Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 234 The top three, personal battle

Three days later, when the first ray of morning light shone into this ancient city, the entire city seemed to come alive. Soldiers in military uniforms appeared like a tide and lined the streets.

An ancient bell rang out from the center of Wuhun City, and immediately reverberated throughout the city.

At the moment when the bell rang, in the Pope's Palace, the hotel where the Tiandou Empire's soul masters took a break, more than twenty team members with different faces and different colleges suddenly opened their closed eyes.

The blazing fighting spirit in his pupils surged rapidly in the ancient bell.

In a room, a blond man sitting cross-legged on the bed exhaled a long breath, and slowly opened his eyes. The golden eyes were calm and indifferent, as if he was suppressing something.

At the end of the training, he slowly clenched his right fist, and the four yellow, purple, purple, and black soul rings were quickly put into the body. His lips were slightly opened, as if there was a sound of tiger roaring, gushing out.

Opening the door and looking at his teammates who were already ready and looking at his teammates with bright eyes, Dai Yao nodded slightly and said seriously:

"Set off!"

Then Dai Yao took the lead and led a group of nine people from Auckland slowly into the quaint streets.

As far as the eye can see, on both sides of the street, there are soul masters wearing armor, every ten steps away. They are not squinting, motionless, their military appearance is neat, and there is a chilling atmosphere. These soul masters extended all the way to the Pope's Palace, forming an inexplicable pressure.

The entire city remained absolutely silent.

Today's soul fighting competition is the absolute protagonist of Wuhun City.

Looking at the Pope's Palace on the mountains, which looks like a residence of gods, everyone in Auckland felt a chill in their hearts. They involuntarily took their breaths and tried not to make any sound, so as not to destroy the quiet atmosphere.

As if infected by those soldiers, there was a solemn look on their faces. Even the most noisy Dai Yuanyi has no trace of the past laughter on his face at this moment.

The group of people walked quietly towards the Pope's Palace, with only the clear sound of footsteps echoing on the street.

Behind Auckland was the Shrek Academy team. The two sides just looked at each other silently. After noticing the fighting intent in each other's eyes, they shifted their gazes and silently headed towards the Pope's Palace.

However, Ning Rongrong's cough broke the silent atmosphere.

The two teams stopped at the same time and turned back to stare at Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong expressed her embarrassment, but the coughing sound couldn't stop.

Dai Yao watched for a while, stopped paying attention, and led the Auckland team, picking up speed, and quickly headed towards the Wuhun Palace!

Three-wizard battle, here we come!

As we get closer to the Pope's Palace, the soul power levels of the soldiers on both sides of the street are getting higher and higher, and they have all been replaced by Soul Masters at the Soul Sect level.

At the same time, ordinary soldiers were replaced by knights wearing bright silver armor and holding thick knight swords! The chilling aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and combined with the glorious and solemn Pope's Palace that can only be seen by looking up, people can't help but feel a sense of worship.


In front of the Pope's Palace.

The tall and thick round-arched main entrance of the Papal Palace was tightly closed. Twelve cardinals lined up on both sides, standing quietly like those soldiers.

In the top three matches, spectators are not allowed, and all eliminated teams have already left. Only the top leaders of Wuhun Palace and well-known powerful soul masters from the mainland can come here.

Two of the four platinum bishops second only to the Pope appeared and were also lined up on both sides.

Among them, one is as thick as a javelin, and the other is as fat as a ball. They are Salas, the master of the Spirit Temple of the Tiandou Empire, and Ferdinand, the master of the Spirit Temple of the Star Luo Empire.

The two of them had noble status, and their behavior was not as formal as that of a cardinal. They walked slowly to the front of the Pope's Palace and looked at the Auckland team slowly walking up from the foot of the mountain. They looked at each other with anticipation.

Ferdinand murmured: "The promise six years ago, Dai Yao, are you finally here?"

His eyes were far away, as if he saw the immature young man bringing Zhu Zhuqing to the Wuhun Hall for help.

Below the Pope, the Wuhundian team led by the Golden Generation had the most relaxed expression on their faces, closing their eyes and resting their minds. The eyes that were opened from time to time looked at the closed gate of the Pope's Palace, and the eyes were full of reverence.

That is faith in the Pope.

The spacious Pope's Palace was silent, and time passed quietly in silence.

The mountain wind blows in the early morning, and on the mountain where the Pope's Palace is located, the forest sea rises and falls like ocean waves. Finally, figures slowly emerged from the stone steps.

Her golden hair was dazzling in the morning light, and her tall and tall figure instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Oakland, here we come."

The Wuhundian team, who had closed their eyes to rest, suddenly opened their eyes. After scanning Dai Yao, Xie Yue's heart skipped a beat and she said softly.

Looking at the solemn and glorious Pope's Palace, Dai Yao pursed his lips unconsciously, his eyes filled with passion.

Then he glanced around and was stunned when he noticed the fat and thin figures. Looking at the relieved expressions on Salas and Ferdinand's faces, he nodded gratefully.

Bishop Ferdinand, whom I haven’t seen for six years, didn’t expect to meet again here.

Led by a cardinal, the Auckland team stood next to the Wuhundian team, and soon after, Shrek Academy also arrived.

More than twenty people in three rows stood quietly.

The top three have arrived and the curtain opens!

The knights changed their formations, and fourteen bishops stood on both sides of the main entrance of the Papal Palace with solemn expressions. The atmosphere in the air gradually became tense.

After a long time, the sounds of scepters hitting the ground were heard from behind the heavy stone door from far to near, slowly and slowly.

Ferdinand's fat body took a step forward, took a deep breath, and said loudly:

"His Majesty the Pope has arrived!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"

Three long lives, like a landslide and a tsunami, echoed throughout Wuhun City. Many soldiers all over Wuhun City roared loudly, with veins popping out on their necks, but their faces were full of pride and reverence.

The huge palace door slowly opened.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the direction where the palace door was opening, and their hearts began to beat faster.

As the sound of the scepter touching the ground became clearer and clearer, Pope Bibi Dong's figure slowly appeared in front of everyone's attention.

Pope Bibi Dong was dressed in a golden dress, with a purple gold crown on his head and a purple gold scepter in his hand, with a solemn look on his face. She has a beautiful face and peerless majesty. The majesty of the pope made everyone unable to help but worship him.

The golden dress fit perfectly, and the dazzling gown shimmered with jewels, inlaid with hundreds of red, blue, and gold gemstones. The purple gold crown on top of his head was even more radiant, and his elegant and graceful posture overshadowed the glorious Pope's Palace.

It was as if all the light was focused on this woman.

"Join the Pope!"

The members of the Wuhun Palace knelt down on one knee at the same time, and the tsunami-like shouts sounded again, and the overwhelming momentum instantly enveloped the three teams.

That Shanhu shouted like a tsunami, and his uniform movements made Dai Yao's scalp tingle!

“Is this the papal authority?”

Behind Bibi Dong, there are five people in red robes with extraordinary temperament.

One person has a body shape like a sword, with a sharp edge, and is the Sword Douluo Chenxin; one person has a coquettish behavior, and it is difficult to distinguish between male and female, the Chrysanthemum Douluo; one person has an illusory shape, and has a ghostly aura, and is the Ghost Douluo; one person has a cold temperament, and his hair is Pale, he is Poison Douluo.

These four people are all well-known Title Douluo on the mainland. This red robe can only be worn by titled Douluo or honorary elders of Wuhundian.

Although this last person is not a titled Douluo, his elegant demeanor has already shown his identity. The leader of Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi.

At this moment, His Highness, everyone kneels on one knee.

Only the Auckland team and the Shrek team were still standing in a daze. All eyes were focused on these two teams.

In fact, Dai Yao didn't have any troubles with kneeling. Anyway, if he wants to join the Wuhun Temple in the future, he will have to kneel sooner or later. But his teammates are different.

They were soul masters from the Tiandou Empire, not soul masters loyal to the Spirit Hall. Once Dai Yao knelt down, what should his teammates do? Wouldn't following his words lead them into injustice?

Anyway, with the support of Tang San and the others, they simply stopped kneeling.

The unique behavior of the two teams immediately caught Bibi Dong's attention. With that indifferent gaze, Dai Yao felt as if his mind exploded and went blank.

However, as Ju Douluo Yue Guan's lips moved, as if he was saying something to Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong's eyes quickly shifted to Tang San.

Only then did Dai Yao catch his breath. Just one look from Bibi Dong was almost too much for him to bear. Sure enough, he is worthy of being the future Rakshasa God. What is the charm of Yu Xiaogang that can win the love of such a woman? !

As Bibi Dong talked with Tang San, the hostile gaze of Wuhun Palace gradually dissipated.

"You are the strongest of the younger generation. Your ability to fight your way out of countless teams proves your strength. You are the future of the soul master world. To encourage you, the final winner will receive the gift of the Spirit Hall. The biggest reward.”

Bibi Dong smiled faintly, waved the scepter in her hand, and three points of light magnified in front of her, floating in the air.

Three soul bones.

The moment the soul bone appeared, almost everyone showed greed. The three members of the Golden Generation clenched their fists. These three soul bones were prepared for them. Therefore, they must win!

The preciousness of soul bones is known to everyone in the entire Douluo Continent. If it weren't for the presence of several titled Douluo, there might have been someone who couldn't restrain their greed and wanted to snatch it away.

Under Ghost Douluo's introduction, everyone knew the names of the three soul bones.

The spirit condenses the wisdom skull, the right arm bursts with burning flames, and the left leg chases the wind quickly forward. They are all more than ten thousand years old, and among them, the skull of wisdom condensed with spirit is the most precious.

More than fifty thousand years.

Dai Yao could clearly hear the rapid breathing of his teammates beside him. Soul bones are rare to see, let alone three, and they are three top-quality soul bones.

The fighting spirit between the three teams instantly reached its peak with the appearance of the three soul bones!

Feeling the tit-for-tat momentum between the three teams in the audience, Bibi Dong nodded lightly and said calmly:

"All honors belong to the winner, and the second place is the biggest loser. The same is true for these three soul bones. They only belong to the final champion team."

"I hope these three soul bones can stimulate your potential and bring out your best strength."

"Now, I announce that the top three individual competitions will begin now!"

The Top Three individual competition, like the promotion competition, is an individual knockout competition, but the difference is that three teams participate together. Although it does not determine the championship, it does determine the ranking of the game.

The first place goes directly to the finals.

This afternoon, the second place and the third place compete for another finals spot. After the two teams decide the winner, the finals will be held tomorrow.

It is impossible to return to peak condition in one day, so the winner of the individual competition is likely to win the final victory.

Therefore, for the three teams, the individual competition is very important.

In the original work, due to the conspiracy between Divine Wind Academy and Wuhundian Academy, Shrek was forced to give up the individual competition, causing the individual competition to end in an anticlimactic manner.

What needs to be complained about is that in the original book, in order to merge, the Divine Wind Academy and the Blazing Fire Academy promised to join the Spirit Hall after the competition, but later, for unknown reasons, the Blazing Fire Academy and the Divine Wind Academy returned to the Tiandou Empire.

But this time it was different.

The three teams are all top teams, and no one is convinced by the other. Under the temptation of three soul bones, today's individual competition will definitely be a competition recorded in history.

The secret competition between Dai Yao and the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, the grudges between Wuhun Palace and Tang San, the fate of Tang San and Dai Yao, the members of the three teams, the grudges and fates are intertwined.

Today's battle is not only a victory or defeat between teams, but also an understanding of personal grudges.

A row of gilt chairs was placed at the entrance of the Pope's Palace. Bibi Dong sat down in the middle. At her signal, the group of six people sat down respectively. Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi are on the left; Ju Gui and Dugu Bo are on the right.

Before the start of the game, the leaders of the three teams needed to draw lots to determine the order of playing. Unfortunately, Oakland and Shrek played first. The most powerful Wuhundian team can just sit back and wait for work.

The three teams take turns playing, and the winner gets to continue fighting. Therefore, the Wuhundian team, which already had three soul kings, further expanded its advantage.

Both colleges were stunned at the same time, realizing the danger of the situation. Feng Qianli thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Dai Yao, if we want to win this individual match, we must cooperate with Shrek Academy. Only if the two teams work together to deal with the Wuhundian team can we have any hope of winning."

After scanning his teammates' faces, Dai Yao chuckled and shook his head:

"Captain, you know, it is impossible for us to cooperate with Shrek Academy."

"Then what should we do?"

Dai Yao sighed softly and said after a while: "Captain, I will be the first to play later."

Feng Qianli was stunned: "You are our strongest trump card. If you are the first to play, once we lose, we will definitely not be able to beat the Wuhundian team."

Dai Yao smiled and did not explain.

The Wuhundian team is very strong, and everyone believes that there is no suspense about the outcome of the individual competition. Even if Auckland and Shrek combined, it wouldn't be enough for Wuhundian to fight.

Dai Yao didn't want to argue about who was more powerful. What he had to do now was to eliminate Shrek Academy first. Therefore, he had to send the Wuhundian team and ensure that the Shrek team became third.

But at the same time, he also needs to test the foundation of Wuhun Palace's golden generation, measure their strength, and serve as a reference for the finals.

It was almost impossible to be foolproof, so he came up with a crazy idea.

That is, one wears fourteen!

One person can defeat two teams!

Dai Yao looked at the Soul Fighting Platform with a faint gaze, turned his head and scanned the faces of his teammates one by one, and said seriously:

"No matter what I say later, please promise me that you will do everything I ask you to do as soon as possible, okay?"

Everyone was stunned and realized the profound meaning of Dai Yao's words. Needless to say, Dugu Yan, Zhu Zhuqing, and Feng Wutong would definitely agree. Feng Qianli thought for a moment, and after just looking at each other with Dai Yuan and others, he said with a smile:

"Okay, you are the one who brought us to the top three. Just go ahead and do it. We will definitely listen to your arrangements."

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