Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 230 Bring Dai Yao and Feng Wutong over

"Prince Xingluo, I've heard his name for a long time and it's like thunder in my ears. When I see him today, it's just nothing."

"Davis, you lose."

Dai Yao said calmly.

Although Davis was not killed today, he succeeded in driving a wedge between Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

From now on, although Davis was still the prince, his reputation was tarnished and his prestige suffered a huge blow. How can a man who can even betray his future wife be supported by his subordinates? !

Not only that, behind Zhu Zhuyun is the Zhu family. The prince and the princess are estranged. Even the Zhu family, which has been married to the Dai family for generations, will hesitate to continue investing in Davis when faced with such a prince.

Therefore, when the competition is over, Davis' position as the crown prince will no longer be stable and is on the verge of crumbling.

Similarly, Queen Xingluo, who is Davis's backing, will also be impacted by other concubines. The competition in the harem is even more fierce than on the soul fighting stage.

There are intrigues and hidden arrows. Once Queen Xingluo shows her flaws, several noble concubines will definitely tear away their usually friendly appearance and take the opportunity to pull the Queen down.

Even if Queen Xingluo is safe in the end, the Queen's lineage will be greatly affected and will never be the same again.

"Queen Xingluo, let's consider this as a little interest collected first. I hope you can get through this difficulty smoothly, otherwise I'm worried that you will die if I don't get revenge!"

"When the time comes, even if I dance in front of your grave, it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in my heart."

Looking at Davis who fell to the ground, Dai Yao thought indifferently.

"The game is over, Oakland wins!"

The cardinal announced the results of the game.

Although everyone already knew this result, it was still a bit unbelievable when they heard it with their own ears.

Did the team that Star Luo Empire sent out lose just like that? Lost to an unknown team from the Tiandou Empire?

After this match, the team of the Star Luo Empire could no longer hold their head high in front of the soul masters of the Tiandou Empire. Unless they can find a team that can beat the Oakland team, they can get back a win.

Now, the soul masters of the Tiandou Empire have begun to ridicule the soul masters of the Star Luo Empire.

The soul masters of the Star Luo Empire suddenly felt pain in their faces when they thought of how they shouted at the soul masters of the Heaven Dou Empire before the competition started. Under the ridicule of the soul masters of the Heaven Dou Empire, they hurriedly left the soul fighting stage in despair.

Looking at Dai Yao who was being cheered by many Heaven Dou Empire spirit masters on the spirit fighting stage, Tang San clenched his fists so tightly that his nails dug into his palms without even realizing it.

With only one step left, Dai Yao struck the killer! You can no longer participate in competitions! He doesn't have to face the Oakland team anymore either.

Therefore, he was extremely regretful.

Dai Mubai, on the other hand, was a little confused.

Davis lost, and the position of the crown prince was not guaranteed, and Dai Yao would soon join the Wuhun Palace. At present, he was the only one who could inherit the crown prince's position.

Happiness comes from heaven without doing anything? !

He became the final winner?

"Congratulations, Dai Yao."

Dai Yuan rushed up to celebrate.

Feng Qianli also rushed over and said excitedly:

"Dai Yao, although you won, don't forget that meal!"

"Just wait, Captain."

Dai Yao smiled.

This smile was undoubtedly much more relaxed than before. He defeated the most powerful enemy in the competition for the throne and played a trick on Davis, which made Dai Yao feel quite happy.

Feng Wutong looked quietly at the people celebrating happily, and a smile unconsciously appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She was also a member of the Star Luo Royal Academy. Due to the mutation of her martial soul, she was tortured and bullied by many noble soul masters.

Today's victory over Xingluo Royal Academy was not only Dai Yao's revenge, but also the anger that had been pent up in her heart for many years.

The victory was announced, and everyone was very happy. They walked off the ring together to take a short rest and restore their soul power.

"Thank you, Dai Yao."

At this moment, Xue Qinghe suddenly arrived and thanked Dai Yao.

Dai Yao was stunned: "What are you talking about, Your Highness?"

"Today your Auckland team defeated the Star Luo Royal Academy team, which has brought shame to our Tiandou Empire. Therefore, I specially reward each of you with 10,000 gold soul coins. I hope you don't dislike it, Dai Yao."

"Besides, when you return to the Tiandou Empire, the empire will still have rewards waiting for you."

Xue Qinghe smiled elegantly. Every move and every move showed the style of a noble. Even the most picky noble could not find any fault.

Looking at Xue Qinghe's warm smile, Dai Yao couldn't help but complain:

This Qian Renxue really pretends to be like that!

On the soul fighting stage, the two major soul master groups, Tiandou Empire and Star Luo Empire, faced each other, causing a huge commotion.

Hu Liena looked at Dai Yao's leaving back, with a hint of apprehension on her face:

"Brother, it seems that things are in some trouble."

Xie Yue looked solemn and nodded.

They were quite surprised by Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul fusion skills. With their eyesight, of course they could see that Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing's sacred giant tigers were much more powerful than ordinary Nether White Tigers.

Reached the strength to compete with their spirit fusion skills.

I don't know whether their martial soul fusion skills are more powerful, or whether Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul fusion skills are more powerful. If the two teams meet, it will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers.

The current strength of the Oakland team is not inferior to them at all.

Yan's eyes showed a strong fighting intent, and he felt an aura trying to make him surrender from Feng Wutong's body.

Compared with Feng Wutong's Suzaku martial spirit, his Fire Lord martial spirit was undoubtedly on a lower level, but as the proud man of heaven, how could he surrender to others? !

Licking his lips, a flash of heat flashed across his fiery red eyes, and he murmured:

"Wutong, I hope you are a good opponent!"

As the golden generation of Wuhundian, they are all very afraid of the Oakland team, not to mention other ordinary players. The Wuhundian team is completely shrouded in a haze.

After a while, Hu Liena smiled charmingly, breaking the solemn atmosphere:

"Oh, we are the golden generation. We have been challenged so many times, but no one can shake our position. Who will win? Isn't it certain?"

Yes, they are the golden generation and have won countless victories. Dai Yao is just another challenger. No matter how powerful he is, he will eventually fall at their feet like the previous challengers.

This is the confidence honed through countless victories.

Hu Liena's words swept away the dark clouds hanging over the Wuhundian team, and the invincible self-confidence was restored again. A group of seven people looked at Oakland College with fighting spirit.

Dai Yao felt something in his heart and looked back.

Noticing the fighting gazes of the seven members of the Wuhundian team, he smiled softly, then turned his head and ignored them.

"Wuhundian team, just wait, your proud days will not last long."

In front of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong looked down at the entire Soul Fighting Platform and smiled slightly.

"Dai Yao's strength is very good, and I look forward to his battle with our golden generation."

I have long heard Bishop Salas praise Dai Yao for a long time, and now, I finally saw it, and it is indeed well-deserved. Whether it was Wannian's fourth soul skill or the martial soul fusion skill, she was a little surprised.

Especially Dai Yao's methods that she has not yet used, she is already looking forward to the next game.

Qingluan Douluo's eyes were deep, and when he thought of Feng Wutong's obedience to Dai Yaoyan, his palms clenched tightly unconsciously. Hand over to compare with Bidong:

"His Majesty the Pope, the competition is over. Can you summon Wutong and let her choose her master?"

Hearing this, a trace of anxiety flashed across Lingyuan Douluo's face. Compared with Qingluan Douluo, she didn't have much advantage.

Her soul power was inferior, and her martial spirit was far inferior. No matter from every aspect, she was far behind Qingluan Douluo. She could not find a reason for Feng Wutong to worship her as his disciple.

Bibi Dong glanced at Lingyuan Douluo, who was looking for help, and gently tapped the Pope's scepter with his jade fingers like green onions. After pondering for a moment, she found it hard to shirk away, so she ordered Ju Douluo:

"Yueguan, go bring Dai Yao and Feng Wutong over."

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