In the Sky Prison of the Star Luo Empire, a group of executioners threw Davis, who was all wounded, into the cell at will.

"Weiss, are you okay?" Zhu Zhuyun quickly climbed forward.

As losers, both of them suffered inhuman torture, not only physical but also psychological torture. Dai Mubai came to the cell not long ago and looked down at them with a victor's attitude.

As the final obstacle to Dai Mubai's ascension to the throne, the two of them were locked up together with no one else in the cell to eliminate any chance of them having contact with the outside world.

The purpose of locking the two of them together is simply to encourage them to encourage each other so that the torture can last longer.

"Zhuyun, I made a miscalculation in this case. Until now, the people from the Haotian Sect have not come to rescue us. They must have made two preparations. Mubai is the target of their secret investment."

Davis certainly knew the reason for his failure.

He is a supporter of the empire. After he takes office, Haotian Sect will not receive any additional benefits except the benefits previously promised.

But Dai Mubai was different. He had no chance to become emperor, so he would naturally make random promises. When he really ascends the throne, he will sell out the empire's properties like a nouveau riche who made a fortune without feeling any pain at all.

"Wes, I will have no regrets if I can die with you."

Davis' eyes remained firm, "No, we still have one last way to survive, cough cough."

"Zhuyun, do you remember Dean Han? We gave him an investment back then, and Dean Han is not an ungrateful person. Wuhun Daily will definitely report our matter. If he learns of it, he will definitely will come to our rescue.”

Zhu Zhuyun did not expose his words.

They had been to Canaan City, and even Dugu Bo didn't know where Han Yu had gone. How could he show up based only on the reports from Wuhun Daily?

However, in this dark prison, it is better to have hope than to lose the motivation to live and live in confusion.

Looking back at Dai Mubai, he was currently fighting with a group of young girls in the palace.

For today, the Haotian Sect has been taking care of the fallen girls everywhere for a long time. Now that the time is right, they will all be given to Dai Mubai.

These delinquent girls don't care who they serve, but serving the emperor, their status is extraordinary. Therefore, each of them works very hard.

As for state affairs, Dai Mubai has given full authority to Tang San and Tang Xiao to handle it.

"Xiaosan, I have arranged for some people to come from the sect. In a few days, we can rest." Tang Xiao said.

Tang San nodded and said: "Uncle, with Senior Bo Saixi's speed, we estimate that we will be able to arrive in two days. At that time, please lead someone to ensure that the plan is foolproof, at least not to let Ning Fengzhi escape."

"Bone Douluo has space-type soul skills. If he is prepared, we cannot kill them with one blow, but if we can make them relax their vigilance, perhaps our success rate will increase a lot. "Tang Xiao said.

None of them have the means to crack the space soul skill. Once Gu Rong opens the door to space, it will be difficult for them to hunt him down.

Tang San smiled and said, "It's easy. I'll let Mubai cash in part of the benefits to Sect Master Ning first. When they return to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect with the imperial edict, it will be the best time for us to rob and kill him."

"Yes, but this matter must be kept secret. Ning Fengzhi and the others must not find any clues. I suggest that Ning Fengzhi and the others be driven out of the palace first. Otherwise, with Gu Rong's sense of smell, sooner or later Senior Bo Saixi will be discovered. arrival."

Outside Xingluo City, an old man and a young man slowly came to the city gate.

"I didn't expect that guy Dai Yanhu would become the emperor of the Star Luo Empire one day." One of the women in golden training clothes couldn't help but complain.

This group of people is Tianyue and others who came from the previous place of experience.

After completing the last divine test, the four of them originally planned to pass by Canaan City and rest for a while, but unexpectedly, Han Yu had already left Canaan City.

After that, they decided to go to Wuhun City. But on the way, I received news of a new divine assessment, so I changed my route and came here.

"Yue'er, people should not be judged by their appearance. Although I don't know what happened in the meantime, for Dai Mubai to ascend the throne, he must have made a far-reaching plan before that." Golden Crocodile Douluo said in a deep voice.

Over the years, he followed Tianyue and others, helping them complete the divine examination. At the same time, Golden Crocodile Douluo's own strength also improved to a certain extent.

The bottleneck that had not been loosened for decades was successfully broken through this time. Now, he has reached level ninety-nine.

But compared to veteran powerhouses like Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi, his strength, as an Ultimate Douluo who had just entered the ninety-ninth level, was still somewhat lacking.

He didn't know Dai Mubai's worth. I thought the other person was the kind of person who hides his thoughts very deeply.

In fact, Dai Mubai's ability was not even as good as Xue Beng's. At least Xue Beng has been active in Tiandou City, and he has heard something about what happened in the court. But Dai Mubai was different. After leaving Xingluo City, he only rushed back the day before he ascended the throne. He knew almost nothing about court matters.

Dugu Yan said: "Yue'er, no matter what happens to Dai Mubai, our primary target right now is not him. Zhuqing, do you know where the Sky Prison of the Star Luo Empire is?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded without saying much.

This time, it is their seventh test. The content of the three people was the same, which was to rescue the Davis couple from the sky prison.

They didn't know what happened. But Zhu Zhuyun once chased Zhu Zhuqing, and now he asked her to save people, which made her feel somewhat resistant.

Tian Yue said with a smile: "This is my first time to enter the Heavenly Prison. I don't know what the difference is between the Heavenly Prison in the Star Luo Empire and the one in our Spirit Hall."

"Don't be careless." Golden Crocodile Douluo said in a deep voice: "The sky prison is not a small room, but a huge building complex. As political prisoners, the Davis couple will inevitably be imprisoned in the deepest part of the cell. We The top priority is to find out where they are being held.”

Under normal circumstances, the Davises would definitely be held separately. In this way, even if someone wants to rob the prison, it will be difficult to rescue two people at the same time. But who knew that Dai Mubai would not follow the rules and imprison the two of them together.

In addition, Tianlao is the highest-level prison, and the guards arranged there are certainly not weak. Once exposed, in a head-on confrontation, it would be impossible for Tianyue and the others to break through.

After all, this was their divine test, and it was hard for Golden Crocodile Douluo to directly help them escape from prison.

After these years of experience, the strength of the three of them has improved rapidly, and now all three of them are high-level Contras.

Tianyue muttered: "It would be great if the teacher was here. With the teacher's ability, it is not difficult to find out where the Davises are being held."

"Tianlao is in a downtown area in the city." After a long silence, Zhu Zhuqing finally said: "Most of the buildings in Tianlao are buried underground. Above that, there are the busiest streets in Xingluo City. ”

Soon after, when they arrived near Tianlao, they were sure that what Zhu Zhuqing said was true.

The exposed part of the Tianlao has only two floors. The outer layer is disguised as a residential building, but there is a lot going on inside. Moreover, if you want to enter the sky prison, the entrance is not above the ground.

Zhu Zhuqing pointed to a teahouse not far away and said: "If the layout of Tianlu has not been changed in the years since I left, that is the entrance to Tianlu. The detained prisoners will be escorted to the teahouse at night. And send them to the prison through underground passages.”

Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded: "I can sense that there are weak soul power fluctuations under the teahouse. It seems that the entrance gate of this heavenly prison is still a huge soul guide."

Tianyue said in surprise: "I'll go. In comparison, the Heavenly Prison in our Wuhun Palace is just like an ordinary prison cell. You people in the Star Luo Empire are still so imaginative that you can come up with such a building structure."

Zhu Zhuqing shook her head and told what she knew, "It is said that at the beginning of the establishment of Xingluo City, the original location of Tianlao was a large natural pit. The late emperor did not choose to bury it and instead built it into The inner treasury of the royal family.”

"Later the inner treasury was moved, and this place became a prison."

Dugu Yan touched his chin and analyzed: "If it is based on a vault and transformed into a sky prison, the security level is too high. Ordinary soul skills really can't penetrate the walls there."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded in agreement.

It stands to reason that after Dai Mubai ascends the throne, she will automatically become the queen. But she had long decided to leave Dai Mubai, and even if the latter came to her now, she would not agree.

"However, we must arrange an escape route before we rescue people. I estimate that when he learns that the Davises have escaped, Dai Mubai will definitely launch a nationwide hunt." Tianyue said, "The Star Luo Empire must be If you can’t stay here, you have to find a place for them to go after taking them away from here.”

It definitely won't work in Wuhun City, which is the core of Wuhun Palace. As the situation in the mainland has become tense in recent years, almost all forces, large and small, have placed spies in Wuhun City. Once Davis appears there, Wuhundian will easily be labeled as harboring serious criminals by Dai Mubai.

After all, Wuhun Palace is not a country, and they have no right to pardon serious criminals as defined by the Star Luo Empire. If things don't go well, Dai Mubai will probably declare war on Wuhun Palace due to his urinary behavior.

"Send it to Canaan City. That's the teacher's territory, and it's within the Tiandou Empire. Dai Mubai's hand can't reach there yet."

It is not realistic to sneak into the prison in a short time, but at the same time, they are also racing against time. Once the Davises were beheaded on the order of Dai Mubai, their divine test would not be completed.

The three of them found a hotel nearby and planned to find out the deployment situation outside the Tianlao.

On the streets of Xingluo City.

"Fengzhi, what does that boy Dai Mubai mean? He has been hanging on us all this time, and now he even drives us out of the palace. What does he want to do? Cross the river and burn the bridge!" Gu Rong said with an unhappy look on his face.

Normally, after Dai Mubai completes the enthronement ceremony, he should fulfill his original promise and send some benefits to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

But after waiting for so many days, not only did they get nothing, but now they were kicked out.

Ning Fengzhi didn't know what Tang San and Dai Mubai were thinking. He now regretted not bringing Yu Xiaogang out. At least Yu Xiaogang would speak for their Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. However, they are not members of the royal family after all, and staying in the palace for a long time does have a lot of impact.

Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong did not fall out on the spot, largely because the Haotian Sect also received no benefits and was kicked out of the palace.

"Feng Zhi, is it possible that Dai Mubai thinks that becoming the Emperor of Xing Luo means he is invincible? Want to use the trick of burning bridges across the river against our two major sects?" Gu Rong said again.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head and sighed: "Uncle Gu, if you are impatient and can't eat hot tofu, you should wait a little longer. Mubai is like a rootless lotus root in the court of the Star Luo Empire. He wants to completely control the entire empire. It will take a certain amount of time. It is possible that he has no way to benefit our two major sects at the same time and is forced to put it on hold."

Gu Rong naturally thought about all this.

But after Dai Mubai ascended the throne, his attitude towards the Qibao Glazed Sect began to become lukewarm. Gu Rong had a strong feeling in his heart that Dai Mubai would probably break his promise.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Rong asked: "Fengzhi, what should we do now? There are still many things to deal with in the Qibao Glazed Sect. It is not a problem to stay here in Xingluo City all the time."

"Wait a little longer." Ning Fengzhi frowned.

Gu Rong nodded slightly. Just as they were about to walk into the hotel nearby, Gu Rong suddenly turned his head and looked behind him warily.

"What's wrong with Uncle Gu?" Ning Fengzhi asked hurriedly.

Gu Rong glanced around and found nothing, and then said: "I just had a feeling that someone was watching our movements, but when I turned around just now, I didn't find anyone suspicious."

Gu Rong has level 95 strength. In the current Xingluo City, Tang Xiao is the only one who can make him unaware.

However, as the leader of a sect, how could Tang Xiao follow and spy on them?

"Uncle Bones, you must have read it wrong. Go and stay in the hotel first and talk about it later."

"It was so dangerous, he almost found out." Tianyue sat under the window sill, breathing heavily.

Beside her were Dugu Yan and others.

"Why is Ning Fengzhi here? Listening to what he just said, it seems that Dai Mubai's rise to power is due to their Seven Treasures Glazed Sect." The Jade Phosphorus Snake Martial Spirit is very sensitive to air flow, so even if they are far apart, Dugu Yan is still Can hear the conversation between them clearly.

"With your strength, don't spy on Titled Douluo anymore. If I hadn't taken action just now, you would have been exposed." Golden Crocodile Douluo reminded.

His strength far surpassed Gu Rong, and he had just used the soul barrier in time to prevent Gu Rong from discovering their existence.

But now, the Qibao Glazed Sect is on the same street as them, and their next actions can only be canceled temporarily.

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