In the past few days, Feng Wutong has begun to practice with the two titled Douluo. It's the envy of others in Auckland.

Although he was not accepted as a disciple in name, his actual treatment was better than that of a direct disciple.

It's the envy of the rest of Auckland.


Time flies, and the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition is coming to an end.

Oakland was unstoppable, sweeping several teams to reach the top six. Their opponent today is Tianshui Academy.

Under the spotlight, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu's martial soul fusion skills were shattered by several thunderbolts in the sky. The seven beauties of Tianshui Academy all showed expressions of despair.

The faces of the soul masters watching the battle were filled with shock. From the top sixteen to now, no one can stop Dai Yao's attack. Under the ten thousand year soul skill, all resistance has collapsed and has no effect.

Today, they once again saw this ten thousand year soul skill, as if they saw a new star rising in the soul master world. A legend is being created step by step.

After the Ning Shui Fei Luan disintegrated, Shui Bing'er stood alone in the middle of the field, looking a little depressed and a little relieved.

She tried her best.

After lifting up the exhausted Xue Wu and looking at Dai Yao not far away, Shui Bing'er let out a long breath, her pretty face full of melancholy:

"Congratulations to you, Auckland, and congratulations to you, Dai Yao, for successfully entering the top three."

Dai Yao withdrew his ten-thousand-year soul skill, fell from the air in front of Shui Bing'er, and said with a smile:

"Just lucky."

I have to say that I was lucky not to have met the Wuhundian team. Although he was looking forward to a fight with the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace, it would undoubtedly be too early to fight now.

Shui Binger shook her head and laughed:

"You don't have to be so modest."

Then he raised his head and looked in the direction of the Star Luo Empire soul master, and said with some emotion:

"Dai Yao, I didn't expect you to have such a complicated life experience. Under such difficult conditions, you can still achieve today's achievements. Compared with you, it is simply..."

Shui Bing'er had a look of shame on her face.

This left Dai Yao speechless. Could it be better to tell her that he relied on Qinglian? He had no choice but to accept Shui Bing'er's praise. Changing the topic:

"You are all girls, and it's amazing how far you've come so far."

Shui Bing'er rolled her eyes at Dai Yao: "Didn't I lose at your hands? It was like this in the preliminaries, this was like this in the promotion rounds, but I didn't expect that it would still be like this in the finals, and I was eliminated by you."

She had nothing to say after losing to Dai Yao, but in the end she was eliminated by Auckland, led by Dai Yao. This fate still made her feel a little resentful.

After a brief exchange, Shui Binger said to the cardinal who was the most referee:

"Referee, we admit defeat!"

"Oakland College, versus Tianshui College, Auckland wins!"

The cardinal said angrily.

The two teams lined up, completed the final etiquette, and then stepped off the stage together. The two teams for the next game slowly entered the stage from the other direction.

Shrek Academy, and Kamikaze Academy.

Auckland College and Tianshui College walked off the Soul Fighting Stage together. Dai Yuan struck up a conversation with a beautiful woman, but Luo Ling immediately grabbed her ears, causing the two teams to burst into laughter.

There was a huge disparity in strength between the two teams. Tianshui College didn't complain too much when they lost. After losing, they simply watched the game with Oakland College.

Looking at the two teams getting ready to go, Shui Bing'er focused her interested eyes on Dai Mubai and Zhu Lu. She turned her head and asked Dai Yao beside her:

"Dai Yao, this Dai Mubai is also the prince of the Star Luo Empire, right? Is he your brother?"

"Somewhat related by blood."

Dai Yao said calmly that he and Dai Mubai were half-brothers, but he didn't want to mention the so-called father.

On the Soul Fighting Stage, Shrek Academy and Divine Wind Academy formed a battle formation, and the battle was about to break out.

Shui Bing'er sighed: "I didn't expect that the empire would not only produce a monster academy like you, but also a dark horse like Shrek. This competition is really bizarre."

Dai Yao's eyes moved.

"Yes, today's game, apart from us, is Shrek vs. Kamikaze Academy. The last game is the much-anticipated Wuhun Temple team vs. Tiandou Royal Academy team."

"There is not even a single team in the Star Luo Empire among the top six."

Because of the butterfly effect brought by Oakland, the course of the competition has changed a lot.

The match between the Wuhundian team and the Tiandou Royal Academy team was supposed to be held during the competition for the top six, but it was postponed to the top three.

The match between Shrek Academy and Shenfeng Academy, which was supposed to compete for the finals, was postponed.

Moreover, Huo Wu, who was defeated, no longer wanted to join the Kamikaze Academy and compete with Auckland, led by Dai Yao, for a showdown. Therefore, this time the Kamikaze Academy is not a version of the fusion of the martial arts spirits of the two academies of Blazing Kamikaze in the original work.

Kamikaze Academy is not strong enough, so Yu Xiaogang does not want to use the seven-in-one spirit fusion technique, but uses the regular seven monsters to compete with Kamikaze Academy.

The trump card is reserved for later games.

The Oakland team went through many obstacles all the way, but was not very lucky and did not qualify for a bye.

Of course, their bad luck means that other teams have even worse luck. The team that met them was sentenced to elimination. They directly eliminated several strong teams from the Star Luo Empire, resulting in no team from the Star Luo Empire reaching the top six.

Shui Bing'er covered her mouth and chuckled: "Yes, the Star Luo Empire has failed to gain anything in this competition. I'm afraid someone is going to be furious."

Dai Yao couldn't help but laugh. Now among the top six teams in the competition, the Tiandou Empire swept five teams, sweeping away the decline of the previous competition. The direction of public opinion has begun to slowly shift, and the public opinion of the Tiandou Empire is directly facing the Star Luo Empire.

"We thought that the teams from the two empires would have a peak showdown! In the end, this is it?"

"Oh, the soul masters of the Star Luo Empire have also worked very hard, okay? It's just bad luck. Unlike us, with good luck, the top six take the top five!"

"You say that the Royal Academy of your Star Luo Empire is very powerful, but you are just unlucky, but didn't our Oakland Academy of the Tian Dou Empire sweep across the so-called Star Luo Royal Academy? You are still talking nonsense!"

Dai Yao couldn't help laughing when he thought of the angry faces of those in the Xingluo royal family.

The game on the field was turbulent.

Led by Feng Xiaotian, the Kamikaze Academy flew into the air and executed their winning tactics.

Shrek Academy's response was beyond everyone's expectations. Under Oscar's soul skill, Shrek Academy once again used the cosmic sky flow tactic, with Tang San as the center and blue silver grass as a link, rising into the air.

Use the advantage of your own Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower to find the lone soul masters in Shenfeng Academy and defeat them one by one.

Shrek Academy's tactics immediately put Kamikaze Academy at a disadvantage. Feng Xiaotian was certainly not a vegetarian, so he led his team to counterattack, targeting Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

Compared with Shrek, their disadvantage lies in these two auxiliary soul masters. As long as they eliminate these two people, they will have a great advantage.

And Tang San was indeed Tang San. The fierce attack of Shenfeng Academy was skillfully resolved by Tang San. As a control-type soul master, his grasp of the battle situation amazed many adult soul masters.

The Kamikaze Academy's attack failed, and Shrek was immediately forced into a desperate situation. They can't fly into the air to dodge after a wave of attacks like they can against ordinary academies.

Oscar's flying mushroom sausage forces them into a desperate situation.

Because he is an extreme soul-flowing master, he does not have the support of an auxiliary soul master. Soon, Feng Xiaotian's soul power was exhausted and he landed on the Soul Fighting Platform. When the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in Tang San's hand, the entire Soul Fighting Platform made a huge noise.

Feng Xiaotian looked at the shining black light of the Clear Sky Hammer, feeling unwilling to do so, but in the end he gritted his teeth and said:

"I surrender!"

Since then, one of the top three seats has been occupied.

"I didn't expect that Shrek, an academy that just came out of nowhere, could actually reach this point. It's really enviable."

Shui Bing'er's eyes were full of envy.

Xue Wu stood beside her, held her arm, and said with a smile: "Didn't our current results also create the history of the college? There is no need to be sad."

Shui Bing'er squeezed her jade hand and said unwillingly: "But as a soul master, you definitely want to go a step further, right?"

Listening to Shui Bing'er's discussion and looking at the Shenfeng Academy and Shrek Academy slowly coming down the stage, Dai Yao secretly sighed.

In fact, the strength of Shenfeng Academy and Shrek Academy are equal. Even without the fairy grass in the original work, Shrek Academy is even weaker than Shenfeng Academy.

But why did Kamikaze Academy lose? The reason is that their ideas are behind the times.

The Tiandou Empire advocates extreme flow. Extreme flow pursues the limit of a certain attribute, but its weaknesses are also obvious. Once it encounters an opponent who restrains itself, it has no power to fight back.

The Star Luo Empire pays attention to the balanced flow. The Balance Faction believes that a soul master's abilities should be developed in a balanced way, with a balance of offense and defense.

These are the two most popular schools in the soul master world.

However, Wuhundian proposed a new genre - fusion style, but it was not promoted.

Individuals go to extremes to maximize their own strength. Teammates cooperate with each other and complement each other's flaws to become perfect.

Such a semi-extreme, semi-balanced route. In other words, the path of personal extremes and group balance is the future of team battles in the soul master world.

And Shrek took this path.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Kamikaze Academy lost to Shrek, who was not as powerful as him.

He smiled and said to Shui Binger:

"Shrek is not a team that just appeared out of nowhere. Among these people, Tang San has twin martial spirits and is a disciple of the Haotian Sect; Ning Rongrong, the daughter of the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect; Dai Mubai Zhulu, a member of the Xingluo royal family."

"The remaining few are not ordinary people. It would be strange if they couldn't advance to the next round with such a configuration!"

Shui Bing'er also sighed: "You are right. I didn't expect that these people with different identities could actually come to the same academy. What kind of magic power does this Shrek have?"

Dai Yao shrugged slightly.

Do we have to tell her that these are the protagonist group? The most incomprehensible thing is that Oscar, who is gifted with soul power in the food department, was not accepted by the Spirit Hall.

The ultimate martial soul like the Evil Fire Phoenix has also been ignored by the Spirit Hall. Could it be that the soul master who awakened the spirit in the Spirit Hall is blind?

But suddenly, his eyes froze, and Ning Rongrong coughed lightly from time to time since he came on the stage. After the game, he coughed violently.

Is it a cold?

No, judging from Shrek's performance today, Ning Rongrong showed no signs of catching a cold.

why? Dai Yao then turned his eyes and glanced around the Shrek team members, and found that Oscar's face was also a little pale.

This is······

Sensing Dai Yao's solemn gaze, Shui Bing'er asked doubtfully: "Dai Yao, what's wrong?"

Dai Yao shook his head: "Nothing."

He suppressed the doubts in his heart and focused his attention on the soul fighting stage again. Next, was the highlight of this competition.

The Wuhundian team faced off against the Tiandou Royal Academy team.

The seed team of Wuhun Palace faced off against the seed team of Tiandou Empire. This match attracted the attention of countless people from the very beginning.

Everyone's eyes became solemn, staring at the Soul Fighting Platform attentively.

However, everyone knows that this is not a pinnacle battle where Mars hits the Earth. The three soul kings of the Wuhundian team made everyone despair.

Against the Wuhundian team, there is no way to beat them! This is even more exaggerated than the Oakland team! With three thousand-year soul rings, even a genius like Feng Xiaotian cannot think of any resistance.

In this match, everyone just hopes that the Tiandou Royal Academy team can last a little longer in front of the Wuhundian team, so that everyone can see the style of the golden generation of Wuhundian.

However, the speed of the Tiandou Royal Academy team's defeat was beyond their expectations.

There was a red mist, and the members of Tiandou Royal Academy were thrown out one by one, blood spurting out wildly. The red mist disappeared, Yu Tianheng's arms trembled and his pupils became dilated.

A moon blade slid down gently, and Yu Tianheng's strong body fell suddenly, with dragon scales flying on his arms and blood splattering.

The Tiandou Royal Academy team was defeated!

From the start of the game, just a few breaths pass!

The Wuhun Palace only sent two people to use a Wuhun fusion skill, and the others did not move. The golden generation of Wuhun Palace is so terrifying!

"For the sake of your family, I will spare your life."

Xie Yue said calmly.

Immediately, he turned his eyes, raised the moon blade slightly, pointed the blade at Dai Yao, curled up the corner of his mouth, and said lightly:

"Dai Yao, we are waiting for you to challenge!"

The seven members of the Wuhundian team all stood beside Xie Yue. The domineering and confident aura brought about by defeating countless peers spread out like an overwhelming force, frightening everyone.

Dai Yao met their gazes without fear and refused to give in.

Auckland's group also stepped forward and lined up to confront the Wuhundian team standing on the Soul Fighting Stage. Along the way, they also defeated countless opponents, and the Auckland team also developed an invincible momentum.

The confrontation between the two momentums, almost everyone can feel the sparks bursting in the air. They are already looking forward to the next game!

Looking at Dai Yao who refused to give in, Xie Yue raised a sneer at the corner of her mouth, pointed like a knife, and made a killing motion across the neck. Amid Hu Liena's silver bell-like laughter, the group slowly left.

"Dai Yao, can we win?"

Looking at the departing Wuhundian team, even Feng Qianli was a little doubtful. There was not a single soul king in their team. No matter how powerful Dai Yao was, could he defeat the Wuhundian team with three soul kings?

Everyone in Auckland looked at Dai Yao looking for answers. Even Dugu Yan and the others looked solemn.

Dai Yao took a deep breath and said without saying much. He glanced at the faces of his teammates one by one and said firmly:

"Must win!"

He is the backbone of Oakland, and as long as his belief is firm, he can boost the confidence of the entire team.

"Must win!"

The Oakland team roared together.

Looking at the confident Auckland team, the beauties from Tianshui College had brilliant eyes. The thirteen academies eliminated by the Tiandou Empire couldn't help but gather together.

Looking for an opportunity, Shui Bing'er led Tianshui College and encouraged: "Oakland College, you must win!"

"The only team that can defeat the Wuhundian team is you!"

After many years of prestige, the Wuhundian team has become a nightmare for countless talented people. If there is a team that can defeat the Wuhundian team, they will be happy to see it.

Shui Bing'er's words expressed the common wish of the thirteen teams.

Dai Yao also felt the hope of the soul masters of the Tiandou Empire and nodded solemnly. Feeling a little helpless, he finally wanted to join the Spirit Hall.

Shui Bing'er opened her arms and said with a smile on her face: "Dai Yao, can you give me a hug?"

Dai Yao was stunned, this was not in line with Shui Bing'er's character! Although Shui Bing'er usually wears a slight smile, everyone can feel the aura of indifference that repels people thousands of miles away.

Her martial spirit is an ice phoenix, so she is rated as an iceberg beauty like Zhu Zhuqing by the good people.

Dai Yao was confused and hugged Shui Bing'er gently.

The beauties from Tianshui College suddenly started laughing. Shui Yue'er pouted with a look of dissatisfaction on her face. She liked Dai Yao's style very much, but she didn't expect that her sister would take action first. Auckland's teammates also cast curious glances, and Dai Yuanyi even winked.

Dugu Yan crossed his arms, frowned slightly, and asked Zhu Zhuqing, "Zhuqing, you don't care about this?"

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head slightly and said, "Doesn't this mean that Brother Yao is excellent?"

Dugu Yan raised his forehead and said, "You are so tolerant of him."

Dai Yao planned to just hug Shui Bing'er gently, but unexpectedly, Shui Bing'er turned around and hugged him tightly, and her body suddenly became a little tense.

Feeling Dai Yao's tense body, Shui Bing'er chuckled, Zhenshou leaned close to Dai Yao's ear, and said in a voice that only he could hear:

"Thank you for saving me."

Dai Yao was stunned. When he ambushed Tang San in Wuhun Palace, he had rescued Shui Bing'er, but he hid his identity at that time. Unexpectedly, Shui Bing'er guessed it.

He said why Shui Bing'er suddenly behaved abnormally today and brought Tianshui College and Auckland to watch the game. It turned out to be to thank him.

He hugged Shui Bing'er gently and signaled that he understood. Because the uniform of Tianshui College exposed her smooth back, Dai Yao could clearly feel Shui Bing'er's delicate skin.

Like warm jade.

Shui Bing'er immediately raised her head, looked at Dai Yao, nodded with a smile, pushed Dai Yao away, and turned away with Tianshui Academy.

The long icy blue hair was flying.


Shrek Team rest area.

Looking at Dai Yao who was like a star holding the moon, Tang San's eyes gradually turned cold.

Dai Mubai said calmly: "The Wuhundian team and the Oakland team don't take us seriously."

Tang San clenched his fists and said unwillingly: "Boss Dai, don't worry, we will definitely give them a surprise!"

The seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique will surely shock the mainland!

Dai Yao defeated them again and again. Shrek and his team were all holding their breath and wanted to defeat Auckland. Especially Tang San, he had had enough of failing again and again!

Xiao Wu was injured and he was seriously injured. We must understand each other!

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