Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 252 Hidden to the last hole card!

In the red mist, the demon twisted its slender body and looked at Dai Yao who was motionless. His eyes hidden under the mask showed a ghostly smile.


The sharp moon blade collided with Dai Yao's moiré hand, making a sound of metal collision.

"Dai Yao, you are very strong. If you were a few years older, maybe even those of us with martial soul fusion skills would not be your opponents. It's a pity that you are too young!"

"The final victory still belongs to us!"

A male-female voice sounded from under the mask. That firmness is touching.

With the blessing of the White Tiger's dark golden transformation and the attached soul bone, Dai Yao's strength has been able to withstand the demonic moon blade without losing. There was no need to break the Eight Spider Spears like Tang San did before he could attack with the Moon Blade.


Looking at the monster in front of him, Dai Yao's lips curved into a smile.

"But today's victory, I'm sure!"

The two were separated as soon as they touched each other, and both sides used their lifelong learning without reservation. The sound of clanking metal collisions continued to sound in the red mist.

Looking at the fierce confrontation in the red mist without any breathing space, even several titled Douluo had never seen such a fierce battle, and their faces could not help but become serious.

Under this intensive attack, Dai Yao couldn't find a chance to release his soul skills, but similarly, Yao Mei could only use the purest attack method to deal with it.

The experience he had gained in the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena once again came into play.

Baji collapse, explosive step, these self-created soul skills are at your fingertips, and combined with the cloud pattern hand, you try to take the initiative in the game. But Xie Yue and Hu Liena are not vegetarians. They are extremely skilled in the moon blade dance.

Even in this intense bombardment, there was no deformation at all.

This is no longer a duel between soul power and soul skills. It is about holding on to the breath in your heart. Once you let go, you will lose in one move and lose the whole game!

The three of them all had their own reasons for winning, and even though the competition became more and more intense, none of them relaxed.

The sounds in the red mist became denser and denser. Strong winds, mixed with explosions that shook the air, fled in all directions from the red mist, as if they were fleeing.

The sharp light of the sword and the dull sound of the fist hitting the flesh were continuously heard from the red mist.

Dai Yao's hands became heavier and heavier, and his whole body ached, but he did not dare to relax. Once he relaxed, the demon would seize the opportunity and take the initiative.

The same is true for the demon. The hands waving the double swords gradually lost their control, just like Dai Yao started to attack with his elbows, head, legs, and various parts of the body.

Both of them have already fought to the limit.

If it were any Soul King, in a confrontation of this level, he might not be able to hold on for even three seconds and would have to fall down.

The cardinals who were watching were all horrified. They suppressed their breathing and stared intently at every movement of the two men. If it were them, they wouldn't be able to please them! You know, they are all powerful men above the Soul Saint level!

In front of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong nodded her head lightly. The three people fighting to the death in the red mist, and their belief in pursuing victory at all costs moved her.

"Nana and Xie Yue's performance has exceeded their limits. I didn't expect Dai Yao to be so powerful. The little Soul Sect has the ability to compete with the Soul Emperor."

"What a wonderful showdown. If these three people were placed in any of the previous competitions, they would have easily won the championship. But now, they have to decide the winner."

"The competition is certainly cruel, but only such competitions can forge real geniuses!"

"Nana, Xie Yue, Dai Yao, who of you can win?!"

A look of expectation flashed across Bibi Dong's eyes, and her thin lips pursed, making countless people go crazy.


The roar that shook the entire Soul Fighting Stage sounded again. Dai Yao and Youmei both flew out upside down. When they landed on the ground, they knelt down on one knee and rubbed long black marks on the ground. Only then did they remove the collision. strength.

Both of them were panting heavily, sweat falling on the ground like rain, forming a shallow puddle, and their eyes were blurry. In the fight just now, they were fighting instinctively.

The tragic situation of the two men made many cardinals watching the game let out deliberately suppressed exclamations.

Dai Yao's moon-white clothes were full of cracks from the sword energy. Although he had a moire hand holding the sharp blade, as the competition became more intense, Dai Yao simply did not have enough energy to completely defend against the demon's attack. .

The flesh exposed through the tattered clothes was already covered with scars, there was even a knife mark, and there was blood.

The demon also felt uncomfortable. The golden armor on his body was covered with broken marks and almost shattered. The broken marks formed the shape of a fist. It was obvious that the golden armor on the demon's body was shattered by Dai Yao's fist.

But the real injury to the monster was not a flesh wound, but an internal wound.

The insidious power contained in Dai Yao's Bajibeng caused the demon to suffer a lot. At the beginning, I had enough energy, and I could still notice the strange force that invaded my body, but as the game progressed, my energy was almost gone, and I couldn't care about An Jin.

All the internal organs in his body were trembling, and a stream of blood fell to the ground along the mask.

Both lose.

Seeing this situation, all the discussions and exclamations gradually dissipated. Everyone looked at the two of them with a bit of respect.

Even several titled Douluo restrained their idiosyncratic movements, and the arrogance disappeared from their faces. This battle, the desire to fight on both sides, has earned their respect.

"The new generation is really better than the old one!"

I don’t know which titled Douluo said with emotion. Then, as if it resonated, several titled Douluo nodded at the same time.

The demon's dilated pupils slowly gathered together. She suppressed her trembling body and tried her best to stand up. She looked at Dai Yao not far away, her eyes were solemn and she said intermittently:

"Dai Yao, I have to say, I admire you very much. A soul sect can actually force me to this point."

A male-female voice sounded from under the mask. There was an inexplicable meaning in the voice.

When Xie Yue and Hu Liena heard that the Pope had chosen a whetstone for them, they were disdainful. The golden generation of Wuhun Palace has stood at the top of their peers.

Even the genius soul masters of the two empires can be easily defeated by them.

Now, when an unknown guy suddenly appeared as their whetstone, they were not only disdainful, but also indignant.

Is His Majesty the Pope looking down on them?

But as letters about Dai Yao continued to arrive from the Spirit Temple of the Tiandou Empire, they changed from their initial contempt to taking him seriously.

The fourth soul ring of ten thousand years is a talent that is difficult for them to match.

But they still believed that Dai Yao could not be their opponent. After all, they were several years older than Dai Yao. And he has great teammates.

No matter how you look at it, they win.

But yesterday's individual competition shattered their sense of superiority due to their age. One person defeated fourteen people in succession.

A record that they can look up to!

They completely lost their ability to think. When they came back to their senses, they found that a thick haze had enveloped their hearts.

And as Dai Yao finally surrendered, as if he was giving them a hand to advance to the finals, their hearts immediately became filled with endless anger. They are geniuses! This almost alms-like approach makes them feel that their self-esteem has been offended!

Can't they make it to the finals themselves?

This is not just a simple competition, but a shame for them.

What's more, as the future leader of Wuhun Palace, a genius who has high hopes from Bibi Dong, for the glory of Wuhun Palace, they cannot afford to lose!

Therefore, in today's game, they have a strong fighting spirit and are bound to wash away yesterday's humiliation! Let Dai Yao pay a painful price for yesterday's arrogance.

The demon slowly raised the heavy double blades and brought them together behind her. The blades exuded a cold light, like a full moon. They were quiet and at the same time so sharp that they were intimidating.

Ju Douluo's eyes narrowed and he said with some uncertainty:

"Which trick are Xie Yue and Nana going to use? I really didn't expect Dai Yao to be able to force them to this point."

Bibi Dong said calmly: "Yao Mei once used this skill to defeat a soul master with a soul power as high as level 68. Although Dai Yao has skills that are more powerful than Yuan Yue and He, they all need to be charged up."

"And Youmei will never give him time to accumulate power. It seems that the victory or defeat is decided!"

After the words fell, the several titled Douluo on the gilded throne became energetic. Is the game going to be decided?

On the soul fighting stage, Yao Mei chuckled. You can imagine the smile behind the mask. She looked at Dai Yao who was still breathing and said lightly:

"Dai Yao, next, I will use my self-created soul skill, Yuan Yue. There is no flaw in this move of mine. Even soul masters at the soul emperor level are no match for me."

"You don't have to think about accumulating energy to use your fourth soul skill, or the Baji Beng. Now I just want to say a few words to you before winning, so that I can taste a little more of the taste of victory."

"As long as you make any move to accumulate energy, I will immediately take action and eliminate you."

"I really want to know how you would deal with it when you are at the end of your rope?"

Immediately, the demonic figure disappeared, leaving only the huge disk spinning behind it. But the strange thing is that it makes no sound, as if it has swallowed up all sounds.

Looking at the strange full moon, Dai Yao's face was solemn as never before. He knew that this move was the time to decide the outcome!

instant! White Tiger Thunder God Strike!


A deafening sound rang out, and countless thunderbolts poured down, hitting the full moon. However, what surprised everyone was that the full moon cut off all the thunderbolts in a moment.

The once invincible ten-thousand-year soul skill could not sustain even for a moment in front of the demonic soul fusion skill. The power of the full moon is evident.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the Ten Thousand Years Soul Skill does not have time to charge up, otherwise an attack comparable to the Contra level would defeat the demon in an instant.

The cloud patterns on his hands were in dilapidated condition. The fierce battle just now had almost shattered the cloud patterns on his hands. At the critical moment, Dai Yao used his moiré hand again to try to block the full moon.

But with just one breath, the cloud pattern completely shattered.

But it was at this moment that Dai Yao used the explosive step in time to escape from Yuan Yue's attack range.

Looking at Dai Yao running away in embarrassment, Xie Yue and Hu Liena couldn't help but feel a little relieved. The humiliation they suffered yesterday completely dissipated.

"Dai Yao, you can't escape! Why struggle in vain? Under my full moon, no one of my age can defeat me!"

A somewhat proud voice came from under the mask.

However, Dai Yao still said nothing, just gritted his teeth and fled silently in the red mist.

Looking at this scene in the red mist, Bibi Dong smiled softly and said:

"Nana and the others are going to win..."

"Well, Nana and the others are indeed very good. Although Dai Yao lost, his performance today exceeded everyone's expectations. It is really impressive that he can survive in the hands of the demon until now."

"Haha, our Wuhun Hall is really prosperous with talents. When Dai Yao joins the Wuhun Hall and grows up, who else can rival us?"

Several titled Douluo belonging to Wuhun Palace were discussing and beaming with joy. Apparently they thought Dai Yao was bound to lose.

Dugu Bo frowned, held his hands tightly, and couldn't stop sighing in his heart. It's really a pity that we could get to this point only to lose in the end.

"Dai Yao, Dai Yao, do you have any other skills? Come up with it quickly!"

Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi also had stern expressions. Ning Fengzhi lamented: "The victory of this battle has been decided."

Chen Xin watched Dai Yao's every move coldly, and suddenly seemed to have discovered something. He curled his lips and hummed softly:

"This kid is still hiding something! You see, he seems to be running away, but his steps are still orderly, which means he still has some room to go."

"After avoiding the strongest wave of attacks at the beginning of Full Moon, his counterattack will come soon."

After hearing Sword Douluo's judgment, Ning Fengzhi immediately turned his expectant eyes back to the soul fighting stage.

The full moon kept chasing Dai Yao. No matter how many tricks Dai Yao used, he could not get rid of the full moon. Instead, he got closer and closer. Looking at Dai Yao who was getting closer and closer, Yao Mei could not help but say:

"Dai Yao, admit defeat, you have nowhere to escape!"


However, Dai Yao's answer was beyond everyone's expectations, and the weird smile on his lips gave Xie Yue and Hu Liena an uneasy premonition at the same time.

They desperately urged Yuan Yue to seize the opportunity and defeat Dai Yao completely.

But the next moment, with the sound of a huge clash of weapons, the unstoppable full moon was blocked.

Everyone looked blankly in the direction of Dai Yao, their eyes fixed on the sharp claws on his hands, their breaths stagnant, their faces full of shock and disbelief.

"External spirit bone! That's an external spirit bone!"

A cardinal shouted excitedly.

Everyone seemed to be awakened. They were all too familiar with the name of the soul-bone attached, and their greedy and eager eyes instantly turned to Dai Yao.

However, they suddenly realized that didn't Dai Yao already have a soul bone attached to the white tiger's eight wings? Why did another external spirit bone appear?

Doesn't this mean that Dai Yao has two external soul bones?

Thinking of this, a series of gasping sounds suddenly echoed in front of the Pope's Palace. Ordinary people can only hope for a soul bone, but Dai Yao has not only an external soul bone that is more precious than a soul bone, but two!

Is he God's illegitimate son?

A thousand-year-old second soul ring, a ten-thousand-year fourth soul ring, and two external soul bones. Even if these words were applied to three people separately, there is no doubt that these three people are unique geniuses.

But when these three words that make people breathless come together in one person, how uniquely blessed this person must be!

Youmei stared at the sharp claws that suddenly appeared in Dai Yao's hand in disbelief, and said in shock:

"You... actually still have an attached soul bone hidden?"

Dai Yao raised a cold smile, stared at the monster coldly and said:

"This is the trump card I have prepared for you a long time ago. How do you like it? How does it taste?"

What appeared in Dai Yao's hand was the left metacarpal bone of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. The strength of the left metacarpal bone of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear was not comparable to that of the Man-Faced Demon Spider's spider legs.

The full moon could cut off Tang San's Eight Spider Spears, but it was powerless against the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear's metacarpal bones.

With a wave of his hand, he spread the full moon, and surging soul power fluctuations suddenly erupted from Dai Yao's body. The sharp energy emanating from the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear's metacarpal bone shot straight into the sky, instantly cutting the sleeves on Dai Yao's arms into pieces.

The terrifying aura gradually condensed on the attached soul bone in Dai Yao's hand.

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