Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 242 Falling apart, Tang San’s last trump card

At this moment, the whole place was silent.

The substitutes who did not play Shrek looked regretful. They watched how their team members worked hard to practice the Seven-in-One, but now, during the official competition, they failed to successfully perform it.

Obviously after using the true body of the weapon soul, he will definitely win. They feel this unwillingness.

However, what they didn't know was that the reason why the Seven-in-One was not successful was Dai Yao's doing. What they saw was that Ning Rongrong staggered, causing the seven-in-one fusion technique to fail.

The faces of many Wuhundian senior officials and members of the Wuhundian team who were watching the match were filled with happy expressions. Now when they think back to the shock that Haotian's identity brought to them, they are still a little scared.

"It seems that God did not help Shrek. He revealed his trump card and severely injured his own team members. As a result, he even lost the chance to fight back in the end."

Yan glanced at Tang San and gloated.

There was a hint of solemnity in Hu Liena's beautiful eyes, and she agreed:

"Haotian himself, even us, will probably lose. I have to say that the Auckland team is somewhat lucky. Now the Shrek team has been injured by its own crazy soul power and has no ability to compete with Auckland again."

On the Soul Fighting Stage, Team Auckland looked at the seven Shrek people struggling with injuries at the same time. For a moment, they didn't know what to say. The despair when Haotian's true form appeared, the joy of being saved from a desperate situation, and his mood fluctuated greatly, like a roller coaster.

Dai Yuanyi looked frightened, recalling the arrogance of the Shrek Seven just now, his heart was still beating fast now, and he immediately mocked:

"Weren't you very arrogant just now? What? Stop shouting now?"

Hearing Dai Yuanyi's taunt, Tang San didn't answer. He gasped for air, gritted his teeth, suppressed the raging soul power in his body, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, struggled to get up, and glanced at Dai Yuanyi coldly. .

Dai Yuanyi felt cold all over. Under that cold gaze, he felt as if he had been thrown into the wild in winter. Any words he wanted to provoke were blocked in his throat.

Tang San turned around, his angry gaze fixed on Ning Rongrong. If it weren't for her, their seven-in-one fusion technique would not have failed.

However, before he could speak, Dai Mubai angrily yelled at Ning Rongrong:

"Ning Rongrong, did you do it on purpose? I usually do well in practice, but I have to slip up today. Do you know how important today's game is to me?!"

For a moment, the other six Shrek people looked at Ning Rongrong, their eyes full of confusion and disappointment.

They were clearly in sight of victory, but Ning Rongrong missed the mark, causing all their previous efforts to be wasted.

Not only them, but also the Oakland team, the Wuhundian team, and the senior executives who were watching all turned their attention to Shrek Academy, which was involved in the dispute, with playful expressions.

Even though the game was going on, they didn't bother to stop it. The heir of the Haotian Sect, the prince of the Star Luo Empire, and the daughter of the head of the Qibao Glazed Sect had a conflict on this soul fighting stage. This kind of drama was really rare to see.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, who usually had a scowl on his face, was about to rush down to teach these people a lesson, but Ning Fengzhi stopped him.

Looking at Ning Fengzhi with a solemn expression, Chen Xin said dissatisfied:

"Fengzhi, don't stop me, I can't stand Rongrong being bullied like this!"

However, Ning Fengzhi still had a calm face, but her indifferent eyes seemed to be like a bottomless pool. He leaned on the jade staff and said calmly:

"Uncle Jian, please don't interfere now. This is a good growth experience for Rongrong. Victory can cover up many things, but if you suddenly fail one day, all the shortcomings that were once covered up will burst out. "

"The talents of these people in the Shrek team are certainly good, but their personalities are open to question. The original trio of Shrek Academy, Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun, are all guys who go back and forth."

"You don't learn well at a young age, and you are very jealous. According to my investigation, they severely injured a soul master named Bu Le because of a seductress."

Having said this, he paused and continued:

"As for Tang San, this son is extremely talented and extremely rare in the history of the mainland. Therefore, investing in him and making friends with him is an extremely correct choice."

"But now, I have doubts about this choice..."

Sword Douluo's heart moved: "You mean..."

Ning Fengzhi nodded and said: "Uncle Jian, you are actually a little dissatisfied with Tang San. When Wuhun Palace attacked the soul master of the Tiandou Empire, we saved his life."

"We tried our best to help him, and we gave him as much profit as possible on the hidden weapons we ordered. However, he didn't show any sign of it. He just said verbally that the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was his eternal friend."

"Not even the price reduction on concealed weapons."

For Ning Fengzhi, with the financial resources of the Qibao Glazed Sect, how could he care about the small amount of money spent on purchasing concealed weapons. What they care about is sincerity!

No matter how small the profit margin is, it is still sincerity and proves that you are grateful!

Just like Dai Yao once, they saved Dai Yao from Dugu Bo. Dai Yao immediately came to Qibao Glazed Sect in person to express his gratitude for the life-saving grace.

As a gift, Qiluo Tulip was given to evolve the Qibao Glazed Sect's martial spirit.

This is called gratitude.

However, what did you, Tang San, do?

Our Qibao Glazed Sect has always protected you, but you have no thanks at all. No matter how talented you are, but you are not grateful, anyone who tries to invest in you will be upset.

Chen Xin said thoughtfully: "Fengzhi, you mean that this failure of Shrek Academy is not only an opportunity for Rongrong to see their teammates clearly, but also an opportunity for us to see Tang San clearly?"

Ning Fengzhi nodded, looked at Tang San, and said meaningfully:

"Well, Uncle Jian, you know that the failure of the Seven-in-One was Dai Yao's fault, but the Shrek people don't know. Regardless of whether it was Rongrong's fault or not, even if it was her fault, she has been a teammate for so long. , Rongrong’s dedication is obvious to all.”

"They must not blame Rongrong blindly. What's more, considering that we saved their lives, if they want to blame Rongrong, no matter what, they have to give us some face."

"As for how we treat Tang San, it all depends on his next performance."

Sword Douluo Chenxin couldn't help but nodded, deeply convinced.


"What? You don't dare to speak anymore? Are you acting like a young lady again?"

Dai Mubai sneered. The failure of the seven-in-one fusion technique today meant their elimination, and it also meant that his obsession with defeating Dai Yao was shattered.

For so long, with Dai Yao's continuous victory, it has become a nightmare in his heart, biting his heart. Therefore, with the seven-in-one trump card, he finally had hope of defeating Dai Yao and no longer being tortured by Dai Yao.

However, Ning Rongrong's mistake shattered his extravagant hopes.

The other Shrek people frowned. Although what Dai Mubai said was excessive and a little inappropriate, Ning Rongrong never showed up except for playing the eldest lady's temper at the beginning, but they also wanted to know the answer and couldn't help but He cast a searching look at Ning Rongrong.

Seeing her teammates treating her like this, Ning Rongrong's delicate body trembled, her eyes swept over her teammates, her face was full of grievances, and her eyes were red.

It wasn't that she didn't want to answer Dai Mubai's question, but that she didn't know how to answer it.

She obviously used the fusion ring well, but for some reason, she suddenly felt an overbearing force separating herself from her teammates, causing the seven-in-one fusion technique to fail.

However, will others believe this explanation? How can there be any strange strength in front of everyone? If there is, it is impossible for everyone not to see it.

Looking at Ning Rongrong who looked bewildered, Tang San's eyes were extremely red, his chance of revenge was shattered, and he was heartbroken and bleeding! Thinking of Dai Yao's strange behavior before coming on the stage, how he remained calm even when facing Haotian's body, his heart suddenly moved.

Dai Yao seemed to have known for a long time that the seven of them would fail!

So why does he think that the Seven-in-One will fail? Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind! Isn't it Ning Rongrong who met Dai Yao? !

Could it be that Ning Rongrong made a mistake on purpose and caused the Seven-in-One to fail?

Thinking of this, he suddenly became angry, but he still had reason in his heart. After all, Ning Rongrong was Ning Fengzhi's daughter. He suppressed his anger, stared at Ning Rongrong, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Ning Rongrong, did you deliberately let the Seven Ones fail for Dai Yao's sake?"

Hearing this, everyone thought of Dai Yao's strange behavior after Auckland came on the field, as if he understood everything. Oscar and Ma Hongjun looked at each other, and couldn't help but focus their questioning eyes on Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong was stunned. When he heard his teammates speculating about him, he suddenly became angry. A blush appeared on his sickly pale face, and he said in a sharp voice:

"Do you just not believe me? I am also a member of Shrek! I also want to win! Although I, Ning Rongrong, had a bit of a young lady temper at the beginning, it has been so long. Don't you still understand me?!"

Thinking that she had completely severed ties with Dai Yao for the sake of her family and teammates, but now she was accused like this by her teammates, Ning Rongrong suddenly felt unworthy.

"No, Rongrong, please explain it to everyone. Otherwise, if you don't make any mistakes during practice, but make such low-level mistakes once you get to the competition field, everyone will feel very sad."

"As long as your explanation is reasonable, everyone will still believe you."

Seeing that Ning Rongrong was being criticized all the time, Oscar couldn't bear it and spoke up to help.

However, Ning Rongrong still pursed her lips and said nothing. She suddenly felt that this feeling seemed to be exactly the same as the feeling of being isolated by everyone in Shrek after playing the eldest lady's temper.

This kind of performance made Xiao Wu, who originally still believed in her, couldn't help but become suspicious.

Looking towards Dai Yao who was not far away, he said angrily in a sweet voice:

"Dai Yao, don't you explain?"

For a moment, the fire burned his body, and Dai Yao, who was eating melon with relish, was stunned. The Shrek Seven Monsters who were united in the original work turned out to be like this, which is really surprising.

The senior officials of Wuhun Palace, who had been watching the show, saw that Shrek was in a conflict and actually had a relationship with Dai Yao. They immediately cast curious eyes and started talking.

"Dai Yao, your charm is so great. No wonder you haven't been in a hurry. It turns out that you have an inside job in Shrek Academy!" Dai Yuan came over and winked at Dai Yao.

Dai Yao frowned: "Don't talk nonsense about such things."

He glanced at Shrek Academy indifferently, and under the gaze of everyone, he said calmly:

"What can I explain? Firstly, this is your own business and has nothing to do with me. Secondly, who do you think you are! Do you deserve my explanation?"

He didn't expect that his second martial spirit would actually bring about such a wonderful misunderstanding, but he didn't want to help Tang San explain it now. Instead, he wanted to see what the Shrek Seven Devils would eventually develop into.

In the original work, Shrek Academy has always been victorious, covering up many hidden problems. Now they burst out, putting the Shrek team on the verge of falling apart.

That flat tone was full of contempt and disdain, which made the people of Team Shrek couldn't help but feel angry.

Tang San frowned, further confirming that the failure of the Seven-in-One had a great deal to do with Dai Yao. The anger in his heart was suppressed to the extreme. Xiao Wu's hatred and his own resentment could be returned to Dai Yao intact, but they were destroyed by Ning Rongrong!

With eyes ready to burst into flames, he stared at Ning Rongrong and asked:

"Ning Rongrong, do you dare to say that you have nothing to do with Dai Yao?"

Ning Rongrong straightened her waist slightly and said decisively:

"I don't!"

Hearing this, Tang San's suppressed anger surged out like a bursting tide, and his whole body was occupied by anger. The remaining sanity disappeared in an instant, his blood-red eyes stared at Ning Rongrong, and he gasped and shouted:

"Ning Rongrong, how dare you say that you and Dai Yao are not connected enough. As soon as he comes on stage, Dai Yao looks calm and relaxed. Even when I use Haotian's avatar, he still has no worries."

"What does this mean? It means that he is sure to defeat Haotian's body! Then, you made a mistake, leading to the failure of the Seven-in-One. Tell me, how can I not doubt you!"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong froze. Combined with Tang San's words about Dai Yao's victory, he immediately understood that the strange strength came from Dai Yao, and it should be Dai Yao's second martial spirit.

Yes, her fusion ring is the basis for using the Seven-in-One. As long as she makes a mistake, the Seven-in-One will naturally fail.

She glanced at Dai Yao complicatedly, with struggle and grievance intertwined on her face, biting her lips, her eyes flickering, but she promised Dai Yao that she would never tell the secret of his twin martial souls.

She raised her head and glanced at the expressions on the faces of her teammates. They were all disappointed and angry. These cold eyes seemed to make her fall into an ice hole. Her whole body was cold and her heart was clenched.

The more I thought about it, the more aggrieved I became, my head became more and more dizzy, and my already weak body couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, as if it had lost all its strength and collapsed to the ground.

Seeing Ning Rongrong vomiting blood and falling to the ground, Dai Yao's heart tightened, and he frowned and said:

"Tang San, Ning Rongrong is also your teammate after all, what you did is going too far!"

"Dai Yao! Is it your turn to teach me a lesson?!"

Tang San shouted emotionally. Heavy breathing sounded on the soul fighting platform. After a moment, Tang San raised his head and looked at Dai Yao with a sneer:

"Dai Yao, don't think that you have a guaranteed victory now, we haven't lost yet! You and I still have a few debts to collect!"

"Brothers, Zhuge Divine Crossbow!"

As soon as the words fell, a black box suddenly appeared in Tang San's hand; Xiao Wu did not hesitate and immediately followed Tang San and took out the Zhuge Divine Crossbow; while Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and others only hesitated a little before taking out the Zhuge Divine Crossbow.

Except for Ning Rongrong who was unconscious on the ground, the other six Shrek monsters all had black boxes in their hands. This sudden change made the onlookers a little baffled by the soul masters.

What is the use of this black box? Can you turn defeat into victory?

However, Dai Yao's pupils suddenly tightened! Heart pounding.

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