White Tiger Mountains.

The most majestic mountain range is the forbidden area of ​​the White Tiger Dai family, and no one can approach it.

Because, here lived the only titled Douluo in the Xingluo royal family, known as the great elder of Yanhu Douluo.

On one side of the four slender mountains, there are mountains and green trees, while on the other side, there is an extremely steep cliff.

On the cliff, the exposed rocks appear indigo blue after being exposed to wind and sun, and some small trees are surviving tenaciously.

However, there is a cave on the cliff that only birds can cross.

In the cave, a heart-stopping aura came from time to time. The birds that sensed this aura immediately urinated and urinated as if they sensed some terrifying presence, and ran away quickly.

The fifth elder and his group flew here, looked at each other, and saw the solemnity between them.

"Let's go."

The second elder stepped into the cave and said.

Several elders then filed in.

After walking hundreds of steps, the second elder paused, and all the elders were shocked. They knew they had arrived.

Looking up, he saw a huge stone door in front of him. This giant door is not simple. It is mixed with the legendary cold-hearted iron spirit. It is indestructible and extremely heavy. Only the Contra of the attack system can push it.

Looking at this stone door, the second elder took a deep breath and slowly took out a token from the soul guide. The token was engraved with the pattern of a white tiger, which was the elder's order that symbolized the elder's identity.

Press the Elder's Token into a groove on the stone door, and the token will fit perfectly into the groove.

Immediately afterwards, the lines engraved on the stone door slowly emerged, exuding bright brilliance. When all the runes appeared, it was the head of a powerful white tiger.

With a fierce look in his eyes, he was glaring at several elders fiercely.

The second elder lowered his eyebrows and said respectfully:

"Please ask the ancestors to come out of seclusion."

After hearing this, after a while, the stone door opened, and a figure slowly emerged.

I saw that the old man had a simple face, his beard and hair were all white, and he was messy. It seemed that he had never been taken care of, but this could not be regarded as a sloppy old man.

The old man's eyes penetrated deep into the abyss at one moment, and were as bright as thunder when they moved. His eyes with substance swept over the faces of several elders. Feeling this gaze, the four arrogant elders all behaved themselves at this time, like children facing their elders.

"What is it?"

The old man didn't show any anger at being interrupted in his practice, but instead asked calmly.

The second elder and the fifth elder looked at each other. The fifth elder did not dare to have any personal feelings, raised his head and stated:

"Ancestor, among the royal family, a genius soul master defected. No one at the same level can defeat him. He has a high probability of becoming a titled Douluo."


The old man said softly, and then sighed slightly, as if he was infinitely tired, but this feeling passed away in a flash, making the four elders feel like an illusion.

"Where did he defect to?"

"Martial Soul Hall."

"Martial Soul Hall!"

The old man turned back, his eyes were like lightning, and a breath so powerful that it was suffocating was released inadvertently.

While all the elders felt the pressure, the second elder said happily:

"Ancestor, have you broken through level ninety-five?!"

The first elder gently exhaled to calm down the instability caused by the words Wuhundian. After waving his hand to the second elder, he asked the fifth elder:

"How genius?"

The fifth elder said: "He is born with full soul power and is a fifteen-year-old soul sect. Moreover, his second soul ring is a thousand-year soul ring, and his fourth soul ring is a ten-thousand-year soul ring."

Hearing this, the Great Elder was slightly startled and said with a solemn expression:

"He is indeed a genius among geniuses. He broke through the Soul Sect at the age of only fifteen. He still has such a terrifying soul ring configuration. In time, he will definitely be a peerless Douluo."

"Peerless Douluo."

The four elders were shocked and a little shocked. As an elder of the Dai family, he naturally knows what it means to be a peerless Douluo.

If the gods do not come out, they will be invincible.

Call it peerless.

Although they had great trust in the great elder, these words were really unbelievable. They have been practicing for so long and struggling at the Contra level, but they are still far from reaching the limit of Contra, let alone Titled Douluo.

And Peerless Douluo is the pinnacle of Titled Douluo. How can it be so easy to cultivate?

The great elder's eyes were like lightning, scanning the faces of the four elders one by one, and only stayed for a moment on the fourth elder who was dressed as a Confucian scholar. Then, his eyes were on the second elder again.

"I want to hear how you plan to deal with this junior, Dai Yao, the second child, the fifth child, you two go first."

The second elder and the fifth elder looked at each other, took a step forward, and spoke first:

"Ancestor, you also said that the little traitor can become a peerless Douluo in the future. Moreover, as far as I know, the little traitor hates my Dai family very much and will definitely be a big threat to my Dai family in the future."

"Therefore, we must nip it in the bud and eradicate him early! If we wait until he enters the Spirit Hall, there will be no chance again."

The fifth elder said angrily:

"Second brother, what you said is completely wrong! Dai Yao is still young and can't tell right from wrong. Under the bewitchment of Wuhun Palace, he made a wrong choice in a moment of confusion, which is excusable."

"Let him return to the family as soon as possible before he makes a big mistake and admit his mistake. I think the family can understand."

The second elder retorted:

"You are still young? Is your young age an excuse for him to make mistakes? The only crime of treason is death. What's more, as a prince, his crime is even worse! If he had a sense of belonging to the family, he would not defect at all!"

"What he has experienced is just some adversity. This is a test given to him by the family! He actually defected because of this. It is really unforgivable!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone had different reactions.

The third elder sighed slightly, while the fourth elder sneered and remained silent.


The fifth elder glared angrily, and just when he was about to retort, the first elder looked calm and waved his hand:

"No need to argue, I understand what you two mean."

"Second child, you want to get rid of Dai Yao before he grows up; fifth child, you want to give Dai Yao a chance to return to the family. Third child, tell me what you mean."

Hearing this, the eyes of several elders focused on the third elder, wanting to hear his opinion.

The rich third elder smiled honestly and said:

"I think we should first see if he will come back to the family and let someone tell him what the family means. As long as he admits his mistake, he can come back. If he doesn't come back to the family, it won't be too late to get rid of him."

The great elder's face was neither happy nor sad, and he turned to the fourth elder and said:

"Fourth, what do you think?"

His eyes were focused on the fourth elder. The second elder was obviously disdainful. The third elder glanced at him with his peripheral vision. The fifth elder looked at the fourth elder calmly.

The fourth elder, who was dressed as a Confucian scholar, still had a cold expression on his face. He looked at the first elder with no fear in his eyes and said:

"I have no objection."

At this time, the great elder who had always looked calm finally couldn't help but sighed:

"Fourth, you are still like that. Some things can eventually be over. If you put that matter down, maybe you can break through the bottleneck of Contra and become a Titled Douluo tomorrow."

"But I can't let go."

The great elder glanced at the other elders, wanting to say something to the fourth elder, but he finally swallowed it in his mouth and did not say it.

"Ancestor, it's up to you to decide how to deal with Dai Yao."

The second elder kept staring at the expression of the fourth elder, trying to see something. After giving up, he turned to the first elder and said.

The great elder walked slowly to the entrance of the cave, while the four elders looked at each other and followed behind him.

Looking at the sea of ​​clouds, the Great Elder's eyes flickered and he said with some disappointment:

"I have listened to your opinions. The second child is too stubborn, the fifth child is too emotional, and the third child always adheres to the golden mean of not offending both sides."

"But this is not your shortcoming. On the contrary, these characters are the key factors for you to be able to practice Contra."

"But when it comes to dealing with Dai Yao, you are just a bunch of frogs in the well!"

Speaking of this, the great elder's tone clearly contained anger.

When the three elders heard what the eldest elder said, they certainly didn’t dare to resist. The second elder said respectfully:

"Great Elder, please clarify where we went wrong?"

But the first elder did not answer the second elder’s question. Instead, he asked solemnly:

"Who is our enemy?"

This is a very simple question. Because it is too simple, the three elders said somewhat uncertainly:

"Tian... Tiandou Empire?"

For more than ten years, the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire fought continuously. It was not until the Haotian Sect retired that the continent finally fell into a brief period of peace. Therefore, in the minds of many people, the two empires were each other's enemies.

After hearing this answer, the Great Elder was obviously a little disappointed and said to the silent Fourth Elder:

"Fourth, tell me!"

There was no doubt in his tone, and the fourth elder felt a chill in his heart. He knew that the eldest elder was a little angry, so he replied:

"It's the Wuhun Palace."

"Ah, why Wuhun Palace? Hasn't our enemy always been the Tiandou Empire?"

The three elders were still confused.

"You three really haven't made any progress at all."

The great elder said angrily.

"In Douluo Continent, the two empires and the Spirit Hall form a tripod. The two empires control the power of civilians and a small part of the spirit master world, while the Spirit Hall, together with the seven major sects and other Some forces share the power of the soul master world."

"Although soul masters are strong, their number is too small after all. In the eyes of many people, they are just a supplement to the war."

"But as Wuhun Palace forced the Haotian Sect to retire more than ten years ago, I suddenly discovered how terrifying the strength of Wuhun Palace was. The so-called No. 1 sect in the world, under the force of Wuhun Palace, If you say you want to retire, just retire.”

"Most of the power in the soul master world is already taken up by Wuhun Palace! It is no longer the same pattern as before between Wuhun Palace and the seven major sects!"

"Today's soul master world has the feeling that the Wuhun Palace family is the only one!"

The second elder was still in disbelief: "First Elder, are you exaggerating? Although the Spirit Hall is strong, the number of spirit masters is too small after all."

The Great Elder snorted coldly and said solemnly: "What if we add those kingdoms and principalities?"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of several elders froze, and a cold air went straight to their heads.

The strength of the soul masters in Wuhun Palace, coupled with the regular strength of those kingdoms and principalities, is enough to rival any country in the two empires.

If the seven major sects are cut off and the soul master world is completely unified, then the power of the soul master world will only be followed by Wuhun Palace. Not only can it make up for the gap in conventional power with the two empires, but it can also use the power of soul masters to exert influence on the two empires. An overwhelming advantage.

Wuhun Palace is in the strongest position in the three-legged structure.

Let's further assume that if there is an internal problem between the two empires, the empires will start fighting among themselves and disperse their power. The Wuhun Palace might become ambitious and try to unify the Douluo Continent!

So who can stop it? !

The second elder said with cold hands and feet: "No...it's not possible. Wuhun Palace doesn't have that much courage. The empire's million-strong army is not a vegetarian."

"Moreover, those kingdoms and principalities are canonized by the two empires, and it is impossible to betray them."

The fifth elder swallowed and said:

"No, second brother, you are wrong. I am in the Star Luo Imperial City, and I know the situation on the mainland better than you. Over the years, many kingdoms and principalities have had different attitudes towards the empire. I am afraid they have already had second thoughts!"

For a moment, the cave fell into dead silence.

The great elder continued:

"We need to broaden our horizons regarding Dai Yao's problem. It is not his problem alone, but the problem of the entire empire."

"Today, the empire does not know how many outstanding civilian soul masters have joined Wuhun Palace. Now, on the one hand, we need to prevent this situation from continuing, and on the other hand, we must try to recall those civilian soul masters to weaken the strength of Wuhun Palace. "

"Their hometown is still within the empire!"

"Finally, regarding Dai Yao, you can give him a chance."

The second elder said anxiously: "Great elder, the ancestral system cannot be changed!"


The great elder shouted.

"Nowadays, the mainland is facing a great change that has not happened in ten thousand years. If we are not careful, the Star Luo Empire will cease to exist. The former ancestral system can no longer adapt to the current situation."

"What we have to do now is to weaken the Wuhun Palace as much as possible."

Hearing this, the second elder's expression changed, and he wanted to say something more, but in the end it turned into a long sigh.

The great elder continued:

"Let Dai Yao try to return to the family. Although the rules of competition for the throne are cruel, he still has the family ties between his parents. Use emotions to bring him back."

The fifth elder said in a low mood:

"Great Elder, he has no family ties. Her mother died at the hands of the current queen. His father is just a stranger to him."

Hearing this, the great elder's expression was startled, and his lips trembled. He wanted to say something, but was blocked in his mouth.

But instantly his expression became calm and cold as he said, "Does he have any relatives?"

"Yes, his third uncle is that boy Hengyu."

"Then let's see if Hengyu can let him come back. If not, it would be a good thing to give him a choice and let him join the Tiandou Empire to increase the strength of the Tiandou Empire."

"What if he still doesn't want to? He has to join the Spirit Hall. What should we do?"

The scene fell silent, and the Great Elder said coldly:

"Since the family can give him life, then the family also has the right to take it back."


Wuhun City.

Papal Palace.

Hu Liena reached out to take the memorial and backed away slowly.

"Open it."

Bibi Dong's cold voice sounded from above.


Hu Liena opened the memorial, and as the information in the memorial came into view bit by bit, the surprise in her beauty became more and more intense.

"His Majesty the Pope, is this... is it true?"

Immediately, she realized that she had asked a stupid question. Can the news that passed through the hands of the Pope be false?

"Nana, what's wrong?"

Xie Yue looked at Hu Liena's shocked expression and saw that Bibi Dong didn't speak, so she asked.

Yan also cast a curious look.

Hu Liena suppressed her shock and explained:

"Dai Yao, using his fourth soul skill, an attack with power comparable to that of Contra, he defeated the entire Shenfeng Academy team by himself."

Hearing this, Xie Yue's eyes widened, and Yan's face was also full of disbelief.

"Dai Yao? Is this the Dai Yao who threatened to challenge our golden generation? How is that possible! How can he, a soul sect, perform an attack comparable to that of Contra?!"

Yan said excitedly.

Just when Hu Liena was about to explain, Bibi Dong's papal scepter touched the ground, sending out a frightening wave, and Yan suddenly calmed down.

Bibi Dong glanced at the three of them coldly:

"This is a message from Bishop Salas. You don't need to question it. Soon, the news will spread to Wuhun City. Do you know how powerful your opponent is now?"


The three members of the Golden Generation said solemnly.

A Contra-level attack was enough to reverse the gap between the Wuhundian team and Dai Yao's team.

They would even lose to Dai Yao's team.

Seeing that the pride and self-satisfaction on the faces of the three people had finally subsided a lot, Bibi Dong nodded in relief. The purpose of her allowing Dai Yao to go to the Heaven Dou Empire was to sharpen the golden generation of the Spirit Hall. It seemed that the effect was gradually manifested. .

"However, you don't have to worry too much. According to Bishop Salas, Dai Yao's attack needs the right time, place and people, and it is extremely difficult to replicate. When the time comes, you will have a fair duel."

Hu Liena felt relieved, and a look of seriousness flashed in her beautiful eyes:

"Teacher, please rest assured, our Wuhundian team will definitely win the finals!"

Bibi Dong smiled and nodded, then turned her attention to the orange figure beside her.

"Elder Ju, Dai Yao's talent has already made many forces fearful, and dangers are everywhere around him. So, I want to send you to the Heaven Dou Empire to secretly protect him until he comes to Wuhun City, how about it?"

Ju Douluo's long jade fingers rubbed her red lips, and a sharp voice sounded:

"Yue Guan takes orders."

Immediately afterwards, an orange rainbow passed across the sky and sped towards the Tiandou Empire.

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