"How's it going? You're not injured, are you?"

Dai Yao asked.

"No, it's just that the soul power consumption is a bit high."

Feng Wutong panted slightly, nodded her head lightly, and raised her fiery red ponytail up and down.

After today, as long as the strength gap between the two sides is large enough, there will definitely be someone who can complete the feat of one through seven, but they will definitely take much longer to complete than Feng Wutong this time.

The game was over before the warm water in Dai Yao's cup cooled down.

Firstly, it is because of the restraint of martial spirits. Fire-attributed martial spirits are naturally capable of restraining plant-type martial spirits. What's more, the god-level fire-attributed martial spirit Suzaku is extremely capable of restraining plant-type martial spirits.

The red flame thorns are resistant to fire, so if they encounter a fire-attribute soul master from Blazing Fire Academy, they may be able to fight back and forth.

But in front of the god-level Suzaku, there was no room for resistance.

Secondly, the Suzaku Domain is too terrifying.

The Vermillion Bird Domain is a domain that has an extremely terrifying bonus to fire attribute attacks.

After the domain is expanded, even if the first soul skill is used, the power will be comparable to the third soul skill in normal state.

The terror of the Suzaku Domain is not only reflected in the single-body amplification of individuals, but also includes all fire-attribute soul masters in the domain, which is equivalent to one person assisting all fire-attribute soul masters.

This is the domineering power of Suzaku Martial Spirit.

Compared with Tang San's Blue Silver Domain, the Vermillion Bird Domain was much more violent, and therefore consumed much more soul power.

It seems easy for Feng Wutong to wear seven, but in fact it is not. She launched the Suzaku Domain as soon as she came on stage, and her soul power was exhausted in just a few dozen breaths.

Fire attribute soul masters have extremely high explosive power, but correspondingly, their ability to sustain attacks is much smaller than those of other attribute soul masters. Ma Hongjun is like this. Although the Suzaku Martial Spirit has greatly made up for this shortcoming, while maintaining high explosive power, it also has a certain degree of sustained ability.

But even so, without using the fourth soul skill, his soul power was still drained by the Suzaku Domain.

"Your current soul power is still too little, and you cannot withstand the consumption of the domain. When your level is higher, the situation will be much better. Please consider using it in future competitions."

Dai Yao touched his chin and said in a deep voice after thinking.


Feng Wutong took the tea cup from Dai Yao's hand and nodded.

At this moment, Luo Ling hugged Feng Wutong's arm and said happily:

"Wutong, I didn't expect you to be so powerful! One wears seven! What those women from the Botany College just said was really annoying. Thank you for venting our anger. If I hadn't been an auxiliary soul master, I would have wanted to go up and teach them a lesson. .”

Feng Wutong pursed her lips and chuckled, "They are indeed quite annoying."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Feng Wutong with a little surprise.

Now Feng Wutong's strength is only about the same as hers. It is only because Feng Wutong's Suzaku Domain consumes too much soul power and is much higher than her Netherworld Domain, so it is slightly weaker.

In terms of overall strength, Feng Wutong is already ranked third in the Auckland team behind Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing.

Dugu Yan's eyes trembled slightly, and his tense heart gradually relaxed.

When she first knew that Dai Yao's goal was to defeat the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, she was shocked and thought it was impossible.

But as the competition progressed, she suddenly found that she had a slight chance of winning, but it was still not enough. However, after Feng Wutong entered the Soul Sect level, her strength increased sharply, which increased her hope of winning again.

Luo Ling sighed with some confusion:

"Wutong, I really don't understand. You are so powerful, why do you want to be Dai Yao's maid? With your strength, I think no matter which force you go to, you will rush to get it."

Although Luo Ling spoke very quietly, it still attracted the attention of several other people in Auckland, who all looked at each other with disgusted faces.

Indeed, Feng Wutong's current potential is not weaker than that of the golden generation of Wuhun. In the future, if nothing unexpected happens, he will be an extremely powerful titled Douluo.

But such a future star became Dai Yao's maid, which is really incredible.

Feng Wutong glanced at Dai Yao silently, and the sharp eyebrows softened unconsciously, looking a little gentle, and replied with a slight smile:

"It's a secret."

Seeing Feng Wutong's performance, Luo Ling clicked her tongue twice and couldn't help but shook her head and sighed in her heart:

"Another woman who is carried away by love."


"Facing the teams of the Tiandou Empire, the teams of other kingdoms and principalities have no ability to resist."

Dai Yao watched the game with some emotion.

From today's seven games, Dai Yao could see that the overall strength of the teams from the kingdom and principality was far behind the five teams decided by the Tiandou Empire.

With three soul sects, the Botanical Academy is already the most powerful among the ten teams promoted from the kingdom and principality. Teams from other colleges, on average, only have one soul sect per team.

Facing the Five Elements Academy and Shrek, Auckland is no longer on the same level.

"I didn't expect the strength of those ten teams to be so poor. It's a pity that I was so nervous before."

As soon as Dai Yuan finished watching today's game, he stretched and relaxed.

"It's normal. The various kingdoms and principalities are vassals of the two empires. Any soul master with some strength will not stay in a small pond like the kingdoms and principalities."

"Compared with these ten teams, those ordinary college teams eliminated in the qualifiers are not much different."

Feng Qianli explained.

"Let's go, today's game is over, you can leave."

Jackson waved his hand and led everyone back to the rest area.

At this moment, three figures in fiery red clothes blocked their way.

Seeing the person coming, Jackson couldn't help but frown:

"Lao Huo, what's the matter?"

Dai Yao squinted his eyes and scanned around. This group of people is the team of Blazing Academy. The leader is thin and hale, with long fiery red hair and silver threads on his temples. Just looking at him, one can feel the power of the bursting flames.

On the left and right sides are Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang.

Huo Wu looked at him without fear, and Huo Wushuang's pair of eyes would fall on Feng Wutong from time to time, with a hint of fiery hidden in his eyes.

"It's such a strong fire attribute energy. Judging from the performance of Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang, this person should be the dean of Blazing Academy."

A flash of horror flashed in Dai Yao's eyes.

The old man whom Jackson called Huo Lao smiled, and his eyes instantly fixed on Feng Wutong, extremely hot.

"I came here this time for her!"

"Oh? What do you want from Wutong?"

Jackson frowned, already understanding what Mr. Huo meant.

"Little girl, can I talk to you alone?"

Huo Lao showed a kind smile.

Hearing this, Feng Wutong couldn't help but look at Dai Yao.

Feng Wutong's performance today was so amazing. When Feng Wutong awakened the Suzaku martial spirit, Blazing Fire Academy sent people to recruit Feng Wutong. Seeing her performance today, I will definitely not be able to sit still.

Dai Yao refused directly:

"Mr. Huo, I understand what you mean. Please come back."

Huo Lao frowned, a stern look flashed in his fiery red eyes:

"Little guy, I know you are a celebrity in Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect, but her potential is no weaker than yours. Our Blazing Fire Academy is the best training place for all fire attribute soul masters. If you If she’s fine, let her go.”

As expected, Mr. Huo has matured with age. He knows that Dai Yao has received the attention of Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect and cannot take away Feng Wutong by force. Therefore, he directly occupies the moral high ground. If Dai Yao refuses, it means that Dai Yao is standing in the way. The development of Fengwutong.

Even if it doesn't succeed, the two of them will be separated.

"Old friend, let's get over it."

Jackson stood in front of Feng Wutong, his expression gloomy.

Dai Yao knew that Huo Lao would not give up without seeing the Yellow River, so he simply agreed to Huo Lao's request. Pulled Jackson's sleeve and said to Mr. Huo:

"In this case, Wutong, then you should talk to Mr. Huo himself."

"The right choice, young man."

Huo Lao smiled.

Looking at the two people leaving, Dai Yao was not worried at all that Feng Wutong would join Blazing Fire Academy. After getting along with him all the way from Xingluo Royal Academy, he didn't believe that Feng Wutong would betray him.

Just when everyone was about to leave, Huo Wu suddenly stood in front of Dai Yao.

Seeing this person, Jackson couldn't help but feel a hint of teasing on his face, and his eyes fell on Dai Yao.

The eyes of Dugu Yan and Zhu Zhuqing were instantly fixed on Dai Yao, a little cold.

"Miss Huowu, what's the matter?"

Feng Qianli, as the captain, said.

"I'm looking for Dai Yao."

Huo Wu's eyes flashed past Feng Qianli, nodded, took a few steps forward, looked at Dai Yao and said:

"Dai Yao, don't forget the agreement between us."


Huo Wu's words instantly made people think. The boys from the Auckland team looked understanding, and all eyes were focused on Dai Yao.

Dai Yao gritted his teeth and walked forward slowly. This agreement made him a little confused:

"Agreement? What agreement?"

Huo Wu was stunned, with a look of disbelief on his face, his chest heaving, and a faint mist appearing in his beautiful eyes.

"How dare you forget the promise?"

Dugu Yan glanced at Huo Wu charmingly, leaned close to Dai Yao's ear, and whispered a reminder.

Seeing the close appearance of Dugu Yan and Dai Yao, Huo Wu felt a sour feeling in his heart for some reason.

After Dugu Yan's reminder, Dai Yao suddenly remembered.

After Huo Wu was defeated by Dai Yao, he was very unconvinced, and then used Dai Yao's attached soul bone as a threat to force Dai Yao to fight her openly in the promotion competition.

Although Dai Yao's external soul bone had been exposed during the battle with Tang San, he still had to satisfy Huo Wu's request of being tortured.

Dai Yao suddenly realized:

"I remembered."

Seeing Dai Yao's appearance, Huo Wu was furious.

"Just remember, our Blazing Academy and your Oakland Academy will eventually meet again. When the time comes, we will all be the first to play and have a fair duel."

Hearing this, Dai Yao was slightly startled and couldn't help but look at his teammates behind him.

If he were the first to play, not only would he be able to pass through seven, he would be able to easily pass through five and one through six. This would be the same even for Blazing Academy, and his teammates would have no experience of the game.

"Don't worry about us, you can be the first to play when the time comes."

Feng Qianli patted his shoulder and agreed.

Luo Feng, Dai Yuan and others also looked at him with smiles and agreed to Huo Wu's request.

Dai Yao pursed his lips, turned back to look at Huo Wu, and said seriously:

"Well, I will be the first to play when the time comes. I hope you won't cry when you lose."

Huo Wu is a strong girl, and she may not be able to accept it if she wears Qi, which will greatly weaken the prestige of Blazing Fire Academy. In the original work, Huo Wu did not hesitate to die with Tang San in order to save the face of Blazing Fire Academy, which shows his tenacity.

"Don't worry about it."

Huo Wu hummed, turned around, and returned to Huo Wushuang.

After Oakland College left, Huo Wushuang sighed softly and said:

"Sister, why are you doing this? It's not like you don't know Dai Yao's strength. Our Blazing Fire Academy combined may not be enough to fight him. Why do you need to make an agreement?"

Huo Wu's fiery red eyes were lowered, a flash of light flashed through her eyes, her mood was very low, but she faintly revealed her stubbornness:

"Brother, I know it's hard to beat him, but I just want to have a good fight with him. Even if I lose, I'm willing to do it. I lost the first two soul battles, a single challenge and a team battle."

"In both soul fights, he hid his strength and maintained a level similar to mine. It's not that I lost in terms of strength, but that my tactics seemed to be seen through by him and he manipulated me in every aspect."

"I can accept Dai Yao crushing me with his strength, but what I can't accept is that my wisdom has been ravaged by him."

Huo Wushuang sighed helplessly. As Huo Wu's brother, he was very familiar with his sister.

The stronger sister loses not in strength, but in wisdom. How can we not make her angry?

inside the tent.

Dai Yao practiced silently, seizing all the time he could to practice, and one day, he would get unimaginable gains.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and took back the circulating soul power.


"We just broke through level 45, and level 46 is still far away."

In his mind, his current opponent is Tang San and the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

Tang San had just been defeated, so let’s not worry about it for now. Tang San is Dai Yao's lifelong opponent. Although he was temporarily defeated, as the Son of Destiny in the original work, he will still be his difficult opponent in the future.

The golden generation of Wuhun Palace is currently the biggest challenge.

"The golden generation of Wuhun Palace are not easy to mess with. In the original work, Tang San also relied on the poison of the Eight Spider Spears to defeat them. But I don't have Tang San's hidden weapon skills. If I want to defeat them head-on, the odds of winning are still too high. low."

Thinking of this, Dai Yao felt a little depressed.

"Forget it, don't think about this. The old man Huo from Blazing Fire Academy today must want to recruit Feng Wutong. His performance is too amazing, which is also troublesome."

"Today is Blazing Fire Academy, and tomorrow it may be other academies, or even the Tiandou Imperial Family."

"Although I'm not worried about Feng Wutong leaving, I have to cut off those outstretched hands to prevent them from poaching people from me."

"With Feng Wutong's potential, not even the Spirit Hall can find a few. We will go directly to Grandpa Salas later and ask the Spirit Hall to come forward and cut off the thoughts of the Blazing Fire Academy."

At this moment, the curtain of the tent suddenly opened. Dai Yao turned his head and saw that it was Feng Wutong.

"came back."

"Well, my son."

Feng Wutong first made the bed for Dai Yao, then bent down and sat down, looking at Dai Yao calmly.

"What conditions did they give?"

Dai Yao asked.

Feng Wutong was stunned. According to her deduction, shouldn't Dai Yao first ask her if she agrees or rejects Huo Lao's conditions? Instead, ask them directly what conditions they offered.

But then she understood that Dai Yao had already concluded that she would not leave by asking her this, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up slightly:

"That person doesn't ask me to join Blazing Academy now. I can just join after the competition is over."

"Once I join, they will not only be responsible for all my future soul rings, all of which will be in the best configuration, but they will also give me a soul bone that is more than ten thousand years old."

This condition made even Dai Yao take a breath.

This is not Tang San's perverted, best-equipped soul ring or ten-thousand-year soul bone, but a treasure that countless soul masters dream of. It can be said that this is the greatest sincerity of Blazing Academy.

He knew how much Feng Wutong had paid, so he looked into Feng Wutong's gentle eyes, grabbed her catkins, and said softly:

"Don't worry, if you follow me, your future achievements will be much higher than joining Blazing Academy!"

a little bit Calvin

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