The expected roar did not come.

On the iron rope, Tang San walked quickly, looking at Dai Yao who was approaching rapidly, his eyes fixed, and he threw the Clear Sky Hammer violently. The Clear Sky Hammer continued to rotate, drawing an arc in the air, and arrived behind Dai Yao in the blink of an eye.

Tang San, who was in front of Dai Yao, had cold air emitting from his hands, like cold jade, and threw out several rays of cold light like lightning. Although the Clear Sky Hammer and the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit cannot be used at the same time, after the experience in the Killing City, he has the confidence to face Dai Yao with bare hands.

He didn't know Dai Yao's thoughts. Revealing Xiao Wu's identity made the sect resent him. Now, if he failed, he would not only face the sect's hostility, but also covet Xiao Wu's soul ring.

She simply wanted to drive him to death.

"What a vicious thought!"

Thinking of this, the movements in his hands became more fierce.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were fighting hundreds of moves on the chain bridge like lightning.

Although Tang San was no match for Dai Yao in terms of strength, he did not confront Dai Yao head-on at all. He would often shoot hidden weapons from tricky angles, and frequently make killing moves. Even Dai Yao would be hit by these things. Can't get better.

However, even so, Tang San was still completely suppressed and beaten. Those hidden weapons would cause no harm at all as long as Dai Yao was careful.

"What a terrifying guy! Five years have passed, and this guy's power has grown even further. No wonder Tang Long and Tang Hu were defeated by him! And that's even if he didn't use that power-increasing soul skill!"

Tang San frowned, determined not to confront Dai Yao head-on.

The hand placed behind his back suddenly became claw-like, and the Haotian Hammer spinning in mid-air, as if summoned by a force, quickly struck Dai Yao's back.

The Tang Sect’s unique skill is to control the crane and capture the dragon!

Dai Yao, who was attacking Tang San head-on, had already noticed the Clear Sky Hammer. He frowned, his first soul ring flashed, and a white light shield enveloped his whole body, preparing to resist the Clear Sky Hammer's attack, and then use the Clear Sky Hammer. His strength was close to that of Tang San!

With his strength in close combat, Tang San would definitely be defeated as long as he got close.

However, Tang San's eyes were startled, and he was obviously aware of Dai Yao's plan. His palm changed again, and the direction of the Clear Sky Hammer suddenly swung aside, turning its head to hit the iron cable bridge under Dai Yao's feet.


After a series of battles, and now another frontal blow, the iron rope was finally overwhelmed and broke.

The two fell towards the canyon in an instant. Many disciples of the Haotian Sect screamed in surprise and moved forward to the edge of the cliff. They cast worried eyes into the canyon, wanting to know what happened to the two of them.

But the next moment, two figures soared into the sky from the canyon, and everyone's eyes also moved up.

"Dai Yao has an external soul bone that can fly. I didn't expect that Tang San also had the ability to fly!"

Many people talked about it.

"The situation of the battle is not good. Xiao San is crushed by Dai Yao in both strength and speed. No matter how good his skills are, it is difficult to make up for the huge disadvantage."

Tang Xiao thought with a frown.

"Brother, don't worry. Xiaosan is someone who came out of that place. His real trump card has not been used yet!"

Tang Yuehua walked to Tang Xiao with a smile and said with an elegant smile. After a year of getting along with Yuexuan, she knew very well that Tang San was a brave and resourceful person. Since he accepted the duel, he would definitely be sure of victory.

Hearing this, the worry on Tang Xiao's brows could not help but ease a bit.

The real battle begins now!

Above the sky, Dai Yao flapped his wings lightly on his back and floated in the air. Looking at Tang San who was also floating in the air not far away, he knew that this was the ability brought by the soul bone of Tang San's mother A Yin.

Although the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone does not have very strong offensive capabilities, the effects of its endless life and flight capabilities are among the best among many hundred thousand year soul bones.

The energy level of the green light of Chaos Qinglian is too high and has endless magical uses, but in terms of details such as the maintenance of meridians, it is not as good as the soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor. Therefore, Dai Yao also covets the soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor.

It's a pity that the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone has been absorbed by Tang San.

He looked at Tang San's right leg for a few times, a hint of regret flashed across his eyes, he raised his head and said in a feigned surprise:

"I didn't expect that after five years, you would actually have the ability to fly."

Tang San snorted coldly, with no trace of hatred in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "In the past five years, there are still many things in me that you haven't seen before!"

Just now, at the moment when the iron rope broke, Dai Yao suddenly increased his speed and almost killed him. If it weren't for his experience in the killing city and his muscle-like accuracy, he could have avoided Dai Yao's killing blow. died.

Panting with lingering fear, the hand behind his back slowly opened, and some light blue powder dissipated into the air.

Even though he knew he was no match for Dai Yao, he still wanted to fight Dai Yao up close. This was not because he was asking for trouble, but because he had several purposes. The most important thing is to sprinkle the Blue Silver Emperor's seeds on Dai Yao;

In addition, by breaking the iron rope, the two had to fight in the sky, thus avoiding Dai Yao's advantage of being close.

Now, it's time for him to counterattack!

"Now that the iron rope is broken, let's not decide on any battlefield. Everywhere in the world is our battlefield. This battle can only be stopped if one party dies!"

Dai Yao looked at Tang San and said coldly.

"That's exactly what I meant!"

Tang San refused to give in.

As the two people continued to confront each other, the atmosphere in the air became more solemn. On the high mountain, the air flow blew by, but no one felt cold. Everyone stared at the two with their eyes wide open.

In the sky, snowflakes suddenly fell. When the first snowflake fell between the two of them, Tang San moved.

The third soul ring flickered, and a purple spider web suddenly spurted out towards the canyon below, with a piece of blue silver grass entangled in the center of the spider web. Everyone was wondering what Tang San wanted to do, and why he wanted to use his soul skill on the canyon below?

But the next moment, they knew the answer.

The spider web controlled by the Blue Silver Emperor suddenly changed its direction, like a cold poisonous snake, spinning below Dai Yao, and then swung its web towards Dai Yao.

"What a subtle technique! It's exactly the same as the one he used to control the Haotian Hammer!"

Even the several titled Douluo in the Pope's Palace couldn't help but admire Tang San's methods. Although he was at a disadvantage, he could always turn the situation around with his skills.

"This move again?!"

Dai Yao looked at the spider web below, frowned, and prepared to wave the white tiger's eight wings and leave the place.


Looking at Dai Yao trying to escape from the area covered by the spider web, Tang San sneered, and the second spirit ring suddenly lit up! At the same time, a warm breath suddenly erupted in mid-air, wrapping Tang San and Dai Yao.

"Blue Silver Domain! The second soul skill! Parasitism!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless Blue Silver Emperors suddenly sprouted from Dai Yao's body, binding his hands and feet.

With Dai Yao's physique, of course these Blue Silver Emperors cannot trap him and can only control him for a moment. However, with the blessing of the Blue Silver Domain, these Blue Silver Emperors can last longer.

A moment later, when Dai Yao broke free from the restraints of the Blue Silver Emperor, the spider web restraints below had already arrived. As soon as Gao came into contact with him, he closed them suddenly and wrapped him again.

"Dai Yao, it's time to end the grudge between you and me!"

Looking at Dai Yao who was wrapped in a spider web, Tang San's eyes were ignited with the flames of revenge, turning blood red in an instant. A surge of cold murderous aura erupted from his body and filled the air.

The fifth black soul ring flashed, and the golden spear slowly solidified in Tang San's right hand. The murderous aura that terrified everyone was slowly injected into this spear.

It is conceivable that when this gun comes out, it will be earth-shattering!

All of Tang San's arrangements, deliberately hiding the Blue Silver Domain and the Killing God Domain, were just to use this move to kill Dai Yao!

Under that cold aura, even the titled Douluo was slightly suppressed.

"No, this is the realm of the God of Death! This guy is about to make a killing move!"

Ju Gui Douluo exclaimed at the same time, and instantly understood that Tang San was also the God of Killing who came out of the City of Slaughter, and was extremely shocked in his heart.

"Go and save Dai Yao!"

The same idea emerged in the minds of the two of them. However, just when they were about to take action, two overbearing auras slammed towards them.

Caught off guard, the two men groaned and stopped trying to rescue Dai Yao.

"As agreed, this is a duel between the two of them, and no one can interfere!"

Tang Xiao said with a smile. With his strength, combined with the seven elders, he can completely hold back the two Jugui. The eyes looking at Tang San were filled with relief.

Although Tang San was not as physically strong as Dai Yao, he took advantage of the control system spirit master and used continuous control to create opportunities for his peak attack to hit.

Even he is ashamed of his talent.

As long as Tang San hits the purple spider web with this move, he can take back all the humiliation the Haotian Sect has suffered today!

Not only would the Wuhun Palace lose face and lose a genius who could dominate the world in the future, but there would also be a chance for Tang San and Hao Di to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan. Thinking of this, Tang Xiao couldn't help but feel excited, wishing for that golden The spear immediately penetrated Dai Yao!

Even the Seventh Elder, who was hostile to Tang San, put aside their prejudices at this time and hoped that Tang San could kill Dai Yao.

"Third brother, do you want to save Dai Yao?"

On a remote snow mountain, Qianjun Douluo held the Coiling Dragon Staff in his hand, looked at Tang San fighting in the sky with some surprise, and asked Qingluan Douluo beside him.

Qingluan Douluo stared at the golden spear in Tang San's hand, assessing the power of this blow.

This spear was not only extremely sharp, but also condensed the realm of the God of Death. Although he knew that Dai Yao's physical fitness was far superior to that of his peers, he might not be able to save his life under this spear.

Thinking deeply in his heart, he didn't want to save Dai Yao, wait for Dai Yao to scream, and then let his apprentice find a young talent, and no longer follow Dai Yao namelessly; but when he thought about it, Feng Wutong asked him to take care of Dai Yao before he came. He asked, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If Feng Wutong knew that he refused to save her, she would definitely turn against him. Now, even if the mission fails, he is determined to save Dai Yao.

"save him!"

His gaze was fixed, and as soon as the soul power in his palm was condensed, his eyes suddenly shrank. In the sphere wrapped in purple spider webs, a heart-stopping aura suddenly appeared, as if a giant beast was awakening.


Qingluan Douluo quickly stopped the two titled Douluo Qianjun and Jiangmo. In the doubtful eyes of the two titled Douluo, he said happily:

"What a good boy, you actually have a hidden card!"

In the sky, the golden spear in Tang San's hand finally condensed into shape, with such powerful majesty that golden ripples rippled out, making Tang San somewhat unable to control the trend.

"Dai Yao, go to hell!"

Biting the tip of his tongue lightly, the sweet and fishy smell spread in his mouth, making Tang San hold back the excitement in his heart and tightly hold the Blue Silver Overlord Spear.

Amidst his loud shouts, there was only a deafening sound piercing the air. The golden blue-silver Overlord Spear instantly passed through a distance of several thousand meters, bringing up a long golden tail flame and piercing the purple... Spider webs wrap around the sphere.

The sharp and cold breath forced many of the weaker Haotian Sect disciples to close their eyes.

However, at this moment, a heartbeat like a thunderous explosion came from the purple spider web. Everyone seemed to feel that an ancient behemoth awakened from its purple cocoon, and an ominous premonition came over everyone. The hearts of Haotian Sect disciples were filled with excitement.


The purple spider web broke open, and those who could still open their eyes stared at the figure in the broken spider web. When people saw the person clearly, their pupils suddenly shrank, and the excited cheers of the Haotian Sect disciples suddenly stopped. , fell into dead silence.

In mid-air, the eight wings behind Dai Yao flapped lightly. His body, which had become a little bloated due to the use of the White Tiger Dark Gold Transformation, now lost weight again, just like his normal form.

But the aura of his whole body is completely different. Normally, his bookish aura could make people mistake him for a scholar; but now, even a blind man can feel the powerful and suffocating aura on his body.

When he stared at me, he felt like he was being stared at by a giant beast at the top of the food chain, and his hair stood on end.

Beside Dai Yao, five extraordinary soul rings slowly floated up and down, and the fifth black soul ring shone brightly. Now, this state is exactly his fifth soul skill - White Tiger Titan Transformation!

In his hand, he held a golden spear, an unstoppable shot, Tang San's peak strike, held in Dai Yao's hand, unable to save it!

"How... how is it possible? Such a terrifying shot was actually caught by the guy from Wuhun Palace?!"

"Is he still human?"

"Can't such an attack kill him? Can our Haotian Sect really have no choice but to let him slaughter us?"

Many disciples of the Haotian Sect fell into self-doubt. As long as they got close to Tang San's blow, they would be suppressed by the pressure and unable to move. But even so, they still couldn't hurt Dai Yao.

Several elders of the Haotian Sect stared at Dai Yao at this moment. This aura gave them a sense of déjà vu, and their eyes were extremely deep.

The second elder turned sideways, frowned and asked Tang Xiao beside him:

"Sect Master, could this boy have the aura of a Titan?"

Tang Xiao nodded with difficulty, swallowed and said:

"It should be that when Hao Di hunted a Titan ape and obtained its soul ring, the feeling it gave me was similar to the soul ring on this kid's body, but I always felt there were some differences."

Tang Hao is the only soul master in the continent today who is confirmed to have hunted Titan apes.

Tang Xiao watched Tang Hao absorb the Titan ape's soul ring with his own eyes, so he could feel that there was Titan's aura in Dai Yao's fifth soul ring.

There is just a slight difference, it is a completely different icy aura from the Titan ape.

"No matter whether his soul ring is a Titan ape or not, it must be a soul beast similar to a Titan ape. I never expected that this boy would have such an opportunity!"

The second elder said with emotion.

Soul beasts like the Titan Giant Ape are extremely suitable for their Haotian Sect's soul masters. After knowing that Dai Yao had a soul ring similar to that of the Titan Giant Ape Soul Beast, he looked at Dai Yao with eyes full of envy and jealousy.

"Impossible, impossible, how could you take over my fifth soul skill so easily!"

Tang San said in disbelief.

This Blue Silver Overlord Spear is not only his strongest single-target attack, but also condenses the murderous intent in the realm of the God of Death. Even if Dai Yao can take over the Blue Silver Overlord Spear, the murderous intent contained in it will definitely make Dai Yao Yao was injured.

But at this moment, it seemed that Dai Yao was not injured at all.


Looking at Tang San who couldn't accept the reality, Dai Yao smiled softly. In the disbelief of everyone's eyes, he exerted force on his palm, the golden gun tip shattered, and then the gun body disintegrated.

He actually used his physical strength to crush the Blue Silver Overlord Spear!

Tang San was indeed Tang San. After a brief moment of self-doubt, he immediately thought that Hu Liena had also appeared in the Killing City and must have passed the trial of the Hell Road.

The reason why Dai Yao is immune to the Killing God Domain must be because he has adapted to the murderous aura of the Killing God Domain after many battles with Hu Liena.

He took back all the Bluesilver Grass he had released and suspended it in mid-air, motionless.

Looking at Tang San who looked a little strange, Dai Yao crossed his arms and said calmly:

"What, do you want to admit defeat?"

All the disciples of the Haotian Sect looked at Tang San, full of prayers. In these few battles, Tang San was the one who performed best. If Tang San also lost, then no one in the Haotian Sect could stop Dai Yao's pressure.

With everyone watching, Tang San slowly raised his head, looked at Dai Yao full of hatred, and said word by word:

"Dai Yao, you are indeed very strong. Even my strongest soul skill can't harm you, but the one who will die must be you! My real strength has never been any soul skill!" (End of Chapter)

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