Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 228 You live, or Zhu Zhuyun lives, choose one!

The leaders of Wuhun Palace are divided into the Pope and the Grand Priest.

The Pope is responsible for daily government affairs and controls the Pope's Palace in the Wuhun Palace, while the Grand Priest is responsible for serving the gods and the inheritance of the gods, and controls the Elder's Palace.

Decades ago, the Pope of Wuhun Palace was the son of Qian Daoliu, Qian Xunji.

Qian Xunji controls the Pope's Palace, Qian Daoliu controls the Elder's Palace, and the entire Wuhun Palace is firmly controlled by the Angel Family.

But Qian Xunji's sudden death had a profound impact.

Bibi Dong succeeded to the throne of the Pope. After the Chamber of Secrets, Bibi Dong became a different person. Under her management, she first won the allegiance of Ju Gui Douluo, the confidant of the former Pope Qian Xunji.

Immediately afterwards, she supported her confidants to ascend to power, and most of the titled Douluo in the Pope's Palace were controlled by her. From then on, the Pope's Palace and the Elder's Palace divided the Wuhun Palace into two.

Although the two major forces both belong to the Spirit Hall, due to the relationship between Bibi Dong and Qian Xunji, the two major forces have a vague tendency to oppose each other.

Of course, because the seven major offerings in the Enshrinement Hall are all Super Douluo, they often have a sense of superiority in front of the ordinary Douluo in the Pope Hall.

However, because several of the worshipers of the Elder Hall have been cultivating in the Elder Hall and will not come out easily, the struggle between the two major forces is not very fierce.

However, the appearance of Qingluan Douluo today highlighted the conflict that had already been settled.

Looking at Bibi Dong's cold smile, Qingluan Douluo clearly felt a pressure. This kind of pressure he had only experienced from the big worshiper and Ershi worshiper.

His heart sank, he was not stupid, now he could no longer see through Bibi Dong's realm, let alone being surrounded by Ju Gui and several Douluo.

In this case, he could not forcefully accept Wutong as his disciple.

After a moment of silence, he agreed to Bibi Dong's request.

"Okay, let's wait until the game is over."

After reconciling the contradiction, Bibi Dong smiled gently and said:

"That's very good."

But in those seemingly gentle eyes, there was a hint of cold murderous intent. The jade hand holding the Pope's scepter turned white when he unconsciously squeezed it.

Since killing Qian Xunji, she has been exposed to the inheritance of the gods. As long as she completely inherits the throne, the existence of the angel clan will be completely wiped out on the mainland.

Anyone who stands in her way will die, especially the old immortals in the Elder Hall.

She hated Qian Xunji and his son. If it hadn't been for them, she wouldn't have had such a tragic fate.

After Bibi Dong's mediation, Lingyuan Douluo also breathed a sigh of relief. In front of Qingluan Douluo, she had no chance of winning if she wanted to accept Feng Wutong as her disciple.

The only way is to use the power of the Pope to deal with Qingluan Douluo.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked at each other, both a little dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, before Dai Yao joined the Wuhun Hall, everyone around him had already been divided up by several titled Douluo. Zhu Zhuqing was lucky, after all, Wuhun was unique and only Ghost Douluo could feel it.

Feng Wutong's Suzaku Martial Spirit. Anyone who is a soul master can feel the tyranny of his martial spirit. If Lingyuan and Qingluan had not made it clear that they wanted to accept Feng Wutong as their disciples, those other titled Douluo might also want to Get a piece of the pie.


On the soul fighting stage, because of Qingluan Douluo's interlude, the game continued.

Although the two sides rearranged their formations, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Xingluo Royal Academy team was no match for the Oakland team.

But for Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, there is no way out.

Davis's eyes were red and his eyes were about to burst. He looked at Dai Yao's figure and roared with a ferocious expression:

"Why, it has only been six years, why have you become so strong?!"

"Because you are still alive, because that bitch is still alive, and if you don't die, I will progress forever until I have the ability to tear into pieces the forces that block my revenge, until I bring that bitch's head to my mother Until you admit your mistake at the grave.”

Dai Yao said coldly, feeling a surge of joy in his heart.

The people who used to bully me, the people who used to be high in front of me, are now afraid that they are trembling with fear, the taste of revenge is really wonderful.

Davis was completely stunned. He heard the cold killing intent contained in Dai Yao's words. If it wasn't in the ring, Dai Yao might have already killed him.

The skinny boy who was struggling to survive in the cold palace has grown into a strong man who made him tremble.

He now realizes that Dai Yao's existence is a huge threat to the Star Luo Empire in the future. If he knows what happened back then, the entire Star Luo royal family will face a huge threat.

Especially my mother, under the watchful eye of a powerful man with unlimited potential who will surely become a title Douluo, if she is not careful, she will lose her life.

He has now begun to regret why he had to complete the matter of recalling Dai Yao so perfunctorily when the elders told him, and also pushed Dai Yao completely into the opposite direction.

If Dai Yao agrees to go back with him, he only needs to pretend to be a snake, and then with the help of the family's power, he can easily get rid of Dai Yao.

Now, after the end of the Soul Fighting Competition, Dai Yao will join the Hall of Spirits. Under the protection of the Spirit Hall, even the Star Luo Empire has nothing to do with him.

The only way to get rid of Dai Yao is on this soul fighting platform.

"For the sake of my mother, I must stop him!"

Davis stood up, wiped the blood from his lips, looked at Dai Yao not far away, and said loudly:

"Dai Yao, we are destined to decide the outcome. The same goes for Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Yun. Do you dare to pit the four of us two against two and ask the other team members to step down!"

"team leader!"

The members of the Star Luo Royal Academy team came to Davis eagerly, trying to persuade her, with worries on their faces.

"Stop talking. I know what I'm doing. You don't need to persuade me. Dai Yao, do you dare to give me an answer?"

Davis said proudly, as if he had become the invincible and invincible Prince Xingluo again.

Dai Yao did not hesitate and said loudly:


"Dai Yao, you..."

Feng Qianli was a little puzzled. They obviously had a big advantage, so why did they agree to Davis's conditions? This was obviously not good for him.

"Do not worry."

Dai Yao turned around and said to Feng Qianli with a smile.

Everyone in Auckland saw the determination in Dai Yao's eyes, so they put their words of comfort in their stomachs and silently walked to the soul fighting stage.

Even if there is an accident, they can still play again.

After there were only four people left in the center of the field, Dai Yao turned back to look at Zhu Zhuqing, a gleam flashing in his eyes.

"Zhuqing, it's time to get to know them."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly, prepared for the fight, and waited for the referee to announce the start.

Zhu Zhuyun said worriedly: "Weiss, can we win?"

Davis said harshly: "This bastard is indeed very strong now, but his and Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirits have mutated, and they may no longer be able to fuse their martial spirits."

"Besides, even if they can still use martial soul fusion skills, they won't be able to use soul skills after turning into the Netherworld White Tiger, especially Dai Yao's ten thousand year soul skills."

"In this way, they will not be able to use their own personal strength, but we have the advantage of soul power, and we still have a considerable advantage in the duel with soul fusion skills."

Zhu Zhuyun nodded with difficulty, his beautiful eyes full of worry.

Dai Yao agreed so simply, how could he not consider that the two of them can perform martial soul fusion skills? Even if Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirits have changed, there is a high probability that they can still fuse their martial spirits, or they may have deeper trump cards.

But she didn't say anything about her guess, because what Davis said was already the last hope for both of them.

Like Dai Yao, they have no retreat.

"Game start!"

The cardinal looked at Dai Yao's side and then at Davis' side. After receiving confirmation from both sides that preparations were completed, he announced.

As soon as the words fell, the four people from the two parties rushed towards each other instantly.

"Zhu Yun!"

Davis looked at Zhu Zhuyun beside him and shouted.

Zhu Zhuyun immediately understood what he was thinking, nodded, and his body turned into a faint light, colliding with Davis. In an instant, a wave of soul power burst out.

"Martial spirit fusion skill?"

Many soul masters watching the match exclaimed.

The boy's surname is Dai and the girl's surname is Zhu. They have the same surname, the same boy and one girl. Some soul masters in the Tiandou Empire have realized that Dai Mubai from Shrek Academy has an unusual identity.

Looking at the actions of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, Dai Yao turned his head and said with a smile:


Zhu Zhuqing understood it in her heart, and as her soul power surged, her whole body seemed to be transparent, her body floated, she opened her arms and hugged Dai Yao.

Dai Yao's body also began to change. His originally rich white hair now had faint golden lines.

Finally, Zhu Zhuqing hugged Dai Yao like a woman throwing herself into his arms.

A white light bloomed from the two of them. The auras of the sacred white tiger and the Lord of the Netherworld completely merged at this moment, and everyone could feel the shocking fluctuations.


With a tiger roar, a transparent giant tiger appeared.

On the side of Xingluo Royal Academy, a giant tiger also appeared.

The two giant tigers are almost the same size, but there is a huge difference in appearance.

The giant tiger formed by Davis and Zhu Zhuyun is completely transparent, with black lines and purple pupils. The entire giant tiger exudes a fierce and domineering aura.

Just looking at it makes people feel fearful.

But Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing are completely different.

The whole body is transparent, but the pattern of the king character on the forehead is golden, the pattern on the body is also golden, and the pupil is also golden. The giant tiger exudes a sacred aura that is completely different from Davis.

It exudes a sense of intimacy, but can also give people a faint sense of oppression.

But the biggest difference goes beyond that.

On top of the giant tiger, there is an ice crystal crown, and on its back, there are two wings. The white wings are huge, fully extended, covering the sky and the sun.

The giant tiger formed by Davis and Zhu Zhuyun was a little stunned. Unexpectedly, Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing could not only fuse their martial souls, but the fused Netherworld White Tiger would also go one step further.

Even they felt a sense of oppression.

Just as the two of them were stunned for a moment, the sacred giant tiger with two wings on its back had already opened its bloody mouth, its eyes flashed with fierce light, and it was killing them crazily.

On the soul fighting stage, two giant tigers were fighting madly, and the ordinary white ghost tiger was at a disadvantage in an instant. Completely overwhelmed in terms of strength and speed.


The sounds of flesh and blood being torn apart kept ringing.

The sharp claws popped out of the palm of the sacred giant tiger, grabbed the body of the friend Netherworld White Tiger, tore the flesh and blood open, and the blood sprinkled down like a curtain of rain.

At this time, the sacred giant tiger looked like a madman.

Like a wild beast, it crazily slaughtered the giant tiger formed by Davis.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them in stunned silence, even the people in Auckland. It was the first time they saw Dai Yao, who had always been calm, and the first time he was so crazy.

The power fluctuations that pervaded the claws of the sacred giant tiger made it clear to everyone that with every claw strike, even an ordinary Soul King would die, let alone such a violent and stormy offensive.

"You bitch! Get out of here!"

The ordinary Nether White Tiger roared fiercely, with a hint of fear in his voice. His purple eyes had turned blood red, and he was struggling hard. He knew clearly that if Dai Yao continued to attack him like this, he would definitely die even if he was in the state of fused martial arts.

The Nether White Tiger struggled hard, but Dai Yao, who controlled the sacred giant tiger, had red eyes and ignored his roar.

"Davis! After so many years, I clearly remember all the shame and pain you and that bitch have given me!"

"The purpose of my training is to kill you, and then kill that bitch! To avenge my mother!"

The little boy who was bullied in the cold palace, the boy who was practicing hard under the waterfall of Xingluo Royal Academy, suffered the pain of absorbing the soul ring, and suffered the cynicism.

All he can rely on is himself.

With the help of Wuhundian, the hardships finally came to an end, and by using the foresight of the original work, he finally had the capital to challenge Davis.


Of course, the most important thing is his Qinglian plug-in.

"That bitch made me almost die! Today, I will collect the interest first!"

The sacred giant tiger opened its bloody mouth, its face full of ferocious color, and its golden eyes had been replaced by scarlet.

That kind of gaze that contained endless murderous intent made the onlookers' hearts tremble.

"Zha Sui, take Zhu Zhuyun with you and die together!"

With a soul-stirring tiger roar, it rushed toward the Netherworld White Tiger at its feet with its bloody mouth.

As long as the tiger's mouth bites the spine, the Netherworld White Tiger below will definitely die.

"It's over!"

The eyes of the Nether White Tiger were full of despair, and a kind of fear surged up in his heart like a tide. Looking at the bloodthirsty eyes of the sacred giant tiger, he believed that Dai Yao would ignore the rules of the game and kill him. Beheaded on the soul fighting stage.


Ju Douluo shouted urgently.

Once Dai Yao really kills Davis on the field, the Oakland team will be disqualified from the game.

At the critical moment, the Nether White Tiger quickly separated and transformed into Davis and Zhu Zhuyun again. Compared with the previous Nether White Tiger, the two people were too small in size.

Therefore, he happened to miss the bloody mouth of the sacred giant tiger.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun fell heavily to the ground, blood spurted from their mouths, their faces were full of pain, and they fell to the ground unable to move. However, the sacred giant tiger still seemed not to let them go.

But the next moment, Ju Douluo blocked the sacred giant tiger with one hand and sighed:

"Stop it, Dai Yao. Once you kill him, how can you continue to participate in the competition?"

The sacred giant tiger transformed into Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing again. Dai Yao looked at Davis, clenched his fists, thought for a moment, stared at Ju Douluo, cupped his hands and said:

"Senior, the relationship between Davis and I is not just a competition, but also a personal grudge. I hope senior will make it happen."

"If you kill him, it not only means that you can't participate in the game, but your teammates will also be banned from participating. Please think about your teammates."

At the edge of the Soul Fighting Platform, after Ju Douluo finished speaking, Dai Yuanyi said loudly:

"Dai Yao, it's enough for us to be able to reach the finals! You can do what you want to do!"

After a while, Feng Qianli also sighed:

"It's up to you. When it's done, you have to treat us to a nice drink."

Hearing the team members' answers, Dai Yao secretly thanked him, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Ju Douluo to see how he would choose.

Ju Douluo swallowed and killed an imperial prince on the Soul Fighting Stage. This would cause a conflict between the Soul Palace and the Star Luo Empire! He couldn't help but look in Bibi Dong's direction.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly.

Ju Douluo understood in his heart, sighed deeply and said: "Okay, in that case, do whatever you want. I hope you won't regret it."

After saying that, he gave way to block Dai Yao's path.

Dai Yao stepped closer to Davis who was lying on the ground. To Davis, these steps meant that death was approaching.

There was deathly silence on the Soul Fighting Stage, and Dai Yao's footsteps were extremely clear. Everyone was watching Dai Yao, waiting for his decision.

In particular, many strong teams are extremely looking forward to Dai Yao killing Davis and then being suspended. In this way, such a powerful opponent will not be able to participate.

Especially Tang San, although his face was calm and calm, his heart was already pounding, thinking:

"Quick! Kill Davis!"

"Dai Yao, if you dare to hurt our captain, we are at odds with you."

The members of the Star Luo Royal Academy roared angrily.

Dai Yao's cold eyes swept away, stared at those people, and drank:

"I remember clearly how you people treated me at Xingluo Royal Academy. I didn't go to settle the score with you, so you just managed to survive! If you dare to utter another word, I will kill you!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Xingluo Royal Academy took a few steps back in fear and did not dare to say another word.

They were among the people who bullied Dai Yao back in Xingluo Royal Academy! Now he even dares to kill the prince, and they don't care anymore.

Looking at the people who were not talking, Dai Yao sneered, and after a moment, he came to Davis.

He looked down at Davis, the breeze blowing his blond hair, feeling quite vengeful and comfortable, and sneered:

"Davis, that bitch relies on you for her arrogance. Without you as the prince, I don't see how she can hold her position as queen!"

"I'll collect some interest today!"

With one hand as sharp as a blade, Davis was about to swing it down. Davis closed his eyes in despair. If the prince's dignity hadn't still imprisoned him, he would have begun to beg for mercy.

However, at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing stopped Dai Yao's hand.

"Zhuqing, you..."

Dai Yao was a little surprised.

Zhu Zhuqing came close to his ear and whispered:

"Brother Yao, what will Tang San do if you kill him?"

The person who was most familiar with Dai Yao was Zhu Zhuqing. She knew what Tang San meant to Dai Yao, and Dai Yao was extremely afraid of his existence.

Once Dai Yao is unable to continue the competition, the Shrek team led by Tang San will kill everyone in the competition, which is something Dai Yao absolutely does not want to see.

Dai Yao clenched his fists tightly. Davis had been seriously injured. As long as he took action, he could take his life. This was the best time for him to collect interest.

But Tang San...

Does she want to watch Tang San win the championship in the competition just like in the original work? Got three soul bones?

In this way, the plot returns to the original work again. In the end, Tang San and his two gods are one, how can they let him go?

"No, compared to Davis, Tang San is a greater threat. I can't kill him."

"But I will never let Davis go so easily!"

There was uncertainty in his eyes, and after a moment of reflection, many in the audience began to whisper.

Even Davis opened his eyes, a little confused as to how he was still alive, and then he felt the joy of surviving the disaster.

He thought Dai Yao would not kill again.

After a while, Dai Yao said coldly to Davis:

"Davis, I give you a choice, you live, or Zhu Zhuyun lives, choose one! Only one of you two can live!"

Davis was stunned.

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