Tang Hu held the Clear Sky Hammer tightly, stepped on the iron cable bridge, and rushed to the position where Dai Yao and Tang Long were fighting. He exerted force suddenly, jumped into the air, turned around in the air, and landed on Dai Yao. Yao's rear.

Tang Long and Tang Hu, one behind the other, formed a double-team on Dai Yao.

"Tang Hu!"

Tang Long's eyes widened in anger. Tang Hu's intervention was a humiliation for him.

"Tang Long, what are you still stubborn about? Why don't you use soul skills when you are at a disadvantage? This battle is about the reputation of the Haotian Sect!"

"This kid has no good intentions. He doesn't use martial arts just to humiliate you! Doesn't he want me to take action? Then I will do what he wants!"

Tang Hu was angry that he didn't fight.

Then, the first yellow soul ring flashed, and the entire Clear Sky Hammer expanded in a circle, dancing with the Clear Sky Hammer, and smashed it down towards Dai Yao.

The power of the hammer head made even several elders who had been immersed in it for many years secretly nod. This hammer condensed Tang Hu's accumulated resentment for many years, and it had already reached the peak level of Tang Hu's life!

Looking at Tang Hu's performance, Tang Long gritted his teeth, looked at Dai Yao with a somewhat apologetic look in his eyes, and then used his first soul skill without hesitation, two Clear Sky Hammers, hitting Dai Yao one after the other.

The three of them stood on an iron rope, which meant that Dai Yao had no room to escape.

"Do you need help Dai Yao?"

Ghost Douluo said with some worry.

"Since Dai Yao himself proposed that Haotian Sect should have another person, then believe him. Don't forget that he single-handedly defeated everyone in our team."

"Besides, look at the wary looks on Tang Xiao and the elder of Haotian Sect. Do you think they will let us help Dai Yao?"

Ju Douluo sneered.

At this moment, everyone was staring intently at the battle on the iron rope. The disciples of the Haotian Sect clenched their fists nervously. There was no other reason. From the previous battle, Dai Yao had put too much pressure on them.

"I want to see how strong you have been in the past five years?"

Tang San thought silently.

Under everyone's gaze, on the iron rope, the situation suddenly changed.

"Two people? It's finally interesting!"

The corner of Dai Yao's mouth curled up, and then his soul power surged, and a heart-stopping aura suddenly began to fill the air.

Feeling this aura, Tang Long and Tang Hu's hearts jumped in unison. They realized that something was wrong, and the soul power in their bodies poured into the Clear Sky Hammer without any reservation.

After the increase, the power of the Clear Sky Hammer became even more powerful.

The Clear Sky Hammer quickly hit Dai Yao, causing the wind to scream harshly. They were about to succeed, but the next moment, along with a breathtaking tiger roar, everyone's eyes widened.

Dai Yao turned sideways, stretched out his hands, and caught the two Clear Sky Hammers one after the other.


The three of them were in a stalemate, but a terrifying force and a huge roar suddenly erupted from where the hammer hand came into contact. The wind blew wildly and the iron ropes danced.

When the strong wind dissipated, everyone could see Dai Yao's appearance clearly.

Wearing a loose robe, bulging out with muscles, the terrifying flesh hidden under the robe is visible to the naked eye;

White hair grows on the palms and cheeks, and the word "王" formed by golden hair on the forehead is even more eye-catching, making people clearly feel the sacred aura.

Behind his back, a pair of huge wings covered the sky and the sun, making him look like a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

"How can it be?!"

The seventh elder leaned forward slightly and said in disbelief.

Tang Long and Tang Hu were the two most outstanding disciples among the three generations. Even when they were Soul Emperors, they couldn't compare to these two in terms of strength.

Now, they used their soul skills at the same time and attacked others one after another, but they were still blocked by others.

"What kind of martial spirit is this guy? Why have I never heard of it! I actually faintly sensed a sense of oppression in his martial spirit."

"The only person in this world who can achieve such an effect is the Seraph Martial Spirit from the Enshrinement Hall! Could it be that this guy's Martial Spirit is comparable to the Seraph Martial Spirit?"

The second elder frowned.

Tang Xiao had a solemn look on his face. Apparently, he also noticed this.

Seeing this, Tang San stepped forward and explained: "Sect Master, elders, Dai Yao's martial spirit is a mutated martial spirit, mutated from the White Tiger Spirit. He was once the prince of the Xingluo royal family, and eventually defected to Wu. Soul Palace.”

"Mutated martial soul, no wonder!"

The second elder said thoughtfully.

"This kid is actually a traitor to the Xingluo royal family! He betrayed the family and recognized the thief as his father. Even though his talent is amazing, he is just a follower of others!"

The seventh elder said angrily.

On the iron cable bridge, feeling the two Clear Sky Hammers struggling more and more feebly, Dai Yao sneered:

"It seems that I still overestimated you. Even if you two go together, it's nothing more than that. Clear Sky Hammer, the best martial spirit in the world? Hum..."

Although Dai Yao didn't say anything, his frivolous tone and disdain made the atmosphere in the Haotian Sect, which had become extremely quiet due to shock, become even more gloomy.

If you are not as strong as others, you can only accept the ridicule of others.

Upon hearing these words, Tang Long and Tang Hu's expression suddenly changed. The two looked at each other and attacked Dai Yao at the same time, one behind the other. The two Clear Sky Hammers were like a violent storm, leaving no room for breathing.

But what surprised them was that their attacks did not pose any threat to Dai Yao at all.

Dai Yao seemed to be one dimension higher than them in terms of speed and strength. He could even attack Tang Long with one hand, and then use the same hand to block Tang Hu's attack.

The two men's seemingly violent attack was full of sieves in the face of absolute speed and power.

"Scary guy!"

Such thoughts appeared in their minds at the same time. The six soul rings of the two people slowly emerged, and the fifth black soul ring lit up at the same time.

"The fifth soul skill, man and hammer merge into one!"

The two of them shouted loudly at the same time, the Clear Sky Hammer's black light surged, and its stagnant and deep aura seemed to be able to swallow up all the light.

At this moment, the two of them and the Clear Sky Hammer seemed to have merged into one body, no longer distinguishable from each other.

Noticing this scene, Tang San's eyes darkened. He knew that Tang Long and Tang Hu were really angry. Just now, the move he used to defeat Tang Hu relied on his second soul skill, Parasitism, which took advantage of the unique control ability of a control-type soul master.

He wanted to know what method Dai Yao would use?

Seeing Tang Long and Tang Hu using the fifth soul skill at the same time, the disciples of the Haotian Sect began to cheer. The originally dull atmosphere was broken by this move, as if they saw the dawn of victory.

But the next moment, all the sounds disappeared, and the long mouth seemed to be choked by someone.

On the iron cable bridge, five soul rings quietly surrounded Dai Yao.

Yellow, purple, purple and black.

The unconventional configuration of the soul rings made all the disciples of Haotian Sect speechless in surprise. Even Tang Xiao suddenly moved forward, staring blankly at the five soul rings beside Dai Yao.

"The second soul ring lasts for a thousand years, and the fourth soul ring lasts for ten thousand years. This is impossible! This is impossible!!!"

The seventh elder exclaimed.

"Heavenly genius!"

The second elder was silent for a long time and uttered four words deeply.

They looked at each other and understood the other party's plan: They must never let this boy go back!

Otherwise, in the next hundred years, when this son becomes a titled Douluo, the Haotian Sect will never be able to turn around! When several elders pass away, the Haotian Sect, already in decline, will become even weaker.

At that time, once Wuhun Palace has evil intentions, their Haotian Sect will be removed from the mainland forever.

Today, I would rather expose the full strength of the Haotian Sect, but I must keep this son here!

Tang Long and Tang Hu both looked stiff. The fifth soul skill they were about to use almost failed. Although Tang Long had Tang San's reminder, only after seeing this unimaginable configuration of spirit rings did he realize how terrifying his opponent really was.

The two swung their hammers again, bringing up two long black lights in the air, like two black dragons, heading towards Dai Yao. The tragic shouts of the two men made all Haotian Sect disciples' hearts beat faster.

Win, you must win!

Looking at the two Clear Sky Hammers coming towards him one after another, Dai Yao couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring in his heart.

"As expected of the Clear Sky Hammer, being so far away from me still makes me feel a little frightened. But today, I will definitely trample your Clear Sky Sect under my feet! Completely crush the so-called glory of your Clear Sky Sect!"

Dai Yao looked solemn, and the third purple soul ring flashed.

"The third soul skill, White Tiger Dark Gold Transformation!"

A dark golden light covered Dai Yao's whole body, giving people a sense of indestructibility. As Dai Yao's strength increased, the improvement effect of the third soul skill became more and more terrifying.

It's not that he doesn't want to use a more reliable method to defeat the two of them. The fifth soul skill, Baji Collapse, or even two externally attached soul bones can guarantee victory.

But if you want to completely destroy their beliefs and force the Haotian Sect to reveal its strength, you must use the most arrogant method to defeat these two people, and even defeat all the dissatisfied voices of the Haotian Sect!

"You actually want to use your third soul skill to block my fifth soul skill. It's really weird!"

Tang Long and Tang Hu thought at the same time.


The two Clear Sky Hammers hit Dai Yao again, and with the huge explosion, the two Clear Sky Hammers stopped abruptly. The two black dragons seemed to have been pinched by someone by seven inches. They suddenly lost their domineering aura and became like two loaches.

Tang Long and Tang Hu's eyes widened and they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them. Their most powerful attack was actually blocked by Dai Yao again. From that indifferent face, it was obvious that he was able to block it easily.

From the beginning, Dai Yao had always had the upper hand. They were like two people climbing. After climbing for a while, they always thought they could see the top of the mountain, but when they looked up, they still couldn't see the top.

In their eyes, Dai Yao is like the peak that reaches into the clouds, unfathomable.

They were Soul Emperors, geniuses of the Haotian Sect. Together, they could not force the Soul King-level Dai Yao to show his true strength. This kind of frustration made them feel in a daze, as if the whole world began to become unreal. stand up.

But what they didn't know was that Dai Yao was also struggling to hold on at this time. It was still too much to try to block two spirits by using only his third soul skill, which was the Clear Sky Hammer soul master's fifth soul skill.

But such a risk was worth it. The expression of doubt on Tang Long and Tang Hu's face proved that he had achieved his goal.

He pretended to be indifferent and used blue light to restore the damaged meridians.

"Hey, I'm so disappointed. Is this a disciple of the Haotian Sect? I've heard about his name for a long time, and it's like thunder in my ears. When I saw him today, it was nothing more than that."

Dai Yao shook his head, looking disappointed. As if lamenting that he could not find an opponent, this lonely look of a master made many young disciples of Haotian Sect feel depressed.

A sense of despair began to spread in Haotian Sect.

"Tang Hu! Buy me time!"

Looking at Dai Yao with an indifferent expression, Tang Long gritted his teeth and roared.

Tang Hu was stunned when he heard this, and instantly understood what Tang Long meant. Judging from the performance just now, even if the two use the sixth soul skill, they may not be able to defeat Dai Yao. For this reason, the only solution is Haotian's secret skill!

Chaotic cloak hammering technique!

He must buy time for Tang Long to use the cloak hammer method!

The sixth black soul ring suddenly shined, and the Haotian Hammer in his hand flashed with silver lines. In the silver light, an aura that was enough to make Dai Yao feel pressure rushed towards his face.

On the other side, Tang Long's figure was like lightning, spinning rapidly, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand was also swung rapidly. The thick and deadly aura began to gather.

It is Haotian's unique skill, the random cloak hammering technique.

Seeing this situation, even the elders of Wuhun Palace began to breathe rapidly. The title of random cloak hammering is too big. Especially the three hidden elders of the Enshrinement Hall, who had seen with their own eyes the terrifying scene of Tang Chen using the Clear Sky Hammer.

Seeing each other again this time will inevitably make my heart tense.

"You want to delay time for Tang Long? You're too naive."

Dai Yao glanced at Tang Hu behind him who was performing his sixth soul skill, and then at Tang Long in front of him wielding the random cloak hammer technique, and sneered in his heart.

If he attacks Tang Hu, he will definitely delay him, and Tang Long will be able to use the Chaos Cloak Hammer technique; but if he attacks Tang Long, Tang Hu will be free from restraints, and with enemies on both sides, Dai Yao will be defeated if he doesn't do anything right.

With a thought in his mind, eight pairs of wings came out from behind his clothes. The wings originally attached to the sacred white tiger turned into white light spots, converging on the eight wings of the white tiger.

With a slight flap of his wings, Dai Yao suddenly disappeared from the spot and suddenly appeared in front of Tang Hu. Time seemed to slow down.

Looking at Tang Hu's shrinking eyes and the disbelief that gradually appeared, Dai Yao pointed like a knife, quickly and accurately pierced the gap between Tang Hu's swing of the hammer, like an unstoppable spear, stabbing. It penetrated Tang Hu's weak point and pointed at his chest.

The sharp breath from his fingertips made Tang Hu's chest sink an inch. Severe pain spread from his chest, and Tang Hu couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The sixth soul skill originally planned to be used also failed, and violent soul power raged in Tang Hu's body. Tang Hu was worthy of being a direct disciple of the Haotian Sect. At the critical moment, he managed to hold on to the chain bridge to avoid falling.

At this moment, Dai Yao turned around, waved his eight wings again, and approached Tang Long like lightning.

Looking at Dai Yao who was flashing in front of him, Tang Long felt a storm in his heart. He didn't expect that this person could defeat Tang Hu so easily!

However, he was not too worried, because he was using the Cloak Hammer Technique, and he was surrounded by huge soul power. If he couldn't break this soul power shield, there was no way he could be harmed.

But looking at Dai Yao's calm eyes, Tang Long felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Baji collapse!"

With a low cry, Dai Yao punched heavily, hitting the soul shield, causing ripples but not breaking the shield.

Before the joy on Tang Long's face stayed for a second, he felt an explosive force hitting his chest hard.


He flew out upside down and finally stopped on the chain bridge. He raised his head and saw Dai Yao's eyes widening, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't believe it.

Why can't it still hurt him without breaking the protective shield around him? !

Dai Yao retracted his right fist and smiled lightly. Knowing Tang San's skills well, he naturally knew the characteristics of Chaos Cloak. Baji Beng is formed by the compression of soul power, and An Jin can use the soul power shield formed by Luan Cloak to achieve the effect of borrowing strength.

The things accumulated in the library for a year now exerted the effect of ingenuity.

At this moment, the whole place was silent.

In just a short moment, the duel that was originally a fierce battle was decided instantly. Countless Haotian Sect disciples stared blankly at Tang Long and Tang Hu, despair and powerlessness filling the hearts of every disciple.

Neither Tang Long nor Tang Hu is Dai Yao's opponent, who else in the Haotian Sect is? Could it be that the Haotian Sect really had no choice but to be trapped in this bitter cold place forever?

When he looked at Dai Yao again, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and unwillingness.

Tang San clenched his fists, his eyes flashing, now it's time for him to take the stage! (End of chapter)

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