Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 203 The first game of the promotion competition, Botanical College, one wears seven

Royal hunting ground.

After presenting the code, the extremely elite Royal Knights let them go and sent fifty fully armed Royal Knights to escort the Auckland team towards the interior of the hunting ground.

After climbing over a hill, there is an open and flat plain in front of us.

The view is open, the vegetation is fragrant, and the mood is relaxing.

Dai Yao glanced at it and found that the teams from the major principalities and kingdoms had arrived early. Seeing the newly arrived team, some people looked curious, but others were vaguely hostile.

As the proud sons of the major kingdoms and principalities, they believed that they were no different from the geniuses of the Tiandou Empire, and they wanted to find a chance to prove themselves.

"Let's go, assign the rooms first."

Jackson ordered.

The rooms here are all military tents, and each team has five barracks.

Jackson quickly assigned rooms, four girls were divided into two rooms, four boys were divided into two rooms, and he and Feng Qianli shared one room.

As the day progresses, the other four teams promoted by the Tiandou Empire slowly arrive.

Auckland and the other four teams, both from the Tiandou Empire, greeted each other. Divine Wind Academy and Blazing Academy had a cold attitude, while Shrek's attitude was hostile.

The one with the closest relationship to Auckland is Tianshui College.

"There are so many beauties in Tianshui College, why do they all have a soft spot for Dai Yao!"

Dai Yuanyi complained helplessly.

"Why, you want it too?"

Luo Ling's gloomy voice sounded behind Dai Yuanyi.

Dai Yao could also feel the cold gaze behind him and quickly distanced himself from Shui Bing'er and the others.

"I didn't believe it before, but now I realize that that sentence is quite accurate. Home flowers are indeed not as fragrant as wild flowers!"

Dugu Yan pretended to be self-pitying and sad.

Zhu Zhuqing covered her mouth and smiled softly. She glanced at Dai Yao with a pair of sparkling eyes and said nothing.

Dai Yao was a little helpless, hugged Dugu Yan's waist, lowered his head and looked into the green eyes, smiled and said softly:

"Why do I think the house flowers are still so beautiful?!"

Feeling the heat on the shop floor, a blush appeared on Dugu Yan's face and he did not dare to speak.

"Huh? Where was your arrogance just now?"

Dai Yao pretended to be vicious and said.

"It's really high attack and defense."

Dai Yao thought to himself as he hugged Dugu Yan.

Everyone laughed, and Dai Yuan smiled and said: "Dai Yao, you are the only one who can subdue Sister Yan."

"What? You want to try my poison?"

Dugu Yan leaned on Dai Yao's shoulder and glanced at Dai Yuanyi with his green eyes. Dai Yuanyi immediately felt a chill rising from his back and hurriedly waved his hands in defense:

"No, no."

Although he became a soul sect, he still had no chance of winning against Dugu Yan. Instead, he was tortured last time and howled like a ghost.

This scene was just a minor episode in the eyes of Auckland, but it was different in the eyes of the teams from various kingdoms and principalities.

Not only were the beauties from Tianshui Academy so close to Dai Yao, but the beauties from Auckland who shocked them were even more intimate. For a while, many male soul masters were extremely jealous.

Of course, smart people are wary of Dai Yao.

To be favored by so many beauties, Dai Yao is by no means an ordinary soul master.

the second day.

The promotion tournament is held at the Royal Knights' Grand Campus.

A total of fifteen teams participating in the promotion round will compete in fourteen rounds of round-robin matches, one round per day, with one team having a bye every day and seven games.

The university grounds have been renovated, and an area of ​​100 meters in diameter has been drawn in the center as the competition ground. Compared with the qualifier arena, the space here is wider, and it is naturally easier to display one's strength.

On the north side of the university grounds, facing south, a temporary VIP seat was built, which was also the referee's seat. This time there were not as many distinguished guests as last time.

Many nobles are missing. Looking around, in addition to Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi, Platinum Bishop Salas and others in the first row of the VIP seats, the seats in the back were occupied by people dressed as military generals and the Wuhun Saints of Wuhun Palace and Tiandou City. Some of the higher-ups in the palace.

The promotion competition is a single challenge, which best reflects the soul master's personal strength.

Around the campus, all fifteen participating teams came to the scene, even the teams that had a bye today were no exception.

There is no need to compete, but it is better to observe the strength of each team.

The rules of the competition are simple. Each team sends seven players to participate, and each player must fight until he is defeated. If the winner wins, he will face the next opponent until all seven players on one side are defeated.

The draw ended last night, Auckland did not have a bye, their opponent was Botany College.

When the Auckland team entered the school field, the four teams promoted by the Tiandou Empire immediately cast their solemn glances. This made the teams from the major kingdoms and principalities somewhat baffled.

Why does it feel like these four teams are very afraid of Oakland.

"There is no suspense in the first game."

Feng Qianli shook his head and said.

The two teams in the first game were Blazing Academy and Farabiya Academy. As a long-established and strong team in the Tiandou Empire, Blazing Academy could easily win against an unknown academy.

Feng Qianli turned his head, and said to Dai Yao seriously:

"In addition to the big points, the small points of the victory are equally important for the final ranking of the promotion round. Once there is a big draw, the ranking will be based on the small points."

"On the one hand, we must ensure victory, and on the other hand, we must ensure a small score advantage. Dai Yao, what do you think of today's playing order?"

Dai Yao touched his chin and said:

"Today against the Botanical College, I will arrange it in the fourth position. Firstly, to ensure victory, and secondly, everyone can play a game."

No one has any objection to Dai Yao's idea. To be honest, they completely believe that Dai Yao has the ability to wear seven games. This arrangement is just to take care of their participation experience.

The first game started soon. Huo Wushuang defeated three people in a row. He was defeated because of excessive consumption of soul power.

"Well, Huo Wushuang is really powerful. He was able to defeat three people in a row without any rest."

Dai Yao said seriously.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Dai Yao and felt speechless. How can you count someone like you who defeated Huo Wushuang so easily?

The second player was Huo Wu. With the advantage of the control soul master, he actually defeated four people in a row. Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang actually defeated the entire Fabia team.

Due to the excessive consumption of soul power, Huo Wu's face was a little pale, but the beautiful appearance of the dancer in the fire made many soul masters heartbroken.

However, at this moment, Huo Wu's proud face stared at Dai Yao without hesitation, and stretched out his index finger to tap him.

Faced with Huo Wu's provocation, Dai Yao chuckled and said nothing.

Dai Yao could feel that Huo Wu had made a lot of progress. It seemed that she had not wasted this month.

But it caught the attention of teams from other countries.

The game continues.

In the third game, Tianshui Academy played against Alien Beast Academy.

The difference from the original work is that Meng Yiran, the deputy captain of the Alien Beast Academy, joined the Tiandou Royal Academy. The strength of the Alien Beast Academy has declined again. Like the Fabia team, it is the weakest among the fifteen teams.

As soon as the beauties from Tianshui Academy came on the stage, many soul masters cheered. Even the Royal Knights who were watching on the sidelines were unable to maintain their serious military appearance.

A soul sect from Tianshui College directly eliminated three opponents, and Shui Bing'er came on the field and once again accomplished the feat of one through four.

Shui Bing'er was like a goddess of ice and snow, making many people's hearts blazing. But at this moment, Shui Bing'er looked like Huo Wu, and her eyes fell on Dai Yao, imitating Huo Wu's appearance and nodded at him.

If Huo Wu's behavior just now made the soul masters from other kingdoms feel strange, Shui Bing'er's finger directly made them jealous. Especially when he saw Dai Yao hugging each other, Zhu Zhuqing on one side, Dugu Yan on the other, and Feng Wutong behind him, he was even more jealous.

The appearance of these three people is even better than that of Huo Wu Shui Bing'er.

Next to Oakland is the soul master of the School of Botany. Like Tianshui Academy, they are all girls.

Seeing Dai Yaofengliu, he couldn't help mocking:

"Are these here for a competition? Why do I feel like they are nobles here for fun?"

Especially when he saw the beauty of the three women around Dai Yao, he felt a little jealous:

"I see, these women just relied on their looks and relying on men to enter the promotion round."

"That man is just a powerful playboy!"

The girls from the Botanical College suddenly laughed and looked at the Auckland group with disdain.

The Auckland group, who originally wanted to tease Dai Yao, suddenly became cold at this moment.

Dugu Yan twisted her waist, glanced at the group of people from the Botany College charmingly, and chuckled:

"You guys, even if you want to get into my man's lap, you don't have the qualifications!"


The captain of the Botanical College looked at Dugu Yan, gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"We are not as shameless as you!"

Dugu Yan smiled lightly and ignored them.

The colleges that had fought against Auckland couldn't help but mourn for the Botanical College. The Thunder College, which had offended Dai Yao, was severely injured without mercy by Dai Yao.

This botanical school has no good end.

The contradiction between the two sides has not been eliminated, but has become more intense, and they vow to decide the outcome on the soul fighting stage.

"Captain, I want to be the first to play."

Feng Qianli was stunned and turned around to see Feng Wutong's angry eyes.


Feng Qianli smiled and nodded. The attitude of the Botanical College just now also made him a little angry.

"Wutong, help us teach them a lesson."

Luo Feng and others said.

Feng Wutong nodded vigorously.

Next up, Auckland, against Botany.

"A little thirsty."

Dai Yao smacked his lips, and suddenly felt a little thirsty. When he was about to look for water, Feng Wutong had already offered him a glass of warm water with both hands.


"That's my job."

Feng Wutong smiled.

At this time, the team members of the Botanical College were already ready on the soul fighting stage. When they saw that their opponents were serving tea to the man, they were trembling with anger.

"Do you want to fight the one on the other side?!"

Dai Yao urged her to come on stage quickly, but Feng Wutong still served the tea in a hurry, and then she jumped down.

"Hey, what, is the genius soul master who came to the promotion competition still someone else's maid?"

The Soul Sect Yin Yang Dao of the Botanical College.

"So what?"

Feng Wutong's gentleness in front of Dai Yao disappeared. Feng Wu raised his eyes slightly, and a heart-stopping aura suddenly filled the air.

For a moment, the soul sect from the Botanical College was a little distracted.

"I will make you pay for what you said."

Feng Wutong looked cold and said coldly.

Insulting her was nothing, but insulting Dai Yao touched her nerves.

"It depends on your ability."

The battle between the two sides attracted the attention of countless people. Following the referee's order, both sides were possessed by martial spirits at the same time.

Before he finished speaking, the soul sect from the Botanical College was horrified to find that a white flame rose from Feng Wutong's body and turned into a noble bird.

Yellow, yellow, purple, and purple, the optimally configured soul ring slowly rises.

She was not the only one who was horrified. Shrek and the Three Elements Academy who were watching the battle below were also shocked.

In previous competitions, they had experienced the horror of Feng Wutong. Just the Soul Master could compete with the Soul Sect by relying on the power of the martial soul.

During this one-month break, Feng Wutong actually became a soul sect. How terrifying will his strength become? !

Even the teams who didn't know Feng Wutong's previous record all widened their eyes at this moment. No one in their team could match that terrifying aura.

After using the martial spirit, Feng Wutong's whole body carried a noble and incomprehensible aura, like a queen in flames.

Coupled with her exquisite beauty and the hot curves slowly exposed under the loose robe, the soul masters watching the game were stunned.

Ignoring the opponent's reaction at all, the moment the martial spirit was released, Feng Wutong's Suzaku Domain was released, and the surrounding temperature increased a lot.

As the surrounding environment changed, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin looked at each other and saw each other's surprise:


Chen Xin's face was moved: "I didn't expect that there is a wizard in Auckland who can use fields! What a terrifying talent!"

Ning Fengzhi's eyes were introverted, Zhu Zhuqing had a field, and Feng Wutong also had a field. The one thing they have in common is that they are all around Dai Yao, right? Thinking of the previous speculation, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

And Salas was even more energetic. The geniuses around Dai Yao were comparable to the golden generation of Wuhun Palace!

Feng Wutong's first soul ring flashed.

A blazing white line of fire shot out.

The Soul Sect of the Botanical College had no choice but to use dense vines as a shield to resist, but in the next second, the seemingly solid shield was burned into ashes.

The white line of fire did not stop and directly engulfed the soul sect from the Botanical College.

Instant kill!

The scene fell silent.

Everyone stared blankly at Feng Wutong. If it was because of her beauty before, it is now because of her strength.

When both sides have full soul power, although their attributes are incompatible, they will never reach this level of crushing. But Feng Wutong's Suzaku martial spirit was too overbearing.

Even the evil fire phoenix with the top martial spirit was greatly suppressed, not to mention the plant-type soul master with restrained attributes?


Feng Wutong's cold voice sounded, breaking the silence in the spirit fighting arena.

Seeing the wounded appearance of the soul sect from the Botanical College, the teammates at the Botanical College were filled with indignation and wanted to avenge her.

"I come."

A woman wearing a hibiscus on her head jumped onto the soul fighting stage. After a few breaths, she was blasted off the stage by Feng Wutong's line of fire.

In just a dozen breaths, all six soul masters from the Botanical College were knocked off the soul fighting platform by Feng Wutong.

And Feng Wutong only used the first soul skill to achieve the feat of one-to-six, everyone had a doubt in their minds, could it be that on the first day of the competition, the feat of one-to-seven would be born? !

The captain of the Botanical College gritted his teeth. If someone were to expose him, he would really disgrace the Botanical College!

She now knew that their mockery of Auckland was completely wrong, but she couldn't think about it. No matter what the cost, she must win Feng Wutong, even if it was a draw.

It must not be one wears seven! Only in this way can we defend the honor of the School of Botany.

After three breaths, she flew out of the fighting spirit platform.

After falling to the ground, he struggled to stand up and looked at Feng Wutong in disbelief:

"How is that possible? My martial spirit is a red flame thorn! I have fire resistance, why can't I block your attack!"

In order to defeat this red flame thorn soul master, Feng Wutong had no reservations and released her first, second, and third soul skills at the same time, which took a lot of energy from her.

Breathing slightly, when he heard the question from the Scarlet Flame Thorn Soul Master, he gave her a cold look and did not answer.

Suzaku Divine Fire, is it a fire immunity immune to it?

The entire spirit fighting arena maintained an eerie silence.

One wears seven!

On the first day of the promotion round, the miracle of wearing seven appeared! This fact shocked all participating colleges in the Tiandou Empire.

Under the attention of everyone, Feng Wutong slowly retreated from the Soul Fighting Stage and came to Dai Yao's side. Her original cold and noble expression suddenly changed, like flowers blooming in spring, and she stood behind Dai Yao like a maid.

Seeing this scene, countless people's originally fiery hearts were shattered and felt cold.

Why is the goddess who has accomplished the Seven Miraculous Miracles of One Wearing only a maid next to Dai Yao!

Dai Yao didn't pay any attention to the jealous looks of everyone. He drank the tea in the cup and sighed:

"Yes, the water is still warm."

Nearly 7,000 words, try my best

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