Ge Hang calmly dismounted his horse and responded with a smile: "General Xiao, we are not here to attack the city. On the contrary, we are here to surrender."


Even Feng Xiaotian couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

This Ge Hang is a fanatical war fighter from the Star Luo Empire. Will he defect to the Tiandou Empire? This is obviously impossible.

Feng Xiaotian immediately thought of a possibility. Ge Hang had the strength of the Soul Saint. He might very well capture Xiao Se after entering Huangshi City under the pretext of surrender. By then, the Xingluo Empire's army would effortlessly capture him. Yellowstone City can be taken.

For some reason, Xiao Se believed Ge Hang's surrender without even asking. He immediately ordered the city gates to be opened and welcomed them into the city.

"Are all the current city-defending generals so brainless?" Feng Xiaotian couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he still followed Ge Hang into the city with a smile on his face.

Xiao Se walked down the city wall and immediately took them to the command post.

"Brother Ge, you are finally here." There were no outsiders around, and Xiao Se's attitude became extremely flattering, as if he was the one who surrendered.

No, he has rebelled.

Feng Xiaotian's heart tightened. All the generals who defended Yellowstone City had rebelled. Wouldn't it be easy for the Star Luo Empire to capture this military fortress?

"Brother Xiao, you have worked hard in the Tiandou Empire these years. I wonder how many soldiers and horses there are in the city now?" Ge Hang asked with a smile.

Xiao Se sighed, "Originally, the Tiandou Empire stationed 30,000 soldiers and horses here, but for some reason, 27,000 of them were transferred last month, leaving only 3,000 soldiers guarding the city!"

"Three thousand!" Ge Hang stood up suddenly.

Suddenly, he laughed and said: "It seems that Xue Qinghe has given up on Huangshi City on his own initiative. Brother Xiao, are you exposed?"

Xiao Se explained helplessly: "The empire has transferred all those troops to the Kingdom of Barak. Furthermore, if I were exposed, I would have been captured by those nobles, so how could I stay here."

This Xiao Se had accepted Ge Hang's benefits many years ago and had already surrendered to the Star Luo Empire.

Feng Xiaotian understood that this decision was most likely suggested by his teacher. After all, the military strength of the Star Luo Empire far exceeds that of the Tiandou Empire. Fighting with them from the beginning of the war will only be a waste of vitality.

But in Ge Hang's eyes, he didn't think so. "It seems that Xue Qinghe thought that we would start the war from the Balak Kingdom. But it's okay, there are probably not many guards in the nearby cities."

"Brother Xiao, have your people been arranged? My troops will enter the city later, but they cannot be attacked by you."

Xiao Se smiled evilly, and the next moment, there were sounds of fighting on the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, the city gate that was supposed to be closed was pushed open.

Ge Hang was very satisfied with Xiao Se's approach, and immediately fired a signal flare, and his five thousand troops entered the city after hearing the news.

"Brother Xiao, you will be one of my lieutenants from now on. If you work hard, you will have the chance to become a general in the future." Ge Hang said with a satisfied look.

Xiao Se smiled flatteringly and said: "Brother Ge, don't worry, I will go through fire and water for you, no matter what."

Feng Xiaotian disagreed with these words. This Xiao Se is completely spineless, and you still expect him to fight the enemy in battle? It would be great if he didn't run away from the battle.

Soon after, Ge Hang's troops captured Huangshi City without bloodshed.

As for the original defenders, all those who were unwilling to surrender were killed by them. Those who are willing to surrender will serve as advance cannon fodder in the next battle!

The news of the fall of Huangshi City and the news of the Star Luo Empire declaring war on the Tiandou Empire swept across the continent at the same time.

The reason given by the Star Luo Empire was very simple. The strong men of the Tiandou Empire massacred Nanyun City of the Star Luo Empire. Not only did Tiandou Emperor Xue Qinghe not actively cooperate with the matter, but he openly complained to the Star Luo Empire.

As the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai should seek justice for the tens of thousands of innocent people in Nanyun City.

This reason seemed absurd, but the statement he made earlier made the civilians of the Star Luo Empire think that the massacre was the work of the Tiandou Empire. Now, Dai Mubai took advantage of the situation to declare war. In their eyes, it was just a matter of reputation.

In the Tiandou Empire's court, because the war had begun, Xue Qinghe invited Han Yu over according to the request of Wuhun Palace to act as the empire's spokesperson.

"Absurd, simply ridiculous!" Many ministers of the Tiandou Empire were furious.

"My dear friends, don't get confused. We should come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible!" Xue Qinghe said to calm everyone.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to lead one hundred thousand troops to fight to the death with the Star Luo Empire." Marshal Ge Long stood up and said.

He was the most senior general in the Tiandou Empire. Although he knew that Xue Qinghe's throne had an illegitimate origin, he never made any accusations or betrayed him.

He only serves the Tiandou Empire, and many of Xue Qinghe's policies after taking office are in favor of the common people, which is completely in line with his interests.

Xue Qinghe smiled lightly, "Marshal Ge Long, I have no objection to you leading an attack, but the Star Luo Empire has a total of 200,000 troops, and you only have 100,000 troops. Can you defeat them?"

After all, Ge Long was in Tiandou City, and he had limited knowledge of the news on the border.

Moreover, the Xingluo Empire's armies were all equipped with Tang San's hidden weapons, and many soul masters were mixed into the ranks. The Tiandou Empire's 100,000 troops would be good if they could destroy the opponent's 10,000 troops.

There is even a risk of Gelong being killed in battle.

For the Tiandou Empire, Ge Long was the backbone of the empire's soldiers. If he died on the battlefield, the Tiandou Empire's military morale would collapse.

According to the news from Feng Xiaotian, the general of the Xingluo Empire commanding the 200,000-strong army was the second elder of the Haotian Sect. In terms of tactical literacy, he may not be as good as Ge Long, but if it is a one-on-one fight, how can Ge Long, who only has the strength of Contra, be his opponent?

"Your Majesty, are you serious about this?" Ge Long looked strange.

He didn't even know the enemy's strength. How could Xue Qinghe, who was in the palace, know?

Of course, he would not speculate on Xue Qinghe's thoughts, and would only assume that it was provided by Han Yu.

"Today, I summon all my dear friends to come here. Firstly, it is for the upcoming war; secondly, I want to announce that from today on, Dean Han will be the imperial advisor. From now on, all arrangements for the war will be made. It will all be planned by the National Master.”

"What!" The ministers were surprised.

Han Yu didn't want to be a national advisor, but if he didn't have an official position in the empire, it would be impossible to mobilize the army.

The position of national master is second only to the emperor. It is an existence below one person and above tens of thousands of people.

Of course Ge Long was not convinced. He knew that Han Yu's personal strength was very strong, even much stronger than him, but personal courage did not mean that he would lead troops to fight.

Moreover, the position of National Preceptor will not leave Tiandou City under normal circumstances. In this way, can he command the soldiers on the front line well? If there is a mistake in command, the soldiers of the Tiandou Empire will bleed.

"Your Majesty, please take back your order. I am willing to defend the empire from the invasion of the Star Luo Empire. If I cannot resist the invasion of the Star Luo Empire, I am willing to die to apologize!"

Ge Long issued a military order, making it clear that he was determined not to let Han Yu command the war.

Han Yu, who had been silent until now, slowly said: "Marshal Ge Long, Huangshi City has fallen, and next are the three cities behind. If I remember correctly, the total number of soldiers guarding the cities in those three cities combined It’s only 10,000. Even if you gather 200,000 troops and set out now, by the time you get there, the four cities of Huangshi will have already fallen.”

Ge Long retorted: "The military forces of the Balak Kingdom will assist us in retaking the Yellow Sicheng."

"No." The speaker was Xue Qinghe, "I have given an order that the Balak Kingdom must defend its territory and will never support other places!"

"Your Majesty, this..." Ge Long was dumbfounded.

The army of the Balak Kingdom has always been the most powerful army of the Tiandou Empire. Without their assistance, how can it resist the Star Luo Empire?

Han Yu said: "Our preparations are far less than those of the Star Luo Empire. If we fight with them, we will only lose the empire's elite power. Marshal Ge Long, retain enough effective strength, so that we can have a chance to counterattack Star Luo later." Empire. They can feed war with war, but we can’t.”

"If the elite of the empire are wiped out at the beginning of the war, then even if there is a chance to counterattack later, it will still be difficult for us to recover all the land."

Of course Ge Long understands the truth behind this. They can indeed shrink strategically, but the people may not buy it. When the time comes, those merchants will turn around and join the Star Luo Empire and help fund their wars, then their Tiandou Empire will be in danger.

Han Yu smiled faintly and continued: "Marshal Ge Long, we are not doing nothing. We can send out a team of ten elite soul masters to attack the enemy's rear. All teams should be dispersed. If the enemy wants to To encircle and suppress them, they will consume a lot of supplies, and we will only lose ten people at most at one time."

"And with the formation of this soul master team, Wuhun Palace will also arrange many soul masters to assist us."

The Wuhun Palace only has a legion of soul masters. Although they do not directly join the war, there is still no problem in sending some low-level soul masters.

Even though the Star Luo Empire's army was equipped with Tang San's hidden weapons, they were ordinary people after all. Facing a spirit master's attack, they were likely to be so nervous that they forgot to use hidden weapons, or even shot them at their own people.

Ge Long analyzed it in his mind and felt that Han Yu's method was a pity, so he asked: "Where does Dean Han plan to start the first battle against the Star Luo Empire? We can't retreat all the way to Tiandou City. "

"Jialing Pass!" Han Yu said.

He didn't choose this place on purpose. The main reason was that the terrain of Jialing Pass was easy to defend and difficult to attack. He could only have a chance to break through the walls of Jialing Pass by strong men of Titled Douluo level. Of course, the city defenders are not fools and will definitely send people to defend.

It can be said that even if the enemy has a titled Douluo, but our highest combat power is only a Contra, it is still possible to successfully defend. Of course, except Dugu Bo.

Xue Qinghe asked at this time: "Marshal Ge Long, do you still think that my decision was wrong?"

All the ministers looked at each other.

It's not that they don't know how to fight guerrilla warfare, but it's more difficult to implement it. It is difficult for the Tiandou Empire to form hundreds of soul master teams composed of ten people in groups.

But with the help of Wuhun Palace, this problem will naturally be solved.

If the Star Luo Empire invades the Tiandou Empire, they will definitely not be able to occupy only the four cities of Huangshi. As long as they march straight in, the battle line will definitely be very long. At this time, one can imagine how much headache they will have if the rear is attacked by a team of soul masters again.

But if they only occupy the four cities of Huangshi, there is no need to prepare an army of 200,000.

All the ministers also understood Han Yu's brilliance.

Furthermore, those soul master armies do not need to attack the soldiers rushing to the front line. Burning their supplies can slow down the enemy's offensive to a great extent. And buy time for the Tiandou Empire to build a strong defense at Jialing Pass.

Ge Long continued to ask: "Your Majesty, I still have something unclear. If the Xingluo Empire only reaches Jialing Pass and stops attacking, wouldn't we have lost the land in vain?"

Yes, if Dai Mubai's appetite only stops in front of Jialing Pass, wouldn't their move mean they have lost their country in vain?

Xue Qinghe looked at Han Yu. He was just an ignorant puppet emperor who knew nothing about military affairs.

Han Yu explained: "Jialing Pass is just the bottom line. They invaded first. When we are ready, why can't we take the initiative?"

"Besides, you don't even see how close Jialing Pass is to the Balak Kingdom."

Jialing Pass is only a hundred miles away from the territory of the Balak Kingdom. The Star Luo Empire has reached this point, why can't they attack from both sides? Even if they didn't advance here, the Balak Kingdom could still surround these invaders with the Tiandou Empire army.

Previously, Xue Qinghe not only transferred troops from the four cities of Huangshi, but also transferred a total of 300,000 troops from other cities and kingdoms in the Tiandou Empire into the Balak Kingdom.

With these soldiers, coupled with the military strength of the Balak Kingdom, holding on to the Balak Kingdom is not a problem.

According to Han Yu's idea, the Star Luo Empire will definitely continue to advance northward, and the Barak Kingdom will be on their side. Once it takes action, it can quickly cut off the enemy's logistics supply line and catch a turtle in a jar.

After hearing this, Ge Long was completely relieved of his doubts. Moreover, the strategy formulated by Han Yu was a complete pity. The soldiers of the Star Luo Empire had won consecutive victories, and naturally they were all very proud. In this state, once faced with Waterloo, morale will quickly collapse.

"National Master, what should we do now?" Ge Long asked.

Han Yu smiled and said: "Marshal Ge Long, first recruit and train troops within the empire. The original soldiers should gather to the rear as soon as possible and assemble an army of 500,000 near Jialing Pass."

The 200,000 troops of the Star Luo Empire are just the advance troops, and they will be supplemented by more soldiers in the future.

In a war situation, recruitment will be very fast. It is not impossible to fight a battle involving one million people at Jialing Pass.

However, as a god, Han Yu did not intend to die personally.

An army of millions can be wiped out with a snap of his hands, but he does not need to rely on killing to increase his strength. Moreover, many of the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire were also bewitched by Dai Mubai. Let them live, and this continent can be better rebuilt in the future. (End of chapter)

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