In order to arrange the mining of the gold mine as soon as possible, Gu Rong used his soul power to drag Ning Fengzhi along the way and rushed towards the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo had already prepared an ambush on their inevitable path.

"The sixth soul skill, burial at sea."

Bo Saixi waved the scepter in her hand, and the water in the surrounding lakes was swept up by her, forming a huge waterspout.

The powerful suction sucked Gu Rong and Ning Fengzhi into it, and at the same time, the surrounding space was completely blocked by him.

After all, Ning Fengzhi was not a battle spirit master. The sudden attack and suffocation made him lose his sense of proportion.

"Space is torn apart." Gu Rong quickly activated his martial spirit.

The bone dragon waved a pair of bone claws, tearing the surrounding space apart, and they were able to escape.

Bo Saixi's sixth soul skill has a certain space sealing ability, but after all, she is not a strong person who specializes in space. Facing the bone dragon with space talent, it is not easy to trap it.

"Who is carrying out the sneak attack?" Gu Rong protected Ning Fengzhi behind him and looked around with a vigilant expression.

"The sixth soul skill, Sea Dragon Tail Swing!"

Sea Dragon Douluo seized the opportunity and sent a huge dragon tail towards Gu Rong.

"Uncle Gu, be careful!" Ning Fengzhi reminded loudly.

"The sixth soul skill, Bone Dragon Transformation into Sky Shield!"

Bone Dragon Wuhu's claws turned into one or two strong bone shields, blocking the two of them.


The attack power of Hailong's dragon tail is not small. With this blow, Gu Rong and Ning Fengzhi were knocked to the ground.

Although Sea Dragon Douluo's strength will drop a lot if he attacks on land. But just now, when Bo Saixi took action, all the water from the surrounding lakes was sprinkled around Gu Rong.

With the help of the rich water attribute energy around him, this blow produced a good effect.

"Uncle Gu, don't let us fight. Let's find an opportunity to escape." Ning Fengzhi said in a low voice.

To be able to make Gu Rong so embarrassed, one can imagine the opponent's strength.

Ning Fengzhi might not have any idea about the strength comparison between titled Douluo, but Gu Rong knew it very well. The first person to take action was very powerful and far beyond his ability.

Just as he was about to open the door to space, a powerful attack struck again.

The figures of Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo then appeared in front of Gu Rong.

"Who are you, Your Excellency? We have no grievances against you, why are you taking action against us!" Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but asked in a deep voice as he helped Gu Rong beside him.

"You have offended someone who shouldn't be offended." Bo Saixi's face was expressionless, and nine soul rings, eight black and one red, quickly appeared at her feet.

With such a soul ring configuration, who is she?

Suddenly, Ning Fengzhi thought of what Ouya once said, "The strength of our great worshiper is extraordinary, and his soul ring configuration is unmatched by others."

The person in front of him seemed to be the Bo Saixi that Ouya mentioned.

"Your Excellency, you are Senior Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon Island?" Ning Fengzhi said quickly: "I am the sect leader of Qibao Glazed Sect. Senior Eurasia and Senior Sea Spear were treated well by me back then."

Bo Saixi already knew about this matter. But compared to this small favor, Bo Saixi would not go against Tang San's plan.

"Fengzhi, be careful!" Gu Rong saw that the situation was not good, and while pushing Ning Fengzhi away, he activated his seventh soul skill.

The ferocious-looking bone dragon rose into the air and stood in front of the two of them.

The Bone Dragon Spirit is originally a defensive spirit, and its own defensive power has already exceeded the eighth spirit skill of a general defense spirit. It is difficult for ordinary attacks to cause substantial damage to him.

There was a loud bang.

The water wave created by Bo Saixi exploded in front of Gu Rong. The powerful impact made it difficult for the Bone Dragon Spirit to resist, and the two of them were knocked to the ground again.

"Fengzhi, they may be from Poseidon Island, but with their attitude, they are obviously here to cause trouble for us!" Gu Rong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in a deep voice.

Ning Fengzhi was still a little puzzled, "Uncle Bones, there must be some misunderstanding. When the two crown princes Ouya and Hailance came to Qibao Glazed Sect, it was not us who harmed them. If the reason is explained clearly, maybe they will Close hand."

On the other side, Sea Dragon Douluo volunteered: "Great Enshrined, your injury has not healed, let me handle the rest of the battle."

Bo Saixi did not refuse, but just reminded: "His defense is very strong, and he also has good attack power. You must be careful to avoid them taking the opportunity to escape."

Sea Dragon Douluo responded, "The seventh soul skill, martial soul true form."

A battle between titled Douluo would be a bit like a sparring match if they only released their ninth soul skills without activating their martial soul avatars. It was precisely because of this that Tang Xiao paralyzed Shi Shanyue, and was eventually killed by Gu Rong in a sneak attack.

Once a Titled Douluo activates his martial soul avatar, not only can the first six soul skills be released an unlimited number of times within a certain period of time, but the power of the eighth and ninth trump card soul skills will also be greatly increased.

It can be said that the ninth soul skill of Wuhun Zhen is the move that determines the life and death of both parties.

The two of them are both ninety-five-level titled Douluo, and both have dragon-type martial spirits, so naturally they have the idea of ​​ranking.

"The second soul skill, Sea Dragon Divine Flame."

On Sea Dragon Douluo's palm, a deep red light surged, forming a burst of special flames.

The remnants of the flames fell onto the trees nearby, and a burst of fire poison exploded from the heart of the trees.

"The fourth soul skill, Bone Prison!"

Gu Rong waved his right hand, and countless bone spurs came out of Sea Dragon Douluo. Multiple bone spurs were arranged together, like purgatory on earth.

"Fengzhi, they are here to cause trouble. They have no intention of explaining to us. No matter what you say, it will be a waste of time. Be prepared, I will find a way to take you away!"

Ning Fengzhi just woke up from a dream.

The voices between them were neither loud nor quiet. If Poseidon Island really came to take revenge on them, after hearing these words, they would definitely reconsider whether to take action.

But now, Sea Dragon Douluo acted decisively, making it clear that the other party wanted to kill them.

But Ning Fengzhi still couldn't figure out the reason. There was no conflict of interest between them and Poseidon Island. Before this, they had only had indirect interactions.

"It's Dai Mubai and Tang San!" Ning Fengzhi frowned.

Among them, the only one who might have come into contact with Poseidon Island was Tang San.

When they went to the sea, news of the destruction of Poseidon Island had already spread, but they still chose to go to the sea. Regarding matters at sea, Tang San's answer was ambiguous, and Ning Fengzhi had no idea what they had experienced at sea.

As for whether Tang San and Dai Mubai offended Poseidon Island, causing Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo to go to land to seek revenge; or they united with Poseidon Island and wanted to kill the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Ning Fengzhi had no way of knowing.

"The seven treasures turn out to be glass, and the seven treasures have names. The seventh treasure is the true body of the seven treasures."

The Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit emerged behind Ning Fengzhi, and the light of his first six soul skills continued to fall into Gu Rong's body.

Originally, Gu Rong's strength was already at the peak of level ninety-five. The last time he received Ning Fengzhi's full increase, he had a glimpse of level ninety-seven strength. During this period, he also digested this part of his understanding.

Now that Ning Fengzhi had gained another boost, Gu Rong completed this final step, and his soul power officially broke through level ninety-six. Moreover, with Ning Fengzhi's increase, he already has the strength of the early stage of level ninety-seven.

Sea Dragon Douluo was only at level ninety-five, and this was not his home court. The outcome was predictable, as he was beaten back and forth.

Bo Saixi saw that the situation was not good and was about to take action.

However, Gu Rong had no intention of entangled with them, "The fifth soul skill, the bone dragon roars with wind!"

The Bone Dragon Spirit opened its mouth wide, and a harsh roar came.

This is a mental impact soul skill. Due to his lack of strength, Sea Dragon Douluo has lost his ability to move under the influence of this soul skill. But in front of Bo Saixi, this mental impact soul skill was useless.

"Seeking death, the third soul skill, Tide of the Vast Sea!" Bo Saixi waved the scepter in his hand.

The water of the lake not far behind them hit Gu Rong and the two like huge waves.

"Fengzhi, let's go!"

The bone dragon waved its claws, and a crack was torn open in the space in front of it.

After the two figures submerged into it, the crack closed instantly.

After losing the bone dragon as a source of influence, Sea Dragon Douluo finally came to his senses, "Great Enshrinement, what should we do?"

"With this level of space tearing, they can't run very far. Chase them!" Bo Saixi ordered.

Just as Bo Saixi expected, Gu Rong and Ning Fengzhi only escaped a short distance away.

They concealed their presence and temporarily escaped pursuit.

"Uncle Gu, you are injured!" Looking at the wounds on Gu Rong's body, Ning Fengzhi was horrified.

These wounds were all caused by Bo Saixi's attacks, so they were extremely difficult to heal.

Gu Rong grabbed Ning Fengzhi's hand and refused his help, "Fengzhi, don't expose your soul power, they are nearby."

Ning Fengzhi sat slumped aside, feeling a little at a loss.

Bo Saixi beat Gu Rong like this with just a few casual moves. If the opponent had attacked with all his strength, they might not be able to escape.

Since the last soul hunting operation ended, Ning Fengzhi once again felt powerless in her heart.

That time, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin chose to sacrifice himself in order for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to preserve its vitality. If Gu Rong died, it would definitely be a devastating disaster for the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Without the Guardian Douluo, the imperial edict in his hand is like a reminder that sooner or later the Qibao Glazed Sect will be doomed.

"Fengzhi, Dai Mubai and Tang San would not be so kind. They must have come into contact with Poseidon Island after they went to the sea. Perhaps Tang San got this strength from Poseidon Island." Gu Rong sneered: " With this imperial edict for mining, it is very likely that they had the intention of killing three people with two peaches. Not only our Qibao Glazed Sect, but also the Haotian Sect may have obtained the same edict."

Now that things have happened, if Ning Fengzhi can no longer see the power of it, he is not worthy of becoming a man of the hour in Tiandou City.

I just don’t know if the Haotian Sect was also kept in the dark.

In the basement of the teahouse, as everyone expected, there was a soul guide door.

Before opening the door, Zhu Zhuqing said to Dugu Yan and Dugu Yan: "The sky prison must be heavily guarded. I will go in first to explore the locations of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, and you can come in later."

In terms of speed, Zhu Zhuqing is the fastest among them. Moreover, with her eighth soul skill, it is impossible for anyone with soul power lower than hers to discover her existence.

It would be most appropriate for her to first find out where the Davises are being held.

Dugu Yan instructed: "We will meet you outside the door. If there is any situation, you can exit quickly."

The black soul ring under Zhu Zhuqing's feet lit up. There was a hint of blood red in this soul ring. It was a soul ring with an age of nearly 100,000 years.

Soul power was injected into it, and as soon as the door of the Tianlao opened a gap, Zhu Zhuqing's figure quickly entered it.

The area closest to the exit was guarded by a group of soldiers. Zhu Zhuqing's speed was so fast that they were completely unaware of it. Moreover, the door to the prison was quickly closed again, and these soldiers did not notice anything strange at all.

The Tianlao is underground, and there is no light source here. Only the candlelight on the surrounding walls can barely see the surrounding road conditions.

When she was in Xingluo City, Zhu Zhuqing had only heard about the situation in the Tianlao. She had no idea about the internal layout.

After crossing a chain bridge, what comes into view is an area of ​​iron cages. They are arranged from bottom to top, almost filling the pit.

The large number of cells means that it will be extremely difficult to find Mr. and Mrs. Davis.

While avoiding the soldiers who came here to patrol, Zhu Zhuqing noticed dust on the ground that did not belong here.

"This is sand, why is it here?"

In her sight, there were some scattered sand on the ground, as if they had been left deliberately. Looking around, the sand formed a path.

Zhu Zhuqing was not sure whether the sand and stones were left by Davis, or whether it was one of the security measures in the prison, and the purpose was to make the prison robbers fall into the trap.

But Zhu Zhuqing no longer wanted to wait any longer. Even if it was a trap, it was not difficult to escape with her strength.

Just go ahead and follow these sandy paths, Zhu Zhuqing climbed up several floors in one breath.

The upper part of the Tianlao is the part exposed above the ground. There are some small gaps in the surrounding walls that allow weak sunlight to shine into them.

Being locked up here, the treatment is at least much better than that of the lowest prisoners.

The sand markers stopped abruptly when they reached this level, and Zhu Zhuqing simply started searching on this level.

The sand marks discovered by Zhu Zhuqing were naturally left by Davis. After being captured, he was escorted out of the palace when construction was going on inside the palace. He took advantage of the guards' unpreparedness and took the opportunity to put the sand and stones into his pocket.

As the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, he knew very well how big the Heavenly Prison was. And among them, there were even many powerful men from the empire disguised as prisoners. It can be said that if you want to rob a prison here, it will be infinitely more difficult when the specific location of the rescued person cannot be determined.

The sand was spread all the way, and it was finally used up when it reached this layer.

In the cell, when Davis told Zhu Zhuyun these things, the latter couldn't help but ask, "Will anyone really come to save us?"

Although Davis's methods were clever, it would be in vain if he didn't come to the rescue.

Although Zhu Zhuyun and Duke Carter and others who supported them did not know their situation, there was absolutely no chance that they would come here to rescue them.

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