Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 400 The plan to annex the Qibao Glazed Sect was decided by Tang San

In the imperial study room.

Dai Mubai was not idle. The entire empire's official affairs needed to be handled by him alone at the moment. Tang San was beside him to assist in handling these trivial matters.

"Mistress, this is too much." Dai Mubai was used to doing nothing, and he was really overwhelmed by having him handle so many official duties at once.

No, as soon as he solved a few difficult problems, he wanted to give up his game.

Although Tang San needs a puppet emperor, he and Dai Mubai are currently taking the Rakshasa test. If he and Dai Mubai delayed their cultivation because of this, they would lose more than they gained.

"Mubai, maybe you can form a team dedicated to handling state affairs, so that you can spend a large part of your time on cultivation." Tang San suggested.

You must know that Dai Tianfeng's talent is not weak. If his cultivation was not delayed by state affairs, his strength would not be at least level ninety-three.

Of course, the iron-blooded rule of the Star Luo Empire meant that the emperor had to deal with many things personally, unlike Xue Qinghe, who could leave things to others.

As for the person to assist in handling state affairs, the first person Tang San thought of was Yu Xiaogang. It's a pity that he is still in the Qibao Glazed Sect thousands of miles away. Besides, he still has to deal with some matters concerning the Shrek Seven Devils, so he probably won't have time to take care of them.

In the end, Tang San decided to ask the Haotian Sect to send some people.

While they were thinking, the message of the Rakshasa Divine Test appeared in their minds.

"The sixth Rakshasa test (the top sixth test), if you pass the test, you will be rewarded."

"The seventh Rakshasa test is to establish a force of your own and remove all obstacles. The test lasts for one year. After the test is completed, you will be rewarded with 20% Rakshasa affinity and a one-level increase in soul power. If you fail the test, you will die!"

After hearing the divine test message in his mind, Tang San's eyes suddenly lit up.

It has always been his wish to establish the Tang Sect in this different world. Originally, he thought that his wish would not come true, but he did not expect that this magical test would actually advance his plan to establish the Tang Sect.

However, to establish a sect, not only must it have top-level combat power, but the number of bottom-level disciples and the combat power of mid-level soul masters also need to be considered.

He can't allocate some people from the Haotian Sect and let all these disciples belong to the Tang Sect, right? Even if Tang Xiao would agree, the three elders of Haotian Sect would probably oppose it with all their strength.

Tang San quickly thought of the disciples of the Li Clan. In terms of population, the Li Clan had hundreds of people. After all of them were merged into the Tang Sect, the size of the Tang Sect had reached the standard of a sect. Moreover, the disciples of the Li Clan are all blacksmiths and have an inherent advantage in making the Tang Sect's hidden weapons.

But just being a blacksmith is not enough. The disciples of the sect must be diverse. Otherwise, within a few years, the Tang Clan would become the only one dominated by the Li clan. And the technologies Tang San provided became their patents.

Where should we find the rest?

"Xiao San, I can support you unconditionally. As for the sect's start-up capital, I can allocate some money from the Star Luo Empire to you." Dai Mubai's divine test was to assist Tang San in establishing a force, so he naturally had to show his hospitality.

Tang San said solemnly: "The name of the sect I want to build is Tangmen. It can be established on the basis of the Li Clan, but in this case, Tang Sect will just change its name to the Li Clan. Therefore, I still need to recruit Some other forces."

There are a lot of small forces in the Star Luo Empire. But the strongest among those small forces were usually the Soul Emperor and Soul Saint forces, and Tang San looked down upon them at all.

Dai Mubai quickly closed the door of the imperial study and whispered: "Xiao San, I just made a rough calculation. If I fulfill the benefits I promised to Sect Master Tang, the benefits I can give to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will be greatly reduced."

"In the past, we stayed in the Qibao Glazed Sect, and Sect Master Ning was indeed kind to us. But the national conditions of the Star Luo Empire are here, and many profitable projects are controlled by those big nobles. And there is a deep connection between them. If I forcefully take back the nepotism, I'm afraid it will cause an earthquake in the court. This is not in our current interests."

"But if I fail to fulfill Sect Leader Ning's promise, I'm afraid everyone in the world will stab me in the back."

Dai Mubai's words were not groundless. Tang San had already discovered this problem when he was just cleaning up the empire's assets. But his original idea was to let the Haotian Sect cede some interests first, and as long as it was supported by the empire's policies, it would not be difficult to help them earn the rewards they deserved.

It's just that it takes some time in between.

Now combined with the Divine Examination, Tang San came up with a different view, "Mubai, if we kick the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect out of the game and recruit their disciples, what do you think our success rate is?"

So what if Oscar and Ning Rongrong were their classmates? We are not children anymore. The adult world only cares about interests. If he could become a god immediately, he could kill Dai Mubai.

"Mistress, I heard you."

Tang Xiao's hearty laughter came from outside the door.

He had been here for a while. When he heard Dai Mubai's words, he originally thought that Dai Mubai was going to renege on his word, so he listened outside the door for a while longer. Unexpectedly, Tang San's thoughts coincided with his.

The Qibao Glazed Sect was originally an auxiliary sect. When the Haotian Sect closed down, they controlled a large amount of wealth in the Tiandou Empire. Moreover, Ning Fengzhi likes to have a sense of presence. Ning Fengzhi was involved in almost every major event that happened in the Tiandou Empire.

As an auxiliary soul master, how can he behave like that by jumping up and down like this?

At the beginning, the Haotian Sect needed to plan for the interests of many parties, so the Qibao Glazed Sect naturally had a certain necessity for its existence.

Now that it's the harvest season, how can they let the Qibao Glazed Sect take away the benefits in vain? Furthermore, he really didn't like Ning Fengzhi.

Regarding Tang Xiao, Tang San did not shy away and admitted his thoughts openly.

Tang Xiao did not answer in a hurry, but asked: "Xiao San, is it because of the divine test that your and His Majesty's strength has improved so rapidly?"

Tang San was shocked, but the person in front of him was his uncle, so how could he harm him. If it were anyone else, he would probably start a fight with Dai Mubai at this moment.

"Uncle, this is indeed the case. However, now I need to establish a force of my own to complete the latest assessment."

Tang Xiao heard this and sighed: "Are you very surprised that I know about the Divine Examination? Your great-grandfather was also the grandfather of me and your father. He also obtained the Divine Examination."

"You also know what happened next. My grandfather has disappeared on the mainland since he obtained the divine test. Our Haotian Sect sent many people to search, but to no avail. Perhaps, my grandfather has already taken a step forward. At that point, he decided not to care about the affairs of the mainland anymore, or he failed the divine examination and died."

"Since it is your divine test, I, the Haotian Sect, will give my full support. Just now you said you would take action against the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and the three elders and I will assist you."

"But this matter requires careful planning. If Ning Fengzhi fully assists Bone Douluo, I will also find it very difficult. As for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, just merge it into your Tang Sect."

If it weren't for the divine examination, Tang Xiao would definitely resist Tang San's self-established power. You know, he was training Tang San as the successor of the Haotian Sect, how could he be allowed to establish his own sect.

As for the Tang Sect, in the future, after Tang San succeeds as the leader of the Haotian Sect, it will be merged into the Haotian Sect or become a subsidiary sect of the Haotian Sect. It all depends on Tang San's words.

"Don't worry, mistress, I will set up a trap to make the Qibao Glazed Sect sit back and watch for treason charges. When the time comes, I will launch a nationwide arrest warrant for him in the name of the empire." Dai Mubai said confidently.

Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong were already wanted by the entire Tiandou Empire. If they were wanted by the entire Star Luo Empire again, there would be no place for them in this world.

Of course, meeting the above conditions is not enough. Only by killing Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong will they feel at ease.

"By the way, uncle, how much do you know about Poseidon Island?" Tang San suddenly asked.

Since Bo Saixi and others have formed an alliance with them, it seems better for them to participate in the plan to get rid of Ning Fengzhi.

After all, the Haotian Sect is a large sect. After Gu Rong and Ning Fengzhi escaped, they would assassinate the disciples of the Haotian Sect if they had anything to do. Aren’t the entire Haotian Sect panicked?

Regarding the matter between Tang Chen and Bo Saixi, even an outsider like Yu Xiaogang knew about it. As one of the parties involved, how could they, the Haotian Sect, not know about it?

"Back then, your great-grandfather still had a relationship with the high priest of Poseidon Island. However, all this is in the past. Poseidon Island no longer exists, and its disappearance has long been spread across the mainland. Hey~ if the high priest is still there If we are alive, maybe we can join forces with them to fight against Wuhun Palace."

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked at each other, not expecting that things were so simple.

Back when he was in the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi did everything he could to win over Poseidon Island. But unfortunately, with the deaths of Oya and Sea Spear, the bridge between them and Poseidon Island was broken.

Of course, at that time, Tang San didn't know that Tang Chen was his great-grandfather. But now that Bo Saixi has actively formed an alliance with them, this relationship is of little use.

After thinking for a while, Tang San revealed the truth, "Uncle, in fact, Poseidon Island has not been destroyed. Mubai and I met Senior Bo Saixi just after we returned to the land. Driven by the gods behind us, we have achieved alliance."

Tang Xiao grabbed Tang San's hand and asked anxiously: "Where is Senior Bo Saixi? If grandfather really went to pursue the divine examination, then the last person he saw must be Senior Bo Saixi. Maybe. , maybe we can find out the whereabouts of my grandfather from her mouth."

Everyone of a certain age on the mainland knows about Tang Chen's strength. If they can find such a strong person, their winning rate against Wuhun Palace will be a few points higher.

"Uncle, don't worry. Mubai and I have already made an agreement with Senior Bo Saixi. We will write a letter right away and let them enter the palace secretly. After that, we can give them full responsibility for dealing with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. "

"Oh, by the way, Poseidon Island has moved to land. They are now called Lake Center Island."

Since the court meeting ended, Ning Fengzhi had begun to look forward to how Dai Mubai would repay them. But he waited for a long time and didn't even wait for Dai Mubai to summon him.

Just when Ning Fengzhi was anxious, Tang Xiao came over and informed them.

He said that it would take a certain amount of time for Dai Mubai to inventory the empire's assets, and when the inventory was completed, he would send the benefits to the Haotian Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect as soon as possible.

Ning Fengzhi felt relieved after learning that Haotian Sect had only received verbal promises for the time being. But he didn't realize at all that this was just a delaying measure.

The next morning, Dai Mubai arranged a grand funeral for Dai Tianfeng. As soon as noon arrived, he couldn't wait to complete the heaven-sacrifice ceremony (enthronement ceremony).

Later, Wuhun Daily got the news and temporarily added an issue to publish the news about the Xingluo Palace incident, Davis' exposure and arrest, and Dai Mubai's ascension to the throne.

Of course, the source of the Wuhun Daily reporter's information was naturally released by Dai Mubai.

Tang San used the public opinion effect of Wuhun Daily to shape Dai Mubai into a man who accepted orders in times of crisis.

At the same time, after receiving the news, the major forces began to discuss countermeasures.

First of all, they didn't know Dai Mubai very well. The former has never held any position in the Star Luo Empire, so no one knows what kind of decisions he will make and how to deal with the current situation on the mainland.

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong summoned all the elders to discuss countermeasures.

Bibi Dong was the first to speak: "Dai Mubai once came to the Pope's Palace and participated in the Soul Master Competition. I have only met him a few times, but I feel that this person is narrow-minded and difficult to achieve."

Snake Spear Douluo did not agree with these words.

When he and Qian Renxue were lurking in the Tiandou Empire, they naturally came into contact with a lot of things in the court. As the saying goes, a person cannot be judged by his appearance. Snow stars and avalanches appear to be harmless. But at the critical moment of the Tiandou Palace change, if Wuhun Palace hadn't strengthened their personnel deployment in advance, they might have overturned the situation.

"His Majesty the Pope, the Haotian Sect originally wanted to seek benefits in the Tiandou Empire but failed. After winning the title of the number one sect in the world, they quickly switched to the Star Luo Empire. Now during the Xing Luo Palace incident, they are acting as protectors. The Guozong Sect’s role must be their plan.”

"I remember that Tang San was a disciple of the Haotian Sect, and during the Soul Master Competition, he and Dai Mubai were both classmates of Shrek Academy. In this way, Tang San acted as a middleman, helping Dai Mubai It’s not surprising to win the support of Haotian Sect.”

Ghost Leopard Douluo then said, "His Majesty the Pope, I passed by Xingluo City before returning to resume my life. At that time, Davis seemed to have signs of a palace coup, but under the cover of Dai Tianfeng's respected minister, he That’s why I didn’t reveal my fault.”

"If Dai Mubai came to power without any advance preparation, he must have stolen the results of Davis' palace transformation."

"A stolen throne, if he wants to sit firmly, he must make some achievements quickly. Or, divert domestic conflicts."

Bibi Dong smiled, "You mean, he might become the initiator of the war?"

Han Yu's original plan was to let the Star Luo Empire take the initiative to challenge the war. Now that Dai Mubai has come to power, Wuhun Palace has become more proactive.

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