Two days passed quietly.

Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong temporarily lived in the city and continued to wait for the benefits promised by Dai Mubai. They never thought that Dai Mubai would not only demolish the bridge, but also demolish the donkey!

That night, Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo, dressed in night clothes, came to the imperial study.

"Senior Bo Saixi and Senior Hailong, come in quickly." Dai Mubai opened the door of the imperial study and led them inside.

Before that, Tang Xiao and Tang San had been waiting here for a long time.

"Senior Bo Saixi." Tang Xiao stood up quickly when he saw the person coming.

Bo Saixi took off her night clothes and glanced at Tang Xiao unconsciously.

She could vaguely see Tang Chen's shadow on the other party.

Before she could speak, Tang Xiao took the initiative and said, "Senior Bo Saixi, this junior is Tang Xiao, the grandson of Tang Chen and the current leader of the Haotian Sect."

"Haotian Sect!" Bo Saixi raised an eyebrow and asked hurriedly: "Tang Chen, is he in the Haotian Sect?"

Tang Xiao's expression froze, and he quickly explained: "Senior, my grandfather has left Haotian Sect a long time ago. The last person he saw should be you. Didn't he tell you his whereabouts?"

Bo Saixi sighed. Although she had already known that Tang Chen was missing, she still felt a sense of loss when it was mentioned again.

"He only said that he went to pursue the divine test, and he has never returned to Poseidon Island in these years, maybe"

Tang Xiao also knew that his grandfather might have really disappeared, or even died.

After a long silence, Tang Xiao was the first to break the silence, "Senior Bo Saixi, this is Tang San. His father, Tang Hao, is my brother and also the grandson of Tang Chen."

"Junior Tang San, I have met my great-grandmother." Tang San hurriedly hugged his fists and said.

Although Tang Chen did not marry Bo Saixi, Tang San's words still made Bo Saixi smile. At least, Haotian Sect treats them as family.

"I didn't expect that we still have this kind of relationship."

As for previous cooperation, Bo Saixi only followed the orders of Lake God Poseidong. But today, she sincerely wanted to cooperate with Tang San and even the entire Haotian Sect.

"I will continue to send people to search for great-grandfather's matter. Great-grandmother, let's talk about the next action now." Tang San said.

Bo Saixi nodded, and she and Sea Dragon Douluo sat on the sofa nearby.

"I don't know yet, who is this?"

Sea Dragon Douluo was not weak in strength, and since he was Bo Saixi's man, Tang Xiao's attitude was quite polite.

"Sect Master Tang Xiao, I am Hailong, the guardian Douluo of Lake Center Island." Hailong Douluo bowed and said.

"I have admired you for a long time."

Soon, both sides got down to business.

Bo Saixi didn't know anything about the Qibao Glazed Sect, but when she heard that Ouya and Hailiang once lived in the Qibao Glazed Sect, she couldn't help but ask: "Who did Ouya and Hailiang get together because of?" die?"

"Martial Spirit Hall!" Dai Mubai and Tang San said in unison.

With that said, Dai Mubai took out that issue of Wuhun Daily from the desk.

He had no intention of collecting this issue of the newspaper. But unfortunately, Dai Mubai won the prize with the martial arts ticket he bought this time, so he put the newspaper in the soul guide as a souvenir. But I didn't expect that it would come in handy today.

"Martial Soul Hall!" Bo Saixi's eyes seemed to be burning with anger.

Poseidon Island disappeared because of Wuhun Palace. Unexpectedly, Wuhun Palace had planned something against them a long time ago.

When it comes to Han Yu's matter, Tang Xiao still doesn't believe it, "Senior Bo Saixi, you don't know something. At the re-election meeting of the seven major sects, Han Yu's Canaan Chamber of Commerce was targeted in public by the Spirit Hall. They shouldn’t be united, right?”

Tang San sneered: "Uncle, you must have been deceived. This is Han Yu's brilliance. Using a bitter trick, he not only cleared away his suspicion of being responsible for the destruction of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family, but also Let everyone think that they have a grudge against Wuhun Palace."

"In this way, those forces that are hostile to Wuhun Palace will find them. In the end, he and Wuhun Palace will take them down."

The more Tang Xiao thought about it, the more he became afraid, because at the beginning, he had already had the intention of cooperating with Han Yu.

Bo Saixi didn't know much about Han Yu. Apart from knowing that the other party was powerful, she didn't know much about him as a person.

"His strength has far surpassed mine. If you want to defeat him, you will need at least a god-level warrior."

Speaking of gods, Tang San smiled faintly, "Great-grandmother, to be honest, I have obtained the ninth test of gods, and I am currently on the seventh test. After the ninth test is completed, I will inherit the throne of God. By then , whether it’s Wuhundian or Han Yu, let’s settle the old and new accounts.”

"I came to you this time because of the seventh test between Mubai and me."

Hearing this, Bo Saixi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because the highest black level assessment is only six exams, but Dai Mubai has reached the seventh exam, then his assessment can only be the top seven exams or above. In other words, he is a servant of the gods just like himself.

Since Tang San has to complete the nine tests, Dai Mubai, as a servant of the gods, will sacrifice his life at the last moment of the test. Judging from Dai Mubai's current behavior, he seemed not to know.

Naturally, Bo Saixi couldn't comment on the Rakshasa God's arrangements, so she didn't ask too many questions.

"Yes, Senior Bo Saixi, my seventh test is to assist the mistress and establish a new sect." Dai Mubai said with a smile.

Tang San took over, "Great-grandmother, my plan is to establish the Tang Sect based on the Li Clan and the Qibao Glazed Sect. But now, Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo don't agree with my approach. If I can't establish Tang Sect, then it means that Mu Bai and I will fail the divine examination, so I hope that my great-grandmother and Senior Sea Dragon Douluo can help us eliminate Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong."

Good guy, this is trying to steal someone else’s sect! Sea Dragon Douluo twitched the corner of his mouth.

From the conversation just now, he knew that Ning Fengzhi was the sect leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and what was the difference between Tang San's actions and Dai Mubai's stealing the country.

However, in his eyes there is no right or wrong, only interests.

Poseidon Island was destroyed, and the re-established Lake Center Island was suppressed by Wuhun Palace at every turn. As long as Wuhundian's rule can be overthrown, the forces in the center of the lake can truly come to the fore. In this way, more believers will join them.

Bo Saixi nodded and said: "Hai Long and I will cooperate with your actions. When you decide on the plan, we will act according to the plan. But I have not fully recovered from the last injury. And Hai Long is a sea soul master. If we take action on the mainland, our strength will drop a lot.”

"We can't guarantee that we won't miss against a super Douluo who possesses spatial abilities."

Tang Xiao said: "Senior Bo Saixi, you can rest assured. The three elders of the Haotian Sect and I will be on the side to support you. Our five titled Douluo will take action at the same time. Even if Gu Rong is a defense-type Titled Douluo, it doesn't matter, he will still do the same There is no escape from our Wuzhishan.”

The next morning.

Ning Fengzhi was finally summoned by Dai Mubai.

He and Gu Rong did not keep Dai Mubai waiting for long, and rushed from the city to the imperial study room in just a quarter of an hour.

"Ning Fengzhi, I have met Your Majesty." Ning Fengzhi bowed and said with a smile on his face.

Dai Mubai quickly stood up, stepped forward and helped Ning Fengzhi up, "Sect Master Ning, you really embarrassed me. Without the help of the Qibao Glazed Sect, I, Dai Mubai, would not be where I am today. In the future, when you see I don’t have to salute.”

Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded, but as long as Dai Mubai didn't make an edict because of this, he would definitely not forget the courtesy.

"Your Majesty, I wonder why you summoned us here today?" Gu Rong asked calmly.

"Sect Master Ning, Senior Bone Douluo, this is my fault. Originally, I should have delivered the benefits promised to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to you earlier. But these days, I am really busy with state affairs, and I can't get away for a while. This is not , I just finished liquidating the empire’s assets and I called you here.”

With that said, Dai Mubai picked up the imperial edict from the desk and said with a smile: "Uncle Ning, I currently have a free gold mine in my hands. Originally, I planned to leave more things to you. , but considering the actual situation of the Qibao Glazed Sect, I decided to give the bulk of it to you first. When the Qibao Glazed Sect has enough power, I will fulfill the other promises one by one. "

Originally, Ning Fengzhi would have been disgusted when Dai Mubai said this, but what Dai Mubai took out was extraordinary. Gold is definitely hard currency wherever you go. Moreover, gold with the same weight as one gold soul coin can be worth one hundred gold soul coins.

Naturally, Ning Fengzhi had heard about the mine that Dai Mubai gave.

This was a new gold mine discovered by the empire three months ago when Dai Tianfeng was still in power, and it was a very large-scale mine.

As long as the mining rights of this mine are in hand, the Qibao Glazed Sect will not have to worry about running out of money in the next hundred years.

Ning Fengzhi immediately beamed when he saw the words written in the imperial edict that the mining time was permanent.

"Caomin Ning Fengzhi accepted the edict. Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ning Fengzhi received the edict respectfully.

This imperial edict is a mining document. As long as it is kept well, why worry about the revival of the Qibao Glazed Sect?

As for the disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi would definitely not arrange for them to go mining. Moreover, Ning Fengzhi and Tang San did not inform anyone from the Li clan about Tai Tai's death.

After he returns, he only needs to use a little coercion and inducement, and these people from the Li clan will be able to mine for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

"This boy is so generous!" A smile appeared on Gu Rong's lips. He was very satisfied with the gold mine he got.

"Mu Bai, we have been away from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect for some time. The sect is busy with affairs, so we will not stay here any longer. In the future, whether it is you or the empire, as long as our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is of use, please feel free to speak up."

After a pause, Ning Fengzhi added, "By the way, Rongrong and Oscar are members of your Shrek Seven Devils. If you need help with government affairs, I can arrange for them to come over at any time."

"Sect Master Ning is interested. I also have a lot of official business to deal with, so I won't send it to you. Please help yourself."

After exiting the imperial study room, Ning Fengzhi was in a good mood.

"Uncle Gu, how long do you think this gold mine will be enough for us to mine?" Ning Fengzhi asked with a smile.

Gu Rong said: "Fengzhi, although I have never mined gold, we cannot mine a lot at once. Only a steady stream of water will stabilize the price of gold in the market. In addition, we should not sell gold bricks directly and process them into jewelry." products, we can earn more.”

Ning Fengzhi nodded in agreement.

The Qibao Glazed Sect are all very clever disciples, so it would be a good choice to arrange for them to process gold.

Without thinking any more, the two went back to the hotel and quickly packed their things.

Looking at their leaving figures, Tianyue and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"After two days of delay, they finally left." Tianyue complained.

"But we are not completely without gains." Golden Crocodile Douluo said, "After these two days of observation, we have figured out the time for the changing of guard at the perimeter. In addition, I have figured out the locations of the secret sentries."

Zhu Zhuqing thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "We can't wait until night to take action. If I remember correctly, the exit of the prison will be locked at night. The only way we can figure it out is to blow up the door. Such a big movement , someone will definitely find out, so I suggest you go to jail now.”

Golden Crocodile Douluo said in a deep voice: "Isn't this too hasty? I vaguely felt last night that two powerful Titled Douluo entered the city, and one of them is even stronger than me."

"Grandpa, could it be that Tang Chen is back?" Tianyue's eyelids twitched.

Jin Crocodile denied: "I don't know him, but I'm sure it's not Tang Chen. However, those two people left Xingluo City in the middle of the night. I don't know exactly where they went."

Dugu Yan sighed: "Senior Jin Crocodile, we have been observing outside and cannot find the movements of the Davis couple at all. Only by entering the sky prison can we have a chance."

How could Jin Crocodile not know these things?

After a pause, he said: "Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong have already left the city. In that case, let's do it. There is only that little kid Tang Xiao in the city, and I don't take him seriously yet."

The Clear Sky Hammer without the method of exploding rings is like a tiger with its fangs pulled out, and is not worth mentioning at all.

Just as they said, the four of them slowly approached the teahouse.

This teahouse has always been open here, but it never receives customers. Only occasionally, some people dressed as government servants will come here to rest.

Zhu Zhuqing and the others rushed straight to the Tianlao, while Golden Crocodile Douluo quickly eliminated all the secret sentries on the outside.

"The eighth soul skill, night falls!"

After Zhu Zhuqing's eighth soul skill is used, her figure will turn into a shadow under the sun, making it difficult to capture. Her speed and attack power have also been greatly increased at the same time, and she can catch every enemy lurking in the dark through the sound of her breathing.

In just a few breaths, Zhu Zhuqing returned to his original place.

"Everything has been resolved. Come with me."

All the guards and secret sentries on the periphery had been dealt with, and Zhu Zhuqing and others walked directly into the teahouse openly. As for Golden Crocodile Douluo, after they entered the Tianlao, he took over the teahouse to prevent others from discovering that the Tianlao had been robbed.

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