Zhu Zhuqing and other teams of soul masters were still hijacking food and grass from the rear of the Star Luo Empire.

But the people of the Star Luo Empire were too cunning. The fake farmers they sent out at first were indeed easily hijacked, but later they simply sent out real farmers.

It is impossible for Zhu Zhuqing and other soul master team to really attack the farmers. Even if they want to take action, they must make sure that what those farmers are pulling is grain and grass, or grain and grass belonging to the Star Luo Empire army.

As a result, the Star Luo Empire sent a lot more manpower, and the number of farmers transporting food increased significantly. Even if they hijacked people from behind, the amount of food and grass sent to the front line was still enough.

Over time, a delicate balance formed between them.

Later, Zhu Zhuqing and others simply did not just attack the Star Luo Empire's food and grass. When the enemy passed through the city, they would make some harassment behind the enemy to affect the enemy's offensive pace. Or, they could directly burn the granary in the military camp, leaving them without food for a day or two.

The Tiandou Empire still maintains a strategic posture that is sometimes relaxed and sometimes contracted.

The Star Luo Empire's army encountered empty cities most of the time, but sometimes they faced heavily guarded cities.

In order to claim credit, Ge Hang and other advance troops would exaggerate the battle process in the memorials submitted to Dai Mubai no matter which city they entered.

Dai Mubai had never been to the front line, so he acquiesced to their rhetoric. After all, the city was actually conquered.

The positions of Ge Hang and others have also risen with the false battle reports. Even Feng Xiaotian's current position is equivalent to that of Ge Hang before, commanding an army of 10,000 men. Ge Hang is still his superior, commanding three generals like Feng Xiaotian.

"The two cities ahead are the Jialing Pass. If we take Jialing Pass, the Xingluo Empire will definitely win this battle." In the military tent, Ge Hang pointed at the map in front of him and said to many generals.

"Arthur, what do you think?"

After eliminating Feng Xiaotian's suspicion, Ge Hang entrusted him with important tasks and discussed many siege strategies with him.

Feng Xiaotian said solemnly: "We encountered many empty cities along the way. They probably transferred their army back to Jialing Pass in the rear. We only have 30,000 troops. It is impossible to defeat Jialing Pass, even if we invest all our troops. Among them, it is like a stone thrown into the sea, unable to stir up any waves.”

"So I think there is no need to rush to capture Guyang City. In order to capture Jialing Pass, His Majesty will definitely send other armies to support, and he does not even rule out the soul master army. We can completely wait for their arrival and then bulldoze Guyang in one go. city."

Ge Hang raised his eyebrows. It was not that he had never thought about this problem. When the large forces catch up, their achievements will be diluted, but the advantage is that they do not have to pay huge casualties.

The 30,000 troops in Ge Hang's hands were all added later. The first soldiers who followed him were already gone. One can imagine how huge their losses were in these days of fighting. If a general has no soldiers, can he still be called a general?

By retaining this 30,000-strong army, he would be able to sit on the command table with the number of troops until the battle of Jialing Pass. By then, the command table will be full of senior generals, and if he can embrace anyone, his future career will be much easier.

With this in mind, he decided to listen to Feng Xiaotian's advice and retain his strength.

On the other side, Han Yu temporarily put aside matters in the Tiandou Empire and rushed to the Spirit Hall.

He once told Qian Renxue that when she was about to take the ninth test, she would use a communication soul guide to contact him.

Han Yu, who is familiar with the development of the original time and space, knows that Qian Renxue's ninth test needs to be sacrificed by Qian Daoliu in order to open the door to inheritance. And whether it was his strange fire or his own strength, it was not difficult to open the door to inheritance for Qian Renxue.

Of course, if Qian Daoliu is alive, he will not only play an important role in the subsequent battle, but post-war reconstruction will be relatively easier with Qian Daoliu in charge.

Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong will both become gods. Once they go to the God Realm, Wuhun Palace will not be able to find the next pope in the short term, and they will have to be replaced by Qian Daoliu.

When Han Yu arrived at the Wuhun Hall, Bibi Dong was no longer in the Pope's Hall.

According to Han Yu's understanding, she was most likely going out to take the divine examination. She still chose to go out at such an important time, which proved that the divine test she was going to take was very important, and it could not be ruled out that it was the ninth test.

When he came to the enshrinement hall, Han Yu did not enter it.

In other words, he cannot enter it.

The Enshrinement Hall is essentially the palace of the angel god. As a god, it is somewhat inappropriate for Han Yu to enter the palace of another god without being invited.

"Dean Han, you are finally here." Qian Renxue walked out of the worship hall with a smile.

Her current strength has reached level ninety-nine. Over the years, she has been practicing in the Enshrinement Hall, and with the help of the Angel God, her strength has improved rapidly.

Of course, since becoming a god, Han Yu can feel that the inheritance of the angel god seems a bit "lifeless". Even with evil gods like Xie Huo, he can still feel some "vigor". In contrast, it was not difficult for him to guess that the divine ancestor of the Qian Family had most likely fallen.

It's right to think about it. If the previous angel god had not died, could Poseidong in the original time and space have added anything to Qian Renxue's ninth test?

Even a grown man doesn't feel ashamed.

However, now that Han Yu is here, if Bo Saidong dares to intervene, he will definitely learn a profound lesson.

"You came at the wrong time. Xue'er is about to take the ninth test." Qian Daoliu walked out of the worship hall, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

To open the door of inheritance, he needs to sacrifice himself. Qian Renxue has a long way to go in the future, and he can no longer accompany her on this journey. He didn't even have the chance to witness the moment when Qian Renxue became a god.

This is the sorrow of the servants of the gods. They are given by the gods invincible strength that is invincible to mortals. But when they reach the final stage of the divine test, they will sacrifice their lives to help the successor become a god.

But fortunately, the inheritor is his granddaughter. She will give everything to her family, and he will not complain at all.

Han Yu said half-jokingly: "Dacheng, you haven't told Xiaoxue what's going to happen next, have you?"

"Grandpa, what happened?" Qian Renxue frowned slightly, always feeling that something bad had happened.

Having said this, even if Qian Daoliu wanted to hide it, Han Yu would tell it.

He sighed: "Bashou, you shouldn't say that now. Hey~ I have nothing to hide now. Xiaoxue, grandpa will sacrifice himself to complete the final stage of the divine examination for you."

"After your ninth test is over, you will inherit the position of Divine Ancestor and become the new God of Angels."

"Sacrifice?" Qian Renxue's eyes widened and she was stunned for a long time before she said, "Grandpa, I don't want to become a god. I don't want you to die."

Qian Daoliu caressed her forehead and said with a doting look on his face: "Xiaoxue, this is grandpa's fate. From the time he became the servant of the ancestor of the gods, this is the best destination for grandpa. But grandpa was lucky to meet him in his lifetime. The heir of the divine ancestor. Xiaoxue, you don’t have to feel sorry for grandpa. After becoming a god, you will have endless longevity. Grandpa will die sooner or later. It is grandpa’s honor to help you at the most important moment in your life.”

Looking at the sensational scene between the grandfather and granddaughter, Han Yu couldn't help but interrupt, "I tell you, don't you doubt why I am here at such an important moment?"

When Qian Renxue heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, Han Yu told her so at the beginning, so there must be a solution.

Grandpa, no need to sacrifice!

Qian Daoliu said in confusion: "Ba Zongfeng, your strength has far exceeded me. How dare I guess the true god's thoughts."

Han Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes, "You say I'm a true god, isn't it possible to open the door to inheritance?"

Qian Daoliu reacted and his eyes trembled, "You mean, you can open the final door of inheritance for Xue'er."

Everyone has the desire to survive. Qian Daoliu had no choice before. If he wanted Qian Renxue to become a god, he could only sacrifice himself. Now that he had a choice, why did he have to die? Isn't it good to witness Qian Renxue becoming a god and live as long as he can?

Han Yu nodded.

Changing the subject, he said: "However, you also know, as a great worshiper, that it is generally not difficult for gods to intervene in battles between ordinary people at will. Therefore, there will be many wars in the future that require your intervention to resolve."

"It's nothing, grandpa is not old, he is very strong." Qian Renxue said, she accepted everything for Qian Daoliu.

Qian Daoliu smiled bitterly.

Qian Renxue's words were correct. On the surface, he was a centenarian. But when he broke through to the Titled Douluo, he was still in his early fifties, and his strength continued to break through later on. The appearance is basically fixed at the age of fifty.

Coupled with the fact that he has no hidden wounds in his body and is blessed by the angel god, he has every chance of living to the theoretical limit of one thousand, two hundred years old.

"Okay, I will know what to do when the Wuhun Palace officially enters!"

After a pause, he asked anxiously: "Bashou, when do you think you will be free to open the final inheritance door for Xiaoxue?"

Han Yu turned his head and looked at Qian Renxue with a smile, "So, the successor of the Angel God, will you allow me to enter the inheritance place of the Angel God?"

The Angel God has fallen, so the real person in charge of the Angel Temple (Enshrinement Hall) is Qian Renxue in front of him.

Han Yu would ask her, mainly because he didn't want to wait until he went to the God Realm and be troubled by God Shura and other God Kings for violating the rules.

Qian Renxue didn't know what Han Yu was causing trouble. The other party was the eighth priest of Wuhun Hall, so he naturally had the right to enter it.

"Of course, Dean Han can always enter it." No matter what, the other party asked this, and she had to answer.

The door of inheritance must be opened in the place of inheritance before it can lead directly to the divine realm. Otherwise, Qian Renxue would not be able to see the angel god at all.

It is true that the Angel God has fallen, but her inheritance place still exists, and there is no sign of collapse. This proves that before she died, she left behind a powerful spiritual mind to maintain the spiritual examination.

"Dear worshiper, please go out first. The next movement may be loud, and I'm worried that you will be sucked into it." Han Yu reminded.

The Gate of Inheritance does not limit the number of people who can enter it, anyone can enter. But only those who pass the Nine Tests will survive; outsiders who enter will only be involved in the turbulence of time and space and eventually be torn apart.

After Qian Daoliu left, Han Yu stretched out his right hand, and the divine power in his body continued to be injected into the angel statue.

In an instant, a burst of golden light shone, and the angel statue became lifelike. Every strand of golden hair could be clearly seen.

"Xiaoxue, get ready, the door of inheritance is about to open. Remember not to run around, and you can only enter the palace of the angel god according to the feeling in your heart."

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Yu's figure was wrapped in void swallowing flames, followed by a powerful spatial turbulence.

Blessed by the space power of the Void Devouring Flame, Han Yu's figure remained motionless, but Qian Renxue was involved in it.

Normally, after the inheritance door is opened, there will be no riots in the space. Han Yu didn't realize that there was a problem with his operation. It was most likely that there was no angel god at the other end of the passage to provide stability, which led to the current situation.

At the moment when the door of inheritance was about to close, a trace of fire from the Void Swallowing Flame entered it.

If anyone dares to tamper with the divine examination, this wisp of fire will teach him an extremely profound lesson.

On the other side, Bibi Dong came to the inheritance place of the God of Darkness and also started the divine test.

Not every divine test requires the sacrifice of a divine servant to open the door to inheritance. Bibi Dong has left a lot of soul power in the statue of the God of Darkness over the years.

When she needed to open the inheritance door, these soul powers burned quickly, melting the surrounding space, and the inheritance door suddenly appeared in front of her.

Entering it, unlike Qian Renxue who was groping in the turbulence of time and space, Bibi Dong came directly to a main hall.

It's all gray here, without any light.

In front of her, the artifact Dark Scythe suddenly appeared.

When Bibi Dong saw that there was no one else around, she stepped forward and held the god in her hands.

At this time, a black humanoid outline appeared in front of her eyes.

"Successor, I am glad that you have come this far. The soul bones in your body have already been condensed into soul bone armor by you. Therefore, there is no need to fuse the soul bones one by one. After becoming a god, they will automatically be converted into divine armor."

"Senior God of Darkness." Bibi Dong bowed slightly and said respectfully to the figure in front of her.

"You're welcome, you and I each get what we need. It's a pity that you can't meet in the divine world. After you complete the divine examination, I will leave too."

Bibi Dong was a little confused by his words.

Although she is the successor, she doesn't know much about the things in the divine world.

The God of Darkness had no intention of explaining. He turned around and pointed with his right hand at the dark door behind him.

"Successor, after passing through the Dark Portal, you will become the new God of Darkness. There are constant crises in the God Realm. I hope you will abide by the order of the God Realm and contribute your meager strength after arriving in the God Realm."

Bibi Dong did not hesitate, took three steps and two steps at a time, and entered the dark space.

This place is like an abyss. Entering it, Bibi Dong's figure keeps falling. Moreover, she couldn't feel the passage of time here at all. Her consciousness is also gradually losing. (End of chapter)

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