Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 253 I decided to bring my talent to the Hall of Spirits

“Uniquely blessed...”

Looking at the high-spirited Dai Yao on the soul fighting stage, Bibi Dong couldn't help but sigh softly.

An externally attached soul bone, Bibi Dong could still understand. Hu Liena, who was also a genius of her age, also had a foxtail-shaped externally attached soul bone. But two yuan was beyond her expectation.

The probability of having two attached soul bones is the same as the probability of twin martial souls being born.

However, she immediately became troubled.

"Dai Yao, I really want to take you under my command, but there is no titled Douluo under my command who is qualified to teach you. But there are two in Qiandaoliu."

"Golden Crocodile Douluo and Crazy Lion Douluo. Two super Douluo, both have superb attainments in the power attack system."

"If you are forcibly brought under my command, it will inevitably have a negative impact on your future achievements."

The light-white jade hand squeezed the Pope's scepter slightly, and looked deeply at Dai Yao.

This kind of naive and ridiculous thought disappeared in a flash, and was immediately swallowed up by the overwhelming hatred in my heart. I sneered in my heart and thought:

"Angels, I will completely wipe you out, how can I send Dai Yao into your hands?"

Noticing the external spirit bone appearing on Dai Yao's left hand, Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi looked at each other, suddenly realized, Ning Fengzhi laughed dumbly and said:

"I didn't expect Dai Yao to have hidden this trump card until now. In the previous games, he kept it hidden and no news was revealed. Even I forgot that Dai Yao still had this trump card."

At the beginning, in order to completely fuse the two external spirit bones, Dai Yao chose to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to borrow the hands of Sword Douluo to complete the fusion. At the same time, he also challenged Sword Douluo. At that time, Dai Yao tried all means, but to no avail.

But the soul bone skill of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear's external soul bone - Tear Sky Claw, still left a deep influence on Sword Douluo.

Jian Douluo looked at the three sharp claws in Dai Yao's hand, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes, and said lightly:

"Wait for Dai Yao to use the soul bone skill attached to the soul bone, I'm afraid the outcome will be decided."

On the Soul Fighting Stage, although Yaomei's expression was covered by a mask, she could still clearly see the shock in their hearts from their almost dull eyes. They immediately remembered where the uneasiness in their hearts came from.

Thinking that they had high hopes from many high-level officials in Wuhun Palace, but now they were defeated by a whetstone appointed by His Majesty the Pope, a feeling of unwillingness suddenly welled up in his heart.

As if a little strength was born out of thin air, he gritted his teeth and said coldly to Dai Yao:

"Dai Yao, so what if you still have an external spirit bone? You can't defeat me!"

All the soul power was poured into the full moon. Although no sound could be heard, the cold light emitted was like a peacock spreading its tail, sputtering in all directions.

Just the sputtering sword light cut deep cracks into the ground of the Soul Fighting Platform. Even the cardinals watching the game felt a little troublesome when encountering these sword lights.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong made a move, lightly stopped the crutches, and the faint ripples washed away, forming a transparent mask. Those irritable sword glows were detained within the scope of the Soul Fighting Platform.

Looking at the monster who lost her mind, Bibi Dong sighed softly:

"Xie Yue and Nana's martial soul fusion skills are on the verge of reaching their limits. Under Dai Yao's pressure, Yuan Yue's power has exceeded Soul Saint's attack, which is no less than that of the Golden Generation."

Even those titled Douluo were a little moved by Xie Yue's attack this time.

Of course, they were not frightened by this power, but they were two soul kings. With their martial soul fusion skills, they used attacks comparable to soul saints. When the two of them become titled Douluo, what level of attack power will they reach? The point of horror? !

"Come on, let's decide the outcome!"

The demon's eyes, which had different thoughts, revealed the same firmness and determination, and he shouted lightly. This move has broken through his limits and reached a new height.

If this move still can't defeat Dai Yao, he will be convinced of the defeat.

His arm was like a pendulum, throwing the full moon out. In an instant, the extremely sharp sword light pressed against Dai Yao like a mountain.

Looking at the strangely soundless full moon coming towards him, Dai Yao couldn't help but smile bitterly. He originally wanted to dodge Yuan Yue's first few attacks by using the method of one rush, then another, and then all three.

Unexpectedly, because of the second external soul bone he revealed, the demon would break through and unleash a more powerful attack.

"In that case, let's show off!"

Soul power suddenly poured out from Dantian, like a rushing river, rushing into the metacarpal bone of his left hand. Dark golden light continued to gather towards Dai Yao's Zhonggu, which was pure Gengjin energy.


The tattered sleeves of his left arm, which had been cut by the evil full moon, turned into silk threads and fell to the ground under the touch of these Gengjin energy. Even the surrounding ground was cut with deep traces by Gengjin Qi.

As Dai Yao continued to gather momentum, the onlookers' cardinals showed horrified expressions. Ning Fengzhi said in astonishment:

"Dai Yao's attack is comparable to the attack of the Soul Saint in his martial soul true form."

Sword Douluo nodded solemnly, feeling a little emotional:

"At first, Dai Yao's move was only comparable to the soul skills of some soul emperors. Unexpectedly, he has grown to this point. If he shows such strength in such a competition, the story of this competition will be passed down from generation to generation. generation······"

For an old man like Sword Douluo who is in his twilight years, seeing the high-spirited spirit shown by the young man, he can't help but think about the time when he once walked the world alone and with one sword.

Listening to the discussion between her father and Grandpa Jian, Ning Rongrong smiled softly like Yourong Yan. Covering his left arm tenderly, he felt the fluctuations of soul power coming from the soul bone in his left arm, as if he felt someone's thoughts, and his mood suddenly improved.

After taking the eight-petal fairy orchid, her body has completely recovered. Not only did his injuries recover, but his soul power also increased by four levels.

In the original work, Oscar improved by five levels after taking the eight-petal fairy orchid. The missing level of medicinal effect was on Ning Rongrong's destroyed foundation.

Moreover, the eight-petal fairy orchid has a mellow medicinal effect and will continue to work until Ning Rongrong becomes a soul saint.

But when she thought of joining the Wuhun Palace after Dai Yao's competition, Ning Rongrong's originally sunny mood immediately turned gloomy.

Looking at the getting closer and closer full moon, Dai Yao, who was still gathering strength, suddenly narrowed his eyes, fiercely waved his left arm, and shouted in his heart:

"Sky Claw!"

In an instant, the Pope's Palace lit up.

An extremely huge and shining claw seemed to tear the sky apart, and together with the full moon spinning in the sky, it made a fierce roar!


The heart-wrenching sound continued to come from where the full moon and the sharp claws collided. Many cardinals couldn't help but frown and secretly took a few steps back. But the team members competing on the Soul Fighting Stage all covered their ears in pain.

In an instant, everyone looked in the direction of the red mist with horrified expressions.

However, before they could wait for the result of the game, after a moment of stalemate, two fierce attacks released their respective energies with a loud bang.

Like a volcano erupting, waves of heart-stopping energy fluctuations and sharp energy roared past the sky above the Soul Fighting Platform.

Even the energy shield released by Bibi Dong caused ripples under this wave of fluctuations.

Feeling the surging and terrifying energy fluctuations and the sharp aura, the members of both Auckland and Wuhundian teams on the Soul Fighting Stage stopped fighting in unison, and gathered together to find a way to survive this. Energy fluctuations.

On the Auckland side, Feng Qianli stood at the front with a Xuanwu shield; as for the Wuhundian team, Yan certainly refused to let him become that human shield.

Just when they completed their defensive actions, the wave of energy roared in like a raging ocean wave. Everything around is in chaos.

Both sides gritted their teeth until they were pushed to the edge of the ring by this energy wave, which finally stopped. The six members of the Auckland team and the five members of the Wuhundian team suddenly raised their heads at the same time, staring in the direction of the red mist.

The battle there will directly determine the outcome of the game!

After a while, the red mist gradually dissipated, and two light coughs immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena both knelt on one knee, clutching their chests in pain and coughing continuously. He looked a little embarrassed, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

At the moment when the energy exploded, they unlocked the martial soul fusion skill in unison.

At the moment when the martial soul fusion technique was released, the two of them were in a state of being inseparable, immune to most of the energy fluctuations.

But even so, they still suffered serious injuries.

They did not believe that Dai Yao, a soul sect, could survive intact under such energy fluctuations.

Although the two of them were injured, their eyes were locked on the place where Dai Yao originally stood. They wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths without caring, and a smile of victory appeared on their faces.

However, when the smoke gradually dissipated and the place was revealed, they discovered that Dai Yao had disappeared.

Looking at each other, they could see the shock in each other's eyes. Although they wanted to win, they never thought of killing Dai Yao! Dai Yao is the future seed of their Wuhun Palace.

"You lose."

Just when the two of them were suspicious, their shoulders were tapped lightly at the same time, and a faint voice came from their ears.

The two woke up from their sluggish state and suddenly turned their heads. When they saw the person clearly, their pupils suddenly widened.

That figure was none other than Dai Yao. Although he was a little embarrassed, his breath was long and steady, and he was obviously not injured, just a little over-exhausted.

His hands were on the shoulders of Xie Yue and Hu Liena, one on the left and the other on the right. The expression on his face was a little indifferent, and his pair of golden eyes looked in the direction of the Pope's Palace with great melancholy.

" could you?"

Xie Yue said in disbelief.

Hu Liena pursed her lips, her charming look completely disappeared, and she was unwilling to accept it. She raised her head and stared at Dai Yao with a pair of beautiful eyes, and asked stubbornly:

"Dai Yao, can you tell us why you weren't injured?"

Members of the two teams, as well as the cardinals and white bishops watching the game, looked at Dai Yao in confusion or wonder, their eyes full of seeking solutions.

"Let me tell you."

A cold voice sounded, as if there was some kind of magic power. Everyone's eyes involuntarily shifted to the place where the voice sounded.

I saw Bibi Dong's peerless figure rising from the gilded throne and falling lightly.

The purple high-heeled shoes lightly landed on the ground of the fighting spirit platform, making a crisp sound. Behind him, a group of Titled Douluo stood up following Bibi Dong, and landed in front of the Soul Fighting Stage.

At this moment, the Pope's Palace was completely silent, and countless lines of respect mixed with fiery gazes were firmly locked on that figure. Only when Bibi Dong kept approaching Dai Yao, the soft sound of high heels and the cold voice of explaining echoed in front of the Pope's Palace.

"Xie Yue, Hu Liena, when the energy wave broke out, Dai Yao's other soul bone and the eight wings of the white tiger wrapped him tightly. Therefore, he was safe and sound in the energy wave."

"Dai Yao, do you have anything to add?"


Dai Yao let go of his hands on the shoulders of Hu Liena and Xie Yue, lowered his eyes and said with a hint of respect.

Bibi Dong's indifferent gaze shifted slightly, fixed on Yan, and asked:

"Yan, do you want to continue fighting?"

There was no pressure in that gaze, but Yan felt like he was suffocating, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Yan gritted his teeth and looked at his teammates, only to find that there was a hint of hesitation on the faces of his teammates.

The five of them and the six of Auckland were already at a 50-50 draw, but now the battle between Dai Yao and Youmei decided the outcome. With a new force like Dai Yao joining the battle, it was clear that the situation for the Wuhundian team was over.

He sighed deeply, slowly loosened his clenched hands, and said with some reluctance:

"Your Majesty, we will stop fighting."

"Xieyue, Hu Liena, how about you?"

Turning his eyes, Bibi Dong asked Hu Liena and the others.

Hu Liena coughed twice in pain, blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, her beautiful eyes were full of unwillingness, but her condition was such that she no longer had the ability to fight. He looked at Xie Yue, sighed, gritted his teeth, stood up, put on a respectful posture, and said to Bi Dong:

"Your Majesty, we admit defeat."

As soon as these words came out, there was a low murmur of discussion. If Bibi Dong hadn't been suppressing him here, there would have been an uproar. The most outstanding generation in the history of Wuhun Palace failed like this?

Even if they had such expectations in their hearts, when it actually happened, it was still a bit unacceptable.

"The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the finals, the winner is Team Auckland!"

Amid the discussion, Bibi Dong calmly announced.

Although Bibi Dong seemed calm, she felt uncomfortable inside. She was worried about her disciples, and if her brain got hot, she would continue to fight. When the time comes, an accident will definitely make her regret it for the rest of her life.

Therefore, when Dai Yao defeated Yao Mei and the overall situation was decided, she immediately left the field and forced the Wuhundian team to admit defeat.

"we won?"

Dai Yuanyi seemed to be in a dream and said in disbelief.

"Well, we won."

Feng Qianli was extremely emotional. Even though he was as steady as he was, at this moment, he couldn't suppress the joy and excitement in his heart, and he wanted to scream.

In an instant, the Auckland team was immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

Principal Jackson rushed into the soul fighting stage and hugged the children excitedly. Then everyone rushed towards Dai Yao and hugged him.

"Thank you, Dai Yao, we are the champions! Champions of the competition!"

Dai Yuanyi shouted excitedly.

Dai Yao felt a little uncomfortable being hugged, and then he let go. At this moment, the sun was rising, and looking at the exceptionally clear sky, a silent excitement gradually surged into my heart.

"My newborn, here I come."

Looking at the glorious and solemn Pope's Palace, Dai Yao's eyes flashed with light as he thought excitedly.

On the side, looking at the excited and excited people in Auckland, the Wuhundian team looked lonely.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena supported each other, looked at each other, and both smiled bitterly. After more than twenty years of hard training, they were known as the golden generation, but today they were defeated by the same person.

This bitter feeling of trying their best but still falling far behind their opponents made them very uncomfortable.

"Team Auckland, congratulations, you won the championship. It's time to give you the championship reward."

Bibi Dong waved her scepter lightly, and three pieces of light floated tightly in the air. Looking at the three soul bones, a bit of complexity flashed through her eyes. When these three soul bones appeared, everyone's breathing quickened.

"Dai Yao, please come and receive your reward."

Looking at Dai Yao, Bibi Dong's eyes showed a rare softness.

Dai Yao stepped forward, took the three soul bones, and slowly returned to his teammates with greedy and fiery eyes.

Seeing the three soul bones that were like demons, emitting waves of temptation, everyone in Auckland couldn't help but swallow their saliva. But they all know who these three soul bones are most suitable for.

Feng Qianli took a step forward, glanced at Dai Yao, then glanced at the others coldly and said:

"Everyone knows the ownership of these three soul bones, so there is no need to covet them. Moreover, without Dai Yao, it is impossible for us to win the finals. Therefore, it is impossible to say that these three soul bones belong to Dai Yao. It’s too much.”

"Do you have anything to refute?"

Everyone smiled bitterly and shook their heads. How could they not know? But the temptation of soul bones is too great, and it makes people forget about their lives.

Dai Yuan let out a long sigh, looked at Dai Yao complicatedly and said:

"Dai Yao, these three soul bones belong to you. Anyway, we have the life to take them, but we have no life to use them."

As soon as these words came out, several titled Douluo nodded secretly. If they can still think rationally under the temptation of soul bones, even if their talents are not outstanding, they will definitely achieve something in the future.

Dai Yao breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to damage the relationship between his teammates just because of a few soul bones, so he said:

"I don't shirk it. I do have a lot of credit for winning the competition, but everyone can't waste their efforts. So, to compensate everyone, I will give everyone another herb from the beginning."

Hearing this, everyone who was a little depressed after losing their soul bones suddenly beamed with joy. Although Dai Yao's herbs are not as precious as soul bones, they are more suitable for them.

While improving strength, it also lays a solid foundation, and after taking it, unlike soul bones, people can kill and take the bones.

"Thank you, Dai Yao."

Feng Qianli said to Dai Yao with admiration.

Dai Yao nodded and gave the three soul bones to the people who were suitable for them. The left leg of Zhui Feng, which moved forward rapidly, was given to Zhu Zhuqing; the right arm of bursting and burning flames was given to Feng Wutong; and the skull of wisdom, which condensed the spirit, was given to Dugu Yan.

Zhu Zhuqing accepted it gently, but Dugu Yan and Feng Wutong encountered faint resistance.

"Give me?"

Dugu Yan thought with some surprise.

This brain-condensed wisdom skull is extremely suitable even for an attack-type soul master. Especially Dai Yao, after absorbing the soul bone, his strength will inevitably increase significantly.

Dai Yao nodded and said with a smile: "Do we still need to divide so much between you and me?"

Pushing the soul bone into Dugu Yan's arms, he looked at Feng Wutong and asked with some confusion:

"What? Isn't the spirit bone bad?"

Feng Wutong stared deeply at the soul bone that seemed to be burning with flames, and there was a throbbing in her heart that was almost greedy, but she forcibly held back, and murmured in a low voice:

"You...why are you being so nice to me?"

Dai Yao smiled casually, stroked Feng Wutong's waterfall-like hair, and said softly:

"You are my maid. If I am not good to you, who should I be good to?"

Hearing this, Dugu Yan next to him snorted, Zhu Zhuqing pursed his lips and chuckled, and everyone in Auckland looked at Dai Yao and Feng Wutong with ambiguous eyes.

Behind Bibi Dong, Dugu Bo saw that his granddaughter had obtained a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone, and couldn't help but nodded, feeling more certain about the identity of Dai Yao's grandson-in-law.

This is true even if Dai Yao is surrounded by warblers and swallows.

When Lingyuan Douluo and Qingluan Douluo saw Dai Yao giving the bursting flame right arm to their apprentice, their eyes showed love, but when they heard the conversation between Dai Yao and Feng Wutong, their feelings changed. His face immediately darkened.

Dai Yao's actions undoubtedly aroused the discussion of many people. He didn't keep any of the three precious soul bones. Is this the legendary love of beauty but not the country?

Yan opened his eyes wide, looking at Dai Yao's generous move to pick up girls, as if he understood something.

Bibi Dong walked forward gently, came to Dai Yao's side, looked at Dai Yao and said:

"Now, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Hearing this, Dai Yao turned his head, glanced at the astonishingly beautiful Bibi Dong, and then closed his eyes.

The struggle in Leng Palace, the forbearance of Xingluo Royal Academy, the training in Tiandou Empire, one after another, one scene after another, flashed through my mind like a slideshow. Finally, all the memories passed by, and they were fixed on the victory over the Wuhundian team. Moment.

Dai Yao suddenly raised his head, opened his eyes, and said solemnly:

"I decided to bring my talents to Wuhun Palace!"

In an instant, there was a dead silence in front of the Pope's Palace, and you could hear a pin drop. A moment later, an overwhelming exclamation broke out!

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