Sect Leader Tang said is true, why didn't I think of it?"

Tang Xiao couldn't help but murmur in his heart: If you have such a command, I won't go alone. It is impossible for the Star Luo Empire to become the back garden of our Haotian Sect so easily.

"Besides, the Wuhun Bank evacuated in just one night. It is impossible for them to take away all the property. Mubai, please immediately order someone to go to the vicinity of the Wuhun Bank and dig three feet into the ground to find some property."

"The Battle of Jialingguan is imminent, and it is necessary to appease the people. Make a promise to those depositors and tell them that after the empire wins, not only will all their property be recovered. The interest lost during this period will also be lost by the empire. They will be reimbursed as usual. Those who have loans, you can also forgive their debts.”

Dai Mubai quickly denied, "Sect Master Tang, how can the empire get so much money? Even if it occupies all the land of the Tiandou Empire, it is simply unrealistic to realize it in a short time."

"If I can't fulfill my promise, won't it cause unnecessary trouble?"

Of course Tang Xiao thought of this, and he said: "With so much money in Wuhun Bank, they will most likely withdraw from Wuhun City. Now, we only need to wait for Xiaosan to become a god before declaring war on Wuhun Palace."

"If we take down Wuhun City, won't all the money come back? Furthermore, Wuhun Palace has not announced that it will declare war on our Star Luo Empire. We have full time to prepare."

"Besides, isn't it enough to take over the Tiandou Empire and confiscate all the assets of those ministers?"

After hearing this, Dai Mubai felt as if he was enlightened. He quickly said: "Sect Master Tang has thought carefully. Mubai has learned from it. I will make arrangements right away and strive to quell the protests in the empire within three days."

"No." Tang Xiao reminded: "This matter is extraordinary. You, the emperor, must personally come to an end in order to appease the people."

The capable ministers of the Star Luo Empire were either killed or retired. It's hard to tell whether new people with no ability can control the situation by convincing the people, or it might be self-defeating.

Even if Dai Mubai is no longer capable, he is still the emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

Once the image of the iron-blooded emperor cultivated by many generations of Xingluo emperors appeared, the people would definitely be afraid of him. When the time comes, he only needs to follow Tang Xiao's words and it will not be difficult to stabilize people's hearts.

Dai Mubai may not be good at decision-making, but Tang Xiao can rest assured about his execution ability. Otherwise, he would have put an emperor under house arrest and arranged for a regent if he didn't know anything.

To stem the current crisis in the Star Luo Empire, Tang Xiao rushed to the Haotian Sect without stopping.

The Battle of Jialing Pass was a decisive battle between the two empires. Once they lost, there would be no suspense in the subsequent war. It was just a matter of burying the enemy sooner or later.

Tang Xiao transferred most of the Haotian Sect's disciples to the front line for a simple purpose. Once all the powerful men from the Tiandou Empire are exhausted and the front line fails to gain strength, the disciples of the Haotian Sect will go to support them to ensure nothing goes wrong.

The Xingluo Empire's army soon arrived in front of Jialing Pass.

After these days of inquiring, Feng Xiaotian still had no results, so he simply left the military camp at night and returned to the Tiandou Empire camp.

In Jialing Pass, Xue Qinghe, the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, came to the front line in person.

This battle is about the fate of the country. Even as a puppet emperor, he knew there was no room for error.

The morale of the Tiandou Empire has increased a lot as Yujia Xue Qinghe went on a personal expedition.

The uniform shouts of the 500,000-strong army resounded through the sky.

"General, please see Your Majesty, National Master!" Ge Long bowed slightly and said in a respectful tone.

Since the last court meeting, he came to the front line. At that time, there were only 50,000 garrison troops stationed at Jialing Pass. Whether he wants the soldiers on the front line to shrink or the soldiers at the rear to rush to help, it will take a long time.

However, under Han Yu's plan, he selectively abandoned some cities, and the interference of the soul master team behind enemy lines left him enough time to reorganize his troops.

Right now, these half a million troops are almost the entire property of the Tiandou Empire. Of course, this does not mean that the population of Tiandou Empire is small. There are only these 500,000 elite soldiers who have received military training and have excellent physical fitness.

Once Jialing Pass is broken and forced recruitment is carried out, the strength of the army will be much weaker and cannot be compared with the half a million troops.

Ge Long originally thought that Han Yu was just a layman, but he didn't expect that he helped a lot in mobilizing the army.

People on Douluo Continent also know the importance of intelligence. But they don't have scouts like the disciples of the Senbu, nor do they have powerful soul guide communication. Even if the news from the front is rushed eight hundred miles away, it will only be a few days before it reaches the rear.

Things change rapidly on the battlefield, let alone a few days. Even if it takes just one stick of incense, a collapse may occur.

After getting the timely news, Han Yu could easily mobilize the troops even though his military quality was not as good as Ge Long's.

"Teacher, Your Majesty." Feng Xiaotian and others also arrived at the top of Jialing Pass.

Ge Long handed the soul guide telescope to Xue Qinghe, pointed at the black mass in the distance, and said: "Your Majesty, according to the news from the scouts sent by the last general, the Star Luo Empire has four thousand soul master legions. Currently, the gathering The number of ordinary troops on the front line is 60,000."

"The general has received news that in half a month, 200,000 troops will gather on the front line of the Star Luo Empire. In a month, the number of Star Luo Empire soldiers will reach 400,000!"

"Your Majesty, this battle is related to the survival of the empire. If Jialing Pass is there, the empire will be there. If Jialing Pass is destroyed, the empire will be destroyed."

Gelong's eyes were very serious. ,

As the top general of the Tiandou Empire, he has a very heavy burden. Not only must he fulfill Xue Qinghe's instructions, but he must also protect the millions of people in the empire.

Xue Qinghe put down the soul guidance telescope and said sideways: "Marshal Ge Long has worked hard, please move to the command room."

In the command room, Ge Long had already made a sand table covering the hundreds of miles of Jialing Pass. The deployment of the armies of both sides can be intuitively felt through the sand table.

"People say that Taoists specialize in Taoism, and Marshal Ge Long deserves to be the Optimus Prime of the empire." Xue Qinghe praised him without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, please take a look!" Ge Long picked up the baton on the side and told Xue Qinghe one by one how to arrange the troops next.

First of all, we cannot blindly defend Jialing Pass.

Although the city wall of Jialing Pass is thick, it cannot withstand long-term bombardment. Moreover, once the enemy sends flying soul masters into the city wall, their defense of the city will be greatly weakened.

The range of their city-defending crossbows is limited. Once the enemy uses human sea tactics to reach the city wall, the difficulty of defense will be greatly increased.

Ge Long planned to send 400,000 troops to fight the enemy on the plain in front of Jialing Pass. The remaining 100,000 troops will be the last line of defense. (End of chapter)

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