At dawn, Ge Hang came to Feng Xiaotian's camp.

"Arthur, prepare to attack the city."

Feng Xiaotian suddenly sat up from the bed and couldn't help but ask: "General, is it okay to attack the city now?"

Ge Hang said with confidence: "This is the time when people are most likely to get sleepy. If we attack the city now, the probability of breaking it is very high."

"Arthur, this is your chance to make a meritorious deed. Don't screw it up. The other seven troops will attack the city simultaneously with us. Remember, if you are the first to climb the city wall, you will get unexpected benefits."

Feng Xiaotian couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

There have always been disciples of the Minbu in Izumo City. When they all evacuated, Feng Xiaotian had already received the news. The current Izumo City is like an empty city. All you need to do is lead troops into the city, and there is no need to fight at all.

When Feng Xiaotian walked out of the camp, the three thousand soldiers he selected yesterday were neatly arranged in front of him.

Of course he knew that Ge Hang was the last one to call him, and he was always suspicious of him. Who knows, there are many people in the team monitoring his every move.

But it doesn't matter. If he attacks an empty city, it won't matter even if he leads the charge.

"Arthur, you are the advance troops. I will lead the army and will come to assist you later." Ge Hang personally handed over the command of these three thousand soldiers to Feng Xiaotian.

"Soldiers, follow me to attack Izumo City. The empire will last forever, long live your majesty!" Feng Xiaotian shouted a slogan loudly.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly mounted the military horse and led the team towards Izumo Castle.

How did Ge Hang know about the situation in Izumo City? He just hoped that Feng Xiaotian had not been bribed by the enemy. And after the city is destroyed, he will also write a letter to plead for credit for himself, Feng Xiaotian and other soldiers!

The war drums sounded, and three thousand soldiers, led by Feng Xiaotian, rushed towards Izumo City in a mighty manner.

The other seven armies that surrounded Izumo City with them began to thunder with drums of war almost at the same time.

Compared with the soldiers and horses led by Feng Xiaotian, the other seven troops were obviously much more ink.

There are a lot of equipment that need to be prepared to attack the city. Since the siege party is led by Ge Hang, of course they have all the equipment ready before attacking the city.

Feng Xiaotian never failed to show that there was no one in Izumo City.

He came to the front of the battle in person and, together with the soldiers attacking the city, cautiously approached the Izumo City Wall.

"General Arthur, please retreat to the rear. The front is too dangerous. You need to preside over our attack without making any mistakes." Many soldiers tried their best to persuade.

Feng Xiaotian put on a righteous and awe-inspiring look, "You are soldiers of the empire, and I am also a soldier of the empire. If you can fight the enemy in battle, why can't I? Don't worry about me, everyone. Even if I fall, you will. Keep attacking!"

Seeing that their persuasion was fruitless, the soldiers had no choice but to raise their shields high to protect Feng Xiaotian from the threat of arrows.

But they advanced for a long time, and the Izumo City defenders never made any move or even resisted at all. The brave soldier slowly put down his shield, and then realized that the soldiers guarding the city wall were standing there motionless.

"General, there is a situation. There seems to be something wrong with the soldiers guarding Izumo Castle." A soldier reported loudly.

Feng Xiaotian smiled in his heart, and then stretched out his hand to press down the shield in front of him.

He pretended to be speechless and said: "That's not a soldier at all, it's a dummy! Everyone obeys the order and breaks through the city gate immediately, and follow me to take Izumo City!"

When he said this, the other soldiers also saw that all those soldiers were fake. Although I don’t know exactly why, it’s always right to break through the city gate first.

The other seven troops did not react as quickly as Feng Xiaotian. When they heard that Feng Xiaotian had breached the city gate, they realized that the soldiers on the city wall were all dummies.

In the end, Feng Xiaotian lived up to expectations and was the first to scale the city wall of Izumo City and changed the flag to that of the Star Luo Empire.

Half an hour later, Ge Hang arrived belatedly with the remaining soldiers.

The former Izumo City Lord's Palace has now been transformed into a temporary command post for the Star Luo Army.

Because Feng Xiaotian was the first to break through the city gate, among all eight siege teams, Ge Hang's prestige instantly surpassed that of other generals. Of course, the other seven would only say they were lucky.

After all, they only lost one soldier when they captured Izumo Castle. This guy was just unlucky. He fell to the ground because he wanted to take credit, and was trampled to death by the horses from behind.

An empty city at your fingertips made Ge Hang a little suspicious. They have not sent anyone to inquire about the situation around the city these days due to food and grass problems. Have the defenders of Izumo City withdrawn long ago?

For so many days, they might have been fighting against the air.

After occupying Izumo City, of course they found the passage through which Chen Li led his troops to withdraw. But the other party didn't know how long it had been since they had withdrawn, and they had no way of pursuing them.

Feng Xiaotian's heroic performance was of course highly praised by Ge Hang. At the same time, it also dispelled Ge Hang's doubts about him.

There were many soldiers in Cai Cai's army who were his spies. Feng Xiaotian followed the army and rushed closer, only to discover the clues. There was no such thing as knowing the news in advance and then deliberately claiming credit.

Furthermore, because of his relationship with Feng Xiaotian, he not only successfully recovered the decline caused by the loss of food and fodder that he could not afford to lift, but even surpassed the other seven generals in the limelight.

The eight of them sat together and took stock of each other to decide how tragic and tragic the battle should be. If Dai Mubai knew that Izumo City was an empty city, wouldn't it mean that they were fighting against the air these days? Who knows, they will all be removed from their posts.

The entire army was working together, so how could Dai Mubai at the rear know what was true and what was true?

When the news was sent back to the palace, Dai Mubai's melancholy these days was finally gone.

Izumo City is currently the most difficult bone for Xingluo's army to crack, and it has now been successfully conquered. The current battle line of the Star Luo Empire will completely penetrate into the hinterland of the Tiandou Empire.

Once Jialing Pass is conquered, Tiandou City is just around the corner!

"God is really helping me. As long as Xiao San successfully completes the divine test, Wuhun Palace will be able to defeat him with just a few clicks." Thinking of this, Dai Mubai quickly summoned Bo Saixi and others.

Next, the soul masters from the island in the center of the lake should also enter.

The terrain of Jialing Pass is steep, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack. Without the support of the soul master army, even if all the ordinary armies join in, they may not be effective.

Moreover, the Tiandou Empire is currently maintaining a strategic contraction trend. They will definitely not choose to fight to defend the capital, and will most likely retreat to Jialing Pass.

If they abandon Jialing Pass, even if they want to counterattack in the future, it will be difficult for them to achieve success against Jialing Pass occupied by the Star Luo Empire. This is equivalent to giving up 30% of the Tiandou Empire's territory by default.

Even military novices know that the Battle of Jialing Pass will be an important battle. Who loses and who wins will almost determine the future war situation. If the Tiandou Empire loses, the Star Luo Empire can march straight in and seize Tiandou City. If the Star Luo Empire were defeated, not only would the city they currently occupy would be taken back by the Tiandou Empire, but their territory would also be threatened in the future.

Sea Dragon Douluo and Bo Saixi arrived at the Golden Palace, and Dai Mubai quickly greeted them.

"Your Majesty, why did you come to us?" Sea Dragon Douluo asked.

Bo Saixi was not good at words, and the relationship between them was just a cooperative relationship. There was no need for her to say anything in front of Dai Mubai. Besides, it is enough to have Sea Dragon Douluo as a spokesperson.

Dai Mubai quickly expressed his thoughts, and at the end, he asked, "Senior Hai Long, Senior Bo Saixi, how many manpower can you gather now?"

At present, the forces on the island in the center of the lake have gradually withdrawn to the territory of the Star Luo Empire. Due to the loose policies of the Star Luo Empire, their followers were basically gathered together.

Sea Dragon Douluo glanced at Bo Saixi, and after receiving the latter's approval, he said truthfully: "The soul master army has about two thousand people, and the ordinary army has about thirty thousand people."

The total number of soul masters on Douluo Continent is more than 100,000. It is not easy for the island in the center of the lake to gather so many soul masters. Moreover, most of their 30,000-strong ordinary army have soul powers. Just because the soul power does not exceed level ten, it does not count as a soul master.

The two thousand soul master armies of the Star Luo Empire, plus the two thousand soul masters of the Lake Center Island, now completely overwhelmed the Tiandou Empire in terms of the number of soul master legions.

"Senior Hai Long and Senior Bo Saixi. Assemble your team as soon as possible. I will let Sect Master Tang contact you later. I hope you two can come to the battle of Jialing Pass in person to win victory for the empire."

"Seniors, please rest assured. After the Star Luo Empire unifies the continent, I will give the entire Spirit Hall to you."

The Wuhun Palace is a tool for the Angel God to spread his faith. After they occupy it on the island in the middle of the lake, they will surely be able to spread the faith of the Lake God quickly.

When Bo Saixi heard this, she took the initiative and said, "Don't worry, we will do what needs to be done."

"Then I'll look forward to hearing the good news from the two seniors."

In the Rakshasa Secret Realm, after more than a month of absorbing soul power, Tang San's soul power level officially broke through level ninety, becoming a quasi-titled Douluo.

The Rakshasa God was not stingy and directly gave Tang San a god-given spirit ring. After half a month, Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer spirit finally reached the Nine Environment Realm.

The soul ring configuration is: black, black, purple, black, black, black, black, and red.

If it weren't for that eye-catching purple soul ring, Tang San's soul ring configuration would have reached the level of eight black and one red.

His soul power level also broke through to level ninety-three.

"My Blue Silver Grass currently only has four soul rings. The next step is to absorb the soul rings for the Blue Silver Grass."

Adding a soul ring to another soul hall can quickly increase his soul power level. He believed that his strength would be equal to Bo Saixi's before long.

Suddenly the voice of Rakshasa God rang in his mind, "In the ninth test of Rakshasa, both martial souls have reached the ninth environment realm, and their soul power has reached level ninety-nine. Sacrifice Dai Mubai's blood and open the door to inheritance. . The assessment lasts for five years. If you complete the assessment, you will inherit the throne and die."

Tang San's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that the ninth test would come out so soon.

Once the ninth test is completed, it means that he becomes the new Rakshasa God.

As for sacrificing Dai Mubai.

"Mubai, since you are the last stepping stone on my road to becoming a god, then just give your blood obediently."

Originally, he planned to destroy Dai Mubai after he became a god. Now that the god test is ahead of him, he is afraid that Dai Mubai will not be able to see the day when he becomes a god.

Of course he didn't feel any psychological burden in sacrificing Dai Mubai. After all, without the support of him and the Haotian Sect, Dai Mubai would not be able to sit in the position he is today, and he would not even have the chance to be a puppet emperor.

Tang San walked out of the Rakshasa secret realm and came to Dai Mubai's imperial study.

"Xiaosan, have you made a breakthrough again?" Dai Mubai felt the aura on his body becoming more and more unfathomable, and he suddenly smiled.

Tang San said calmly: "Thanks to Senior Rakshasa God, I have now officially broken through the title Douluo. As for my title, my uncle once told me that I will inherit my father's title."

"Haotian Douluo is good. Xiaosan, if you weren't here to preside over the government, I would also retreat to break through the title Douluo. When the time comes, my name will be White Tiger Douluo." Dai Mubai suggested with a smile.

Of course Tang San knew that Dai Mubai would not take the initiative to offer sacrifices. In fact, among the more than 10,000 people who had previously offered sacrifices, how many of them were voluntary? If Dai Mubai breaks through the Title Douluo, they will spend a lot of manpower and material resources if they want to capture him in the future. Rather than doing this, it would be better to let Dai Mubai go into waste.

Tang San smiled and said: "Mubai, you are the emperor of the Star Luo Empire and the backbone of all the soldiers on the front line. You cannot leave your post. In addition, I need senior Bo Saixi to help me obtain five black blue silver grass martial arts spirits. A soul ring."

"Wait, Xiaosan, our army has almost reached Jialing Pass. Now we need the assistance of the forces in the center of the lake. Senior Bo Saixi also needs to rush to the front line. Look."

Of course Tang San would not postpone the attack on Jialing Pass, but his soul power level would only rise again if he absorbed five high-life soul rings.

"I will go to Senior Bo Saixi to discuss this matter. Mubai, if you need Tang Sect disciples to assist in the battle, I will immediately dispatch them to the front line."

Dai Mubai quickly refused, "Xiao San, we don't need Tang Sect disciples for this battle."

It wasn't that he was deliberately wary of Tang San. The hidden weapons produced by the Tang Sect could play a huge role on the Jialing Pass battlefield. If they are transferred to the front line at this time, who will produce hidden weapons?

Without enough hidden weapons, they would not have that big advantage on the frontline battlefield. In particular, when the soul master legions of Lake Center Island and their Star Luo Empire soul master legions are equipped with a full set of hidden weapons, their combat effectiveness will be greatly enhanced.

"There are four thousand sets of hidden weapons in total. Mubai, we will send a message to Tailong later and ask their former disciples of the Force Clan to produce them."

Of course Tang San knew that many people who joined their family later did not know how to blacksmith. Let them do it, not only is it inefficient, but the quality of the hidden weapons they produce is also worrisome.

And the force clan was good at blacksmithing, and they were Tang San's confidants, so of course they were very good at using it.

In the end, after negotiation, Sea Dragon Douluo was responsible for the transfer of believers from the forces in the center of the lake. Transferred to the front line, unified command by Tang Xiao. Bo Saixi, on the other hand, took Tang San into the sea and obtained a high-life soul ring for Tang San in the sea. (End of chapter)

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