Tang Xiao saw Dai Mubai's doubts and added: "Everyone in Nanyun City was killed. Who knows the true appearance of the murderer? Even if he commits another crime again, we can completely attribute it to others imitating the crime, or directly attribute it to someone else imitating the crime. The responsibility lies with Tiandou Empire.”

If the Star Luo Empire wants to launch a continental war, it must have an impeccable reason.

If the Tiandou Empire sent people to massacre the cities of the Star Luo Empire, no matter whether it was true or not, as long as they insisted, the war mood in the entire empire would be aroused immediately.

After all, those kingdoms did not break up, and they had no choice but to respond to the empire's call and send troops to attack the Tiandou Empire.

This is definitely a good strategy to kill two birds with one stone.

Dai Mubai felt something was wrong and simply asked: "Does Sect Master Tang have any other methods? If multiple methods are used, perhaps this matter can be eliminated more effectively."

Of course Tang Xiao knew Dai Mubai's urine properties.

Dai Mubai clung to the hard-won throne for fear of being snatched away.

Tang Xiao smiled and said: "This is not simple. If we launch a war now, this incident will be enough to outweigh the impact of Nanyun City."

Dai Mubai quickly refused, "No, no, Xiao San's hidden weapon is not ready yet. If a war starts now, countless soldiers of the empire will be killed or injured."

In fact, the military quality of the Star Luo Empire is very strong, especially when Dai Tianfeng was in power, he implemented reforms within the army many times. Nowadays, it is not difficult for a soldier from the Star Luo Empire to defeat three soldiers from the Tiandou Empire with his strong tactical skills.

Especially with the help of Haotian Sect, it is not a problem to win multiple victories in a short period of time.

Of course Tang Xiao knew that Dai Mubai did not dare to fight an uncertain battle. He smiled and said: "Mubai, just follow my first method and issue an announcement to the entire continent. Soon, Xiao San will also come to Xingluo Palace. Let Xiaosan report to you about the hidden weapons."

Dai Mubai had no better way, so he had to adopt Tang Xiao's advice.

However, Dai Mubai directly pinned the shit basin on the Tiandou Empire, saying that it was the strong man they arranged a long time ago who lurked into the Star Luo Empire, and this caused the tragedy in Nanyun City.

To this end, Dai Mubai also pulled out several "witnesses" to condemn Xue Qinghe's actions and asked them to pay compensation.

Of course Xue Qinghe refused to admit it. If their Tiandou Empire really had their own powerful Titled Douluo, it would be too late to stay in the empire as a treasure. How could they send them out to do such an evil thing?

The war between the two empires is getting more and more intense, and it is difficult to tell the winner. Everyone knows that this is likely to become the trigger of war.

On this day, Tang San rushed to Xingluo Palace.

"Xiao San, long time no see, your aura has improved a lot. It seems that you are not far away from the title Douluo." Dai Mubai smiled and stepped forward to greet him.

Tang San didn't give him any face, and even snorted coldly: "Mubai, you've been lazy these days and your soul power hasn't improved at all. How can this be okay? Don't forget, you still have the eighth test to finish. You should Know the consequences of failing the assessment.”

As the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai was a person above tens of millions of people. At this moment, facing Tang San's criticism, he actually listened to it with an open mind, without any displeasure on his face.

If seen by outsiders, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the most cowardly Emperor of Xingluo.

But to Dai Mubai, all this didn't matter. As long as he has the support of Haotian Sect, he can always sit in this position and enjoy himself as much as he wants. What's wrong with being scolded? Compared with the emperor's life, this is just drizzle. At worst, just find some excuse and vent your anger on those servants.

In the study, Tang Xiao from the Haotian Sect and Tang San from the Tang Sect sat side by side in front of Dai Mubai.

"Uncle, Tang Clan's hidden weapons are currently capable of arming an army of 200,000 people." Tang San said.

Of course, the army's equipment cannot be equipped with a complete set of hidden weapons. The Zhuge Divine Crossbow, which is more difficult to make, has a very small quota, with about two per thousand people. The most numerous ones are of course the silent sleeve arrows which are easy to carry and easy to make.

"Xiao San, have the hidden weapons been handed over to the army?" Dai Mubai looked happy and asked quickly.

In the scolding war these days, Xue Qinghe often scolded him for having improper origins of the throne. He was holding back his anger and had long wanted to teach Xue Qinghe a lesson. When the Xingluo Iron Cavalry breaks through the Tiandou Imperial Palace, he will definitely make Xue Qinghe look good.

Tang San smiled charmingly, "Don't worry, Mubai, the hidden weapons have been handed over to the Tang Sect disciples and Haotian Sect disciples to send to the front line."

Tang Xiao added: "Currently, among the soldiers on the front line, there are ten outer sect elders at the Soul Saint level of our Haotian Sect. Even if the Tiandou Empire brings out the powerful Soul Douluo, they will not get any benefits."

"As for the Wuhun Palace, we are not declaring war for the time being. They are located between the two empires. Our first attack target cannot be too close to them to avoid their early demise."

Dai Mubai couldn't help but ask, "But if we don't solve the Wuhun Palace, we won't be able to unify the continent."

Tang San smiled evilly and said: "Mubai, don't forget, you and I are both test takers for the Rakshasa God. When your test is completed, your strength will definitely reach the level of a titled Douluo. Not to mention, once I inherit Who in the entire continent can rival the Rakshasa God?"

God, that is a being above the Ultimate Douluo. So what if there were Qian Daoliu in Wuhun Palace? Facing the extremely powerful Rakshasa God, he would only be killed.

Tang Xiao looked at Tang San, his eyes becoming more and more satisfied.

To say that Tang Chen brought the Haotian Sect to the top of the continent, then Tang San in front of him would lead the Haotian Sect to usher in a new era.

As for Dai Mubai, the puppet emperor, there is no need to exist in the future. With his virtue, is he worthy of becoming the future leader of the mainland? According to Tang Xiao, Tang San should be the co-leader of this continent. In the future, this Douluo Continent will also be the continent of the Haotian Sect, and it is not impossible to even change its name to "Haotian Continent".

"Xiaosan, I'm worried too much. Now, Sect Master Tang, do you think when is the appropriate time to start the war? In our Star Luo Empire, when should we inform the ministers about the matter." Dai Mubai asked.

Now, Dai Mubai has stopped going to court. The ministers' reports were all sent to the cabinet, which then approved them uniformly. In this case, why care about the opinions of these ministers.

Tang Xiao snorted coldly: "Mubai, don't forget, you are the emperor. Why do you need to seek the opinions of those ministers when you make a decision? Anyone who disagrees will be killed. As for this battle, wait for Xiao San All the hidden weapons are delivered to the army, and the moment they are armed, we will declare war on the Tiandou Empire. "

"In this case, it all depends on the instructions of Sect Master Tang!"

Looking at Dai Mubai's performance, Tang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, "Mubai, you should practice hard these days, and don't delay the mistress's assessment because of your laziness."


After leaving Canaan City, Feng Xiaotian quickly came to the Star Luo Empire.

In order to prepare for the coming war, the Star Luo Empire recruited soldiers.

Han Yu said that the forces in the center of the lake may be hidden in the army. Feng Xiaotian thought of this and signed up to become a soldier of the Star Luo Empire.

Afterwards, in several competitions within the army, Feng Xiaotian defeated many powerful enemies in succession without using his martial spirit, and finally gained the favor of the army's top brass and became a young general in the army.

Of course, he did not intend to lead the Star Luo Empire's army to invade the Tiandou Empire. After becoming a general, he also had access to many orders from high-level officials.

With the convenience of his position, he sent the news to Han Yu through the communication soul guide.

However, at present, there is no movement in his army and it is still in training mode.

"Arthur, there will be an important meeting later, and the general is calling us over." A burly man in armor said.

Arthur is Feng Xiaotian’s pseudonym.

Feng Xiaotian was overjoyed. After his arrival, the general had never held a meeting like this. It must have been related to the war.

In response, he quickly rushed to the fortress of Huxiao Pass.

As soon as he boarded the fortress, he immediately discovered that there were originally no defensive weapons on the fortress, but today, there were three hundred strung crossbows set up on the fortress.

"It seems that war is really coming."

Soon after, Feng Xiaotian entered the conference room. After all the generals were seated, the general finally appeared.

This general is none other than the second elder of Haotian Sect.

All these 200,000 troops were managed by him.

"Soldiers, the Tiandou Empire massacred Nanyun City and refused to apologize. It also insulted our Emperor. As the most loyal soldiers of the empire, we must defend the dignity and honor of the empire."

These words were simply ridiculous in Feng Xiaotian's ears.

Regarding the murderer in Nanyun City, he had already been killed by his teacher. Besides, the attacker was Ma Hongjun from the Shrek Seven Monsters. He was also Dai Mubai's brother. Calculated, the massacre in Nanyun City had something to do with him, Dai Mubai.

It was outrageous enough to put the responsibility on the Tiandou Empire, but I didn't expect that they would use this as an excuse to launch a war against the Tiandou Empire.

However, he was just a young general and could only sit at the end of the conference room. The second elder did not notice anything strange about him.

As the words fell, each of these generals seemed to be in a state of excitement, each one clamoring to be the first to fight.

Seeing that the atmosphere had reached its peak, the second elder quickly announced: "Your Majesty is sympathetic to our frontline soldiers. For this reason, he has specially distributed countless powerful weapons to us. Later, you will organize your manpower and go to the logistics officer to collect it. No one will We must ensure that every soldier is equipped with the weapons sent by His Majesty."

Next, the second elder mobilized for a while, and then the meeting ended. As for the burden of spearheading the battle, it fell on the army led by Ge Hang, who was the direct commander of Feng Xiaotian (Arthur).

Feng Xiaotian also wanted to see how shameless the people in the Star Luo Empire could be.

After the meeting, Feng Xiaotian was the first to receive the weapons.

These were the hidden weapons provided by the Tang Sect. Feng Xiaotian tested the power of the hidden weapons, and his face suddenly became extremely solemn.

If this was used on the battlefield, I am afraid that only a well-trained army of soul masters would be able to withstand this hidden weapon.

Of course, not all of these hidden weapons are of high quality. In the Tang Sect, only the hidden weapons made by the Li clan can barely exert their full power.

Those other families are not blacksmith families in the first place. Among the hidden weapons they forge, there are many defective items. Either the power is insufficient, or the range is insufficient, and some hidden weapons cannot even fire.

But after all, defective products will not account for the majority. When the war starts, the Tiandou Empire will undoubtedly be defeated, and even the battle loss ratio will be astonishingly high.

Feng Xiaotian quickly reported the news to Han Yu, and the reply he received was that he should continue to stay in the army, pay attention to the movements of the Star Luo Empire army, and also see if there were any minions of the Lake Island forces in the army.

As for the Tiandou Empire, they had not stationed troops on the border to begin with. Moreover, Xue Qinghe also ordered that once the enemy came fiercely, they could directly abandon the city.

"Arthur, this is a good thing, why are you looking so sad?" Ge Hang noticed his expression and hurriedly came over to ask.

In his eyes, Arthur behaved like this because he was too young and had not experienced the cruelty of war.

Feng Xiaotian quickly replied: "General Ge, it's nothing, I'm just thinking about tactics."

Ge Hang didn't take it seriously and said: "Haha, as for those idiots in the Tiandou Empire, as long as our army presses on the border, they will be defeated immediately, so why are there any tactics? Besides, the weapons your Majesty has equipped us with are not as good as those crooked melons in the Tiandou Empire. Dates are not worth mentioning at all.”

If he hadn't been worried about his plan being exposed, he would have even thought that he could capture a border city of the Tiandou Empire with zero casualties.

In the evening of that day, Ge Hang summoned his five thousand troops and came to the top of the mountain ten miles away from Huangshi City.

Huangshi City is the border city between Tiandou and Xingluo, and it is also the military center of the Tiandou Empire. After taking this place, you can quickly invade the four nearby cities.

At the beginning of the war, of course they needed to win a beautiful battle to accumulate considerable military exploits.

"Arthur, Qi Tie, you each bring a small team of troops and follow me there." Ge Hang said.

Qi Tie's expression changed slightly and he continued: "General, there are at least 20,000 defenders in Huangshi City. Our two teams cannot take them down."

The two teams, plus their three generals, totaled forty-three people.

The enemy's strength may be five hundred times theirs. Isn't this a way to die?

Even Feng Xiaotian couldn't help but frown. With the strength of his title Douluo, even a hundred thousand troops could not do anything to him. But the Ge Hang in front of me didn't know his true strength.

I saw Ge Hang vowing: "Haha, you use your brain to fight, not just rely on manpower. Lieutenant General Wang Han, wait here. When I send out the signal bomb, you will immediately lead the army and follow me to attack the city."

With that said, Ge Hang led them to Huangshi City without giving Qi Tie a chance to speak again.

The gate of Yellowstone City has long been closed, and the towering city walls are filled with soldiers holding crossbows.

Looking at the forty or so Star Luo Empire soldiers and horses, they wanted to shoot them, but were stopped by the general guarding the city.

"There are more than forty people, what's there to be afraid of? Is it possible that with just these few people, we want to take down Yellowstone City." The general who defended the city said with a cold snort.

Of course the soldiers couldn't refute it, after all, this was the truth.

Xiao Se turned around and shouted towards Ge Hang below the city: "What are you people from the Star Luo Empire doing here? If you want to attack the city, you've come to the wrong place!" (End of Chapter)

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