Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 136: Mysterious Confidence (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

Dugu Bo frowned, he didn't understand where Tang San got his confidence.

Moreover, he had also checked the area nearby, and there was no strong man lurking in the dark.

"Boy, if you are looking for death, I can help you. Even if the Qibao Glazed Sect invests in your academy, so what. Don't you really think that Ning Fengzhi will come to trouble me for you dead people?"

Tang San shook his head and said with a relaxed expression: "No. What I want to say is that you have been poisoned! Moreover, your symptoms will only continue to deepen. Even if you still have the ability to suppress such a poison, you still need to It won't take long for you to be poisoned and die. Not only that, your poison will also poison your descendants. If I remember correctly, your granddaughter Duguyan is not as powerful as you. When the poison comes out, she will just wait for it. He will die worse than you!"

When he kidnapped Ye Lingling to treat Shrek, he noticed Dugu Yan's pupils. Purple hair and green eyes, this is not what a normal person should have at all. Now seeing Dugu Bo again, he was completely sure that it was caused by poisoning.

But what he didn't know was that Dugu Yan kept this appearance just because he thought it looked good.

This state of my mind is indeed what I looked like before detoxification. You can tell with just one glance that this kid

Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "What do you want?"

"Xiao San, you..." Flanders still wanted to dissuade Tang San from irritating the other party, but Tang San said confidently: "Don't worry, Dean, I have a way."

As he said that, he looked at Dugu Bo, "It's very simple. As long as you are willing to let us go, I will provide you with all the antidote methods. I think, senior, you don't want to see your granddaughter die from the poison."

Looking at Tang San's words, Dugu Bo was amused, "Why should I believe you?"

How can a person who can tell at a glance that he is poisoned and use it as a blackmail be a kind person? Dugu Bo was no fool to be fooled by Tang San like this.

Tang San spread his hands and raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously, "I can't prove anything to you. Because I don't have any herbs that can detoxify you, so I need to see with my own eyes what herbs to use. You can decide in person.”

First scare Dugu Bo, and then use the suggestion to take a look at the Ice and Fire Eyes. In this way, Dugu Bo will most likely not refuse.

After all, Dugu Bo must be aware of the poison in his body. Tang San did this completely to give him a chance.

As the saying goes, if you are in a hurry and seek medical treatment, the other party will most likely agree to your request.

It's a pity that the way Tang San sees him is completely different from the way Dugu Bo sees him.

Since it was certain that Tang San's motives were impure, and he also acted arrogant. Can Dugu Bo, a dignified and titled Douluo, allow you, a soul master, to pretend to be 13 in front of him?

"Is this what you mean by poisoning?" Dugu Bo sneered.

In the next second, his appearance became visibly younger. His long gray hair also turned black, and his whole person seemed to be glowing with a second spring.

There was no trace of poison in his aura.

"How... how is it possible, you?" Tang San's words became a little incoherent.

Dugu Bo snorted coldly: "I am indeed poisoned, but I found a solution a long time ago. How about it? Did I disappoint you?"

"In that case, I will give you a ride and reflect on your mistakes in hell."

The next moment, the majestic soul power condensed in Dugu Bo's palm.

When Flanders saw this, he immediately said: "You can't kill the mistress, Dugu Bo, otherwise you will regret it!"

"Regret?" Dugu Bo sneered, and knocked Tang San away with a palm. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"Do you know who Tang San's father is? Let me tell you, his surname is Tang!" Flender continued.

Tang San still had breath left, but if he received another slap from Dugu Bo, he would be completely cold.

Tang San's father's surname wasn't Tang, could it be that his surname was Yu?

Dugu Bo sneered, but soon a name came to his mind - Tang Hao.

Not long ago, he discovered a powerful aura in Tiandou City. After chasing him, the man disappeared without a trace. But where the man last appeared, there was an obvious hammer mark.

Nowadays, the Haotian Sect is hidden in the world, and the only one who is active outside and still so powerful is naturally Tang Hao, who killed Qian Xunji in the first place.

This guy is a lunatic, and Dugu Bo also has his own granddaughter and his own academy.

In the Binghuo Liangyiyan, he was certainly not afraid of Tang Hao, but if Tang Hao spread fire on the academy or his granddaughter, then he would not be able to accept it.

Since Han Yu has been promised to become the honorary dean of Canaan College, he will naturally contribute to the development of the college.

"Huh, get lost. If you don't disappear in my eyes within three breaths, you don't have to leave. As long as I melt your bones into blood, even he can't cause me trouble!"

After saying that, Dugu Bo jumped up and disappeared into the poisonous miasma.

"Erlong, let's leave quickly." Flanders breathed a sigh of relief and quickly pulled everyone away.

This time, not only did they not get the fairy grass, but they were all injured. They really lost both their wives and their troops.

Later that day, after confirming that Yu Xiaogang and others had left Sunset Forest, Dugu Bo rushed back to Canaan College.

Immediately, he ran into the dean's office and approached Han Yu: "Little monster, something big has happened."

"Old monster, what made you so panicked?" As he spoke, Han Yu asked Dugu Bo to sit on the sofa nearby.

"Little monster, we are in big trouble now. Tang Hao, Tang Hao, you know, right?" Dugu Bo said urgently.

Han Yu was puzzled.

Through the feedback from the Nether Poison Fire's sub-fire, Tang Hao did not appear near the Ice and Fire Eyes.

"Then Tang San is most likely Tang Hao's son." Dugu Bo continued: "Little monster, you may not know Tang Hao's strength. When he first joined the Titled Douluo, he killed the previous Pope of Wuhun Palace. , and severely injured many titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall."

Han Yu smiled when he heard this, "That's what you said. I know Tang San is Tang Hao's son. Is there any problem with this?"

Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment, and then regained his composure after a moment of adjustment, "Wait a minute, little monster, since you know about Tang Hao, do you still dare to attack Shrek, aren't you afraid that he will come for revenge?"

"Retaliation?" Han Yu smiled disdainfully.

These days, the system has not released new tasks. However, judging from past situations, there are rewards for him taking the initiative to trigger some things.

Tang Hao has quite a lot of luck. If you get involved with him, maybe the system will reward you with some good things.

"Old monster, please tell me what happened today. I'm a little confused for you."

Next, Dugubo told everything about today's situation.

He also emphasized that Tang San knew about his poisoning.

Han Yu said: "It's not surprising. Tang San has a secret book on him, which records many medicinal materials and poisons. And your symptoms should be recorded in it."

"As for his detoxification method, it will most likely allow you to force the toxin into the soul bone."

Dugu Bo suddenly realized, "That's right. How can he, a little brat, come up with any clever ideas?"

The Poison Pill method can not only detoxify, but also enhance his strength. Dugu Bo would not believe that Tang San could come up with such a training method.

Even if there is, can he trust the other party?

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