Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 137 Ba Ba, it’s really you! (Please subscribe and monthly ticket)

"Dean Erlong, Teacher, Third Brother, what's going on?" Ma Hongjun saw Tang San being carried into the academy and hurriedly approached him and asked.

"Hey~ Hongjun, you should go and rest first. If you have anything to do, we can talk about it tomorrow."

Thinking of Tang San's instructions, Flanders couldn't let the matter about the fairy grass out. Moreover, they alerted Dugubo this time, and he was on guard. He would not be able to go back in the future.

Besides, tell Ma Hongjun about the effect of the fairy grass. If he doesn't get it, Ma Hongjun will not collapse.

As soon as Tang San was carried back to the hut, Xiao Wu rushed in, "Dean, I heard from my classmates that the third brother and the master were injured. What happened?"

Seeing the state of Flanders and the other two, Xiao Wu was surprised and said, "Dean, how come you are also injured?"

"Xiao Wu, we're fine. Xiao Gang and Xiao San, just rest for a while and they'll be fine."

After a pause, Flanders said again: "Hongjun, go and invite Teacher Shao Xin, and also invite all the teachers from the therapy department in the college."

Soon after, everyone in Shrek heard the news and came to the hut.

After being treated by a healing spirit master, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were finally fine.

"Dean, what have you done? Why are you all injured?" Shao Xin asked in confusion.

None of the four of them has reached the level of obtaining a soul ring, but they have rushed back from the Sunset Forest. What happened in the meantime?

"Dean, who hurt Third Brother and Master? After I go back, I will ask Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bones to go find him to settle the score." Ning Rongrong said angrily.

"It's nothing, we just encountered an attack, but the enemy has been eliminated by us." After that, Flanders waved his hand and sent everyone away.

Tang San was severely injured under their protection. If Tang Hao knew about this, Flanders would be in great trouble. After all, Haotian Sect is famous for protecting its shortcomings.

"Erlong, you should go back and rest, I am enough here."

"Okay, Boss Fu, you can tell me anytime if anything happens."

late at night.

Tang Hao originally planned to return to Holy Soul Village for a while, but before leaving, he suddenly discovered that Tang San had been seriously injured.

In a rage, he rushed into the hut and picked up Flanders.

"Flender, is this how you take care of your mistress?" Tang Hao shouted angrily.

Originally, he was planning to settle the score with Yu Xiaogang. However, Yu Xiaogang was still in a coma, so he could only turn his attention to Flanders.

Looking at the soul ring at Tang Hao's feet, Flanders quickly recognized his identity.

"Your Majesty Haotian, there is a reason for this matter. Please listen to my explanation."

Normally, Tang Hao would have killed someone long ago, but Flanders was also Tang San's teacher after all, so he decided to listen to what the other party had to say first.

Flanders felt as if he had been granted amnesty, and he quickly told the story exactly as it happened.

"Hmph, Dugu Bo, the weakest Titled Douluo, is actually seeking death like this!" Tang Hao's eyes were spitting fire, and he was looking for revenge.

Flanders quickly grabbed him, "Your Majesty Haotian, I miss you so much, why don't you stay and wait for me to wake up before leaving. Moreover, only Mistress knows about the fairy grass."

Tang Hao thought about it and thought it made sense.

Dugu Bo was a dead man in his eyes, and the mountain he occupied naturally belonged to him, Tang Hao.

As for the fairy grass, of course it belongs to the Tang family.

"Flender, don't let too many people know about my existence." Tang Hao explained.

Flanders naturally knew what Tang Hao meant, and immediately blocked the road to the hut.

In the early morning, Tang San slowly opened his eyes.

"Ba Ba, is it really you?" Tang San rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief.

"I am the mistress, and you have done well these years." Tang Hao said softly.

Then, with his help, Tang San sat up straight.

"Don't worry, mistress, that old guy Dugu Bo dares to hurt you, Ba Ba will avenge you." Tang Hao said domineeringly.

Tang San frowned, he didn't know what Tang Hao's strength was.

If it doesn't work, wouldn't it mean that he would die at his door?

"Ba Ba, I don't need you to take revenge. When I reach the level of Titled Douluo, I will take revenge myself." Tang San said seriously.

"Haha, mistress, your Ba Ba's strength is better than Dugu Bo's, so don't worry." Flanders on the side added with a smile.

Tang Hao smiled and said: "That's right, Xiao San, Dugu Bo is no match for me."

"Ba Ba, are you a Titled Douluo?" Tang San's eyes widened, finding it hard to accept for a moment.

This situation is like an ordinary person suddenly learning one day that his father is a hidden billionaire.

Tang Hao patted him on the shoulder and said: "Xiao San, Ba Ba didn't hide it from you intentionally. This matter is a bit complicated. When you are strong enough, Ba Ba will tell you one by one."

"Xiao San, just practice with peace of mind. What you have to do next is to get a good ranking in the Soul Master Competition."

Hearing this, Tang San solemnly said: "Ba Ba, I understand, I will definitely work hard to practice."

Tang Hao smiled heartily, "Okay, this is my good son, Tang Hao. By the way, mistress, I heard Dean Flanders say, what kind of fairy grass are you looking for? What is it?"

"Ba Ba, fairy grass looks similar to some high-end herbs, but its effects are completely different."

At the end of the sentence, Tang San sighed: "It's a pity that Dugu Bo has occupied it. I'm not sure if there is any fairy grass in it."

"Xiao San, Ba Ba will go there in person later and tell Ba Ba some details about the fairy grass. If there are any, Ba Ba will bring them back to you."

"No, Ba Ba. Some fairy grasses are extremely poisonous. I want to go with you."

"Absolutely not. I can't take care of you when we fight Dugu Bo. Xiaosan, you must not go."

Flender interjected: "Xiao San, Dugu Bo is a sinister and cunning person. If you were present, I'm afraid it would drag your father down."

In the end, after some persuasion from Flanders, Tang San gave up the idea of ​​going there in person.

Tang Hao suggested: "Since the fairy grass is so delicate, let's do this. I will go to Dugu Bo for revenge first, and then I will enter the valley to check. If there is indeed a fairy grass, I will take you there, mistress."

Among the fairy grass, there are healing medicinal materials, which is what Tang Hao needs most. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so interested.

"Your Majesty, do you need my help? Dugu Bo is cunning after all. I'm worried that he will set an ambush!" Flender volunteered.

Tang Hao looked down on him and said calmly: "He is just the most rubbish Titled Douluo. There is no need to go into such a big fight. Even if there is an ambush, so what?"

Domineering, domineering!

Tang San said excitedly.

It turned out that because his father was a blacksmith, he couldn't hold his head up many times. Now that he knew his father's identity, Tang San also gained confidence.

After all, the status of a titled Douluo is equal to that of the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire.

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