Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 135 Yu Xiaogang can’t change his fart (please subscribe and vote monthly)

"It's my place, why do I need to prove it to you!" Dugu Bo sneered, and then said impatiently: "If you don't get out of here within three breaths, don't blame me for being unkind!"

"Human face! Huh, Dugu Bo, you dared to attack Xiao Ming, how could you ever show love?" Flanders stood up and glared at Dugu Bo.

"Xiao Gang, Er Long, since our golden iron triangle is now gathered together, let Dugu Bo see our strength!"

First Qin Ming's death, and now blocking Ma Hongjun's recovery, Flanders couldn't bear it at all.

"Xiaosan, you hide first, we won't be able to take care of you later!"

After giving an explanation, Yu Xiaogang and the three of them stood in a triangle. The next moment, a strong golden light suddenly rose into the sky.

"The sun and moon shine in golden glory!"

Dugu Bo frowned, "There is actually a martial soul fusion skill composed of three people in this world. But in front of me, it's not enough."

At this time, the bodies of Yu Xiaogang and the others were covered with a layer of golden light.

Tang San, who ran far away, couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this: "The spirit fusion technique composed of three people, the teacher can actually achieve this level."

Yu Xiaogang once told him that martial soul fusion skills can generally only be composed of two people.

The most representative among them is the matchless dragon and snake couple.

The power of martial soul fusion skills will become more powerful as the number of people increases.

Dugu Bo didn't dare to be careless, and his expression became much more solemn.

The Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Martial Spirit emerged behind him, and nine yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black soul rings appeared at his feet.

Nowadays, he is no longer the weakest Titled Douluo he once was. The strength of level 93 is naturally enough to fight with him.

"Luo Sanpao!" Yu Xiaogang's martial spirit appeared, followed by a low roar like a dragon's roar.

There were a total of sixteen soul rings on the three of them, all flying towards Luo Sanpao.

A burst of golden light flashed, and the golden dragon rose into the sky.

"Dugu Bo, you once attacked Shrek, and now you occupy the assets belonging to the Soul Master world. As long as you are willing to leave, this battle can be avoided." Having gained powerful power, Yu Xiaogang was full of confidence.

It’s just for the Ice and Fire Eyes! Dugu Bo sneered in his heart.

What Yu Xiaogang said was righteous, but it was still for his own selfish interests.

If Dugu Bo really left, Yu Xiaogang and the others would still take this place as their own.

"I'm not a three-year-old kid. I don't like your self-righteous words."

Dugu Bo's momentum suddenly rose, and green poisonous mist surrounded him.

On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang knew that he could not drag it out any longer.

The golden holy dragon's soul power completely relies on Flanders and Liu Erlong. Delaying for one more second would be particularly detrimental to them.

Dugu Bo is arrogant. Facing Yu Xiaogang and the other three whose soul powers are far lower than his, he has not yet planned to use his martial soul avatar to bully them.

With the help of the poisonous miasma behind him at the foot of the mountain, Dugu Bo's figure quickly disappeared into it and disappeared.

Tang San, who was watching from a distance, immediately opened his Purple Demon Eyes, intending to capture Dugu Bo's traces.

"How is it possible that this poisonous miasma can actually affect my Purple Demon Eyes!" Tang San was shocked.

The usually invincible Purple Demonic Eyes didn't work this time.

Yu Xiaogang himself had no sense of fighting. Seeing that Dugu Bo wanted to fight guerrilla warfare, he immediately controlled the golden holy dragon and submerged it into the poisonous miasma.

The golden holy dragon exudes dazzling golden light, but this light cannot penetrate the poisonous miasma.

Dugu Bo smiled, and the Jade Phosphorus Snake King appeared and disappeared in the poisonous miasma.

Seeing the right opportunity, the Jade Phosphorus Snake King opened its bloody mouth and pressed on the Golden Holy Dragon.

Logically speaking, Dugu Bo's martial spirit is a snake, and he will be suppressed by his bloodline when facing a pure dragon.

But in the poisonous miasma, this is Dugu Bo's home field. Even if Ju Douluo fights here, he may not be able to defeat Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo's blow just now made them feel uncomfortable.

Flanders said hurriedly: "Xiao Gang, don't be careless. The poisonous miasma is his territory, let's not attack his strong points."

"The fart is like thunder, blasting the sky and cracking the earth with three cannons." Yu Xiaogang still refused to give up and quickly formed seals with his hands.

The momentum of the golden holy dragon suddenly increased, and a powerful golden shock wave was ejected from the dragon's tail.

"A dog can't change from eating shit, and Yu Xiaogang can't change from farting. Little monster, you are right." Dugu Bo said with a teasing smile.

That attack was shot from the dragon's tail, but anyone with a discerning eye would know what was at the dragon's tail.

Dugu Bo, who went deep into the poisonous miasma, was surprised to find the poisonous fire of the netherworld floating around him.

However, the poisonous fire did not attack him, but instead greatly helped his momentum.

"Could it be left by a little monster?" Dugu Bo thought to himself, without thinking much, he held the poisonous fire in his palm and threw it at the golden holy dragon.

Originally, he planned to temporarily avoid the sharp edge of the golden holy dragon. Unexpectedly, the moment the poisonous fire left him, it turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

"Xiao Gang, get out of the way." Liu Erlong said anxiously.

Yu Xiaogang just woke up from a dream.

Twenty years ago, in their golden iron triangle, Liu Erlong and Flanders were still very weak, and the golden holy dragon they summoned was not powerful. Now, both of them are high-level soul saints. The power of the Golden Holy Dragon was extremely powerful, giving him the illusion that he was very powerful.

Titled Douluo has so much fighting experience, Yu Xiaogang is just a waste stuck at level twenty-nine. Facing Dugu Bo's methods, he had no countermeasures at all.

The netherworld poisonous fire, with the help of the toxins in the poisonous miasma, suddenly surged and completely engulfed the golden holy dragon.

The golden light on his body was completely wiped out by this sea of ​​green fire.

"What a domineering power." Dugu Bo was frightened for a while.

As everyone knows, this Nether Poison Fire continues to absorb the poisonous gas in the poisonous miasma, and its strength has increased a lot.

The golden holy dragon completely turned into nothingness without making the slightest sound.

After doing all this, the Nether Poison Fire once again turned into a will-o'-the-wisp and submerged into the poisonous miasma.

The Golden Holy Dragon was formed from Yu Xiaogang's martial spirit. Now it was destroyed by Dugu Bo, which is equivalent to Yu Xiaogang's own martial spirit being severely damaged. Liu Erlong and Flender, who provided soul power, were also feeling uncomfortable at this time.

"Xiaogang, Xiaogang, don't scare me!" Liu Erlong knelt and crawled to Yu Xiaogang's side, watching the latter pass out, her tears could not stop flowing down.

The situation was over, and Flanders closed his eyes in pain.

Dugu Bo is famous for his ruthlessness. Now that they have been defeated, what awaits them is naturally Dugu Bo's revenge.

"Senior Dugu, as long as you are willing to let us go, I can detoxify you." Tang San rushed out and said.

His teacher could engage in a fierce battle with a titled Douluo, and he was like a god in Tang San's eyes. However, Yu Xiaogang's own abilities are limited, so it is reasonable to lose to Dugu Bo.

Tang San knew that if he didn't stand up and say something, they would die.

"Poisoned?" Dugu Bo was confused for a moment.

When Tang San saw this, he felt that Dugu Bo was pretending to be calm. He walked up and sneered: "If you kill us, do you think you will have a good ending?"

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