Upon hearing Dai Yao's conditions, a look of struggle appeared on Davis's face, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Dai Yao! The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy! Since I lost, give me a good time!"

Dai Yao shook his head slightly, chuckled and said:

"Innocent! How did you torture me in the first place? Why can't it be done now that it's my turn to torture you?"

Immediately, Dai Yao said coldly:

"Now, you die or she dies, choose one."

Hearing this, a look of struggle flashed across Davis's face.

Zhu Zhuyun is his fiancée and the love of his life, but if she is alive, he will...

Seeing this look of struggle, Dai Yao knew clearly that cracks had appeared in Davis's heart.

Just adding fuel to the fire can be the straw that breaks the camel's back and completely breaks Davis's inner defenses.

So he waved his hand and used his soul power to form a sound barrier to separate Davis and Zhu Zhuyun. After doing this, he looked at Davis with a sneer and said:

"You don't have to rush to make a choice. I will give Zhu Zhuyun the same choice. She will live or you will live. If your choices are the same, for example, if you are both allowed to live, then you will be able to live."

"Or choose her to live, then she can live."

"But if you both choose yourself, or you both choose the other party, I'm sorry, both of you will die."

"How about it, Davis, choose one, you die or she die?"

"Of course, you don't have to doubt my determination to kill you. If Ju Douluo hadn't stopped me just now, you would have died long ago. Now, you have to make a choice."

Dai Yao had a mocking look on his face.

This is the classic prisoner's dilemma. Although there are some changes, the test of human nature remains unchanged.

In the prisoner's dilemma, everyone will choose the option that suits their own interests.

The people watching began to whisper, and some people realized that this was no longer an execution of Davis, but a torture of his heart.

If both have selfishness, or both have no selfishness, both of them will die. Only if one person has selfishness can one of them survive.

Even if someone survives in the end, they will still bear the sin of betraying another person.

It is the living people who suffer the most.

"You don't have to rush to make a choice. I'll ask Zhu Zhuyun about his choice first, and you can think about it for a while."

After saying that, Dai Yao turned around and came to Zhu Zhuyun. Looking at Zhu Zhuyun, who had lost all his grace and dignity, Dai Yao smiled and said:

"Why, are you very unwilling?"

Zhu Zhuyun, unable to move on the ground, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and couldn't help but breathe a little heavier. The waves are rough and the mountains are undulating, full of temptation.

Looking at Zhu Zhuyun's reaction, Dai Yao chuckled:

"I used to be like you now. I was not willing to suffer the humiliation you gave me, but I had no choice but to endure it."

"Now, you have tasted what I felt like before, do you feel good?"

Zhu Zhuyun was silent.

Seeing that she didn't respond and didn't care, Dai Yao gave the two choices he gave Davis.

After a while, Zhu Zhuyun glanced at Dai Yao, and although his voice was weak, it contained anger:

"You are so vicious. If you give me such a choice, you are destined to betray someone!"

Dai Yao waved his hand and said:

"No, no, no, I'm not asking you to make a choice. I'm just letting you know the rules and then see what choice Davis will make. Of course, I don't mind hearing your choice."

Zhu Zhuyun's pupils shrank and his voice trembled:

"You...you mean, Weiss will choose to live on his own? He will abandon me?"

Dai Yao smiled but said nothing.

Zhu Zhuyun gritted his teeth and then said: "Let Weiss live."

Hearing this, Dai Yao couldn't help but applaud her. The women of the Zhu family were different. Every woman was so loyal.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and he said:

"I hope Davis doesn't disappoint you."

He immediately sealed her mouth with soul power, then lifted the sound barrier, smiled at Davis and said:

"Okay, Davis, Zhu Zhuyun has made his choice, now it's your turn."

"Wha...what? Zhu Yun has already made a choice?"

Davis' mind went blank. He looked at the silent Zhu Zhuyun beside Dai Yao and kept guessing what kind of choice Zhu Zhuyun had made.

Will she choose herself, or herself?

If she chooses herself, then he has no choice but to let Zhu Zhuyun live, otherwise both of them will die.

But if Zhu Zhuyun chooses him, then he must choose himself, so that he can survive, otherwise, both of them will die.

"Who should I choose?"

Davis kept asking himself.

Looking at Davis who was struggling, Dai Yao had a sneer on his face. When he noticed that Davis was struggling and needed to fill the fire, he knew that there was a crack in Davis's heart. .

Davis is indeed the prince. Because he is the first person born to awaken the White Tiger Martial Spirit, he has a great advantage over the following princes. In addition, his mother is the queen and has a noble status. He has always been well-dressed and well-fed since he was a child. , popular among people.

I have never experienced the choice between life and death.

Therefore, no one knows what his true nature is, and his true nature will only be revealed in situations of life and death crisis.

Will he be as proud and domineering as he appears?

neither knows.

Therefore, he devised this prisoner's dilemma with an idea.

"How's it going? Have you chosen?"

Dai Yao urged.

Davis gritted his teeth, his face was full of ferocity, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and he was struggling in his heart.

After a long while, he finally said word by word:


After saying these four words, Davis seemed to have experienced a big battle, and his whole body was trembling.

Hearing Davis' answer, everyone was in an uproar. Zhu Zhuyun's face was full of disbelief, and several titled Douluo in front of the Pope's Palace also showed a hint of ridicule.

With such a prince, the Star Luo Empire has nothing to fear!

The mocking look on Dai Yao's face became more and more intense, and he said with a smile:

"No more choices?"

Hearing the voices of everyone talking, feeling Dai Yao's malicious smile, and seeing the disappointment on Zhu Zhuyun's face, Davis felt a thump in his heart, and a bad thought came to his mind.

"Zhu Yun, did you choose yourself?"

Davis asked anxiously.

Davis' inquiry made Zhu Zhuyun's face become more and more disappointed, and two lines of tears streaked down his cheeks. Although Dai Yao used his soul power to seal her mouth, even if it wasn't sealed, she still lost her voice in grief.


Dai Yao laughed loudly, as if he had let out all the pent-up energy he had accumulated for many years, and then released the soul power that had sealed Zhu Zhuyun.

Zhu Zhuyun immediately fell to the ground limply as if she had lost her bones. She was so disappointed.

Seeing Dai Yao's performance, Davis couldn't help but said angrily:

"Dai Yao, what on earth do you mean!"

After a while, Dai Yao's laughter gradually stopped:

"Davis, do you know? I actually have no intention of listening to Zhu Zhuyun's choice at all. My purpose is just to see what you will choose."

He opened his hands and said proudly: "The result is as expected, you will abandon Zhu Zhuyun!"

Davis was stunned, his eyes full of resentment:

"Dai Yao, you are so vicious!"

"How does this compare to you and your mother?"

Dai Yao shrugged.

The audience on the Soul Fighting stage was crazily belittling Davis. They could clearly hear that Zhu Zhuyun chose to let Davis live, but Davis selfishly chose himself.

After a long while, Zhu Zhuyun said with an ashen face:

"Dai Yao, please kill me."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the desperate Zhu Zhuyun and couldn't help but feel sympathy. Unexpectedly, the two people who were supposed to support each other ended up abandoning her in the end.

Although she has been bullied by Zhu Zhuyun and others since she was a child, she has a man who is worthy of being entrusted to her for life. Compared with Zhu Zhuyun, she is much happier at this point.

Dai Yaohu's deeds in front of her were too numerous to count.

When she encountered a soul beast in the Star Dou Forest, Dai Yao stood in front of her; when Wuguan was chased by the Fifth Elder, Dai Yao stood in front of her; when she was almost killed by Zhu Zhuyue in the ring, Dai Yao took action angrily, breaking the three-year of forbearance.

One by one, she had already entrusted her body and mind to Dai Yao. If Dai Yao died, she would never live alone.

Upon hearing Zhu Zhuyun's plea for death, Dai Yao did not agree. Instead, he said to Davis:

"Davis, do you know? In fact, after Zhuqing's persuasion, I have not planned to kill you for a long time."

"Then you still..."

Davis's pupils shrank, and he suddenly understood Dai Yao's thoughts. Before he could finish speaking, his mouth opened wide and he froze.

He pointed at Dai Yao with trembling fingers:

"you you you···"

Dai Yao laughed, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, staring at Davis and saying:

"That's right, I was betting that you would definitely abandon Zhu Zhuyun, and as expected, I won the bet."

"You were crowned prince not because of how powerful you are! It's just because you have a queen's wife! You were born early enough!"

"On your own? You don't deserve it!"

"If you were in the same year as us, you wouldn't even be qualified to carry my shoes! No, you can't even compare to Dai Mubai!"

"In the final analysis, you are nothing but a piece of trash wrapped up as a prince!"

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