In front of the Pope's Palace, there was an overwhelming amount of discussion. Dai Yao's decision exploded in their hearts like a thunder.

The peerless genius in the competition chose to join the Wuhun Palace just after the competition. Under the training of Wuhun Palace, how terrifying will Dai Yao's height reach?

In the future of Wuhun Palace, another peerless figure like Qian Daoliu will be born.

And between the two empires and the seven sects, will a figure like Tang Chen be born again? Resist the pressure from Wuhundian?

Many cardinals were beaming with joy and seemed to be looking forward to Dai Yao's future after joining the Spirit Hall; while the soul masters who belonged to the two empires or the seven sects had uncertain faces and could not understand Dai Yao's decision at all.

Salas and Ferdinand looked at each other and smiled sadly. Ferdinand looked at the high-spirited young man standing in front of Bibi Dong, as if he saw the child who gritted his teeth in the Star Luo Empire to survive.

"Nearly ten years of hard work has finally come to fruition. Dai Yao, I have finally waited for the day when you join the Spirit Hall!"

Ferdinand was deeply in love, and his eyes were slightly red.

In a way that was almost in opposition to the Star Luo Empire, he helped Dai Yao leave the Star Luo Empire, and he didn't directly join the Spirit Hall. His actions were naturally criticized by many people.

If Pope Bibi Dong hadn't carefully read Dai Yao's information and declared conclusively that Dai Yao would be the grindstone of the Golden Generation, he would have been doomed in the power struggle in Wuhun Palace because of Dai Yao's matter. .

But Dai Yao's current achievements make his persistence meaningful. Those doubts at the beginning sounded so ridiculous now.

Salas also smiled happily and stroked his goat-like beard. He was in an unusually good mood. He glanced at Ferdinand and joked:

"I am the one who should say this. After all, I have taken care of Dai Yao in the Tiandou Empire for six years, but you have only been in the Star Luo Empire for only one year. No, you are not taking care of me, you are just taking him away. Dai Yao."

Ferdinand immediately blew his beard and stared, pointed at Salas' nose and said:

"Skinny bamboo pole, if I hadn't resisted the pressure and taken Dai Yao away, what would have happened to you? Now you're taking credit from me?"

The two made a noise, and after a while they couldn't help but laugh. As friends who have shared weal and woe, it is truly overjoyed that nearly ten years of hard work has finally reaped the fruits.

Dai Yao's decision-making voice was drowned in the sky full of discussions. Ning Fengzhi let out a long sigh, feeling a little regretful and sentimental. He shook his head, looked at Ning Rongrong who was staring blankly at Dai Yao next to him, gently touched her hair, and said softly:


Ning Rongrong's pair of small hands hugged each other tightly. After hearing Ning Fengzhi's voice, she couldn't help but lower her head and said in a trembling voice:

"Dad, let's go..."

"Don't say goodbye to him?"


The sound as low as a mosquito's nagging made Ning Fengzhi feel a little uncomfortable, but she just touched Ning Rongrong's hair gently. A faint smile suddenly appeared on Sword Douluo Furui Bubo's face, and he comforted:

"Rongrong, a person's life is very long. If we are destined, we will meet again eventually."

Ning Rongrong was startled, raised his head, and then took a deep look at Dai Yao. After Ning Fengzhi used the Qibao Avatar to heal everyone in the Auckland and Wuhundian teams, he quietly retreated.

Crossing the vast sea of ​​​​people, looking at the departing figures of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Dai Yao also had thousands of thoughts in his mind.

He said thank you in his heart. He owed the Qibao Glazed Sect a lot, and all he could do was to protect the Qibao Glazed Sect during the soul hunting operation. Now, he already has a clue.

He turned his head and bowed his hands respectfully towards Bibi Dong:

"His Majesty the Pope, not only will I join the Wuhun Palace, but Zhu Zhuqing and Wutong will also join the Wuhun Palace."

Bibi Dong's eyes suddenly softened a bit, and she looked at Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong and said:

"Is that what you think?"

The two women walked up to Dai Yao in unison and nodded without thinking.

Seeing this, the several titled Douluo behind Bibi Dong couldn't help but show a hint of joy. The potential of these two women is obvious to everyone.

The two of them are four or five years younger than the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, but their soul power level is not inferior to that of the golden generation. Moreover, the powerful combat effectiveness displayed by the two is not far behind that of the Golden Generation.

When the two girls and Dai Yao, the golden generation achieve titles, the future of Wuhun Palace will be so bright and dazzling.

Ghost Douluo was smiling all over his face, but this smile looked rather weird because of his martial spirit.

Lingyuan Douluo hurried forward and hugged Feng Wutong, smiling happily, while Qingluan Douluo just nodded lightly, glanced at Dai Yao coldly, and then said to Feng Wutong indifferently:

"This week you will practice with Ling Yuan, and next week you will come to my worship hall. Although you have joined the Wuhun Hall, your practice is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. You can't slack off."

Hearing Qingluan Douluo's stern words, Feng Wutong couldn't help but look serious, and said with some fear:

"is teacher."

Lingyuan Douluo has a lively personality and has no airs when teaching her, but Qingluan Douluo is like a real strict teacher, scolding her whenever something goes wrong.

Looking at the well-behaved disciples, Qingluan Douluo nodded with satisfaction, then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the mountains behind.

Feng Wutong has been accepted as a disciple by the two titled Douluo, but Zhu Zhuqing has not. As for Dai Yao, they have already acquiesced that he is a person under the crown of the Pope, and they do not dare to win anyone's love.

Realizing that several elders around him were about to make a move, Ghost Douluo couldn't help but freeze his happy expression on his face. He immediately activated his soul power and flashed in front of Zhu Zhuqing, startling everyone.

Ignoring everyone's exclamations, Ghost Douluo said quickly:

"Zhu Zhuqing, you can feel the closeness between your martial spirit and my martial spirit. In the entire continent, only I can be your teacher. What do you think?"

Zhu Zhuqing pursed her lips. There was some movement in her big eyes, but she still wanted to know Dai Yao's opinion.

After Dai Yao nodded to her, Zhu Zhuqing turned to Ghost Douluo and said respectfully:


"Oh! What a good disciple!"

Ghost Douluo didn't know how to place his hands for a moment, with a bright smile on his face. Ju Douluo on the side saw his old friend so happy and felt happy for him.

Several titled Douluo were a little annoyed, as if they were regretting why they let Ghost Douluo take the lead, otherwise a talented disciple like Zhu Zhuqing would be theirs.

Bibi Dong couldn't help but hold her forehead, you are all dignified Douluo, standing at the top of the continent. Do you still have your usual aloof demeanor now?

Sighing softly, he turned his head and glanced at the faces of Dai Yao and the others. There was a hint of softness in his cold voice and he said with a smile:

"Three days later, I will personally preside over the ceremony for you to join the Spirit Hall. As for now, I think you should seize the time to celebrate."

"Thank you, His Majesty the Pope, for your understanding."

Dai Yao respectfully thanked him.

Afterwards, the three of them returned to the Auckland camp. Dai Yao couldn't help but laugh when he saw the uncomfortable expressions on his teammates' faces when they had to keep their mouths shut in such a solemn occasion. They clearly had a lot to say to him.

He led his teammates and walked down to the Pope's Palace step by step, facing the rising sun that was gradually rising into the sky.

"Lingyuan, protect them."

Watching the Auckland team slowly walking down, with laughter and laughter constantly ringing from behind, Bibi Dong's expression returned to that aloof indifference, and she gave cold instructions.


Lingyuan lowered her head and said respectfully.

Then it turned into a clear shadow and disappeared suddenly in front of the Pope's Palace.

Dai Yao and the others hold three precious soul bones in their hands. It is inevitable that some people will not be able to resist the temptation of soul bones and do irrational things. Therefore, with a titled Douluo like Lingyuan Douluo, there is no need to worry about the safety of these three people.

Before the game, the time was long and hard, but now, the time passed quickly. The nine people in Auckland walked briskly, as if it didn't take long before they returned to the hotel where they were staying.

After a fierce battle, everyone was exhausted. It just so happened that the originally hot food was much colder at this moment. Although the temperature was not enough, everyone tasted it and found it extremely delicious.

After filling their stomachs, Dai Yao distributed the promised herbal medicine to everyone, and everyone was overjoyed. Dai Yuanyi returned to his usual lazy appearance, lying on the seat like a soft object without bones, and joked to Dai Yao:

"Dai Yao, after you join the Hall of Spirits, you are no longer from the same world as us. When the time comes, don't forget us."

"of course not."

Dai Yao held his forehead and smiled.

Hearing this, Luo Ling immediately grabbed Dai Yuanyi's ear and cursed:

"You think Dai Yao is like you! All day long, no one is in shape!"

Everyone laughed. Feng Qianli held the wine glass in both hands and walked step by step to Dai Yao. Everyone noticed Feng Qianli's serious expression and silently controlled the volume, leaving only silence.

Feng Qianli said solemnly:

"Dai Yao, it is my honor to work with you. After today, you will be like an eagle, flying to a height that we cannot reach. Perhaps, today is the closest we will get to you in the future."

"Therefore, I'm here to offer you a toast, thank you for your dedication!"

Dai Yao also realized Feng Qianli's complicated mood, and also suppressed his smile. He raised the wine glass with both hands, touched it lightly with the wine glass Feng Qianli was holding, made a clear sound, and said solemnly:

"I'm also grateful to you. It's also because of everyone's efforts that they blocked the attack of the rest of the Wuhundian team. This gave me a chance to win against Xie Yue and Hu Liena."

"thank you all."

Everyone suddenly thought that after the competition, they would graduate. For their own future, each of them has to travel all over the world to get married and start a career. A wave of parting melancholy surged in my heart involuntarily.


Dai Yuan raised his wine glass and slammed it on the table, hops splashed everywhere, his eyes were slightly red, he looked at Dai Yao and said:

"Dai Yao, I won't say those hypocritical words, all the thanks are in this glass of wine!"

Afterwards, he gulped down all the wine in a gulp.

Everyone seemed to resonate with each other and toasted Dai Yao one by one to thank him. In desperation, Dai Yao had no choice but to suggest that everyone raise their glasses and drink the wine with their blessings for their future.

Even Luo Ling, who never drank, was infected and drank a glass.

A faint smile appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's cold face; while Dugu Yan stroked the skull of condensed wisdom, looked at Dai Yao in a daze, biting his lip, as if he had made up his mind... ··

Papal Palace.

Bibi sat on the Pope's throne on the east side, and on the left and right sides stood several Titled Douluo and two platinum bishops.

In the middle of the two rows is the Wuhundian team kneeling on the ground tremblingly. Although Dai Yao joined Wuhundian in the end, their failure undoubtedly lost the face of Wuhundian.

Yueguan ghosts sighed at the same time, they watched the golden generation grow up, and seeing the Wuhundian team blame themselves so much, they couldn't bear it.

Bibi Dong looked at the few people who blamed herself so much, she couldn't help but shook her head and said:

"Get up."

"Your Majesty, we have shamed the Spirit Hall, please punish us!"

Xie Yue gritted her teeth and said in pain.

Bibi Dong’s beauty frowned and said coldly:

"Again, stand up."

The cold voice echoed in the Pope's Palace. Although the sound was not very loud, it seemed to have an irresistible magic power, making several members of the Wuhun Palace team stand up.

However, they still lowered their heads, not daring to look at Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong sighed softly, leaning on the Pope's scepter, walked down the Pope's high platform step by step, looked at Hu Liena, whose head was lowered and trembling slightly, and comforted her:

"Actually, it's a good thing that Dai Yao defeated you. You have always been too smooth and have never suffered any defeat. Therefore, you are arrogant and have your eyes above your head. You all look down on the teammates around Dai Yao."

"What do you think of them now?"

Thinking back to the predicament that he and his four other teammates were firmly blocked by a few people from Oakland, Yan had to admit:

"They're really strong."

Bibi Dong glanced at Yan from the corner of her eye, then turned around and said:

"Okay, you don't have to kneel here. You still have this feeling of self-blame, which proves that you can still be saved. Don't waste my time here, go back to practice."

"If you have the guts, you can go to the Death Canyon to experience. If you pass the experience, I can give you a chance to challenge Dai Yao."

Hearing the words Death Canyon, the pupils of the Wuhundian team shrank. Even the expressions of several Title Douluo have changed.

The Death Canyon is a training place mastered by the Wuhun Palace, and the death rate is extremely high, but if it passes through, it will become a great weapon in the future!

Xie Yue and Yan thought about it for a moment, then gritted their teeth and said:

"Yes! Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope!"


Bibi Dong nodded, glanced indifferently and said:

"Okay, everyone go out, Nana stay here for a while."

Hu Liena was startled, not knowing what Bibi Dong meant, but she happened to have something to tell the Pope.

The heavy door closed slowly with a muffled sound. Bibi Dong looked at his disciple softly and asked:

"Nana, do you know why I want to keep you?"

Hu Liena pursed her lips and replied:

"Disciple doesn't know."

Bibi Dong chuckled, and only in front of his disciples would he show some tenderness:

"Nana, you will be the Pope in the future, and you must learn to figure out other people's thoughts."

Hu Liena was shocked, immediately lowered her head, and said with some fear:

"How virtuous and capable is this disciple? Today we lost to the Auckland team led by Dai Yao, which humiliated Wuhun Palace. As for the position of Pope, I think Dai Yao is more suitable than me."

Bibi Dong smiled softly and said: "Victory and defeat are common things for military strategists. I will not give up on you just because of your failure. You must know that you are the number one person in the golden generation. If it weren't for your ability, Dai Yao would be inexplicably defeated. With great restraint, the outcome of today’s battle is unpredictable.”

Hu Liena took the lead in the martial soul fusion skills with Xie Yue. She is the most terrifying existence of the golden generation.

"As for the position of the Pope, as long as Dai Yao has the blood of the Dai family flowing in his body, he will never be able to become the Pope."

Bibi Dong said decisively.

Although Wuhun Palace is open to all rivers and recruits civilian soul masters, Dai Yao was once the fourth prince of the Star Luo Empire. No matter how talented he is, Wuhun Palace will never agree to Dai Yao becoming the pope.

Dai Yao can be reused, but he can never inherit the position of pope. This is the bottom line of Wuhun Palace.

Having said this, Bibi Dong's tone suddenly softened, and she looked deeply at Hu Liena:

"Although he cannot become the Pope, he can become the sharpest sword in your hand and cut off all the enemies in the world for you. Therefore, how to control this sharp sword will be the test of your life."

After the words fell, the Pope's Palace fell into silence. Hu Liena held her hands tightly, and her delicate body trembled slightly. After a while, she stopped, raised her head suddenly, and said firmly:

"His Majesty the Pope, I understand what you mean. But if I use your power to force Dai Yao, Dai Yao will not accept it, and I will not accept it."

"Therefore, I must prove that I am capable of wielding this sword."

"I know that even if we go to Death Canyon, you will definitely send elders to protect us secretly. So, I want to go to the Killing City!"

Hearing the words "City of Killing", Bibi Dong's pupils suddenly shrank, she pursed her lips, and after a while, she said with some concern:

"Nana, do you know what the city of killing means?"

"I know."

"There are enemies all around and death everywhere. Only by walking on the road to hell can we be reborn. Nana, this is too difficult."

"But only this is the real test, isn't it?"

Hu Liena's firm eyes made Bibi Dong's heart tremble. While she was relieved, she couldn't help but feel worried. She sighed softly:

"Since you are so persistent, then I have no choice but to agree as a teacher. However, the dangers of the Slaughter City are far beyond your imagination. Therefore, you must go to the Death Canyon to experience it. If your performance can surpass me Only then can I let you go to the Killing City with confidence."

"Thank you teacher for fulfilling it!"

Amid Bibi Dong's sigh, Hu Liena knelt down on the ground, her enchanting body forming an astonishing arc of charm...

In the new volume, the protagonist will completely grow up in this volume, and his personal thoughts will also undergo earth-shaking changes.

From a pawn to a chess player. In this volume, he will also have a "moving" emotional entanglement with Bibi Dong, Hu Liena, and Qian Renxue.

Of course, I wish I could write it.

I don't want to write that as soon as the protagonist comes out, the heroine of the original novel falls in love with him. It's like completing a task.

I want to write those women well so that they feel vivid and have their own emotions. The love in the heart of such a heroine will make people moved.

The third volume is finally finished, and it is the longest volume I have ever written.

In the next Wuhun Palace chapter, I will definitely present the best story within my capabilities. I hope that such a story can be recognized by everyone.

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