Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 295 Five years later, fight Tang San again

"Who else?"

Standing on the iron cable bridge, Dai Yao looked in the direction of Haotian Sect and said loudly.

The majestic sound echoed in the canyon, like the sound of war drums, playing fiercely in the hearts of Haotian Sect disciples. At this moment, in their eyes, Dai Yao was an invincible existence.

Haotian Sect has fallen into a dead silence.

After Tang Long and Tang Hu suppressed their injuries, they stood firm on the cable bridge again, trying to adjust their disordered breathing and staring at Dai Yao. There was a bit of determination in his fearful eyes.

The two of them summoned the Clear Sky Hammer again in tacit agreement, and the black light flickered.

"If you want to die, I won't mind killing you."

Looking away from the two people standing in front and behind him, Dai Yao clasped his hands behind his back and said calmly.

Tang Long and Tang Hu were stunned for a moment, but then they held the Clear Sky Hammer's hands tighter. Today, the two of them lost the face of Haotian Sect and lost to a guy from Wuhun Palace. How could they return to Haotian Sect?

It's better to die on this chain bridge and still have some dignity.


A muffled thunder exploded in mid-air. Many people couldn't help but cover their ears. Tang Long and Tang Hu turned around and looked at Tang Xiao with an angry face, feeling even more embarrassed to face the sect leader.

"Haven't you fought enough? If you lose, you lose. Your skills are just inferior to others. If you want to regain your dignity, then practice hard!"

Tang Xiao looked at Tang Long and Tang Hu sternly and shouted.

Tang Long and Tang Hu were the two most talented people among the three generations of disciples of the Haotian Sect.

I have always thought that I have practiced hard enough to be comparable to Tang Xiao and Tang Hao's soul power level when he was young, and it is inevitable that he will feel a little arrogant in his heart.

But the two of them were just flowers in a greenhouse. Although Tang Xiao wanted to change their mentality, he could not make up his mind. Now, Tang Long and Tang Hu suffered a tragic defeat at the hands of Dai Yao, which made him extremely sad.

They are the hope for the future of Haotian Sect, and we must not just watch them die.

Moreover, he saw that the eight pairs of wings that suddenly appeared on Dai Yao's back should be the legendary external soul bones that are rarer than soul bones. After the eight pairs of wings appeared, Dai Yao's whole aura increased a lot.

Facing such an enemy, Tang Long and Tang Hu had no chance of winning.


Tang Long and Tang Hu choked up, their faces full of shame.

"Come back. I don't blame you for today's defeat. The dignity of Haotian Sect does not need to be shouldered by you young people. This is something that we old guys should bear."

Tang Xiao sighed.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all Haotian Sect disciples looked even more sad.

Tang Long and Tang Hu lowered their heads and walked back to Haotian Sect step by step from the iron cable bridge. They felt that their steps were extremely heavy and difficult to move. Seeing the gray robes on all the disciples of Haotian Sect, they felt that it was detrimental to Haotian Sect. majesty.

Noticing the strange looks cast by the disciples of the sect, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

"Martial Soul Hall, what on earth do you want to do?"

After Tang Long and Tang Hu came back, Tang Xiao stared at Dai Yao and said coldly.

After this battle, he now had a ridiculous guess: Dai Yao was the real person in charge of coming to Haotian Sect from Wuhun Palace.

"I told you, I just want to see the Haotian Hammer, the world's best martial arts weapon. However, you can't find me an opponent to cheer me up."

Standing on the iron cable bridge, Dai Yao shook his head and sighed, as if regretting the decline of Haotian Sect.

Seeing this situation, the disciples of Haotian Sect gnashed their teeth in hatred towards him.

The mountain wind was cold and blowing on the top of the snow-capped mountains. Tang Xiao and Dai Yao kept looking at each other, neither of them giving in.

After a while, Tang Xiao frowned and said coldly:

"Do you, the Spirit Hall, have to be so aggressive?"

Dai Yao smiled softly and said: "Hey, how can this be considered aggressive? It's just a friendly competition between soul masters. Didn't I save Tang Long and Tang Hu's life?"

"Although you didn't kill them, you were more cruel than killing them. You caused Tang Long and Tang Hu to be defeated miserably in front of the sect and made them feel ashamed of the sect. It was simply murderous and heartbreaking!"

"If their hearts are not strong enough, their paths as soul masters will be cut off! They are so cruel at such a young age!"

The elders of Haotian Sect are all smart people, how could they not see Dai Yao's true plan. They all snorted coldly and stared at Dai Yao coldly. As long as the sect leader gives the order, they will kill Dai Yao without any scruples.

Don't let this kid walk down the mountain alive.

Although it was a bit unreasonable and might even lead to crazy revenge from Wuhun Palace, they would not hesitate to do so. Otherwise, in the next hundred years, the Haotian Sect will still be suppressed by this person and unable to lift its head.

"Tang Long and Tang Hu are the two most outstanding disciples among my three generations. Since you defeated them, there is no rival for you among the young disciples of our Haotian Sect."

"If you really want to see the power of the Clear Sky Hammer, I can let a second-generation disciple compete with you."

Tang Xiao said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

There are currently four generations of disciples in the Haotian Sect. The first generation is from the generation of several elders; while the second generation of disciples is from the generation of Tang Hao and Tang Xiao.

When it was decided to close the mountain, many of the second-generation disciples were assassinated by Wuhun Palace and suffered heavy losses. The seventh elder's son died in that hunting.

Several of the remaining second-generation disciples were seriously injured and are still recuperating and cannot fight vigorously. Those who can survive safely are those disciples who are not very talented. Now, they are still in the soul saint realm.

If these people are sent to play, not only will there be no glory if they win, but it will be even more humiliating if they lose.

"If they want to play, I don't mind."

Dai Yao said with a half-smile.

Hearing this, many Haotian Sect disciples glared at Dai Yao, their blood boiling with anger, their faces full of unwillingness, and their eyes looking at Dai Yao were full of hatred.

Although they had some objections to the sect leader's decision, they all knew that they had no choice. The people of Wuhun Palace are aggressive towards each other. As the number one sect in the world, they must rise to the challenge.

But Tang Long and Tang Hu were defeated. Among the three generations of disciples, is there any opponent for Dai Yao?

Nowadays, the most powerful sect in the world has to let its second-generation disciples face a young man from Wuhun Palace. It is really shameful.

The hearts of many Haotian Sect disciples were filled with despair and helplessness, and the unwillingness in their hearts made them want to break their teeth.

But these are nothing but incompetent rage.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd of Haotian Sect disciples.

"Sect Master, let me play."

Everyone was shocked and thought who could be so bold. Tang Long and Tang Hu were defeated. If others came forward, wouldn't they be overestimating their capabilities? But when they saw this person clearly, a complicated look suddenly appeared in their eyes.

Although this person was wearing a mask, they had watched this person fight Tang Hu not long ago.

It was Tang San!

"Shut up! You are a scoundrel... You are an outsider. What qualifications do you have to represent the Haotian Sect and participate in a duel?"

The seventh elder pointed at Tang San's nose and cursed angrily.

The other elders began to think thoughtfully. Although Tang San was also the Soul King, he easily defeated Tang Hu in the battle just now. He also had the Killing God Domain. Maybe he could really fight Dai Yao. beat.

"Uncle Qi, although Xiao San has never been to the Haotian Sect, he is of Brother Hao's bloodline and the bloodline of the Haotian Sect. Blood is thicker than water, so let him play."

Tang Yuehua said elegantly.

The seventh elder wanted to say something more, but the second elder stopped him: "Seventh elder, shut up!"

The seventh elder reluctantly closed his mouth.

The second elder came to Tang San, looked at him carefully, and smiled kindly:

"Tang San, I know your purpose of coming to Haotian Sect. As long as you defeat the man from Wuhun Hall, I can give you a chance to recognize your ancestors and return to the sect with your father."

"Do you dare to take it?"

Tang San clasped his fists and said decisively: "When our sect is in trouble, we have no reason to refuse. I will definitely win this victory for our sect!"

"Okay, then I'll just wait for the good news!"

The second elder said happily.

At this moment, almost all the disciples of Haotian Sect were looking at Tang San with hope.

Although Tang San's father was the main culprit for the Haotian Sect's hiding from the world, at this moment, the Haotian Sect was forced into a desperate situation. They desperately hoped that a savior would appear, even if this person was Tang Hao's son, it didn't matter.

Tang Xiao watched this scene with cold eyes, feeling slightly happy in his heart. This was the purpose of his words, to build momentum for Tang San's appearance. As long as Tang San wins, Hao Di can recognize his ancestor and return to his clan.

Looking at Tang San who was slowly walking in front of him, Tang Xiao smiled, patted his shoulder and said:

"Fight as hard as you can, and I'll bear the responsibility if you lose."

"Thank you, uncle!"

Tang San nodded heavily, and then slowly stepped onto the chain bridge with an indomitable momentum.

Looking through the mask at the enemy who separated him from Xiao Wu, his heart beat faster involuntarily and his blood seemed to be boiling.

Taking a deep breath, more than a year of experience in Yuexuan gave him a good control over his mentality. In just a moment, he calmed down.

"Don't worry, Xiao Wu. Today I will deal with our enemies. After completing the five-year agreement with the Shrek Six Monsters, I will go find you and I will protect you forever."

He clenched his palms and thought silently.

Dai Yao looked at the guy with the mask. Different from the gray clothes of the disciples of Haotian Sect, this person was wearing gorgeous blue clothes and had long blue hair. Although he was wearing a mask, he recognized him at a glance. The person's identity.

Pretending to say:

"What? Are the disciples of the Haotian Sect just hiding their heads and showing their tails? Do they have to wear a mask when fighting?"

"Dai Yao, you don't have to use your words. Today is the day when you will die. I will avenge the revenge I had in Wuhun Hall today!"

Tang San pointed at Dai Yao, his voice full of killing intent.

"Ha! I have countless enemies. I wonder who you are? If you are some nameless person, there is no need to mention it. Otherwise, you will lose face after your defeat!"

Dai Yao raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. His bookish aura completely disappeared, replaced by a sense of confidence and domineering that permeated his whole body. The high-spirited young man who wore fourteen in the competition is back again.

Seeing this, Tang San felt a chill in his heart. This familiar appearance had been his nightmare for the past five years. He snorted coldly:

"You will naturally know my name! The first soul skill, entanglement!"

After the words fell, five soul rings slowly emerged, and the first soul ring suddenly lit up. Tang San raised one arm, and a piece of blue silver grass quickly shot towards Dai Yao's foot, wrapping around his foot.

"Oh? Lan Yincao, are you Tang San?!"

Dai Yao pretended to be shocked, as if he had just recognized Tang San, and said angrily.

"Since you are Tang San, why do you need to wear a mask to hide your head and tail? Is it possible that you are too ugly to be seen?"

Dai Yao continued according to normal people's logic. However, he had a bit of bad taste in his heart. He knew everything that had happened to Tang San in the past five years, and now he pretended to be completely unaware, enjoying the pleasure of teasing Tang San from a god's perspective.

Tang San didn't say a word, but increased his soul power and tightly wrapped around Dai Yao's feet.

Looking at the Blue Silver Grass wrapped around his feet, Dai Yao's eyes flashed with interest. He wanted to know how far the Blue Silver Grass had grown after evolving into the Blue Silver Emperor.

With a sudden force on his feet, the Blue Silver Emperor fell straight, but unexpectedly felt a resistance.

"It can't be shattered easily. This Blue Silver Emperor has some strength, but that's all!"

The golden word 'king' on his forehead shone brightly, and he exerted force under his feet again. The Blue Silver Emperor immediately disintegrated, turning into fragments one after another, and fell off the cliff.

"After my Blue Silver Grass evolved into the Blue Silver Emperor, its toughness has been greatly improved, and it has already brought some obstacles to Dai Yao. If I use the Blue Silver Domain to increase the Blue Silver Emperor, it will definitely bring him some obstacles. There’s going to be bigger trouble!”

Seeing this, Tang San was delighted.

A simple test made him already have a plan to defeat Dai Yao.

He raised his left hand, black light condensed, and the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his left hand.

The footsteps paused, and then he shot towards Dai Yao fiercely, his footsteps clanking on the iron cable bridge. Looking at the figure that was somewhat similar to that of five years ago, he shouted angrily:

"Dai Yao, five years ago, you forced Xiao Wu and I to separate, and you also made me constantly hunted by Wuhun Palace. I will settle these grievances today!"

"Finish it? That depends on whether you have the strength! Besides, that Xiao Wu is a hundred thousand year old soul beast. As a human being, it is reasonable to hunt a soul beast! What's wrong with that?!"

Dai Yao said without giving in, his eyes ignited a fighting spirit that had not appeared in many years.

Only Tang San could raise Dai Yao's fighting spirit.

The information given by Dai Yao immediately caused an uproar in the Clear Sky Hammer. Tang San, like Tang Hao, fell in love with a human who was transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul beast!

The seventh elder, who had always disliked Tang Hao and his son, was so angry that he blew his beard and glared:

"Second brother! Tang San and Tang Hao are the same! I'm just saying that this Wuhun Palace has been at peace with our Haotian Sect for so many years, why is it suddenly causing trouble for us! It turns out it's because of this kid!"

"Seventh Elder, do you think that without Tang San, the Spirit Hall would not have come?"

Tang Xiao turned around, stared at the seventh elder, and said coldly.

The Seventh Elder is not a fool. They are the old enemies of Wuhun Palace, and they are the forces that Wuhun Palace must eliminate on the road to unifying the continent. He just wants to use this to vent his pain of losing his son.

"That's it, Old Seventh, let's watch this duel carefully. We will wait until the result of the duel comes out. If I guess correctly, this competition should be the pinnacle battle of the younger generation."

The second elder said sadly. Hearing this, the seventh elder said no more.

Although the disciples of the Haotian Sect were somewhat dissatisfied with Tang San, they had to place their hopes on Tang San at this moment.

The disciples and elders of the Haotian Sect, the several titled Douluo hidden in the Pope's Hall, and the Enshrinement Hall, all had their eyes fixed on the two people who were approaching each other on the chain bridge... (End of this chapter)

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