Bibi Dong stood with a smile on his face. Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo had nothing to do with him and was hanging high. There was a vague sense of opposition between Qingluan Douluo and Lingyuan Douluo.

Lingyuan Douluo looked at Feng Wutong up and down, feeling extremely satisfied, but she couldn't offer Feng Wutong the idea of ​​accepting a disciple first because her level was much lower than Qingluan Douluo.

The two are completely incomparable.

Her beautiful eyes were slightly gloomy, and she turned to look at Qingluan Douluo, wanting to exchange opinions with Qingluan Douluo, but to her surprise, Qingluan Douluo completely ignored her.

This made her feel very uncomfortable.

Although Qingluan Douluo is not young, he looks like a young man in his prime, but the calmness in his eyes that is beyond his appearance reveals his age.

Smiling slightly, he said: "Wutong, you should feel the intimacy between our martial spirits."

Feng Wutong nodded cautiously.

Qingluan nodded with satisfaction: "You should know my purpose. Since I want to accept you as my disciple, I must introduce myself first. I am a ninety-seventh-level titled Douluo, serving as the Third Sacrifice of the Elder Hall."

"Title: Qingluan."

Feng Wutong said doubtfully: "Your Majesty, with your status, there are countless people who want to become your disciples, why do you have to accept me as your disciple?"

Feng Wutong seemed a little resistant to Qingluan Douluo's ardent expectations. Although the difficult life of a civilian soul master was very painful, it also taught her some principles of life.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

When he was in the Star Luo Royal Academy, those noble soul masters only gave small favors to the civilian soul masters for their beauty, but to the civilian soul masters, they were extremely precious things. She almost got succeeded by those people.

Sensing Feng Wutong's resistance, Qingluan Douluo didn't take it seriously and said with a smile:

"Little girl, do you know what your martial spirit means? The king of birds! Your talent is as strong as six wings..."

Qingluan Douluo was very excited. After speaking, he suddenly realized what he was talking about, stopped quickly, coughed twice, and changed the topic without leaving any trace:

"The Suzaku martial spirit has never appeared in the history of the entire continent. Currently, the most top martial spirit among birds is the Phoenix martial spirit, such as fire phoenix, light phoenix, dark phoenix and so on."

"But the Suzaku martial spirit is even better than these top martial spirits. The slightest difference is a thousand miles away. This difference will only get bigger and bigger as the soul power increases."

"When you reach the level of Titled Douluo, the gap can even reach an incredible level. For example, you and I are both level 97 Titled Douluo. You can even defeat me without any effort."

"This is the terrifying thing about the Suzaku Martial Spirit."

"Although the Suzaku Martial Spirit has never appeared, those of us who are strong in bird-like martial arts can vaguely feel that there is a super martial spirit that can control all birds in the world."

"We didn't know what that martial spirit was before, but after seeing your martial spirit today, we know the name of this martial spirit. From now on, the name of the Suzaku martial spirit will become an eternal legend on the mainland!"

Hearing Qingluan Douluo's introduction, Jugui Douluo was shocked, and even Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes flashed with light. Unexpectedly, Feng Wutong's martial spirit was so powerful.

Lingyuan Douluo looked at Feng Wutong with burning eyes. As a soul master with bird-like martial spirits, she was bound to win the Suzaku martial spirit!

"Is it because of the Suzaku Martial Spirit?"

Feng Wutong lowered his head, having such thoughts flash through his mind, with a hint of disappointment in his heart.

"If I didn't have such a talent, I would still be the neglected civilian soul master..."

The emotion flashed through her, and she now clearly realized how precious the red lotus that Dai Yao gave her was! After giving her such a precious thing, how much should Dai Yao trust her?

My heart was filled with great gratitude, and at the same time I realized that I must keep this secret for Dai Yao and better fulfill my duties as a maid for Dai Yao.

"Little girl, the future of your martial spirit is limitless, but only an avian martial spirit like this old man can display it to its full potential. In the entire continent, there is no avian spirit master with higher soul power than me. How about that? , become my disciple!"

Qingluan Douluo looked at Feng Wutong lovingly, thinking that it was safe to accept Feng Wutong as his disciple.

Looking at Feng Wutong with an agitated expression, Lingyuan Douluo was extremely anxious and quickly looked at Bibi Dong for help. Compared with Qingluan Dou, her identity is far behind!

Bibi Dong's eyes narrowed, Feng Wutong's talent was obvious to all, and she had to stop this. On the one hand, it is for the sake of his subordinate, Lingyuan Douluo; on the other hand, it is because he cannot continue to increase the strength of the Elder Hall!

Once Feng Wutong joins the Elder Hall, the Elder Hall will have a strong foundation that will last for hundreds of years. She wants to completely wipe out the existence of the Elder Hall and add more variables!

Her voice was gentle and sweet, but it contained an undeniable flavor, and she interjected:

"Three worshippers, don't be anxious. You are a bird soul master and you want to take Feng Wutong as your disciple. The same goes for Lingyuan Douluo. Why don't you let Feng Wutong listen to Lingyuan Douluo's conditions?"

Qingluan Douluo's expression froze. He felt that Feng Wutong was about to agree to him, but was interrupted by Bibi Dong, which made him secretly resentful.

But he didn't dare to show his hatred towards Bibi Dong. This was a peerless strong man who dared to challenge Qian Daoliu, the Great Priest. If it were Lingyuan Douluo, he wouldn't even be qualified to interrupt him.

Lingyuan Douluo breathed a long sigh of relief, quickly stepped forward, took Feng Wutong's hand, and said softly:

"Wutong, His Majesty the Pope also said just now that my title is Lingyuan, which is also a bird-like martial spirit. Although my soul power is not as good as Qingluan Douluo, only level ninety-two, I am the elder of the Pope's Palace. The resources are much more than those of three people worshiping a lonely person!"

After hearing Lingyuan Douluo's words, Qingluan Douluo said disdainfully:

"Wutong, those things Lingyuan said are just external things. A true soul master lies in his own strength. The experience I have gained from practicing for many years is much stronger than a yellow-haired girl!"

Lingyuan Douluo still wanted to argue, but Bibi Dong interrupted with a smile:

"Wutong, what is your choice?"

Wutong was silent for a long time, but she actually wanted to choose Qingluan Douluo. Ever since she eliminated the harm caused by the mutated martial soul's sequelae, it has always been her dream to become a powerful soul master.

But as a maid, her future must be decided by Dai Yao.

Therefore, she pursed her lips, glanced at Dai Yao with her peripheral vision, and then gritted her teeth and said to the two titled Douluo:

"Two Your Majesty, which one to choose to be my teacher must be decided by Dai Yao."

Qingluan Dou frowned and said, "What does it have to do with you choosing a teacher?"

Lingyuan Douluo also looked puzzled.

Feng Wutong explained: "I am his maid, so I choose the teacher and I need to listen to his choice."

Hearing this, Qingluan Douluo's expression suddenly darkened. The possessor of the majestic Suzaku Martial Spirit, the future top powerhouse in the continent, was actually a man's maid? !

How could his disciple be a maid? He can't afford to lose this person!

Turning his eyes and staring at Dai Yao with a sharp gaze, Qingluan Douluo said coldly:

"Dai Yao, I know that you are very powerful among the younger generation, but I am determined to win Wutong as a disciple. As long as you terminate the relationship with Feng Wutong's maid, I am willing to give you sufficient compensation."

Before Dai Yao could speak, Feng Wutong said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, I don't want to terminate the relationship with the maid. If I have to terminate it, then I would rather not become your disciple!"

All the titled Douluo were shocked. They didn't expect that this woman was willing to do this for Dai Yao. Bibi Dong glanced at Feng Wutong with some deep meaning.

A look of surprise flashed across Qingluan Douluo's eyes:

"Wutong, I am doing this for your own good. Your future is extremely bright. Why do you have to be a lowly maid? Do you know that there are too many people in the entire Wuhun Palace who want to be my disciples."

"Your Majesty, this is my private matter, please forgive me."

Feng Wutong said apologetically.

Lingyuan Douluo looked at the beautiful figure of Feng Wutong, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. She obviously has a great future, but she is willing to be a maid. There must be some reason for this.

But as a woman, she understands women's thoughts better. Some women, if they fall in love with a man, they will stay together until death. There is clearly a hint of affection hidden in Feng Wutong's eyes when she looks at Dai Yao!

Feng Wutong is obviously such a woman.

So what if she's a maid? With the strength Dai Yao showed today, if nothing unexpected happens, he might become a peerless Douluo in the future. In this case, having such a master is no scandal.

With a curl of his lips, Lingyuan Douluo used his soul power to force his voice into a line and said to Feng Wutong:

"Little guy, if you like Dai Yao and want to be with him, come to me. I don't mind whether the maid is a maid or not. I can not only teach you about martial arts, but also how to make men I love you······"

Feng Wutong was startled by the voice that reached his ears, and looked grateful to Lingyuan Douluo. Especially the sentence about making a man fall in love with you moved Feng Wutong. The dream of becoming a strong man in his heart was immediately replaced by this sentence.

Qingluan Douluo also noticed Lingyuan Douluo's little movements, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it. In his eyes, Lingyuan Douluo posed no threat to him at all.

Staring at Dai Yao with cold eyes, he also knew that no one would abandon such a talented maid, especially when Dai Yao's talent was not weak at all.

He snorted coldly and said:

"Dai Yao, tell me your choice."

The eyes of the five titled Douluo instantly shifted to Dai Yao.

Dai Yao rolled his eyes, it was not a easy choice. Once he chose Qingluan Douluo, Lingyuan Douluo would definitely hold a grudge against him. But if you choose Lingyuan Douluo, you will definitely be remembered by Qingluan Douluo.

But as the owner of Feng Wutong, being served by such a beautiful woman who is as beautiful as a fairy, you can't say you get the benefits, but when it's time to take responsibility, you can escape, right?

As far as Douluo Continent is concerned, the experience of cultivation is actually of little use, it is just for cultivating soul power. Therefore, no matter which Titled Douluo he chooses, it will be the same to Feng Wutong.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to maximize the benefits and strive for the greatest benefits for Feng Wutong. Facing the gazes of several titled Douluo, Dai Yao smiled and said:

"Your Majesty, I am more realistic. Since both of you want to take Feng Wutong as your disciple, there must be practical benefits."

The faces of the two titled Douluo turned dark. Those who wanted to be their disciples were like a carp crossing the river. Unexpectedly, they wanted to accept disciples now, but they encountered such treatment.

Qingluan Douluo looked indifferent, waiting for Lingyuan Douluo to promise the terms first.

Lingyuan Douluo chuckled and said: "If Wutong becomes my disciple, then I will guarantee her future soul rings, and they will definitely be the best configuration!"

Qingluan Douluo glanced sideways at Dai Yao and said calmly: "On the basis of Lingyuan Douluo's promise, I will also give you three soul bones. They are all soul bones that are more than ten thousand years old and are extremely suitable for birds."

These three soul bones have been collected by Qingluan Douluo for many years. It's just because the soul bone position conflicts, or it's not suitable for him and he didn't absorb it.

As soon as the three soul bones came out, Lingyuan Douluo's face turned pale.

She had just entered the Titled Douluo level, and she couldn't even satisfy herself with soul bones. How could she even out the rest of the soul bones?

"Is there anyone else who wants to bid... Ahem, Your Majesty Lingyuan, do you have anything else to say?"

Dai Yao seems to be a treasure auctioneer.

Lingyuan Douluo pondered for a moment and said: "I am the elder of the Pope's Palace, and I have a group of strong men under my command, unlike the three worshipers who live alone. If Wutong can get their recognition, then I can lead them, how about it?"

This is Lingyuan Douluo's private army, and of course it is also the power of the Pope's Palace, belonging to Bibi Dong's power.

To be honest, handing over the future inheritance rights of this private army to Feng Wutong was a violation of Bibi Dong's rights, but she had nothing else to offer.

In order for the Vermillion Bird Martial Soul to enhance the bird-like Martial Soul, it would be of unimaginable benefit to her cultivation, so she had to do this.

When she saw Dai Yao's shrewd look, she couldn't help but grit her teeth secretly, wishing she could give Dai Yao a beating. If she hadn't known that what Dai Yao did was for Wutong's good, she and Qingluan Douluo wouldn't have had any good feelings towards Dai Yao.

Dai Yao pondered for a moment and said in a difficult tone: "Both Your Majesty's offers are very generous and sincere, making it difficult for me to make a choice. But..."

Hearing the word "but", the two titled Douluo frowned at the same time, somewhat dissatisfied.

Dai Yao continued: "But Wutong and I have not joined Wuhun Hall yet. We will join after the competition is over. During this period, we might as well let Wutong follow the two crown princes for a few days respectively. After joining Wuhun Hall, It’s never too late to make a decision.”

Several titled Douluo heard Dai Yao's subtext and couldn't help but snickered.

Taking turns training with two titled Douluo for a few days respectively. In order to win over Feng Wutong, the two titled Douluo will definitely teach them their special skills. For a long time, even if there is no name of master and disciple, they are still master and disciple.

Dai Yao's move was to give Feng Wutong two masters, but it didn't sound good to tell the truth. Titled Douluo all have their own arrogance, how can they agree that their disciples have two masters?

But Dai Yao said it nicely and cooked the rice directly, and got the inheritance from the two Titled Douluo. Even if the two Titled Douluo disagreed, there was nothing they could do.

Moreover, there were also promises from the two titled Douluo Lingyuan Qingluan, three soul bones, the best configured soul ring, and Lingyuan Douluo's private army, which would all belong to Feng Wutong in the future.

These two guys suffered a big loss!

But Dai Yao took advantage of the fact that the two titled Douluo had vowed to take Feng Wutong as their disciples, leaving them with no room to refuse.

Lingyuan and Qingluan also heard the implication of Dai Yao's words, and their expressions were a little worried.

Qingluan Douluo wanted to turn around and leave, but for the sake of the Suzaku martial spirit, he had to suppress the anger in his heart and coldly snorted:

"Okay, then it will be as you say!"

Then, he turned around and turned into a phantom, disappearing in the Pope's Palace.

Lingyuan Douluo was so angry that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Dear Dai Yao, you actually plotted against me! I agree to your conditions, but just wait for me!"

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