"How does that go?"

In the woods outside the campus, Dai Yao looked at the soul saint responsible for protecting him and asked softly.

The soul saint walked quickly to Dai Yao, presented Salas' reply with both hands, and said respectfully:

"The matter has been resolved. People from Blazing Academy will never bother you again. Soon, Mr. Huo from Blazing Academy will personally apologize to you. And the bishop sent a message through me. Sir, he said, what you did this time That's right, if you have any trouble, you can tell the Bishop."

"No one can take away the people from my Wuhun Palace."

Hearing this, Dai Yao was slightly happy and nodded.

"There's no need to apologize. It won't happen again."

It's good to have a big force on your back. Only people from Wuhun Palace have always bullied others, and no one has ever dared to bully people from Wuhun Palace.

A few days ago, Blazing Fire Academy was making a big deal about important people, but today they have to apologize with their tail between their legs. This is the benefit of joining a big force.

He opened the envelope and began to read, his eyes passing line by line. Suddenly, he paused in the middle and let out a little surprise.

"There is an elder who likes Feng Wutong very much and wants to accept her as a disciple?"

He pursed his lips and fell into thought.

There is a titled Douluo who falls in love with Feng Wutong, who is he?

There are quite a few elders in Wuhun Palace, including Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Snake Spear, Devil Bear, Agedigu, and Spirit Kite.

Feng Wutong's Suzaku martial spirit is a god-level martial spirit among birds. Therefore, the titled Douluo should be Lingyuan Douluo, who is also a bird. Although Lingyuan Douluo is not a super Douluo in the enshrinement hall, as a The elders of Wuhun Palace are second only to the Enshrinement Palace and the Pope in terms of prestige in Wuhun Palace.

They are also those who stand at the top of the soul master pyramid in this world.

With such a titled Douluo as his master, Feng Wutong's future can be imagined.

"Feng Wutong's potential, even a titled Douluo cannot resist such temptation."

Dai Yao happily closed the envelope, raised his head, and said to the Soul Saint with a smile:

"Tell Bishop Salas how grateful I am that he informed me of the news."

The soul saint nodded, and then, his soul power surged slightly, ripples appeared in the air, and the whole person seemed to disappear in the air.

After the soul saint left, Dai Yao folded the letter, thunder flashed in his palm, the letter ignited, and soon turned into ashes.

"Huh - Feng Wutong's matter has been resolved, now let's return to the arena."

The firelight illuminated Dai Yao's slightly dark eyes, like a deep lake.

Turning around, he strode through the woods and slowly entered the bustling campus.

In the university grounds.

The two soul masters were fighting fiercely, the flames were rising, the soul power was surging, the surrounding air was a little hot, and the ground of the campus was full of bumps.

Explosions were heard in the air from time to time, causing many soul masters watching the game to scream in surprise.

At this moment, a bright golden color suddenly appeared on the edge of the campus.

Like the sun, everyone's hearts trembled slightly, and their gazes instantly shifted to the edge of the school field.

Seeing the slender and slightly burly man, many soul masters' breathing stagnated slightly, their hearts sank slightly, and their eyes were a little fearful.

"he came."

This idea emerged in everyone's mind at the same time.

This person is Dai Yao.

Today's fifth game of the promotion tournament has progressed. Although Dai Yao has not yet made a move, Auckland's record is too dazzling, firmly ranking first, winning all five games, and Dai Yao is the core of the Auckland team.

In these five games, the Oakland team won easily.

Dai Yuanyi can steadily win three to four opponents, and then go to Feng Qianli to be responsible for harvesting the game.

Dou Yu and Luo Feng both competed in the competition. Even Dou Yu, who did not have the best soul ring configuration, was able to defeat an opponent reliably because the teams from the major kingdoms and principalities were too weak.

However, in the observation of the major battle teams from the kingdom and principality, such powerful soul masters as Dai Yuanyi and Feng Qianli still followed Dai Yao. It can be imagined how terrifying Dai Yao's strength is.

Moreover, Dai Yao was also the master of the powerful Suzaku Martial Soul Soul Master who was the first to break through seven in the first round of the competition.

Everyone knows that Dai Yao is very strong, so some of them want to inquire about the other four teams promoted through the Tiandou Empire and want to know more about the Oakland team.

But when the four teams heard the name Dai Yao, some were shocked, and some turned pale, and they all kept the name secret, as if it was a taboo.

A member of the Kamikaze Academy once kindly warned them:

"You don't need to inquire about this person. It will be in vain. Once he comes on the field, don't have any ideas. Just admit defeat."

Although it was not stated clearly, these strange behaviors undoubtedly proved Dai Yao's terrifying nature. Therefore, the fear of Dai Yao among the ten teams from the Kingdom and the Principality was at its highest point.

Dai Yao's every move touches the hearts of these team members. They are very curious about how strong this guy is who makes all the members of the Kamikaze Academy fearful.

Dai Yao glanced at these probing glances coldly. As the game progressed day by day, he had become accustomed to it.

I came to the Auckland team's viewing area with ease and took a quick look around. Four girls, led by Zhu Zhuqing and Duguyan, were sitting together, while the remaining boys stood by the fence.

He chuckled lightly, walked to Feng Qianli, and asked:

"How's the match going?"

Feng Qianli glanced at Dai Yao and explained:

"There is nothing to talk about in the competitions these days. There is a big gap in strength between the teams of the major kingdoms and principalities and the five teams of the empire. Although there are merits among the various kingdoms, most of them are soul master level battles. As for the five major academies of the empire, when they meet the other ten academies, they will basically be crushed."

"In the ongoing match, both teams are not strong and have no value for analysis. The next match is between Shrek and Blazing Academy. Both teams are not weak. All teams are looking forward to this match."

"Oh? Shrek?"

Hearing that Shrek had a competition, Dai Yao had a hint of surprise on his face.

There was no room for him to be careless in Shrek's competition. These were the Shrek Seven Devils. Once he let his guard down, he would definitely suffer the consequences.

Touching his chin, there was a slight cold light in his eyes:

"How far has Shrek's strength grown in this month?"

"Blazing Fire Academy is not weak. Without the immortal grass to enhance soul power, Shrek Academy's strength is about 50-50 compared to Blazing Fire Academy."

"The previous teams were too weak to let Team Shrek reveal their true strength. If you want to win Blazing Fire, it won't be as easy as the previous games."

A glint flashed in Dai Yao's eyes.

The Blazing Academy competition is a perfect opportunity to see the progress of Shrek Academy over the past month.

Half an hour later.

Tang San was slightly bent, sweating profusely and panting like thunder. The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand stood on the ground, and the extremely hard campus immediately dented.

On the opposite side, Huo Wushuang's hands were like fire dragons, with tiny cracks faintly visible, and his forehead was bleeding.

He is really a cruel person to catch the Clear Sky Hammer with his head.

Then, Huo Wushuang seemed to have lost all his strength and fell backwards.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Tang San with disbelief.

Clear Sky Hammer, Blue Silver Grass, Twin Martial Spirits! Moreover, the second martial spirit is the best martial spirit in the world, the Clear Sky Hammer! What a terrifying talent!

The campus fell into an eerie silence. Even though they already knew that Tang San was a twin martial spirit, the other four participating teams were still shocked.

The twin martial spirits are truly the darlings of heaven, treasures of heaven and earth, and future legends in the soul master world.

"Shrek wins!"

The clear and clear voice of the referee sharply pierced the strange silence, and everyone woke up from the shock of Tang San's twin martial spirits as if they were just waking up from a dream.

Instantly, the onlookers' spirit masters started discussing like mosquitoes. When Tang San and his party slowly left the scene, they unconsciously locked their eyes on the ordinary-looking man.

Dai Yao's face darkened slightly, and he looked at Tang San who was slowly retreating. At this moment, Tang San seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly raised his head, and happened to meet Dai Yao's cold gaze.

Dai Yao could clearly detect the deep hostility hidden in Tang San's gaze.

His breathing couldn't help but become a little heavier. The strength Shrek showed just now became stronger.

"Shrek Academy has not been idle this month."

Feng Qianli came to Dai Yao's side and said in a deep voice.

Dai Yao nodded:

"Well, Shrek Academy has two people who have been promoted to the Soul Sect just like us."

In the one-on-one match just now, although Huo Wu defeated Tai Long, Huang Yuan, and Jing Ling in a row from the beginning, he consumed too much soul power and was defeated by Dai Mubai, who came on the fourth stage.

The original two thirty-ninth-level soul masters of Blazing Fire Academy, whose martial souls were Fire Crane, from the agility attack system, also advanced to the soul sect level. Only with the combined efforts of the two did they defeat Dai Mubai.

But then, he was thwarted by Zhu Lu, who also entered the Soul Sect.

At the same time, Xiao Wu became a soul sect, and together with Zhu Lu, the two exchanged four soul masters from Blazing Academy. However, due to too much soul power consumption, they faced one of the strongest attack-type soul masters known as the preliminaries. Yihuo Wushuang was quickly defeated.

Both teams fought to the last man, Huo Wushuang faced off against Tang San.

Obviously, Huo Wushuang was defeated by Tang San's chaotic cloak.

Recalling the game just now, Dai Yao felt a little solemn.

Zhu Lu and Xiao Wu have advanced to the Soul Sect. Shrek Academy has now shown that there are already four Soul Sects, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong. I wonder if they have also advanced to the Soul Sect.

In the original book, all the Shrek Seven Monsters except Xiao Wu had taken grass jelly, so during the preliminaries, only Xiao Wu was still at level 38, but by the time of the promotion round, Xiao Wu had broken through the bottleneck of level 40.

He also lied and said that he met another soul beast that was killed by a collision, and he was lucky enough to get the fourth soul ring.

Therefore, in this month, it is very likely that Shrek Academy will have several more soul sects.

The scrutinizing gaze shifted from Tang San, looking at Ma Hongjun and the others.

It was obvious that the auras of Ma Hongjun and Oscar were much weaker than those of Dai Mubai and the others, while Ning Rongrong's soul power seemed a little unstable and was obviously on the verge of a breakthrough.

Dai Yao's eyes trembled:

"I didn't expect that Ning Rongrong would also be promoted. An auxiliary soul master would be faster than Ma Hongjun, an assault soul master."

"Ma Hongjun is indeed the same as in the original work. He was a little careless about cultivation. He originally hoped to become the God of Fire, but because of his slackness, he could only inherit the throne of the Phoenix God. Therefore, Bai Chenxiang had to live in Douluo Continent until his death."

"Of course, there should be some reason why the evil fire has not been eliminated, which has caused the cultivation speed to slow down."

"It's natural that Oscar should still be the Soul Master. The cultivation speed of food-type soul masters is destined to be slower than that of other types of soul masters."

Thinking of this, Dai Yao's mood became slightly solemn.

Feng Qianli patted his shoulder gently and said comfortingly:

"Dai Yao, don't be too nervous. Shrek has made great progress, and we are not bad either. You led us to first place in the qualifiers. Now that we have the strength, we will definitely shoulder our responsibilities."

"If you have a simple opponent, I don't need to bother you to take action. We can solve it and try to reduce your trouble as much as possible."

Hearing this, Dai Yao looked at Feng Qianli's generous face and his heart warmed slightly.

Feng Qianli's strength is indeed not as good as him, but this is compared to him. In an ordinary team, Feng Qianli's strength is only slightly weaker than Dai Mubai.

However, they didn't know the special characteristics of the Shrek team, but Dai Yao couldn't express this.


Shrek rest area.

"Third brother, you are so powerful, you defeated Huo Wushuang so easily!"

There are stars in Ma Hongjun's eyes, and his face is full of worship.

Dai Mubai glanced at Ma Hongjun, his pair of evil eyes were full of hatred for iron and steel:

"It's just you who failed to live up to your expectations. You are still the Soul Sect. If you became the Soul Sect, today's game would be much easier! Even Rongrong has reached a breakthrough now."

Ma Hongjun shouted to Qu:

"You can't blame me for that. Who said my martial spirit is the Evil Fire Phoenix? Because of the evil fire in my body, I have to go to those places often. Besides, isn't Xiao Ao also a Soul Master?"

At this time, the master slowly walked over. Hearing Ma Hongjun's words, his face sank slightly. He looked at Flanders and saw the hatred in the other's eyes, so he turned his head and said sternly:

"Xiao Ao is an auxiliary-type soul master, and his cultivation speed is already slower than that of an attack-type soul master. You can't compare with him."

"Xiao Wu and Zhu Lu were at about the same soul power level as you three years ago. Now they have become Soul Sects, and you are still Soul Sect. Don't talk about evil fire. This is just an excuse for your lack of self-control."

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Ma Hongjun just wanted to refute, but when he saw Liu Erlong's stern eyes and his slightly opened mouth, he immediately closed it again.

"Everyone performed very well today, fully utilizing the effects of this month's training camp."

The performance of everyone in Shrek today made Yu Xiaogang nod with satisfaction, turned around and called Tang San aside, looked at Dai Mubai and the others who were laughing and laughing, and said with a smile:

"Xiaosan, you performed very well in today's game. You withstood the pressure of being last place and successfully defeated Huo Wushuang in a strong dialogue."

Tang San sighed slightly, thinking of Dai Yao's indifferent eyes when he looked at each other just now, his eyes unknowingly became a little cold.

"Teacher, defeating Huo Wushuang is nothing. If I want to get a good ranking in the promotion competition, I must find a way to defeat Dai Yao. He is our Shrek's real opponent."

Yu Xiaogang was slightly startled and said happily:

"Xiao San, you are really good. Even after defeating an opponent like Blazing Academy, you still maintain a humble heart. Dai Yao is indeed very powerful, but I believe you can create miracles!"

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