After the battle, Gu Rong's mouth twitched slightly, "This old guy is so tough, I almost succeeded in self-destructing him."

Facing attacks from all directions and under Gu Rong's sneak attack, Shi Shanyue finally fell under the encirclement and suppression of several people.

Just now, if Tang Xiao hadn't taken action in time, once Shi Shanyue succeeded in self-destructing, not only would the entire palace be razed to the ground, but they, who were at the center of the explosion, would also be buried with him.

"The ending is good after all." Tang Xiao walked over and said with a smile, "Sect Master Ning, Bone Douluo, thank you very much this time. Without your help, Tang would have no chance to capture him in a short time. "

Ning Fengzhi hurriedly stepped forward and responded with a smile: "Sect Master Tang is joking. This is a joint action between our two sects. It is appropriate for Ning to contribute some modest efforts."

Tang Xiao nodded in agreement and hurried towards Dai Tianfeng, "Sect Leader Ning, now is not the time to talk. You should be prepared. When Tang has finished dealing with Dai Tianfeng, you can take action."

After saying that, his figure disappeared into the night.

"Mistress, let's move closer over there quickly." Seeing that the throne was about to be obtained, Dai Mubai couldn't help but become anxious.

Tang San shook his head again, "Mubai, don't be anxious."

Ning Fengzhi answered, "Xiao San is right. If our current identity is discovered by others, we will most likely be accused of treason. Since we want to 'clear the emperor', we should let others know."

It is not entirely correct to say that these guards in the palace are from Davis. These low-level soldiers are not qualified to directly participate in Davis' plan. To a large extent, it was because their direct generals turned to Davis. And they are just group executors, right and wrong are not important to them.

Ning Fengzhi interrupted and took this opportunity to confuse the audience. After all, Dai Mubai was also a prince and had a certain appeal in the Star Luo Empire.

Under Tang San's arrangement, Dai Mubai activated the Evil Tiger King's martial spirit. Although he was infected by the dark aura of the Rakshasa God, his martial spirit was no longer a white tiger. However, the general outline of Wuhun remained unchanged, and his appearance was somewhat similar to that of Dai Tianfeng, so many soldiers responded to his call.

"Soldiers, I am Dai Mubai, the second prince of the empire. My brother Davis has deceived the emperor and is now committing treasonous acts. For the sake of your majesty's safety and the glory of the empire, you will come with me to win the battle. This traitor!"

Dai Mubai was born with certain speaking skills. Under his repeated threats and inducements, more and more soldiers turned against him, including some generals.

The current situation in the palace was not something that low-level soldiers like them could know. When they heard Dai Tianfeng's name, these soldiers had no choice but to follow Dai Mubai to "rescue" him in order to avoid being liquidated afterwards.

On the other side, Tang Xiao returned to the battlefield. Dai Tianfeng knew that his fate was over. Before he died, he rushed towards Davis like crazy, intending to die with him.

Unfortunately, he missed a move and was killed on the spot by Tang Xiao's powerful attack.

After going through many twists and turns, Davis finally relaxed his brows after seeing Dai Tianfeng's body.

He walked to Dai Tianfeng's body, cut off Dai Tianfeng's head with a knife, and held it high in his hand.

"From tonight onwards, there will be only one king in the Star Luo Empire. Do you have any objections?"

Davis won the final victory, and these royal children did not dare to neglect and bowed their heads one after another.

"Your Majesty, we have been delayed for too long just now. I am afraid that the troops around the palace have already arrived outside the city. Tang and three elders will go to stop them first, and will come back later to attend your majesty's enthronement ceremony."

After saying that, Tang Xiao quickly left with the three elders.

Davis was immersed in the joy of victory at the moment and didn't care about the whereabouts of Tang Xiao and others. Moreover, the powerful person he arranged in the palace has now come to his side.

"Come here, give Dai Tianfeng's body a good burial." He casually discarded the head in his hand aside.

At the same time, he was also thinking about the great things he would accomplish after taking office.

Just as he was having sex, the ground shook, and a large group of people were rushing towards him.

"Escort me, protect me quickly."

Perhaps knowing that the origin of his throne was erroneous, Davis retreated behind the guards with a nervous look on his face.

This team was assembled by Dai Mubai. At this moment, he was rushing to the front of the team, shouting: "Davis, hand over your father quickly."

"Mubai?" Hearing the familiar voice, Davis laughed and said, "My good brother, I am already the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, how dare you appear in front of me?"

"Whoever can capture Dai Mubai, I will reward him with a hundred taels of gold and a thousand bolts of silk and satin!"

For a moment, the guards in front of Davis began to be eager to give it a try.

"Let's see who dares."

Gu Rong shouted loudly and took the initiative to stand in front of Dai Mubai. With a casual wave of his hand, Davis's guards were all knocked to the ground by his soul pressure.

"Gu Douluo, Sect Leader Ning, are you, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, planning to rebel?"

At the same time, Davis felt terrible.

Tang Xiao took the powerful men from the Haotian Sect outside the city to resist the imperial army. At this moment, in the palace, Davis did not have any powerful men at the Title Douluo level.

With just the team of Soul Saint guards under him, how could it be possible for Bone Douluo to defeat the enemy with just one move!

Ning Fengzhi smiled lightly and said: "Your Highness, is it inappropriate for you to say this? Ning has an old relationship with Emperor Dai Tianfeng, and now you are committing regicide. How can Ning ignore it? Hand over His Majesty Dai Tianfeng. Come out, otherwise you will have to do it again.”

Dai Mubai suddenly pointed behind Davis and shouted: "That's the father, Davis, how dare you assassinate the father."

The two men sang and harmonized, and soon confirmed Davis's regicide in front of all the soldiers.

In addition, those royal children saw with their own eyes what Davis did. Seeing that Davis was at a disadvantage, several bold royal members immediately began to criticize him verbally.

"Okay, okay, Mubai, what you said is so high-sounding, you are just trying to seize the throne. I really didn't expect that people from the Qibao Glazed Sect would choose to help you. It seems that I am looking down on you." Davis sneered. , he stood side by side with Zhu Zhuyun, planning to use martial soul fusion skills at any time.

As long as he can delay Tang Xiao's support, he will definitely win.

Dai Mubai grinned and took a few steps forward, "My dear good brother, with your soul emperor strength, do you also want to shake Contra!"

As he spoke, eight soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black, and black appeared under his feet. The evil tiger king's martial spirit looked at the Davis couple with a ferocious expression.

In the history of the Xingluo royal family, many people's martial souls had mutated. Although Dai Mubai's Evil Tiger King Spirit is full of evil aura, it is undeniable that this spirit has surpassed the White Tiger Spirit.

"How is it possible, Mubai, how is it possible for you to break through Contra!" Davis looked extremely ugly.

Dai Mubai sneered. Seeing Davis's current performance, he felt very happy.

"Sect Master Ning, Senior Bone Douluo, please help me to take down Davis, the traitor." Turning around, he said to Ning Fengzhi and Ning Fengzhi respectfully.

Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly, Gu Rong immediately activated his martial spirit, and kept approaching Davis.

"Sect Master Tang, come to the rescue~"

Davis didn't care about his face and shouted at the top of his lungs.

It's a pity that Tang Xiao planned this incident, and the people from the Haotian Sect will not come to rescue him again.

Soon, Gu Rong banned the soul power of Davis and his wife, and the two of them were escorted by a group of soldiers and sent to the prison.

After doing all this, Ning Fengzhi said: "A country cannot live without a king for a day. Now that His Majesty Dai Tianfeng has been killed by a traitor, Ning believes that a new king should be established to maintain the stability of the empire."

There were many members of the royal family present, but these people were not first in line to the throne. Now Dai Mubai has returned strongly, and after capturing Davis, he is the first heir to the empire.

In addition, the Qibao Glazed Sect was obviously supporting Dai Mubai. In order to survive, these royal children all turned their eyes to Dai Mubai, knelt down and surrendered: "We welcome your majesty, long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

At the same time, outside Xingluo Palace.

Duke Carter and others have been watching the movements in the palace.

They noticed that there had been no movement in the palace for a long time, but they had not been summoned by the new emperor.

"What's going on? Did His Royal Highness's plan fail?" Carter asked in a deep voice.

Once Davis fails, their affairs will be exposed, and everyone present is like grasshoppers after autumn, waiting for Dai Tianfeng's reckoning.

Duke Sears denied: "There should be no failure, otherwise there will definitely be big moves in the palace. But now, the palace is eerily quiet."

At this time, none of them dared to act rashly. Once you break into the palace, if you are not careful, you will be punished for treason.

"But Sect Master Tang didn't come out to inform us. Could it be that something went wrong?"

Waiting until dawn, the great nobles in Xingluo City received a summons from the new emperor at the same time.

Carter and others did not know what happened in the palace and thought it was Davis who ascended the throne.

In the Jinluan Palace, Dai Mubai finally sat on the throne that he had longed for.

"Xiaosan, thank you very much this time." Dai Mubai said with a smile.

Tang San responded: "Mubai, conduct the enthronement ceremony as soon as possible. Only by announcing to the entire continent that you have inherited the orthodoxy will no one shake your position."

"It is very important for you to meet with the ministers today. Remember that the machine of the Star Luo Empire needs these ministers. Without them, civil strife is likely to break out in the empire."

Dai Mubai nodded with deep understanding.

During this court meeting, Tang San stood next to Dai Mubai's throne, making it clear that his status was superior to the ministers.

As for Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong, they did not appear in the court.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is not suitable for public appearances at the moment. Once those ministers are concerned about them and their affairs are leaked, it will be a big trouble.

Of course, Ning Fengzhi is not the kind of person who doesn't ask for anything in return. After Dai Mubai completes the enthronement ceremony, he will draw certain benefits from the Star Luo Empire.

Not long after, Duke Carter and others walked into the hall.

Seeing that the person on the throne was not Davis, the faces of their group instantly became extremely gloomy.

"Is this Dai Mubai? What's going on? Why is he sitting there? Has something happened to Weiss?"

Following Tang San's suggestion, Dai Mubai ordered all the guards in the palace to shut up. Therefore, Carter and others do not know exactly what happened.

The sudden change made them passive.

When everyone arrived, Dai Mubai waved his hand, and a guard stood up and announced what happened last night.

However, the scene where Dai Mubai came out to pick up the leak changed to the scene where he fought bravely to kill the enemy, leading the soldiers to capture Davis alive.

"My dear friends, is there anything you don't understand?" Dai Mubai glanced at everyone.

Naturally, the ministers did not dare to stand up and speak for Davis, otherwise they would immediately be labeled as treason.

After pondering for a long time, Duke Sears asked: "Your Majesty, who is this person next to you?"

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "My dear, this is Tang San. It is with Tang San's help these years that I can achieve what I am today. Last night, Tang San followed me to fight the enemy bravely, killing those who had rebelled. The disciples fell on their backs."

"Taking this opportunity, I will appoint Tang San as General Tiance, responsible for the defense of the palace."

Tang San was Dai Mubai's man. The latter asked his cronies to be responsible for the security of the palace, so other ministers naturally couldn't say much.

The title of General Tiance sounds deceptive, but his actual power is very limited.

Originally, according to Dai Mubai's urine, Tang San would definitely be named King of Different Surnames. But in order to prevent the ministers from being dissatisfied with this, Dai Mubai changed his mind under Tang San's suggestion.

For Duke Carter and others, it was a blessing that Dai Mubai did not liquidate them. As long as Dai Mubai doesn't attack them in the future, it will be the same for anyone they serve.

At first, the main reason why they were willing to support Davis was because Dai Tianfeng had affected their interests.

"My dear friends, everything remains as usual. I will not pursue the past matters any further. But after today, if anyone is still stubborn, don't blame me for being unkind."

After hearing this, the ministers present finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, the Haotian Sect was involved in the assassination of Your Majesty yesterday. Do we need to launch a nationwide hunt for them?" A minister who originally remained neutral asked.

"Really? Why didn't I see it? Sect Leader Tang, someone said that you assassinated my father. Is this true?"

As soon as Dai Mubai finished speaking, Tang Xiao walked in from outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, yesterday I, a disciple of the Haotian Sect, was bewitched by Davis. Fortunately, Tang discovered it in time, and this prevented the situation from getting worse," Tang Xiao said, holding his fists.

Before going to court, Tang Xiao had communicated with Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai was going to give some benefits to the Haotian Sect, so naturally he couldn't cause trouble for them.

After hearing this, Duke Carter and others knew it well.

Haotian Sect made two investments this time. After Davis succeeded in acquiring it, Dai Mubai appeared at the perfect time. They don't believe it if there is no Haotian Sect behind this.

Of course, they also understand that Haotian Sect wants to maximize their profits. Moreover, their leverage is still in Tang Xiao's hands. Since Haotian Sect and Dai Mubai did not bring the matter to the table, they could only secretly rejoice.

As for the losses suffered, compared with his own wealth and life, this is nothing worth mentioning.

"Now that Sect Leader Tang has appeared, Wang Aiqing, you must have seen it wrong." Dai Mubai narrowed his eyes slightly.

Seeing Dai Mubai's attitude, the minister naturally did not dare to say anything. He apologized and returned to the group.

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