According to the memory in Ma Hongjun's mind, Evil Fire quickly found the location of Canaan City.

He was not in a hurry to enter the city, but observed the situation inside the city from outside the city.

Normally, a city has towering walls and many patrolling soldiers. But Canaan City is very different. The city wall here is only three stories high. Any soul master with a soul master or above can easily jump over the city wall.

But how did he know that the role of Canaan City was not a war fortress, and there were many strong men in the city. Even if a large army came to the city, they might not be able to climb over this "short" city wall.

In addition, it can be clearly seen outside the city that there are many tall buildings in Canaan City.

Xiehuo had never seen this scene before, and was attracted by it on the spot.

"Damn, is this guy so rich? It would be a pity if such a tall building was destroyed."

At this moment, he already wanted to take this city as his own. He, who had no experience, was of course very surprised by this place.

Xie Huo was not in a hurry to attack. He used his mental power to sense the city, hoping to quickly find out the high-end combat power in the city and murder them as soon as possible.

At the same time, Han Yu in the city almost laughed out loud.

"It's really Ma Hongjun. This aura belongs to an old friend."

His spiritual thoughts have long surpassed the evil fire. Although the other party cannot detect him, he can know the other party's whereabouts like the palm of his hand.

Han Yu didn't originally use his mental power to search around the city, but the moment Xie Huo's mental fluctuations appeared, it was hard for him not to notice.

Then everything makes sense.

The evil fire took over Ma Hongjun's body, and he immediately wanted to take revenge on himself. As for Nanyun City, there is no need to think about it, it must be the evil fire. After all, no one else is so crazy except him.

Han Yu also didn't want to see Canaan City suffer from war, so with a thought in his mind, he arrived outside the city.

After exploring the situation in the city, Xie Huo raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Canaan City is really good. It actually has three titled Douluo. But it's a pity that you can only crouch at the feet of this god."

The three titled Douluo were a force that could not be ignored anywhere on the continent, but to Xie Huo, that was all. Since Han Yu had offended him, all supporters of Han Yu in Canaan City must be prepared to die.

He just did what he said, he twisted his neck, and just as he was about to rush into Canaan City, a joking voice came, "Hey, you are really a rare visitor. Shouldn't I treat you well when you come to Canaan City so late? Ichiban?”

Xiehuo's expression tightened. In his perception, there was no outsider aura around him. Then, the owner of this voice is either very good at disguise, or is stronger than him.

No matter which one it is, he must pay attention to it.

Turning around suddenly, he saw a figure that he found extremely annoying, emerging in mid-air.

"Han Yu, I didn't expect you to come to my door. It's just the right time to save me from looking for you." Xiehuo licked the corners of his mouth with a cheeky smile in his eyes.

Han Yu ignored his trash talk and asked calmly: "Should I call you Ma Hongjun, or Xiehuo?"

Xiehuo didn't care. After all, Han Yu was already dead in his eyes, and it didn't matter what he called him.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Han Yu was not angry and continued: "I don't know if you can see Ma Hongjun's memory. If you can, you should be able to remember the pill I gave Ma Hongjun back then."

Of course, Han Yu did not leave a "back door" for this elixir. After all, Ma Hongjun was not worthy of his attention.

Originally, he had forgotten about this matter, but when he came closer, the Yin and Yang flames and the flame of life had repaired Ma Hongjun's body, and there was still a little bit left. As soon as the original fire came close, the remaining flame breath in his body immediately regained its activity. .

"This!" Xie Huo's eyes twitched.

He could see Ma Hongjun's memory, and this memory was one of the most important in Ma Hongjun's mind. He had already experienced the power of Han Yu's strange flames.

Now that the opponent's flame remains in the body, wouldn't it mean that half of one's life is in the opponent's hands?

Xie Huo secretly cursed Ma Hongjun as a fool. How could he eat food given by a stranger?

It's too late to say anything now. Since he chose to occupy Ma Hongjun's body, he should bear this threat.

But soon, a smile appeared on Xie Huo's face. The body belongs to Ma Hongjun, what does it have to do with him? Now that he has regained his former strength, as long as he kills Han Yu and takes over his body, it will be a huge opportunity for him.

In the battle later, if Ma Hongjun's body is damaged, just damage it. Anyway, he can abandon it at any time.

Thinking of this, Xie Huo became active, and a red-black flame appeared in his palm. When he was about to launch an attack, the flame in his hand suddenly went mute.

Next, no matter how hard he tried, the flame in his hand was swallowed up by an invisible force as soon as it emerged!

"What did you do to me!" Xie Huo was shocked and asked Han Yu loudly.

Han Yu was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot. Just when the opponent was thinking about how to defeat him, he had already controlled the void swallowing fire to swallow up this space.

With the cover of darkness, the distracted evil fire could not notice it at all.

After all, his opponent was a god-level powerhouse, and Han Yu did not want the aftermath of the battle to affect Canaan City. But now it seems that the opponent may not be a match for him, and his happiness is simply in vain.

Xie Huo followed the direction of Han Yu's finger and looked back.

I saw that what was originally the majestic Canaan City behind him was now turned into a dark empty space.

"With space soul skills, you have also reached the god level?" Xie Huo looked ugly.

A mere divine thought, no matter how powerful it is, is no match for a real god.

Han Yu didn't give him a chance to speak. He simply snapped his fingers, and the Void Swallowing Flame enveloped him.

Han Yu didn't even bother to touch the flames of life and the twin flames of yin and yang in Xie Huo's body. This guy was no match for him in the beginning, and even less so now.

To deal with a piece of garbage, just do it in one step and let the Void Swallowing Flame devour it without even bothering to clean up the corpse.

"Han Yu, wait for me, I will definitely make you pay the price." Xiehuo said harshly, and his spiritual thoughts emerged from Ma Hongjun's body and quickly escaped into the distance.

"This guy hasn't figured out his situation yet!" Han Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

Brother, this is the alien fire space of the Void Devouring Flame. Unless I take the initiative to let you out, can you escape?

The only one who can forcefully break through the void and swallow the flames is probably Emperor Yan.

Glancing at Ma Hongjun's body, Han Yu waved his hand and the powerful flames instantly engulfed it.

This guy was miserable. Not only was he bewitched by the evil fire, but his body was also taken over by him, and he lost his life in the end.

If he hadn't been bewitched by Yu Xiaogang and Tang San and chosen to stay with Flanders. Based on Flanders' protective character, he has probably already married and had children. Although he may not be able to surpass Flanders in strength in the future, he will at least have a good death.

From the moment he chose to join forces with Tang San, his end was already doomed. But Yu Xiaogang and Tang San have never looked at him directly.

Han Yu stood there, and with a thought, the space on the evil fire's escape path quickly folded, and in an instant he appeared in front of Han Yu.

"You, it's impossible, this is impossible, you are not the God of Space, how can you control space so exquisitely." Xie Huo kept shouting without caring about his face.

"It's very simple. This is the space I created, and here I am the God of Creation!" Han Yu explained lightly.

The next second, the sky was filled with sea of ​​flames and the evil fire was enveloped.

At this point, the culprit who massacred Nanyun City was completely wiped out.

Back in Canaan City, everything in the city was going on in an orderly manner. The crowds coming and going in the night market all had smiles on their faces.

Nowadays, Tiandou City has implemented a curfew, and the news of Nanyun City's destruction has made people panic. Many nobles from Tiandou City have come to Canaan City to enjoy the beauty of the night market. At the same time, these people are also rushing to take refuge here. idea.

On the surface, there are two titled Douluo guarding the city, and everyone knows that the flames of war cannot burn this place.

While enjoying the tranquility, Han Yu casually sat in front of a barbecue stall and ate barbecue.

Since he didn't appear many times in the city, and the store was newly opened, the owner didn't recognize him and just regarded him as an ordinary customer.

"Teacher, why are you having barbecue here?" Feng Xiaotian was patrolling the city and happened to meet Han Yu, so he came over to say hello.

"Xiaotian, you're here just in time. Let's sit down and have a midnight snack." Han Yu invited with a smile.

Feng Xiaotian scratched his head, "Teacher, I still have to patrol, if that lunatic..."

Han Yu said, "We've already been here."

"Ah?" Feng Xiaotian was surprised at first. Seeing Han Yu sitting here with a calm expression, he seemed to understand what was going on.

"Teacher, have you solved it?"

Han Yu did not deny it, "To be honest, we are still acquaintances. However, all this is in the past. Xiaotian, when you have midnight snacks, just eat well. If you have anything to do, we can talk about it later."

The threat has been removed, and he really doesn't need to worry about anything anymore.

Barbecue was originally promoted by Han Yu. It has been developed for a long time and has been improved by countless people. Some of the special spices from Douluo Continent have been integrated into it, making it taste even better than before.

The two of them ate until late at night, and when the store was closing the stall, they reluctantly ended the supper.

After all, Feng Xiaotian and Han Yu were both strong men. The food in their bodies would soon turn into pure energy, so they were not overstuffed.

Soon after, Han Yu took him to the office of the city hall.

"Xiaotian, you have also felt the tranquility in the night market. What are your thoughts?" Han Yu asked.

Of course Feng Xiaotian understood his teacher's original intention of establishing Canaan City, which was to let everyone on the continent live a comfortable life. Canaan City can be regarded as a pilot city for reform.

Nowadays, due to some unfounded news from the outside world, many people have flocked to Canaan City. Isn't it just for this peace?

"Teacher, if there was no war, perhaps everyone on the continent could live such a peaceful life."

Han Yu shook his head, "The premise of tranquility is that there is no oppression. The two empires will only protect the interests of the nobility. So I think, let the two empires become history and establish a society where ordinary people are the masters of the country. Maybe this tranquility will Open all over the continent.”

Feng Xiaotian finally understood that his teacher wanted to eliminate the two empires at the same time.

But he had no doubt that he could do it with his teacher's abilities.

"Teacher, if we must do this, then the best time for us is after the Star Luo Empire launches a war." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Well, Xiaotian, since there is nothing going on in the city. I will assign you a task. You must find a way to sneak into the Star Luo Empire's army and find the base camp of the Lake Center Island forces. They are always an unstable factor. Before the mainland is unified, , they must be removed.”

"Teacher, don't worry, I will find a way to find it." After saying that, Feng Xiaotian quickly left Canaan City.

According to Han Yu's plan, he went to the Star Luo Empire.

Han Yu only informed Wuhun Palace of the news that the evil fire was extinguished, but did not announce the news.

A month passed quickly. As the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai saw that he could not catch the murderer, and his authority was challenged as never before.

Several kingdoms belonging to the Star Luo Empire, seeing this fatuous emperor, immediately became interested in rebellion and planned to take advantage of this opportunity to become independent from the Star Luo Empire.

These kingdoms were originally founded as outposts of war. They are located at the junction of the two empires. Once a war breaks out, they will inevitably need to send troops to resist or attack the Tiandou Empire.

Of course they are not willing to do things that involve bleeding, sweating, and being unpleasant. When Dai Tianfeng was in power, they were afraid of Dai Tianfeng's majesty and did not dare to be angry.

But today is different from the past. Dai Mubai couldn't even catch a murderer who massacred the city, so he still wanted to "catch" the kings of these kingdoms?

Dai Mubai, who knew all this, was naturally extremely anxious. He did not want problems to arise within their Star Luo Empire before the war started. At that time, I am afraid that he will have to divide his troops to face the provocations of these kingdoms.

While he was in a state of distress, Tang Xiao rushed to the palace.

"Sect Master Tang, please come quickly." Dai Mubai seemed to have seen a savior and quickly invited Tang Xiao to the study.

Tang Xiao was naturally recalled by him to solve the current trouble.

Tang Xiao said calmly: "Mubai, you are the king of a country, how can you behave like this?"

Dai Mubai smiled awkwardly. It was true that he was the emperor, but he had not learned from Dai Tianfeng how to deal with important affairs of the empire since he was a child. With no experience and no one to teach him, he was like a headless fly at the moment, only spinning in circles.

After a pause, Tang Xiao continued: "Since the murderer has not committed another murder in a short period of time, why can't we pull out a scapegoat first and solve the immediate trouble first?"

Dai Mubai had considered this matter. But judging from the investigators he sent out, the murderer must be very cunning. If he executed the "murderer" on the front foot and the real murderer continued to commit crimes, wouldn't his prestige be wiped out overnight? (End of chapter)

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