Dai Mubai was naturally aware of the news that the Haotian Sect wanted to start a war. But Tang Xiao impressed him so much that he was the common ruler of the world and the greatest emperor in the history of the mainland.

Dai Mubai naturally wanted to get these fame and fortune. Simply, he acquiesced to Tang Xiao's approach. Besides, with the help of Haotian Sect and Huxin Island, he also has enough confidence.

You must know that a large part of the fallen believers on Lake Center Island are soul masters. If this part of the combat power is brought to light, it will greatly increase the Star Luo Empire's combat power.

Moreover, these guys are prisoners wanted by the two empires. As long as Dai Mubai pardons their crimes and promises that after they join the war, they will not only be given a place to live in the future, but those who have made great achievements in the war will also be awarded titles.

No fool would be happy to be able to transform from a desperado into a nobleman. After all, the life the nobles lived was much better than their current life.

After Tang San left Huxiao Pass, he was in no hurry to return to Tangmen.

He implements a dog-eat-dog model within the sect. Once he discovers that someone has committed a treasonous act, once verified, the reporter will receive all the property of the person being reported.

It has to be said that this model is very successful. It not only successfully diverts conflicts, but also allows the people below to spend excess energy in each other's intrigues.

A few days later, Tang San arrived at the Star Dou Forest.

The purpose of his coming here is very simple, just for the Blue Silver Emperor's soul ring and soul bone.

Tang San's first martial spirit has evolved into the dark blue silver grass. The strength of the martial spirit is much higher than that of ordinary blue silver grass, but there is still an insurmountable gap between him and the Blue Silver Emperor.

As the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass clan, only by completely devouring it can Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit undergo a qualitative change.

Moreover, the fighting ability of the Blue Silver Grass clan is not strong, not to mention that the Blue Silver Emperor still follows the healing route. It was very simple for Tang San to deal with her.

Of course, Tang San knew that A Yin was his mother. But what does it matter? It was the mother who didn't want his son in the first place, so don't blame him for not wanting the mother.

After absorbing the Blue Silver Emperor's hundred thousand year spirit ring, Tang San was confident that his strength would make a qualitative leap, and he might even quickly reach the threshold of a titled Douluo.

According to the route in his memory, Tang San quickly found the location of the Blue Silver Forest.

The Bluesilver Grass here couldn't help but tremble after feeling Tang San's aura.

Without him, Tang San, who had been infected by the Rakshasa divine power, had his body filled with violent evil energy. How could he not be afraid of these blue silver herbs despite their weak nature?

Tang San carried the Clear Sky Hammer and kept heading deeper.

A Yin and Blue Silver King, who were in the core area of ​​the Blue Silver Forest, felt this aura at the same time.

"Your Majesty, someone wants to attack here." Blue Silver King said nervously.

A plant-type soul beast cannot leave its birthplace until it breaks through one hundred thousand years.

Naturally, this battle can only be fought by Ah Yin.

Facing this unfamiliar aura, Ah Yin couldn't help but frown, "This guy's aura is even more evil than the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger."

"Your Majesty, please be careful. The greed of the human soul master is obvious. He is probably after your soul bone." The Blue Silver King looked solemn, and even thought of sacrificing himself.

Ah Yin knew his sincerity, but the Blue Silver Forest was the guarantee for the entire Blue Silver Grass clan. As the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass clan, Ah Yin would naturally not just watch his people encounter threats.

Soon after, the two sides met by a creek.

It was here that Tang San was deprived of the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline by Ah Yin. Now that Tang San was "revisiting his old place", he naturally had the idea of ​​regaining his place.

"It's you, you dare to come in!" Ah Yin snorted coldly.

She felt very disgusted with this Tang San who claimed to be her son. Moreover, the aura exuding from Tang San's body was no different from that of an evil soul master. Now that he was here, she knew very well what his intentions were.

Tang San smiled charmingly and said: "Dear Blue Silver Emperor, you are my biological mother. As your son, how can I dare to be unfilial? But you don't have to worry, as long as you are willing to sacrifice to me, as your good Son, I will definitely fulfill my filial piety."

"I don't know you. This is the Blue Silver Forest, and you are not welcome to come. If you continue to be stubborn, then don't blame me for being rude." A Yinqian waved his hand, and countless golden Blue Silver Emperor vines sprang up from the ground. , entangling Tang San in it.

"Mother, since you don't recognize me as your son, how can I continue to scream shamelessly? In this case, I can only kill you and take away your soul ring and soul bone."

A terrifying smile appeared on the corner of Tang San's mouth, and the next moment, an evil aura emerged from his body, quickly corroding the vines of the Blue Silver Grass.

Having gone through the first seven tests, Tang San's Rakshasa affinity had reached 80%, and he had reached the threshold of using Rakshasa's divine power.

The divine attack was very powerful. The Rakshasa divine power followed the Blue Silver Emperor's vines and gradually moved towards Ah Yin.

As a hundred thousand year spirit beast, no matter how weak Ah Yin's attack power was, it would be easy to deal with Tang San. But facing the divine power of Rakshasa, she had to avoid the edge temporarily!

When Tang San saw this, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, "A mere Blue Silver Emperor is nothing more than that. Be obedient and become my spirit ring."

"The seventh soul skill, Haotian's incarnation!"

Today's Star Dou Forest is destined to be extraordinary, and there is great news about Tang San and A Yin's fight. The weak spirit beasts in the surrounding areas fled to the outskirts of the forest, and a small beast tide was gradually forming.

After leaving Wuhun Hall, Han Yu and Ghost Leopard Douluo arrived at the outskirts of the killing town.

"Eight Consecrations, this is where I suppressed more than 3,000 villains from the island in the middle of the lake." Ghost Leopard Douluo pointed to the dilapidated village not far away and said with a proud expression.

It was precisely because of this contribution that he received high praise from within Wuhun Palace. Moreover, his method was also used as a reference material for dealing with evil soul masters within Wuhun Palace.

The gang of villains from the island in the center of the lake were quite cunning. Ghost Leopard Douluo planned many times before finally forcing them to this place. He led the strong men from Wuhun Palace to annihilate more than 3,000 people. Villain.

Ghost Leopard Douluo is no stranger to the underground things in this town, and Han Yu is no stranger to them either. Because this is one of the entrances to the Killing City.

Entering the Killing Town, the "prosperous" situation of the past no longer exists, replaced by desolation and dilapidation!

"Are you sure you have disposed of all the corpses?" Han Yu couldn't help but ask, looking at the situation around him.

More than 3,000 people were killed, and the corpses alone could pile up a hill. But in the small town in front of them, apart from the collapsed houses and the charcoal burned by the fire, not even a single skeleton could be found.

Ghost Leopard Douluo shook his head, "Eight offerings, at that time I just set a fire in the pile of corpses. Judging from the intensity of the fire, it was impossible to burn the corpses to ashes."

"Where did the body go?" Han Yu couldn't help but ask again.

For a period of time after the death of a soul master, if the body is taken away by an evil soul master, the remaining soul power in the soul master's body will be taken away by the evil soul master.

If so many corpses are stolen, many high-level evil soul masters will be cultivated.

Ghost Leopard Douluo looked embarrassed, but as a senior elder of the Spirit Hall, he was very aware of the evil spirit master's methods. Therefore, even if the corpses were not burned, the evil spirit master could not do anything after getting them.

Han Yu's purpose of coming here was, firstly, to find out the location of the island in the middle of the lake, and secondly, about the King of Slaughter.

The mainland war is imminent. Once the Shura Demonic Sword in the King of Slaughter falls into the hands of others, it is very likely to create an opponent at the level of a god king.

If possible, Han Yu would naturally want to take the Shura Demonic Sword as his own.

After all, this is a very powerful artifact. Rather than benefiting a potential enemy, it would be better to benefit yourself.

But what he didn't know was that God Shura had already found a successor in other worlds. Even if someone got the Demonic Shura Sword, they would have to wait until the previous successor failed the divine test.

"You have to be more careful next time. There is no way a corpse will disappear for no reason." Han Yu reminded.

Ghost Leopard Douluo nodded repeatedly, "By the way, Ba Zongzong, I heard that the forces on the island in the middle of the lake are near the killing town, but they have never been found. Look."

Han Yu interrupted: "There are more than one killing town on the mainland, or your source of information was deliberately revealed by others in order to interfere with our vision."

Ghost Leopard Douluo had not thought about this problem, but if they didn't find the base camp of the island forces in the center of the lake, they wouldn't be able to completely annihilate it. Even after a period of time, the three thousand villains who were wiped out will receive additional supplements.

"Who, who is it?" Suddenly, an angry roar came.

"Be careful, eight worshipers, there are probably strong men from Lake Center Island around here." Ghost Leopard Douluo looked nervous.

Han Yu was not in a hurry. He said calmly: "It seems that someone is more anxious than us."

Of course he could feel the source of this aura.

About 90% of the believers on the island in the middle of the lake are found in the killing town, and the remaining 10% are the fallen ones nearby. Originally, these guys wanted to enter the Killing City, but the appearance of the island in the middle of the lake gave them a new choice.

If the Fallen wants to enter the Killing City, they must complete the tasks issued by the Killing Tavern to be eligible, but this is not required on the Lake Island.

Now, all these fallen people have been absorbed by the island in the middle of the lake, and the number of fallen people in the Killing City has dropped sharply. Coupled with the battles between the fallen and the consumption of the Hell Killing Fields, the population within the Killing City has naturally dropped sharply.

You know, the entire city of killing needs to rely on the blood of the fallen to maintain. The three thousand corpses burned by Ghost Leopard Douluo were most likely intercepted by the Killing City.

As for its use, it is most likely used to maintain the operation of the killing city.

"Ghost Leopard, please go back first and leave this place to me."

Regarding the gods, it is better not to let the other party know.

After all, there is a lot involved, and many people have gone astray because of their pursuit of gods. Of course Han Yu didn't want Ghost Leopard Douluo to imitate those guys.

"Bashou, you are here alone, is that okay?" Ghost Leopard Douluo asked a little uncertainly.

The aura in the distance was filled with murderous intent, and its soul power level had exceeded level ninety-six.

Han Yu glanced at him and said, "Go back to Wuhun City to recover. Things here have nothing to do with you."


Of course Ghost Leopard Douluo would not go against Han Yu's wishes. In fact, if he wanted to break through in the future, he would have to rely on Han Yu's help.

After watching the other party go away, Han Yu dodged and found the King of Slaughter in the distance.

At this time, the Slaughter King's skin was a little thin, and he looked very irritable. He even grabbed the beasts around him and started sucking their blood.

"It seems that your life is not easy either." Han Yu said with a faint smile.

Realizing that there were people around him, the Slaughter King looked at Han Yu warily.

He couldn't feel Han Yu's specific strength, but Han Yu became a god with the help of strange fire, and his rich fire-attribute aura made him feel palpitated.

"What do you think? Were the believers in the Killing City captured by you?" the King of Killing asked.

Without the blood of the fallen, the Slaughter City would be difficult to sustain. It has even reached a time of life and death.

Han Yu shook his head, "I'm not interested in those degenerates. As for the whereabouts of these guys, it may have something to do with the original owner of the body you occupy."

The body of the King of Slaughter originally belonged to Tang Chen, but the control of the body was controlled by the dark gold nine-headed bat king.

Without the suppression of the Killing City, Tang Chen's consciousness is gradually awakening, and he may seize control of his body at any time. Because of this, the Slaughter King is very anxious now.

"What's the meaning?"

Han Yu had no intention of explaining, "I came here this time to borrow something from you."

As soon as he finished speaking, powerful divine power emerged from his body and firmly controlled the body of the King of Slaughter.

"How is this possible? You are a strong man in that realm." The killing king's eyes widened.

At this moment, his life or death depends entirely on Han Yu's thoughts.

However, Han Yu had no intention of taking his life. With the help of his own divine power, he continued to dissolve the remaining Shura divine power in Tang Chen's body. The Shura Demonic Sword felt threatened and was about to move.

Suddenly, Han Yu frowned slightly and grabbed the Shura Demonic Sword from the air.

"I caught you, God Shura's super artifact, please come out to me."

Just when Han Yu thought he was sure of victory, the Shura Demonic Sword was snatched away by an invisible hand and disappeared into Tang Chen's body out of thin air.

"God Shura." Han Yu looked towards the sky. He could feel that God Shura was looking at Douluo Continent at this moment.

Regardless of whether his status is at the level of God King or higher. He is currently just a god who has just made a breakthrough. He has no power to fight against an established god king like Shura God.

But God Shura obviously had no intention of taking action. He left a message of "Come to the God Realm as soon as possible", and Han Yu could no longer feel his presence.

Without the support of the Shura Demonic Sword, Tang Chen's consciousness could no longer be maintained, and he was soon completely devoured by the Dark Gold Nine-Headed Bat King.

Tang Chen has long been the abandoned son of God Shura. If God Shura had not wanted to use him to transfer the throne to Tang San, I am afraid he would have died long ago, and he would not have survived until now.

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