Han Yu's actions were simply a blessing for the King of Slaughter.

After the divine power on his body disappeared, he half-knelt in front of Han Yu and said respectfully: "Thank you, senior, for your kindness in reincarnation."

Han Yu had no intention of helping this guy. This time, it could only be said to be an accident.

However, as the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person, not to mention that the King of Slaughter has some uses.

Han Yu thought for a while and said: "King of Slaughter, I don't need you to give me anything in return. From now on, you have only one task, run your little world well and don't let the fallen ones escape."

The King of Slaughter smiled bitterly, "Senior, to be honest, without new additions of fallen people, the City of Slaughter is close to collapse."

This matter has something to do with Han Yu. If Zhu Zhuqing and Hu Liena had not been given the Killing God Realm, the Killing City might have been able to sustain itself for a while longer.

The Killing Capital was originally the secret realm where Shura God selected geniuses, but after so many years, Shura God has long ignored this, and many of the Killing Capitals in the world have even collapsed.

Although the killing capital on the Douluo Continent will not collapse in the short term, if it cannot be replenished with blood for a long time, it will be completely abandoned in the future.

"Just bear with it for a few more years, and things will get better in the future. Soon, I will send some serious criminals and death row prisoners, but don't expect many. It's okay to maintain the operation of the killing city."

The King of Slaughter nodded, and then whispered: "Senior, see if you can send some soul beast blood."

The Killing City requires a supply of blood, but the type of blood is not specified.

On the mainland, a larger soul beast could provide enough blood to dozens or hundreds of people.

This matter is not difficult to handle. Han Yu decided to collect the blood of livestock slaughtered by major restaurants and send it to them when the time comes.

The City of Killing must not be destroyed, otherwise the security of the continent will not be peaceful in the future. Han Yu didn't want the original situation in time and space to happen again.

"Thank you, senior. Thank you, senior."

At the same time, the world of gods.

God Shura looked at the somewhat damaged Demonic Shura Sword in front of him, with no emotion or anger in his eyes.

Just now, when he was fighting with Han Yu, the opponent's magical power of fire caused him great trouble. When he took back the Shura Demon Sword, a trace of the divine flame power was contaminated on the demon sword, causing a gap to be burned into the sword.

You must know that the Shura Demon Sword is a super divine weapon, and only the power of the God King can break it.

"Poseidong, you still don't understand what kind of existence you have provoked."

Even if the entire Douluo Continent is full of Poseidong's followers, so what? His strength is at most equal to that of his Shura God. But Han Yu was different. The opponent's god, Shura God, had already seen that it was the realm he had dreamed of.

That is to say, Han Yu had just broken through not long ago, and his mastery of divine power was not strong, and his strength was only in the primary stage of his divine status. His true strength was similar to that of a first-time divine king.

But don’t forget, one year in Douluo Continent is equal to one day in God Realm. If Han Yu comes to the God Realm after another God Realm Year, I am afraid that he will surpass the entire God Realm itself, even if he opens a new God Realm, it will be no problem.

God Shura put away the thoughts in his mind and looked at another world.

Now it seems that after the change of the five god kings, there is no need to choose assistants. Han Yu was already above all the God Kings. The pattern of the God Realm will be rewritten. As for where to go in the future, it is no longer something that Shura God should worry about.

In the Star Dou Forest, Tang San had already forced Ah Yin to a desperate situation.

The Blue Silver Emperor is equivalent to an auxiliary soul master among human soul masters, and he is not good at fighting. If the Blue Silver Forest hadn't been her home court, she might have been defeated long ago.

"My father was killed by people from Wuhun Palace, but you are hiding here to survive. It's really shameless. But it doesn't matter, I will send you to reunite with your father later." Tang San showed a cheeky smile.

Ah Yin leaned on the blue silver grass beside him and then reluctantly stood up. Tang San's Rakshasa aura was so weird and powerful that even the Blue Silver Emperor's majestic vitality could be swallowed up in an instant and became Tang San's nourishment.

Looking at Tang San approaching step by step, Ah Yin's heart was in her throat.

She had died once and no longer had any fear of death.

But Tang San's behavior made her very worried. Once she is devoured, Tang San will become the new Blue Silver Emperor. Based on the other party's style, I am afraid that the entire Blue Silver Forest and even the Blue Silver Grass clan will suffer annihilation.

"Go on the road with peace of mind, the Blue Silver Forest will be my nourishment." Tang San laughed, raised the Dark Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and smashed it at Ah Yin.


There was a crisp collision sound, and the Dark Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand was ejected.

"Who!" Tang San's eyes were slightly cold, he didn't expect someone to dare to oppose him.

When the dust cleared, he saw clearly that what blocked his attack was actually a shield made of branches!

"Don't be presumptuous, the Star Dou Forest is not your territory!" came a hoarse voice.

The next moment, the branches were removed, and a male figure with a gloomy face slowly walked out.

"Another hundred thousand year soul beast is here!" Tang San looked solemn.

The guy in front of him is obviously much stronger than Ah Yin, and judging from his posture, he is definitely not someone to be trifled with.

Tang San was only in the Soul Douluo realm now, and there would be absolutely no benefit from such strength against a hundred-thousand-year-old plant-type spirit beast of the combat type.

"Senior Ten Thousand Demons King." Ah Yin breathed a sigh of relief and said respectfully.

"You and I are from the same clan. Now that I have awakened, anyone who dares to take advantage of our clan will be hunted down by me!" Although the voice of the Ten Thousand Demon King was hoarse, it was full of momentum.

In Douluo Continent at this time, there is no ranking of the top ten murderers. As the fifth-ranked existence, he has a cultivation base of more than 500,000 years. When converted into a human soul master, he is no different from an extreme Douluo.

Even if you rely on the power of Rakshasa, it is undoubtedly a fool's errand to fight against Extreme Douluo. Furthermore, Rakshasa God did not hand over the divine weapon to Tang San, so Tang San is at a disadvantage in every aspect.

The appearance of the Ten Thousand Demon King made Tang San retreat. But now it is very difficult to withdraw.

Thousands of branches from the Ten Thousand Demon King have already surrounded Tang San.

"God Rakshasa, save me." Tang San shouted regardless of his face.

As the most satisfactory inheritor of the Rakshasa God, of course he will not ignore death.

Countless Rakshasa black mist emerged from Tang San's body, and the branches of the Ten Thousand Demon King were submerged in it. They were not corroded immediately like the Blue Silver Emperor, but remained strong for a long time before gradually softening and falling to the ground.

"What a weird aura, is it a trick of the gods?" The King of Ten Thousand Demons frowned slightly, his eyes gradually becoming serious.

This Tang San was not as easy to deal with as he thought.

"Corrosive venom!" The King of Ten Thousand Demons glared, and a burst of venom fell from thousands of branches.

Whenever an object comes into contact, it will be swallowed up by the venom instantly.

Seeing this, the Rakshasa God knew that it would be difficult for Tang San to escape. But she couldn't lose this inheritor.

So, while God Shura's eyes were not on Douluo Continent, she once again forcibly interfered with the lower realm.

A phantom of spiritual thought appeared behind Tang San, and the Rakshasa God waved the magic sickle in his hand, cutting off thousands of branches of the Ten Thousand Demon King with one strike. The next moment, divine thoughts wrapped around Tang San and disappeared from the spot.

"Senior Ten Thousand Demon King." Ah Yin was startled and ran forward quickly.

The impact of the divine thought just now also knocked the Ten Thousand Demon King away and caused him serious injuries.

Ah Yin looked at the shocking scars on the other person's chest and felt extremely guilty. The vitality of the Blue Silver Emperor is constantly being injected into it, trying to repair the wound.

But this wound, like a bottomless pit, completely swallowed up her soul power, and the wound showed no signs of getting better.

"Green light wave!"

A burst of emerald light fell into the body of the Ten Thousand Demon King. Although the wound healed slowly, the Ten Thousand Demon King's breath recovered a lot.


Ah Yin looked into the distance and saw a green figure suspended in the air.

As the most powerful healing soul beast in the Star Dou Forest, Brigitte's status in the hearts of the soul beasts is second only to the Beast God Ditian.

A small city in the south of the Star Luo Empire.

A young man with a bloated body and red hair came to the city gate.

"I finally got a body, Han Yu. I have to thank you. With such a perfect evil fire body, I will dominate this world."

"Boy, how many dishes have you drunk like this? If you don't want to enter the city, get out of here!" Hearing Ma Hongjun's soliloquy, the guard at the city gate couldn't help but shout.

Ma Hongjun, oh no, Xie Huo was not angry either, with a contemptuous smile on his lips, "How dare a mortal without soul power speak to this god like this!"

With just one look, the guard's body spontaneously ignited.

The screams resounded through the sky, and countless city guards who heard the sound rushed over and surrounded the evil fire.

"Here comes another group of desperate guys." Xie Huo's eyes were full of mockery.

In such a small town, even the city lord only has the strength of the Soul Sect. Not to mention whether he would be Xie Huo's opponent, even Ma Hongjun back then was stronger than them.

Without any surprise, as bursts of screams came, the group of people were all burned to ashes.

The sudden change caused countless people in the city to flee.

Xie Huo walked on the streets of the city, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Hahaha, this is the power of the body."

Originally, he was just a spiritual thought, and the power he could exert was really limited. But now, with the help of Ma Hongjun's body, his strength has already returned to its peak state.

Back then, he even gave Ma Hongjun the top divine test reward at the expense of his own strength.

After being paralyzed several times, Ma Hongjun naturally trusted him extremely and even obeyed his orders. Until not long ago, Xie Huo took advantage of Ma Hongjun's unpreparedness and completely took over his body on the grounds that he needed to relax as a reward for the Divine Examination!

I don't know how long it took, but the whole city was ablaze with fire, and there was no one alive in the city.

However, all this was just a small test for Xie Huo. After destroying the small city, he quickly headed to his next stop.

The next day, when the newspaper delivery boy from Wuhun Palace came here with the newspaper, he saw this scene that he would never forget.

The news was quickly reported by Wuhun Palace and sent to the Pope Palace.

Although the relationship between the Star Luo Empire and Wuhun Palace is not good, the citizens of this city are innocent. In addition, the incident occurred in a city at the southern tip of the Star Luo Empire. Even if the Tiandou Empire wanted to massacre the city, they might not be able to come here.

In order to prevent the situation from escalating and to prevent the murderer from going unpunished, the Pope's Palace spread the news to the Star Luo City Spirit Temple through the communication soul guide.

This is the second ten-year term of Platinum Bishop Salas. According to the original plan, he was transferred to Star Luo City not long ago.

He quickly entered the palace with the news.

Based on the intelligence system within the Star Luo Empire, it would take at least half a month for this news to reach the palace.

Of course Dai Mubai didn't believe it at first, and even kicked Salas out. But that evening, Wuhun Palace temporarily published this matter in Wuhun Daily.

As a result, Dai Mubai naturally did not realize that there was a lie and hurriedly summoned a meeting with his cabinet members.

In the study, Dai Mubai slammed the newspaper on the table and asked loudly: "Who, who is massacring the city in my back garden?"

If this kind of thing is not handled well, it will greatly affect his reputation as an emperor. Moreover, he is still planning a war against the Tiandou Empire. If the murderer cannot be caught in time and the people lose confidence in him as the emperor, the next war will not be easy to fight.

The cabinet members were all members of the Haotian Sect, and they did not accept Dai Mubai's fault. When this matter was related to their Haotian Sect's plans, they had to take it seriously.

The fourth elder who stayed by Dai Mubai's side said, "Your Majesty, we in the Star Luo Empire are not aware of this matter yet, so why did Salas, the Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace, inform Your Majesty of this matter this afternoon. "

After calming down, Dai Mubai also felt that there was something fishy about this matter.

After all, he didn't know the intelligence system within Wuhun Palace, he just felt that there was something wrong with it.

"Fourth Elder, do you mean that this matter is a mystery created by Wuhun Palace to disturb our military morale?"

The fourth elder did not dare to say this. If it were true, he would slap himself in the face.

"It's possible that Wuhun Palace was responsible for the massacre of the city. Otherwise, why would they know about it immediately?" the fourth elder said solemnly.

Dai Mubai thought it was impossible. After all, those who could massacre the city in a short period of time would either be a large-scale army or a titled Douluo.

The first possibility is directly ruled out. How could there be armies from other forces within the Star Luo Empire? Moreover, such a large-scale army mobilization would definitely not be without any clues.

As for the second guess, he still felt it was unlikely.

Although the Star Luo Empire changed hands, Dai Mubai did not make many changes to Dai Tianfeng's previous policies. If the titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace entered the Star Luo Empire, he would have already received the news and would never let them go deep into the rear.

Could it be Senior Bo Saixi?

This idea came to Dai Mubai's mind, but he also felt that it was unrealistic. What the forces in the center of the lake needed were believers, and dead people could not become believers.

Who is that?

The fourth elder felt that his guess might be wrong, so he said: "Maybe, the murderer has been found in Wuhun Palace. Should we go and find out?"

Dai Mubai was just incompetent, and he was not a fool. How could he accept the Fourth Elder's words? (End of chapter)

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