Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 241 Shocked, the fusion skill of the seven monsters, hey, why did it fail?


Dai Mubai slammed the table hard and said angrily:

"This kid Dai Yao actually gave up the whole team? Isn't it just to stop us?"

Hearing this, everyone in Shrek was a little angry. The whole Oakland team gave up and fell into the loser's bracket. Wasn't it aimed at them? They have never defeated the Auckland team in the qualifiers and promotion rounds.

Even Ning Rongrong felt that Dai Yao's move was a bit bullying. His lips pursed and his face looked worried.

Tang San sneered: "Don't be angry, everyone, we have an invincible trump card. The reason why Dai Yao gave up was probably to apply for joining the Spirit Hall."

"Since he wants to use us as his stepping stone, let's give them a surprise."

When everyone heard this, they were no longer angry and laughed one after another. Ma Hongjun smiled evilly:

"Let this kid Dai Yao look down on us. Let's see what his expression looks like after he loses! I've already noticed that this kid is unhappy. He can pretend better than Boss Dai."

Xiao Wu couldn't help but complain: "I think you are envious that he has a better relationship with women than you."

Ma Hongjun's face froze and he didn't even say anything.

Dai Yao returned to the Oakland lounge. Everyone wanted to ask him why he gave up, but Feng Qianli stopped him and said:

"What Dai Yao does must have his purpose. When he wants to say it, he will naturally explain it. The most important thing now is to let him recover his soul power."

Dai Yao thanked him. His teammates' trust made him feel warm in his heart. He quickly sat down cross-legged to calm his disordered breathing and restore his soul power.

Now he only has half of his soul power left, and there will be a team competition in the afternoon. Although he will definitely be dissatisfied, every extra point he can recover is worth it.

He knew very well what trump cards Shrek Academy had. After the seven-in-one fusion technique, the Haotian avatar used would be difficult for even the Spirit Hall team to win.

But he couldn't tell it. Otherwise, how would you explain how you knew Shrek Academy's trump card? He can't tell them that I have read the original work.

There's no way to explain it.

Therefore, he can only deal with Shrek Academy by himself.

Taking a deep breath, the free energy between heaven and earth gathered like a tide, and the depleted soul power began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Dai Yao sitting cross-legged, frowned and said:

"Dai Yao doesn't have much soul power left. Even at noon, he can't recover all his soul power. From this point of view, Rongrong and the others still have a chance of winning?"

Chen Xin's hair was flying in front of his forehead, he looked at Shrek Academy and said calmly:

"Although Dai Yao's soul power was consumed tremendously, his teammates are still energetic and intact. After all, the Auckland team has the upper hand."

"However, I heard that Rongrong and the others have a trump card that has never been used. Maybe they can win by surprise?"

Ning Fengzhi thought for a moment and couldn't think of any unused cards that Shrek had, and said regretfully:

"Even if she has a trump card, can it be worth the difference in absolute strength? It's a pity that Rongrong's road to the Soul Master Competition is coming to an end. However, it's good that at Rongrong's age, the next competition will be hers. Time to shine.”

"At the age of more than ten years, to reach this point has greatly exceeded our expectations."

Sword Douluo couldn't help but nodded and said with emotion: "Rong Rong's age, such achievements are indeed impressive, but Feng Zhi, don't forget that Dai Yao is younger than Ron Rong."

“I don’t know how far he will grow in the next competition.”

Thinking of Dai Yao's legendary experience of wearing fourteen, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but shake his head and said with a wry smile:

"In the next competition, I'm afraid Dai Yao won't even need teammates, he will be able to defeat a team by himself."

Thinking of this, both of them couldn't help but fell silent. Suddenly, Sword Douluo seemed to remember something and frowned:

"By the way, Fengzhi, have you noticed that Rongrong seems to be a little uncomfortable these days and coughs from time to time?"

Ning Fengzhi's eyes narrowed: "I also noticed that Rongrong has been like this these past few days. I don't know what's going on. She kept delaying my check and said she would wait until after the game."

"Today's game is over, I have to check her out."

"That's great. Rongrong's age is the time to lay the foundation. Don't be careless."

Sword Douluo nodded.


Time passed by, and the resting bishops returned to the papal palace one by one.

Five titled Douluo and the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect were sitting on the gilded throne.

A middle-aged man wearing a shabby gray robe raised his head slightly, revealing his sloppy untrimmed beard. At this moment, he put down his tea, stood up, and walked slowly towards the direction of the Pope's Palace...

The two teams slowly came to the Soul Fighting Platform and looked at each other. Shrek Academy had a bad smile on its face, leaving the Auckland team a bit baffled.

"Are they crazy? They are obviously going to lose, but they can still laugh?"

Dai Yuanyi felt confused and said viciously:

"We must teach them a lesson later and let them know how powerful we are!"

Everyone nodded involuntarily, agreeing with Dai Yuanyi's idea, and Shrek looked at them as if he were looking at a clown. This makes them a little intolerable.

But Dai Yao stopped them, looking at Shrek as if there was no emotion in his eyes, and said to the team members calmly:

"Later, you don't have to do anything, just stay where you are."


Dai Yuanyi was a little dissatisfied. After all, Dai Yao made his own decisions time and time again without explanation. Everyone would have some emotions. But when he noticed Dai Yao's indifferent gaze, he still fell silent and said:

"Okay, Dai Yao, no matter what, you must give us a good explanation later."


Dai Yao nodded. He knew that his repeated willful behavior was consuming the prestige he had established. If there is no suitable reason, this prestige will fall apart sooner or later.

But he believes that after this game, everyone will understand his good intentions.

Taking a deep breath, the soul power in his body has recovered to 50%. Although it has not reached its peak, it is enough to deal with Shrek Academy.

Tang San took a step forward, stared at Dai Yao, and sneered:

"Dai Yao, don't think you've got a chance to win!"

Dai Yao smiled softly, with a flash of disdain in his eyes, as if the Shrek Seven Devils opposite him were nothing more than local chickens and dogs.

Feeling the faint disdain, the Shrek Seven Devils couldn't help but become angry.

Tang San stretched out his hand to stop them.

Tang San sneered. Even though he was such a calm person, he couldn't help but see Dai Yao's shocked look after they used the Seven-in-One. He sneered:

"There's no need to show off your words, let's see the truth behind our hands!"

The smell of gunpowder between the two teams gradually became stronger. At this moment, the Cardinal announced the start of the game.

Under everyone's slightly surprised gazes, the Shrek Seven Monsters put up a formation that had never been seen before. While quickly retreating, they formed a circle with Oscar and Ning Rongrong as the center.

Although the martial soul has not been released yet, strong soul power fluctuations are filling the air and condensing crazily towards the center.

"This is?"

The high-ranking officials who were watching all had shocked expressions on their faces, even Pope Bibi Dong and several titled Douluo. With their knowledge, they couldn't tell what the Shrek Seven Devils were doing.

"What are they doing? Are we going to stop them?"

Feng Qianli looked at the Shrek team with some fear and asked Dai Yao.

To his surprise, Dai Yao looked calm, as if he had expected it. He replied calmly:

"No need, it's too late. You see, while they retreated quickly, they also set up blocking soul skills, so we couldn't stop them."

Feng Qianli remembered what Dai Yao had told them to stay where they were, and his heart lit up. It seemed that Dai Yao had already figured out how to deal with Shrek.

Looking at the Auckland team who didn't make any move, Tang San's eyes darkened, a little confused, as if the Auckland team were waiting for something, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that Dai Yao definitely didn't know what they wanted to do.

He sneered in his heart and shouted:


The formation of the Shrek Seven Monsters immediately changed, forming a vertical line, with Tang San at the front and Oscar at the back.

At this moment, Oscar put his hands on Ning Rongrong's back, and the soul power released from his whole body poured into Ning Rongrong's body crazily.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda rose in Ning Rongrong's palm, and the four soul rings lit up at the same time. When the rings were melted, four rays of solid brilliance bloomed from the lower four floors of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda and shot directly into Zhu Lu's body.

After the superposition of seven people, when all the soul power was condensed in Tang San's body, the aura released was enough to amaze anyone.

All the cardinals looked at Tang San with astonishment, and then turned their complicated eyes to Yu Xiaogang. Several titled Douluo, Ning Fengzhi, Pope Bibi Dong, all looked like this, with astonishment in their eyes.

The seven-in-one fusion technique shocked the mainland.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the Shrek Seven Monsters in the field with a proud face. The seven-in-one fusion technique was his hard work. If used on the stage of the top three, his name will spread throughout the continent.

But he still felt it was a pity. After using the seven-in-one fusion technique to defeat the Auckland team today, he really had no trump card when facing the Wuhundian team.

Liu Erlong looked at the plainly dressed Yu Xiaogang with admiration. Although his spirit was weak, he could shock the soul master world with his wisdom.

Tang San looked at Dai Yao with a sneer, thinking of Xiao Wu's hatred and the grudge between himself and Dai Yao, the blood in his heart seemed to boil.

He stretched out his left hand, and a black light appeared instantly. That was the Clear Sky Hammer! He raised the Clear Sky Hammer high, and the lines on the hammer's body lit up, and the dark golden brilliance was extremely dazzling.

At this moment, Tang San felt like he was like the handle of a hammer, and his whole body seemed to be integrated into the Clear Sky Hammer.

"Haotian's identity?!"

As the true form of the weapon soul appeared, a burst of exclamations suddenly erupted. In everyone's horrified eyes, the Haotian Hammer was about to fall, like a dam about to collapse, and the potential energy accumulated by the water flow was about to pour down, destroying everything.

This Weapon Soul Avatar can only be used by Soul Saint-level Weapon Soul Masters, who can transform their souls into the soul of the Weapon Soul. The power of the explosion is even more terrifying than the Beast Soul's Martial Soul Avatar.

The last time the Clear Sky Hammer became famous in the mainland, it was when Tang Hao faced off against the former Pope, Qian Xunji; this time, in the semi-finals, the true form of the Clear Sky Hammer's weapon soul appeared.

Many people couldn't help but sigh.

A look of joy appeared on the faces of everyone in the Wuhundian team. It would definitely not be a good thing if they faced Shrek's Haotian incarnation unprepared.

"Dai Yao, I said, I will make you pay for your arrogance!"

A trace of ridicule appeared on the corner of Tang San's mouth. He was looking forward to seeing Dai Yao's panic expression. The Shrek Seven Monsters looked at Auckland as if they were all looking at a joke, except for Ning Rongrong's pretty face, which was a little complicated.

But to their surprise, Dai Yao still looked calm.

"He must be scared out of his wits."

Ma Hongjun speculated.

"Tang San, Tang San, do you really think you can defeat us with your Haotian identity?"

"you are too naive!"

Dai Yao slowly raised his head, showing a sneer on his face.

Tang San's heart was beating wildly, a bad premonition welled up in his heart, and he activated his soul power, wanting to smash Haotian's body down.

Looking at Tang San's anxious look, Dai Yao's eyes were full of mockery, and with one move with one hand, an inexplicable aura filled the spirit fighting arena. The picture in front of everyone was frozen in the previous second.

"The second martial spirit, the fourth soul skill - time and space stasis!"

Every soul skill of the Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit is extremely abnormal. The first soul skill is the God-killing Spear, the second soul skill is the Green Lotus Shadow, the third soul skill is the teleportation, and the fourth soul skill is the time and space stasis.

The ability to freeze time and space sounds very abnormal. Therefore, the consumption of soul power is extremely terrifying. In just one moment, nearly half of his soul power will be consumed.

But this moment allowed him to do many things.

For example, the seven-in-one fusion technique that cuts off the Shrek Seven Devils.

In the original work, Feng Xiaotian noticed the weakness of the seven-in-one fusion technique, which was the two auxiliary soul masters at the starting point, Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

As long as these two people are cut off, the seven-in-one fusion technique will be defeated.

But Feng Xiaotian was blocked by Tang San because of his lack of strength, but Dai Yao was different. His teleportation soul skill is enough to tear through all Shrek's defenses.


No one saw clearly what happened. They only saw Ning Rongrong's body staggering, and the originally stable seven-in-one fusion skill collapsed instantly.

Tang San gritted his teeth, his veins twitching, and the Clear Sky Hammer he smashed down with all his strength turned into dots of starlight and disappeared.

Tang San was stunned, and the Shrek Seven Monsters were stunned, but the violent soul power would not stop. It was rushing through the bodies of the people in front of Ning Rongrong. Heart-breaking pain suddenly arose, cold sweat broke out, and they couldn't help but spurt out. A mouthful of blood.

They were not the only ones who were stunned. As the founder, Yu Xiaogang was even more stunned, as if he had received a huge blow, and murmured: "Impossible! Impossible!"

Several Titled Douluo also frowned, but they did not frown because the seven-in-one fusion skill was inexplicably lifted. Instead, they used their perception to discover something strange on the Soul Fighting Stage.

"Old ghost, do you feel anything strange?"

Yue Guan asked with a frown.

Ghost Douluo was a little surprised: "Why, Old Juhua, do you feel the same way?"

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's perception was even stronger. He had an intuition that this strangeness came from Dai Yao, and the release of the seven-in-one fusion skill was also Dai Yao's masterpiece.

You know, with their strength, their intuition is often very close to the truth.

Ning Fengzhi looked at the confused expressions on the faces of several titled Douluo and couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Jian, what are you talking about?"

Chen Xin shook his head and said: "Fengzhi, I don't know how to explain it. This kind of thing is a bit mysterious."

Then he turned to look at Bibi Dong and said:

"However, Your Majesty the Pope, you should know more clearly than I do."

Bibi Dong still supported Zhen's head with her hands, glanced at Chen Xin with her peripheral vision, and said indifferently:

"My strength is not much stronger than that of Sword Douluo, a strong man who has been famous for many years. Therefore, my perception is not very clear. However, the only thing that is certain is that this should be one of Dai Yao's Soul bone skills..."

Although she said this, a hint of deep meaning flashed in her beautiful eyes when she looked at Dai Yao.

"In my field of vision just now, nothing has changed, but there is a strange feeling. This feeling, I can actually feel a sense of powerlessness."

"This is definitely not a soul bone skill. Dai Yao, Dai Yao, what are you hiding? Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul evolution and Feng Wutong's martial soul evolution seem to have a lot to do with you..."

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