Tang San sat cross-legged in front of the statue, constantly receiving the soul power fed back from the statue.

His soul power level has now reached level 85. With the sacrifices sent today, the soul power returned by the Rakshasa statue is enough for him to break through the Titled Douluo.

Such an approach, in the eyes of outsiders, is completely the behavior of an evil soul master. But Tang San didn't think so. He was the future god, and what the gods did represented absolute justice in his mind.

Moreover, he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and in his eyes, none of these sacrificers were heinous criminals.

Besides, he didn't directly absorb the blood of these people to increase his strength. All his strength was given by the Rakshasa God. This method is no match for evil soul masters.

Soon after, he felt the presence of the Rakshasa God in his mind, so he hurriedly asked:

"Senior Rakshasa God, are there any other gods on the mainland besides me?"

Ever since Bo Saixi revealed Han Yu's strength, he had always suspected that the opponent might have exceeded level 100.

After all, even his grandfather had never defeated Bo Saixi on Dahai's home court. And Han Yu not only defeated her, but also destroyed the entire Poseidon Island.

If Han Yu is really a god, then he must hide now to avoid being strangled in the cradle by Han Yu in advance. Moreover, Han Yu represents the Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace. His opponent has god-level combat power, and he must think clearly about the next battle before fighting.

"My dear successor, no one in the God Realm has passed on the divine status to the people on Douluo Continent, so you can rest assured." Rakshasa God said with an evil smile, she would not inform Tang San of the actual situation.

After the divine throne was passed down, she left the divine world without looking back, and the rest of the things had nothing to do with her.

Her words did not lie. To pass on the divine status, you must complete the ninth test. Among the heirs to the throne on Douluo Continent, none of them has completed the nine tests.

As for Han Yu, his divine position was not inherited. The Rakshasa God's rhetoric only refers to the gods of the divine world, and has nothing to do with the gods who created their own divine status.

If Han Yu leaves the lower realm but does not enter the Douluo God Realm, he still cannot be regarded as a god in the God Realm.

When Tang San heard this, he felt relieved.

He is the only god. When he breaks through level 100, the next battle will be one-sided. At worst, he would join the battlefield himself.

"In this way, unifying the continent is an inevitable trend. And I will stand on the top of the continent." Tang San was in a very good mood.

When he becomes the co-owner of the mainland, he will put Yu Xiaogang on the city wall and let him witness the prosperity of the mainland with his own eyes. As for the puppet emperor Dai Mubai, we won’t be left to his mercy when the time comes!

Putting away the grand plans and great achievements in his mind, Tang San let his mind go, constantly receiving the soul power emerging from the Rakshasa statue.

There are countless shrill wails in this soul power.

The souls of those who sacrificed were not completely wiped out, and emerged along with these soul powers.

Tang San was still a little confused at first, but after absorbing these people's souls, he could clearly feel that his mental power was rapidly improving. The current vision of the Purple Demon Eyes could even see through illusions and look directly at the essence of objects.

"As expected of the senior Rakshasa God, my mental power has long been stagnant. With the souls of these villains, I will make up for the last shortcoming."

More than a month has passed on the front line, and there is still no sign of Izumo Castle being breached.

Due to lack of food, the Star Luo Empire's army could only choose to besiege Izumo City and did not attack rashly. At least they won't attack the city until food arrives.

The lack of food caused the morale of the army to be unstable. If the battle was defeated, I am afraid that most of the soldiers would become deserters.

Zhu Zhuqing and others didn't care about the troubles in the Star Luo Empire.

Ever since the team of soul masters sent by the Tiandou Empire entered the scene, they have rarely taken the initiative to hijack grain transport teams.

"Hey, is the Star Luo Empire being honest? Why haven't we seen the grain and grass convoy for a long time?" Tianyue stood on a hilltop and complained softly.

There is no food, and the troops are not withdrawing from the front line. What does the Star Luo Empire want to do, abandon these soldiers on the front line?

Zhu Zhuqing analyzed: "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

She pointed to the smoke coming out not far away and said in a deep voice: "Although there is no food entering the military camp, these people still have food to eat. This is very telling."

Originally, these armies were indeed killing horses to satisfy their hunger, but now, the fact that their horses are no longer decreasing is telling.

Dugu Yan nodded in agreement, "They should have changed the way they transport food. We can't rule out that someone used a soul guide to deliver food to the front line."

This grain transport road is full of rolling hills. On every mountain, there are countless towering trees. If the other party all disperses and sends food to the front line by carrying soul guides individually, it will really be difficult for them to detect it.

"We are not far from the army now. We will go to Xiaotian later to ask about the situation." Zhu Zhuqing suggested.

They have been following the rear of the army, and it won't take long to find Feng Xiaotian's army.

At the same time, in the military camp of the Star Luo Empire.

Feng Xiaotian looked at the rice delivered to him and suddenly felt a little distressed.

In the past few days, they had all reduced themselves to killing soldiers and horses to satisfy their hunger. But starting yesterday, for some unknown reason, there was suddenly food in the army, and even the soldiers at the bottom could eat rice.

"Did Zhuqing and the others evacuate? Or were they arrested?"

Feng Xiaotian could immediately deny the second idea. After all, Zhu Zhuqing and the other three are all titled Douluo. How many strong men would the Star Luo Empire have to send if they wanted to catch them without any movement? And since this strong man was sent out, why not come here directly to attack Izumo City.

As for whether to evacuate, Feng Xiaotian was unsure. But he felt that this seemed unlikely. The four of them could communicate with each other using communication soul guides.

Now the communication soul guide has good timely communication capabilities. However, when editing text messages, you can only send text messages within the size of a cross at a time.

If they withdraw, they will at least send a message to Feng Xiaotian. Moreover, Han Yu did not say that he would withdraw these teams behind enemy lines.

Now, I am afraid there is only one explanation in front of me. The Star Luo Empire has changed the way of transporting food and grass.

Due to the previous defeat, Feng Xiaotian could not move around the army at will.

Before Ge Hang's doubts were dispelled, he could not take any action at all.

After all, last time he just escaped in order to let Zhu Zhuqing and the others achieve results. Ge Hangming didn't say it on his face, but Feng Xiaotian could feel it, and he began to doubt whether he was "collaborating with the enemy".

It was okay to wait like this, so Feng Xiaotian simply went directly to Ge Hang's camp.

At this moment, Ge Hang was on the sand table in the camp, deducing the possibility of attacking Izumo City.

Now that we have food, any further delay may cause Dai Mubai to be dissatisfied and be dismissed from his post.

"Arthur, are you here?" Seeing Feng Xiaotian walking into the tent, Ge Hang put down what he was doing and turned to face him.

Feng Xiaotian got straight to the point: "General, has our food supply been solved?"

Ge Hang still had a smile on his face, but he was more vigilant in his heart.

In his impression, Feng Xiaotian was a person who would not easily give up on his subordinates and run away on his own initiative. The last time, not only did he uncharacteristically only focus on escaping, but he even completely cut off their supply line.

He was very suspicious that it was Feng Xiaotian who informed the enemy about the situation of the logistics supply line in exchange for the opportunity for him to escape. It is not even ruled out that Feng Xiaotian has betrayed the Star Luo Empire under the coercion and inducement of the enemy.

Ge Hang said vaguely: "The situation is as you can see. Besides, you can see that all the soldiers have eaten?"

He didn't say it clearly, but Feng Xiaotian could already make a rough guess from his words and the offensive formation laid out on the sand table.

But he did not continue to ask, but took the initiative to ask Ying, "General, last time it was because of my improper handling that the army's food and grass were cut off. This time, please let me lead the troops to attack Yun City."

Hearing this, Ge Hang felt a little surprised.

He thought of ten thousand words for Feng Xiaotian to tell him about the situation, but he never expected that he would come here to take the initiative to lead troops.

He single-handedly promoted Feng Xiaotian, and he didn't want to believe that he would surrender to the enemy. This time is also an opportunity to test. If Feng Xiaotian bravely kills the soldiers of the Tiandou Empire in the battle with Izumo City, it will prove that he has no problem.

Thinking of this, Ge Hang patted the other party's shoulder and said: "Arthur, I believe in your ability. This time, let you take the blame and make meritorious service. If you can be the first to climb the wall of Izumo City, then the previous criminals will I can let go of your mistakes, and I will also give you additional rewards.”

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Feng Xiaotian quickly agreed.

Han Yu had already sent him news that the guards in Izumo City were about to withdraw. If he can take the opportunity to make military exploits, he will definitely gain more trust. Only then would he have the opportunity to investigate the situation of the forces on Lake Center Island.

"General, when are we going to launch an siege? I'm going to select the troops now." Feng Xiaotian asked hurriedly.

Ge Hang smiled and said: "Don't worry, you are the vanguard this time. I will let you lead 3,000 people. Now, I will take you to select the troops. If we want to attack the city, you should be ready and wait for my order at any time." ”

Of course Feng Xiaotian understands that the whole show must be complete. He and Ge Hang were walking in the military camp. While selecting men and horses, he quickly spread his mental energy, trying to find any clues.

Soon, his mental energy discovered that a group of people dressed as farmers were pushing the goods transported on the carriage into the granary in the military camp.

Feng Xiaotian suddenly understood that the farmer's carriage was transporting grain and grass. However, the amount of food transported by a carriage was limited, and it was simply not enough for every soldier to eat rice.

But when the farmer led the empty cart out, Feng Xiaotian finally noticed something unusual.

The farmer's figure was too burly. At first he thought it was because he wore too many clothes, but upon closer inspection, he found that his figure was not held up by his clothes.

Feng Xiaotian immediately guessed a possibility. The Star Luo Empire asked soldiers to pretend to be fleeing farmers, and then took the opportunity to deliver grain and grass to the military camp.

Next, he kept paying attention to the situation in the military camp. Within half an hour, many "farmers" pulled carriages and entered the military camp, and their destination, without exception, was the granary.

Now, he finally understood where the food came from.

"Arthur, now that everyone has been gathered. You go back to the camp to rest. When it is time to attack the city, I will send someone to call you." Ge Hang patted his shoulder and said.

Feng Xiaotian didn't show any clues, so he responded and quickly returned to the camp.

Although these "farmers" transport a small amount of grain and grass in a single trip, they cannot handle the large number of them. And as the target becomes smaller, it is difficult for the soul master team to find their traces.

Coupled with the fact that their identities were concealed, it was impossible for the soul master team to attack real farmers.

Time soon came to night, and just when Feng Xiaotian was thinking about how to send the news to Zhu Zhuqing, she took the initiative to come to her door.

With the cover of the night, it would be difficult for ordinary titled Douluo to detect Zhu Zhuqing's traces, let alone these ordinary soldiers.

"You came at the right time." Feng Xiaotian smiled hoarsely.

The purpose of Zhu Zhuqing's coming here was naturally to ask about food and grass. Only when she heard Feng Xiaotian's words did she react.

"No wonder there are so many fleeing 'farmers' on the road. Damn it, we didn't expect it." Zhu Zhuqing said solemnly.

Feng Xiaotian explained, "It's not too late to know now, but we don't rule out that there are real farmers among them. You should be more careful when doing it to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Zhu Zhuqing got the news and left quickly without staying in the camp.

Late at night, inside Izumo Castle.

Ou Yajia and Chen Li gathered most of the soldiers defending the city in front of the city lord's mansion.

Chen Li said loudly: "Fellow soldiers, we have received your Majesty's order to evacuate Chuyun City and rush to Jialing Pass as quickly as possible."

In order to prevent their retreat route from being known to outsiders, they spent more than a month. In a direction that the Xingluo army could not encircle, a retreat channel was dug for them to evacuate.

"Wang Jia's team stayed behind and the rest of them evacuated with me. Remember, we don't need to be fast, but we must not make unnecessary noise, and we must not be discovered by the enemy."

Retreating is also a test for them. If all these more than 30,000 soldiers are brought to Jialing Pass, it will definitely be a great achievement for Chen Li.

Chen Li led the people to evacuate in an orderly manner, while Wang Jia's team stationed on the city wall quickly pulled the dummy prepared in advance onto the city wall. They took off their armor and put it all on the dummies. With the cover of the night, it was difficult for people outside the city to tell whether it was true or false.

After doing all this, these soldiers descended from the city wall one after another and evacuated Izumo City.

The Xingluo army surrounding Izumo City did not expect that the other party would choose to abandon the city and escape, let alone know that Izumo City was now an empty city.

After Chen Li led his people ten miles forward, Wang Jia's team arrived to meet them in just half an hour.

"Haha, General Chen, it seems that you are going to be promoted this time." Ouyang Jia said with a laugh.

"Both of us can't say whether Ouyang City Lord will have a chance to serve as governor after the empire wins." Chen Li responded. (End of chapter)

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