"This won't work, and that won't work either. Your Majesty, please give me some advice." The fourth elder was a little annoyed and his tone became a little more serious.

Dai Mubai didn't dare to get angry, so he could only say: "Fourth Elder, don't worry. I think Xiaosan should be rushing there after getting the news. Besides, our Star Luo Empire has not received news about this matter. Let's wait for the messenger first. Bar."

Having said that, Dai Mubai acted quickly and immediately made a statement, saying that he would find the murderer and punish him severely.

As for the function of this statement, it is most likely to remind Tang San and let him investigate from the south.

Of course, Dai Mubai still did the job of saving face. He sent a large army to inspect the situation in Xingluo City and immediately went to the scene to investigate.

Of course the people didn't understand the intention, they just thought that Dai Mubai had finally done something practical.

Who knows, for people who have never traveled far, they have no idea that the Star Luo Empire is thousands of miles away from the Nanyun City that was massacred. Even if the army moves forward at a rapid pace, it will not take more than a month to arrive.

Not to mention, Dai Mubai had no intention of moving the troops there at all. One day after leaving the city, these troops immediately turned around and rushed towards the Huxiao Pass where they handed over to the Tiandou Empire.

As for Tang San, he was currently hiding in the Tang Sect to recover from his injuries. Even if he was saved by the Rakshasa God, the injuries caused to him by the Ten Thousand Demon King would still take time to recover.

Nanyun City was massacred, what does it have to do with him Tang San? Now he just wants to recover from his injuries and then complete the divine test. The King of Ten Thousand Demons and Ah Yin will seek revenge on them after he breaks through the gods.

"Sect Master, we have finished manufacturing a batch of hidden weapons. Look," an elder from the Tang Sect rubbed his hands with flattery in his eyes.

This guy was originally the patriarch of a small family, and he had the power of the Soul Saint.

After reading Dai Mubai's propaganda, he decided to merge his family into the Tang Sect. I just didn't expect that Tang San was a guy who would eat people without spitting out their bones.

Not only was all their family's wealth confiscated, but all their disciples were captured as young men, working day and night to make hidden weapons for the Tang Sect. As long as there are some mistakes in the process, what awaits these disciples will be an endless abyss.

The head of the family naturally wanted to escape, but Tang Clan didn't just come and leave whenever they wanted. Tang San created a mutual supervision mechanism. Unless the entire sect wanted to escape, they would definitely die once they got interested.

In addition to the support of the powerful clan in the Tang Clan, every person who joins their clan will more or less have clan members who report on each other.

And Tang San gave these informants supreme power, making them the most loyal eagle dogs of the Tang Sect and managing the entire Tang Sect.

As for him, the elder, there are countless people staring at him. You know, whoever successfully reports him can directly take his place.

Looking at the pug in front of him, Tang San was very satisfied, "You, the Potter family, have done a good job. His Majesty will send someone to take away the weapons later. You just have to hand over the weapons."

"It is our blessing to be able to do things for the sect. Sect Master, please rest assured that we will do a good job." The elder quickly flattered.

Even if he was dissatisfied, he did not dare to show any clues in such an environment.

After watching the elder leave, Tang San showed a sneer, "How can Tang Clan's hidden weapon technology be known to you bastards!"

He has decided that after the war is over, he will execute all these useless disciples to ensure that the Tang Sect's hidden weapon technology will not be exposed. If necessary, Tang San could even slaughter the entire Tang Clan.

After all, the supreme hidden weapon of the Tang Sect is not something that this group of natives from another world are qualified to master. As for the hidden weapons that were sent out, he must take them back and completely destroy them after the war.

"Han Yu, just wait. The moment I become a god, it will be your death." Tang San smiled evilly.

As for now, he is going to visit the teacher Yu Xiaogang.

Since Yu Xiaogang was turned into a human pig, he hasn't had a good meal yet. Tang San went here just to give him another meal.

News about the massacre of Nanyun City quickly swept the entire continent.

The entire continent could go off fire at any time, and if such a big thing happened in the Star Luo Empire, a war might start.

The search for the forces on the island in the center of the lake failed, so Han Yu simply returned to Canaan City. He was not in a hurry about this matter.

With Bo Saixi's wisdom, she certainly knew that war was the key to their rise, so they would definitely conspire with the Star Luo Empire.

Now that the base camp on the island in the middle of the lake is here, all their believers will hide, and it is simply unrealistic to find them all. Instead of doing this, it would be better to let them gather people together spontaneously, and then it would be easier to serve them in one pot.

Under the influence of Wuhun Daily, the transmission of information between continents was no longer blocked, and the massacre of the city immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

In the streets of Canaan City, people were discussing this matter everywhere.

Two days later, the top leaders of Canaan City also gathered together.

As the person in charge of the intelligence system, Bai He must stand up and report the situation.

"Sect Master, I have sent some disciples who are on a mission in the Star Luo Empire to rush to the scene. The information we have obtained so far is limited. Preliminary judgment is that it should be the work of a fire attribute soul master. Moreover, no trace of the army's invasion has been found. , the perpetrators should be no less than ten people, or even one person.”

If one city is massacred, other cities will naturally become panicked. In particular, the murderer is still at large, and they are afraid that the murderer's next target will be them.

"The only fire attribute soul master who can massacre a city is a titled Douluo."

Among them, Han Yu has been in Canaan City in the past few days, and everyone knows that it cannot be him. There are not many titled Douluo with fire attributes on the mainland, and one of them is Spirit Kite Douluo from Wuhun Palace.

However, she recently carried out a mission within the Tiandou Empire and obviously could not reach the southernmost point of the Star Luo Empire.

When Wuhundian learned the news, he quickly contacted the two of them, fearing that they would do such a sinful thing.

When faced with the inquiry, Han Yu was also a little bit dumbfounded.

The signs before him showed that another fire attribute titled Douluo appeared on the mainland, which was not a good thing.

"City Lord, although Nanyun City is thousands of miles away from our Canaan City, I think we should strengthen the city's defense to prevent innocent people from being harmed by perpetrators." Feng Changlin suggested.

"Old Feng, are you too vigilant? The city lord is in the city now, as well as Dugu Mianxia and Litian Mianxia. That guy would only come to us to commit murder unless he has a bad mind." Yang Wudi, who was in charge of city defense, immediately proposed had different opinions.

The public security in Canaan City can be regarded as one of the best in the mainland. The quality of the people is high. There is certainly no need for them to waste money on expanding the city guard.

Han Yu continued: "Only people with bad minds would massacre the city. Elder Yang, please strengthen the guards. Even if that guy really doesn't come, letting the city residents see what we are doing can prevent the city's production from stagnating." "

Han Yu had already spoken, and of course it was hard for Yang Wudi to refuse.

However, he also has his own ideas. If the attacker really comes, he will be the first to face the enemy.

The spirit of the soul-breaking gun is already extremely powerful, and coupled with Yang Wudi's diligent training over the years, even if Li Tian faces him, he may not lose.

"Yes. Elder Bai He, continue to increase the intensity of reconnaissance. But the premise of all this is to ensure the personal safety of the disciples. Don't act recklessly."

Next, Han Yu explained some trivial matters.

In general, there would be no massacre in the Canaan city where he was personally in charge. In terms of arrangements, the main thing is to reassure the people and not affect the basic order in the city.

As for the curfew, Han Yu felt it was unnecessary.

After the meeting, Han Yu met Feng Xiaotian alone.

"Xiaotian, do you think that guy will still massacre the city?"

Feng Xiaotian did not express his position, but analyzed: "If the murderer is a madman, then the massacre of the city must have been impromptu. If he is not a madman, then he must have a deeper plan."

"Go on." After hearing the other party's analysis, Han Yu became interested.

Feng Xiaotian continued: "Nanyun City has long been the focus of attention from all parties. I think that all the major forces have sent some strong men to investigate. There has been no news for so long, which proves that the murderer must be It’s about cleaning up all traces that may be exposed.”

"If this is the case, he should have other intentions. Perhaps Nanyun City is just a cover. By attracting the attention of the entire continent, his next actions will be more concealed and safer."

Han Yu also had to admit that Feng Xiaotian's analysis was reasonable.

An event as big as the massacre of a city must be the focus of attention across the entire continent. If what the other party really wants to do is a small thing, such as stealing needed items or rescuing people from the sky prison.

Then, with greater public opinion at the forefront, such small things can easily be washed away by public opinion.

If it was intentional, then I have to say that this is a master.

"Xiaotian, if nothing happens, just walk around the city. If there is anyone suspicious, report it to me in time."

"Okay, teacher."

Han Yu really had a target of suspicion in his heart - Ma Hongjun.

Tang San and Dai Mubai passed the divine test, and their strength improved rapidly. If Ma Hongjun also gets the divine test, he may not be able to do it.

Furthermore, when Tang San and others went to sea to pursue the Divine Examination, Han Yu was already on the Sun and Moon Continent, so naturally he couldn't pay attention to their affairs.

What he is not sure about now is whether Ma Hongjun obtained the Rakshasa test or another test. In the original time and space, Ma Hongjun's Phoenix God must have looked down upon him now.

After all, Ma Hongjun's Evil Fire Phoenix Spirit is, to put it bluntly, just a straw chicken. The Phoenix God would definitely look down on a guy with impure blood.

Han Yu frowned. Ma Hongjun had not appeared on the mainland for a long time, and even he did not know where he was.

Of course, he doesn't feel anxious. So what if the other party obtains the divine status? With the other party's strength, he will not be his opponent.

On the other side, Han Yu actually guessed correctly, the person who did it was Xie Huo.

However, he didn't think as much as Han Yu thought. The massacre of Nanyun City was just done casually.

After all, after possessing Ma Hongjun's body, he happened to be near Nanyun City. If those guards could be more polite to him and he would be in a better mood, maybe he wouldn't massacre the city.

Xiehuo doesn't understand the role of Wuhun Daily, but his real target is not Nanyun City, but Canaan City. Regardless of whether Han Yu was in Canaan City or not, he would go to massacre the city.

Without him, Han Yu had beaten him into a lost dog. Now that he has a body, he must take revenge. It would be best if Han Yu was not in the city. After he slaughtered all the Canaan cities, Han Yu arrived belatedly.

Let him experience what it feels like to be a bereaved dog.

After leaving Nanyun City, he rushed towards the Tiandou Empire without stopping.

These days, he is also paying attention to Douluo Continent. If someone on the mainland became a god, he would definitely be able to feel the existence of divine power. But until today, he has not found it.

Although this divine thought is not as powerful as this deity, it is at least level 100 in strength. With such strength, it's easy to deal with Extreme Douluo.

Since no one is a god, there are so many things he can do.

After killing Han Yu, he even wanted to dominate the continent with his own strength. Especially Tang San's group treated Ma Hongjun coldly.

Although he is not Ma Hongjun, his current body looks like Ma Hongjun. Wouldn't he be ridiculed if he appeared in front of them again?

How can a majestic god endure the ridicule of ants?

Xie Huo did not enter the Tiandou Empire through the ordinary route. He entered the Star Dou Forest directly and traversed all the way.

The speed of a god-level powerhouse cannot be matched by ordinary soul masters. In just three days, he came from Nanyun City to the northernmost exit of the Star Dou Forest.

"Damn fat man, don't block the way." As soon as Xie Huo came out of the forest, he was ridiculed by a group of soul hunting teams.

It's just that Ma Hongjun's appearance is so funny that people can't help but want to step on him.

Due to the tense situation on the mainland, many soul masters have given up hunting souls. Even if they hunt souls, most of them choose smaller forests like Sunset Forest to avoid accidents.

The soul hunting team naturally needed to adapt to the market environment and shifted its position. Therefore, the number of soul hunting teams still remaining near the Star Dou Forest has long been reduced to ten. In fact, many shops in Soul Beast Town have been closed.

You know, the Star Dou Forest directly runs through the two empires. Once upon a time, there was an army from the Star Luo Empire that used the cover of the forest to advance into the rear of the Tiandou Empire.

In this way, in order to avoid war, naturally no one will stay here.

As they were getting closer to Canaan City, Xie Huo certainly didn't want to be exposed immediately.

After scanning the area with his spiritual mind, he saw that this was the only soul hunting team nearby, and the corners of his mouth gradually rose.

"The damn fat man is talking to you. I think you are looking for death." One of the soul hunting team stepped forward quickly, intending to teach the other party a lesson.

But Xie Huo's strength is not something they can shake.

He grabbed the man's arm, and in an instant, powerful warmth emerged from his palm, and the man turned into nothingness amidst a shrill scream.

The people in the soul hunting team finally realized that they were afraid, but unfortunately, they had no chance to escape.

"A group of guys who don't know the heights of heaven and earth!" Hearing the screams, Xie Huo was in a very good mood. (End of chapter)

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