Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 206 Dai Yao VS Huo Wu, holding the Fusion Ring in hand

On the second day, the five teams decided by the Tiandou Empire collided again.

Oakland VS Blazing.

The game between Oakland College and Blazing College was played in the fifth game. Before the game started, Dai Yao noticed the blazing eyes staring at him not far away.

Dai Yao turned around and nodded to Huo Wu. Huo Wu snorted coldly, raised his head, and quickly turned his head away.

"Dai Yao, are you the first to appear today?"

Feng Qianli looked at Dai Yao, then at Huo Wu not far away, and asked.


Dai Yao nodded, his face calm.

Feng Qianli sighed and said, "Okay then, it's just that you can't hide your strength anymore."

Since arriving at the Royal Hunting Ground, it has been completely closed and no one from the outside can come in. However, the teams from the major kingdoms and principalities have competed against the five teams that have been promoted to the Empire. They have just arrived in the Tiandou Empire and do not know much about the situation of each team. many.

The only ones I know are the Five Elements Academy, these veteran powerful people.

As for the new dark horses like Oakland and Shrek, their eyes are blank and they have no understanding.

The first one to take the field today, and it is a veteran and strong team like Blazing Academy. If you want to win as much as possible, or even complete the feat of one through seven, there is no chance to hide your strength.

In the subsequent competitions, other colleges will definitely be targeted.

Seeing Feng Qianli's worried expression, Dai Yao patted his shoulder gently and said with a mysterious smile:

"Captain, just keep an eye on me today."

Hearing this, Feng Qianli was stunned. Looking at Dai Yao's mysterious face, Feng Qianli unconsciously let go of his tense heart and smiled relaxedly:

"Yes, I'm worried about what you do, so I'll be optimistic about your next performance."

The game went very slowly, and every soul master tried his best to win a victory for his team. Finally, it was Auckland's turn to play.


Dai Yao slowly walked down from the auditorium and stepped onto the soul fighting platform step by step. The soul masters of Shenfeng Academy who were whispering suddenly stopped in unison.

Feng Xiaotian stared at the white figure slowly walking into the Soul Fighting Platform.

Immediately afterwards, the voices of the powerful people from Tianshui Academy, Shrek Academy, and all walks of life gradually became quieter. The soul masters from various kingdoms and principalities all cast their probing and fearful eyes on Dai Yao.

The entire soul fighting arena fell into silence, with only the breeze blowing the armor of the Royal Knights, knocking against each other, and making a soft sound.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Dai Yao, who attracted all the attention as soon as he entered the venue, and couldn't help but sigh:

"He is really a dragon and a phoenix among men. Even the Haotian Douluo of the past did not have such power."

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's silver-white temples were blowing in the wind. He looked at Dai Yao with admiration and chuckled: "This is the real strong man. I didn't expect that he has reached such a level at such a young age."

"Today's game was interesting."

Just as Dai Yao walked onto the Soul Fighting Stage, Huo Wu hummed softly and walked slowly onto the stage from the side of Blazing Fire Academy.

"It seems you didn't lie to me, you were really the first one to play."

Looking at each other from a distance of a hundred meters, Huo Wu bit his teeth, and a strange light flashed in his fiery red eyes.

In order to prepare for today's competition, she had practiced without sleep and food during the month of rest, and simulated it in her mind countless times. Although the chance of victory was slim, she had to exert her strongest strength no matter what.

"Since I promised you, I will definitely be the first to go. No matter when I go, it will not change the outcome of your failure."

Dai Yao said indifferently.

Hearing Dai Yao's words, the teams from all the major kingdoms and principalities were stunned.

This is too arrogant, that's Blazing Academy!

However, the teams from the Tiandou Empire Division, such as Shenfeng Academy and Tianshui Academy, did not show any shocked expressions. Instead, their faces were as dark as water, as if there was nothing wrong with what Dai Yao said.

Game start!

Following the referee's order, Huo Wu instantly completed the process of releasing his martial spirit.

A layer of faint orange-red shadow appeared behind him, which was exactly the same as Huo Wu's figure. The blur was full of illusory feeling, and the slender jade legs were even more beautiful against the background of the flames.

It seemed to burn the hearts of all men, and even Dai Yao's breathing could not help but become rapid.

But after being possessed by Wuhun, Huo Wu, who was originally extremely fiery, seemed to have changed. His whole person had a calm temperament, which made people's hearts calm down unconsciously.

The next moment, she opened her eyes suddenly, but was shocked to find that Dai Yao didn't even release his martial spirit.

"Aren't you going to release your martial spirit?"

Huo Wu asked.

"It seems there is no need to use martial arts."

The sound was not loud, but it struck the hearts of all soul masters like thunder. The soul masters who were originally prepared to watch the game seriously suddenly started whispering.

This is a veteran powerhouse, Blazing Academy! Moreover, Huo Wu is one of the strongest soul masters in the promotion competition so far. Although they attach great importance to Dai Yao, this is too arrogant.

Even Shrek and his party had expressions of disbelief.

The crowd at Chihuo Academy is excited and ready to give Dai Yao a good look.

Looking at the indifferent figure not far away, Huo Wu clenched her teeth and clenched her fists tightly. She felt the pain of nails digging into her palms. She stared at Dai Yao and slowly uttered two words. :



At this moment, there was a muffled sound from the Soul Fighting Platform. Everyone looked around and saw that where Dai Yao was originally standing, the ground cracked and dust rose.

But Dai Yao turned into a black line, and with the sound of breaking wind, he quickly rushed towards Huo Wu amidst the exclamations of everyone.

At this time, an unexpected smile appeared on the corner of Huo Wu's mouth.

Dai Yao is an attack-type soul master, and he must fight in close combat to exert his greatest strength. She had expected Dai Yao's attack.

"The third soul skill, resist the ring of fire!"


An orange ring of fire suddenly rose, and in an instant, it spread throughout the entire fighting spirit arena, sweeping away Dai Yao's charging figure.


Dai Yao, who was flying upside down, rolled in the air, kicked back when he landed, and plowed two long traces on the soul fighting platform. He slowly raised his head, looked at the red shadow not far away, and relaxed slightly. tone.

"It seems that I have been prepared for it. In the qualifiers, my offensive method was almost exposed."

Without the possession of a martial soul and the use of a soul ring, Dai Yao's physical fitness has not reached the point of sweeping everything.

Suddenly, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

The moment he cast the resistance fire ring, the four soul rings on Huo Wu's body lit up at the same time, and the fire shadow behind him instantly turned incandescent.

"Ring fusion? Are you forcing me back just to buy time to use the ring fusion?"

Dai Yao's heart sank.

Ring fusion is a special skill only possessed by extremely special soul masters. It can release the soul power released by several soul rings at the same time when outputting skills. In other words, most or even all of one's soul power can be released in an instant. Using one soul skills.

The power of soul skills in this situation will become extremely terrifying.

Not only Dai Yao, but also the master of Shrek Academy, Ning Fengzhi at the VIP table, and Salas all exclaimed.

Ning Fengzhi could also use the ring-melting technique, but what he didn't expect was that such a rare skill would be released without any hesitation in the first game.

The incandescent light ball condensed in Huowu's palm, not only containing the ultimate blazing heat, but also continuously condensing explosions.

A white ball of light the size of an egg floated out and flew towards Dai Yao. After releasing the ball of light, Huo Wu's face suddenly turned pale.

Looking at Dai Yao in the distance, a relieved smile appeared on Huo Wu's pale and pretty face.

Fusion ring was already her last trump card. If even this could not defeat Dai Yao, she would be convinced. Moreover, it was Dai Yao who didn't even use his martial spirit.

Although this ball of light was very small, once all the soul masters present glanced at it, they could feel a palpitation that could make their hearts stop.

Looking at the flying ball of light, Dai Yao's eyes flashed with solemnity.

Although using soul skills could block the white ball of light, he gave up the plan after hesitating again and again.

"Huo Wu used all his soul power to perform this ring-melting technique. Not only is it extremely powerful, it also contains a headache-inducing explosive power. Among all the soul sects, almost no one can perform a soul-melting technique that can compete with it. technology."

"Soon, I will fight Tang San again, and the Golden Generation of the Spirit Hall in the finals, Hu Liena and Xie Yue's spirit fusion technique, in the original work, cut off Tang San's external soul bone."

"In these two battles, I must rely on my moire hand."

"Therefore, Huo Wu's ring-melting technique today is powerful enough and has an explosive effect. It can be used to test my evolved moiré hand."

Thinking of this, Dai Yao's eyes flashed with light.

In the horrified gaze of everyone, he stretched out his hands. On his hands, faint white light spots continued to twine, like two cloud patterns.

"Is he crazy? He actually wants to block the white ball of light with his hands."

Such thoughts appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

"No, Dai Yao has made progress again."

Tang San's eyes glowed with purple light. He first looked at the white ball of light, and suddenly felt his heart tighten. Then his eyes moved. After a while, when he placed it on Dai Yao's white hands, his face suddenly darkened. go down.

His purple devil eyes couldn't even see the white cloud pattern on Dai Yao's hand. His Purple Demon Eyes reached the level of mustard seeds, and he could find weaknesses in most of his soul skills, but Dai Yao's cloud-patterned hands couldn't find a single flaw.

It can be seen how condensed the energy in his hands is.

Seeing Dai Yao trying to catch his own ring-melting technique with both hands, Huo Wu cried out in great horror:

"don't want!"

Although she was proud and strong, she had known Dai Yao for so long and she had no intention of killing Dai Yao.

She stretched out her hands and tried her best to change the direction of the white ball of light, but her soul power had long been exhausted, and she could only watch in vain as the white ball of light continued to approach Dai Yao.

Dai Yao looked at the white ball of light that was getting closer, closed his hands with a solemn expression, and held the white ball of light.


The white light ball continued to cut the cloud pattern on Dai Yao's hand, and immediately made a harsh sound, as if a sharp blade was cutting on the glass.

Feeling the hot breath coming through Yunwen's hand, Dai Yao's eyes flashed with solemnity.

This ring-melting technique is unexpectedly powerful.

His heart sank slightly, his soul power surged, the cloud patterns in his hands continued to solidify, and he slowly closed his hands.

"The power of the white ball of light is not enough! If I want to block the forty-eight hammers of random cloaks without being smashed into pulp, my moiré hand will have to withstand a more severe test!"

Looking at the increasingly hot white ball of light in his palm, a flash of madness flashed in Dai Yao's eyes.


Dai Yao no longer held the ball of light, his hands became claw-like, and the backs of his hands were touching each other, piercing into the white ball of light. His long sleeves fluttered, as if he wanted to tear the white ball of light apart.


The fire attribute energy in the white light ball instantly rioted. With Dai Yao as the center, the ground within ten meters suddenly sank downwards, forming a fault with the surrounding ground.

At the same time, countless broken stones were shaken into the air by this soul power riot.

Waves of air enveloped these stones and slapped them away towards the surrounding soul masters.

Under the blowing force of the madness, Dai Yao's moon-white long-sleeved dress from Auckland squeaked, and his blond hair flew wildly.

"Crazy, really crazy! You dare to resist the ring-melting technique without using your martial soul!"

Countless people looked at Dai Yao who was like a madman in horror.

Not far away, looking at the white ball of light that was trying to tear him apart, Huo Wu's originally worried expression froze on his face, as if he had been struck by lightning.

"He wants to tear apart my ring-melting technique?!"

She knew how terrifying the ring-melting technique was. Moreover, the soul skills of fire attribute soul masters are inherently more powerful than those of ordinary soul masters.

At this time, Dai Yao did not use any soul skills. He blocked her ring-melting skill with just his hands. You can imagine how shocked she was in her heart.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Dai Yao in the field, the originally elegant smile froze on his face. After a while, he couldn't help but shook his head and praised:

"This little guy is really amazing and talented. Every time I see him, he brings surprises to me."

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's eyes rested on the cloud pattern in Dai Yao's hand, and a flash of surprise flashed in Gujing Bubo's eyes:

"This should be another self-created soul skill, Feng Zhi. This little guy's future is really limitless."


At this moment, with Dai Yao's fierce force, a hole was torn open on the surface of the indestructible light ball. Then, the compressed energy in the white light ball seemed to find a pouring outlet, moving crazily towards the torn crack. Go.

The fragile balance formed inside the white light ball was immediately broken, and with a loud noise, the white light ball exploded.

Immediately afterwards, thick smoke spread from the spirit fighting arena, and the entire spirit fighting arena was completely reduced to ruins.

Looking at the soul fighting arena that was almost in ruins, the stands also fell into a deathly silence.

Under the gaze of countless almost dull eyes, the smoke and dust that filled the spirit fighting arena slowly dissipated. As far as the eye could see, the city was full of mess and rubble. The spirit masters in the audience invariably let out bursts of angry voices. .

At this moment, a large piece of the large campus that was originally built with neat boulders was dented, forming a deep pit. Compared with the appearance of the previous game, it is completely different.

"This ring-melting technique is so terrifying?!"

Tang San stared blankly at the ruined spirit fighting arena. After a long while, he took a deep breath.

Fortunately, Huo Wu didn't use this soul skill in the last match. Otherwise, no one from Shrek could defeat Huo Wu. I'm afraid no one would be able to connect with Huo Wu's move.

The smoke slowly dispersed, and on the Soul Fighting Stage where countless eyes were focused, a moon-white figure was vaguely visible in the drifting smoke.

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