Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 243 Fury! Reveal Xiao Wu’s identity!

Dai Yao knew the power of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow. In the original book, the Shrek Seven Monsters used the Zhuge Divine Crossbow to kill all the Fierce Gods team across ranks.

The Qibao Glazed Sect also relied on these hidden weapons, especially the Zhuge Divine Crossbow, to save half of its disciples during the soul hunting operation in the Wuhun Palace.

This black box cannot be seen by others, but Dai Yao knows it very well!

This is going to kill people!

His pupils suddenly tightened, his hair stood on end, and the eight wings of the white tiger behind his back suddenly released, opening them as wide as possible, with his back facing the direction of Shrek Academy. At the same time, he took Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong beside him into his arms.

If he hadn't exhausted his soul power due to interrupting the Seven-in-One, he wouldn't have adopted such a passive method of defense.

Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong were both still a little dazed, but they were hugged tightly by Dai Yao.

But because Dugu Yan was a control soul master, he was far away, so he couldn't protect her behind him. Dai Yao shouted anxiously:

"Everyone, hide behind my wings immediately. Yanyan, come here quickly; Dai Yuanyi, protect Luo Ling immediately and hide behind my wings; Captain, use your strongest soul skills immediately and stand in front of us. !”

This roar shook the spirits of the Oakland players, but Dai Yao's long-standing prestige made them involuntarily obey Dai Yao's orders.

Without saying a word, Feng Qianli immediately summoned the Black Tortoise Spirit, holding a dark green shield, and stood at the front. The fourth spirit ring on his body lit up. The Black Tortoise's tortoise shell had increased to an extremely hard level.

Behind Feng Qianli is Dai Yao's eight wings of the white tiger, and everyone is hiding behind the eight wings of the white tiger.

"not good!

When Ning Fengzhi saw Tang San taking out the Zhuge Divine Crossbow, his heart skipped a beat and he said anxiously.

As a buyer of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow, he naturally knows the power of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow. Even a soul master at the level of the Soul Sect can be penetrated by it!

Several Titled Douluo in front of the Pope's Palace were still a little surprised as to why Ning Fengzhi was so anxious. Sword Douluo had already summoned his martial spirit and had the Seven Killing Sword in his hand to stop Tang San.

However, even though Tang San fell into a rage, with his wisdom, how could he not have expected that someone would stop him.

Just when Sword Douluo's sword energy was released, the Shrek Six Monsters had already pulled the trigger.

Clusters of clusters——

The sharp arrow tips pierced the air, and with a sharp sound, the six men fired in volley, like a violent storm, in the direction of Auckland.

But what Tang San didn't expect was that Dai Yao reacted so quickly and set up a formation. Most of the arrows that could easily kill the Soul Sect were blocked by Feng Qianli, while the small part of the missed arrows were blocked by Dai Yao. The white tiger's eight wings blocked it.

After the round of volleys ended, Dai Yao became furious. If he hadn't reacted in time, the Auckland team would have suffered heavy casualties!

Zhu Zhuqing, Feng Wutong, Dugu Yan, these people he cares about very much will all die!

The veins on his forehead popped out, and his whole body was like a volcano about to erupt, wanting to burn everything about Shrek!

"Zhuqing, Wutong, Yanyan, I need soul power now. I will use my external soul bone to absorb your soul power. Don't resist."

Dai Yao looked at the three women with dull expressions, suppressed his anger, and said softly.

As the person closest to Dai Yao, he naturally understands what Dai Yao is thinking.

Especially Dugu Yan, she originally believed that if someone offends me, I will offend him. As a control soul master, she has a clearer understanding of the power of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow. The experience of walking between life and death has made her Very angry.

The three women did not hesitate to let the tip of the eight wings of the white tiger gently penetrate into their jade hands, and the soul power was poured into Dai Yao's body through the eight wings of the white tiger without any reservation.

The dried soul power in Dai Yao's body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the terrifying force coming from the tortoise shell shield, Feng Qianli couldn't help but hold his breath and tried his best to block it. His body tensed up and his eyes looked horrified.

"Are you trying to kill someone?!"

Feng Qianli roared in the direction of Shrek, his eyes widening.

Not only him, but the senior officials of Wuhun Palace who were shocked by the attack power of Zhuge Divine Crossbow woke up and looked at Team Shrek with slightly hostile eyes.

As the referee, the cardinal immediately used his martial spirit, and the pressure of Contra was released without reservation, and the seven Shrek people were immediately unable to move.

The cardinal said coldly:

"Tang San! Do you want to kill people on the soul fighting stage? Moreover, the use of weapons is not allowed in the soul fighting competition. If you violate this rule, I can directly judge you as a loser!"

Tang San, who was pressed to the ground by the pressure, glared at the cardinal, gritted his teeth and said:

"Referee, you said I killed someone. Is anyone dead now? I just wanted to make them lose their fighting ability. You said you are not allowed to use weapons, swords, guns, swords, halberds, sticks, whips and hammers. Does the thing in my hand belong to any of these categories? "

"Moreover, this is not a soul guide."

Tang San's sophistry made the red cardinal hesitate. Indeed, according to Tang San, they did not violate the rules.

The black box in their hands can definitely be regarded as a weapon, but this kind of thing has never appeared in this world. To be defined as a weapon, it needs certification. It can be said that Tang San and the others took advantage of the loopholes in the rules.

However, do they need enough reasons for the things they do in Wuhun Palace? What's more, Tang San's talent made Wuhun Palace even more jealous. Zheng was worried that he had no excuse to get rid of Tang San. Didn't this just happen to come to his door?

The cardinal said coldly:

"No need to quibble, Tang San. You intended to kill people and used weapons on the Soul Fighting Stage. The crime is extremely serious. Now, on behalf of the Soul Fighting Palace, I will take you into custody until the matter is clarified."

The red cardinal's eyes flashed coldly, and he fell into the hands of their Spirit Hall. Could Tang San still be alive?

For a moment, Tang San was a little stunned, but he didn't have any objection to Wuhun Palace's overbearing arrest of him. He had already been prepared for this, but he felt pity for not being able to kill Dai Yao.

Dai Yao had never seen the Zhuge Divine Crossbow, and he didn't know the power of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow. However, when he took out the Zhuge Divine Crossbow, his expression was so nervous and his reaction was so timely. He must be aware of the power of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow.

And he only sold the Zhuge Divine Crossbow to the Qibao Glazed Sect. How Dai Yao learned about it is self-evident.

In his heart, he couldn't help but feel an added hatred for Ning Rongrong. His own hatred and Xiao Wu's hatred were all destroyed in Ning Rongrong's hands!

But when his hands were tied by the cardinal and he was forced to be taken away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes as he looked at the Pope's Palace.

Why didn't Dugu Bo, whom he regarded as his confidant, come to save him? Why didn't Ning Fengzhi, who kept saying that the three sects were in the same spirit, not come to save him?

Dugu Bo looked at the captured Tang San coldly, feeling secretly resentful in his heart. His only bloodline, Dugu Yan, was almost killed by his Wang Nian!

Not to mention saving Tang San, he even wanted to kill Tang San.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo of the Qibao Glazed Sect looked even more indifferent. Ning Rongrong was bullied like this, so they didn't bother to care about Tang San's life or death.

Ju Gui Douluo's eyes showed a proud look, and Bibi Dong, who was sitting on the gilded throne, also nodded slightly, approving the cardinal's decisive decision. It was really surprising that Tang San fell into their hands so easily.

If we had known this, why bother sending people to intercept and kill them?


Yu Xiaogang held a token in his hand and shouted.

When everyone saw that it was Yu Xiaogang, they all felt a little contemptuous, but when they noticed the token in Yu Xiaogang's hand, their expressions suddenly froze.

Even the cardinal stopped and looked at Yu Xiaogang with dull eyes.


What Yu Xiaogang was holding was the Elder Order of Wuhun Palace given to him by Tang Hao. The elder's status in Wuhun Hall is extremely high. Although they are a little confused as to why Yu Xiaogang is the elder, the token in his hand cannot be faked.

Yu Xiaogang glanced at the captured Tang San, a flash of anxiety flashed in his eyes, and pretended to be calm and said to the cardinal:

"As the elder of Wuhun Palace, I order you to let Tang San go now."

The cardinal couldn't help but hesitate, looking in the direction of the pope, waiting for instructions. Yu Xiaogang also shifted his gaze, staring at the woman he was once familiar with, biting his lower lip and said:

"Your Majesty the Pope, although my disciple Tang San's behavior was inappropriate, it did not cause any serious consequences. There is no need for the Wuhun Palace to start a war. After returning this time, I will punish him well."

Looking at Yu Xiaogang who wanted to protect Tang San, the memories of more than ten years ago gradually came to mind. Bibi Dong's eyes trembled, she bit her thin lips lightly, was silent for a moment, and then sneered:

"Elder Yu, Tang San, we will not hand it over to you. Of course, we are not worried about your selfishness and letting Tang San go. It's just that Tang San did such an appalling behavior in front of the Pope's Palace, damaging the reputation of Wuhun Palace. Majesty.”

"After we punish Tang San, we will hand it over to you intact."

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed across Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes. It was indeed intact, mentally gone and physically intact.

Although she had complicated feelings for Yu Xiaogang, killing Tang San would not only be in the interests of Wuhun Palace, but would also put Yu Xiaogang in pain, so why not?

Yu Xiaogang was very worried. He naturally knew that after Tang San was taken away by Wuhun Palace, he would never return. Therefore, Wuhun Palace must be stopped!

But other people's words were low-key, and after being vetoed by Bibi Dong, it had no effect anymore. He had to find someone with enough status to stand up and speak.

He turned his eyes and looked at Ning Fengzhi with some pleading, but Ning Fengzhi's cold gaze made him despair. With no choice, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Sect Master Ning, as the saying goes, the three sects are connected by the same spirit. You should know what will happen if Tang San is taken away today. Can you just watch Tang San be killed?"

"Is it true that the three sects are connected by the same spirit?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on Ning Fengzhi.

At this moment, although Ning Fengzhi's face remained elegant, her heart felt as if she had eaten shit.

His original cherishment for Tang San's talents had been shattered by Tang San himself. He didn't want to save Tang San, but the three Sects were in the same spirit, and only by uniting could they compete with the Spirit Hall.

If he didn't speak for Tang San at this moment, the relationship with Haotian Sect would definitely have a rift. He looked deeply at Yu Xiaogang, and he was kidnapped by Yu Xiaogang out of righteousness.

Although he was angry in his heart, he still turned his head and smiled elegantly at Bibi Dong:

"His Majesty the Pope, Tang San is a member of the Haotian Sect. Our three sects share the same spirit. Is it inappropriate for you to take Tang San away in front of me?"

Ning Fengzhi is not a person who swallows his anger, otherwise he would not be able to become the leader of a sect. Although he nominally said that he was not allowed to take Tang San away, the prerequisite was that he could not be in front of him. When not in front of him, it would be whatever the Spirit Hall did.

Bibi Dong, who is also a human spirit, looked at Ning Fengzhi and instantly understood Ning Fengzhi's thoughts. A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. After a slight hesitation, she said in a calm tone:

"Since Sect Master Ning is interceding for Tang San, let's put Tang San's matter aside for the time being and discuss it after the competition is over."

Looking at Yu Xiaogang's increasingly desperate eyes, Bibi Dong's heart skipped a beat and she agreed to Ning Fengzhi's request. She didn't know whether it was Ning Fengzhi's face that played a role or the complicated feelings in her heart.

Bibi Dong's voice echoed in front of the Pope's Palace. Everyone in the Wuhun Palace was slightly disappointed. Although there was some joy on the faces of the teachers and students of Shrek Academy, the worry still lingered.

Although Tang San has escaped death now, after the competition, when Ning Fengzhi leaves, Tang San will still be taken away by the Spirit Hall.

Looking at Tang San with a thankful expression on his face, Dai Yao's face was filled with a cold chill. Thinking of the scene just now, he felt frightened. He knew that Tang Hao was nearby and would appear once Tang San was in danger.

"Tang San, do you want to escape unscathed? Do you want to be beautiful! I will definitely let you taste the pain of what happened today!"

After a period of absorption, his soul power had recovered to 40%. Feeling the abundant soul power in his body, Dai Yao withdrew the eight wings of the white tiger.

"Dai Yao, teach them a lesson for us!" Dugu Yan said coldly.

Dai Yao nodded, turned his head and looked at the six Shrek monsters who were looking happy because Tang San was released. He sneered in his heart and said respectfully to Pope Bibi Dong:

"His Majesty the Pope, as the saying goes, every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. The main culprit is Tang San, but the others also committed unforgivable sins. I would like to seek an explanation from them."

Dai Yao spoke and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Upon hearing Dai Yao's words, the hearts of the Shrek team members suddenly sank.

Bibi Dong looked down at Dai Yao and said calmly:

"We at Wuhun Palace are fair and impartial, and we will naturally not let those accomplices go. However, since you proposed it yourself, we will not interfere too much. How do you want to ask for an explanation?"

"Of course it's with strength."


After a moment, a faint voice came from in front of the high papal hall.

As soon as he finished speaking, Dai Yao completed the possession of his martial soul. His fourth soul ring flashed crazily, and the sky suddenly became gloomy. Then, there was a loud thunder, and thunder struck down one after another.

In an instant, thunder was everywhere.

Dai Yao's whole body was bathed in thunder, and his flashing eyes were full of cold murderous intent. The next moment, with an explosion, the whole person was like a cannonball, killing in the direction of Shrek.

At the same time, the thunder from the sky fell and gathered in Dai Yao's palm. Carrying the powerful thunder, Dai Yao shouted:

"Tang San, take your life!"

Looking at Dai Yao charging towards him, Tang San's heart skipped a beat. His murderous intent was just like when he wanted to kill Dai Yao. But he no longer had any ability to defend himself at this moment, because all the soul power in his body had been exhausted by using Haotian's body.

I can only watch Dai Yao getting closer and closer, the smell of death is getting clearer and clearer, and my hands and feet are cold...

The fear and panic were engraved on the faces of the rest of Shrek. They wanted to save Tang San, but Dai Yao's speed was too fast. The soul power in their bodies was already extremely disordered, and they were unable to help Tang San now. .

Liu Erlong and Flanders took action in a hurry, but were blocked by a cardinal.

Not far outside the Pope's Palace, a man in slovenly black robes couldn't help but clenched his fists when he saw Tang San was in danger. However, just when he was about to take action, an accident happened.

A pink figure suddenly appeared in front of Tang San, opening its arms and its body exuding golden light. This person was Xiao Wu. Looking at the fierce-looking Dai Yao, Xiao Wu said stubbornly:

"Don't even think about hurting him!"

Looking at Xiao Wu who suddenly appeared and blocked Tang San, the corners of Dai Yao's lips curled up into a sinister smile. His target was not Tang San in the first place. With Tang Hao's protection, Tang San could hardly hurt him.

His real purpose is Xiao Wu!

Sure enough, Xiao Wu appeared in front of Tang San. Xiao Wu was an existence that could make Tang San's life worse than death!

The ten-thousand-year soul skill bombarded Xiao Wu without hesitation. Under the invincible golden body, Xiao Wu did not suffer any damage. However, Xiao Wu's eyes widened as she watched Dai Yao take a flower from her chest.

Xiao Wu's expression immediately turned frightened, it was her lovesickness! She used the Heartbroken Red to hide her identity. Once the Heartbroken Red leaves her body, her identity will naturally be exposed in front of the Pope's Palace where many titled Douluo gather. It is self-evident what kind of ending she will get!

"don't want!"

Xiao Wu shouted in horror.

The voice was piercing and plaintive, but Dai Yao didn't react at all. He took the lovesickness red and touched it in the Ruyi treasure bag at his waist, put it in, then looked down at Xiao Wu coldly, and said solemnly:

"Since you want to kill me, then this lovesickness-broken red plant should be returned to its original owner!"

The indifferent voice echoed in front of the Pope's Palace, but at this moment, no one paid attention to Dai Yao. The eyes of several titled Douluo were fixed on Xiao Wu, as if they were seeing a peerless delicacy, their eyes were filled with excitement. Disbelief and greed.

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