After the game, Ning Fengzhi approached Dai Yao.

The two were walking and talking.

Ning Fengzhi recalled the horrific scene not long ago, her eyes filled with admiration for her younger generation:

"Dai Yao, you really surprised everyone today against Kamikaze Academy. Does using such a powerful soul skill have any impact on your body?"

Dai Yao cupped his hands and thanked him:

"Thank you Uncle Ning for your concern. Although my fourth soul skill is quite powerful, it has no effect on my body."

Surprise flashed in Chen Xin's eyes. He put his right hand on Dai Yao's shoulder, turned his head and asked:

"Mind if I check it out?"


After getting Dai Yao's consent, Chen Xin nodded, closed her eyes and concentrated, and probed her soul power into Dai Yao's body, as if an invisible wind rose from the soles of her feet, and the clothes of the two began to flutter slowly.

As the soul power penetrated deeper and deeper into Dai Yao's body, Chen Xinjian's eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper.

Ning Fengzhi was moved in her heart and asked:

"Uncle Jian, is there something strange about Dai Yao's body?"

Chen Xin shook his head. After a while, the wind at his feet gradually weakened, and his closed eyes suddenly opened. His eyes, which had always been calm and steady, were full of surprise:

"I was also worried that your body would not be able to bear it after using the ten-thousand-year soul skill, and your meridians would be damaged, but now it seems that not only did you not suffer any damage, but you were alive and well."

"Besides, the strength of your body amazed me a little. I really don't know how you cultivated. No wonder you were able to absorb the ten-thousand-year spirit ring in the fourth spirit ring."

"It's just a fluke."

Dai Yao chuckled.

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin were speechless.

This is the first time they have heard Dai Yao say this.

When the conversation changed, Ning Fengzhi said solemnly:

"Dai Yao, do you know that your performance today is really amazing. Even Contra can feel threatened by your fourth soul skill."

"When you reach the level of Titled Douluo, everyone will know how terrifyingly your strength will increase."

"But as the saying goes, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them."

"Your information is already on the table of the major forces. If you haven't joined any force yet, these forces will try their best to find a way to recruit you."

"Money, beauty, whatever you want, I will try my best to satisfy you."

"However, you have already made a choice to join the Spirit Hall. In this way, those forces affiliated with the Spirit Hall will only lose their minds, and those forces that are hostile to the Spirit Hall... ·”

When Ning Fengzhi said this, he did not continue. Dai Yao chuckled lightly and said:

"Those forces that are hostile to Wuhun Palace must be quick to deal with me."

"You know that too."

Chen Xin glanced at Dai Yao and said expressionlessly.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes were a little solemn and he continued:

"The mainland seems to be calm now, but there is a turbulent undercurrent underneath. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. Although you are extremely talented, you are still just a soul sect. There are too many people who can kill you."

"You are also a prince. You should be aware of the relationship between the two empires and Wuhun Palace. The two empires and Wuhun Palace are three pillars. They are vaguely hostile to each other."

"You are now in the Tiandou Empire. You should know what they will do once you refuse the Tiandou Royal Family's solicitation. By then, the Spirit Hall may not be able to protect you."

Dai Yao smiled and stopped. Ning Fengzhi and Ning Fengzhi looked at Dai Yao with some confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Dai Yao took a deep breath and stared at Ning Fengzhi, as if he wanted to see every change in his expression:

"Then what will you do, Uncle Ning?"

Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment, his expression kept changing, and finally turned into a sigh, and his eyes looked at Dai Yao with some kindness.

He understood that Dai Yao's question was asking if he would be like those forces. After Dai Yao refused, he would get rid of him with the mentality of destroying him if he couldn't get it.

"In the Tiandou Empire, I will definitely protect you."

Dai Yao smiled slightly, clasped his hands and said solemnly: "Thank you very much, Uncle Ning. I will never forget this kindness."

Ning Fengzhi said happily: "Why are you so polite to me?"

"Besides, no matter what, we can't repay your kindness for allowing my martial soul to evolve into the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda."

Then he turned around and said:

"Okay, let's go. Are we going to take you to meet someone else today?"

Dai Yao's heart moved and he asked:


"As the Tiandou Empire, I want to recruit you."

Dai Yao's heart sank, and he immediately thought of who that person was.

The crown prince of Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe.

The future God of Angels, Qian Renxue.

"Are you going to meet Qian Renxue so soon?"

Dai Yao thought.

"Soon, I will join the Wuhun Hall. As the heir to the Enshrinement Hall and Bibi Dong's daughter, Qian Renxue has a pivotal position in the entire Wuhun Hall. If she wants to live well in the Wuhun Hall in the future, she must first Hug these big white legs!”

Following Ning Fengzhi, Dai Yao realized that this was not the way out of the Great Soul Fighting Arena, and asked doubtfully:

"Uncle Ning, where are you going? Aren't you going to meet someone? Is he in the Great Soul Fighting Arena?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly and said:

"No, he is not in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. Let's go to Shrek Academy first."

Dai Yao's heart skipped a beat.

"Shrek Academy?"

"Yes, there is someone else going with you."

"who is it?"

"Tang San."


Star Luo Empire.

Baihu Mountains, ancestral land.

The White Tiger Mountain Range is composed of one large mountain range and four slender mountain ranges. Looking down from above, it looks like a gigantic tiger claw.

The White Tiger Mountains are the ancestral land of the Xingluo Dai family, except for the Xingluo royal family, most of the other family members live here.

The highest authority of the Dai family, the Presbyterian Church is also located here.

Each mountain range is guarded by an elder.

Now, the five elders have been to the royal family for decades, and the guarding elders have been vacant for a long time in the smallest mountain range.

It is adjacent to a large spirit beast forest, few people come here, and this is the ancestral land of the Dai family, and it is even a restricted area.

However, at this moment, a red cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. Immediately afterwards, the red cloud spread rapidly. In just a moment, the whole sky seemed to be on fire.

"That is?"

The disciple in charge of guarding his eyes paused, feeling the overwhelming aura, he was shocked in his heart, and after looking at his companion, he shouted anxiously:

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!!"

At the same time, in three other mountains and three buildings of different forms, the three old men opened their eyes in unison.

Just as the disciple in charge was shouting anxiously, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"No need to shout, don't make a fuss."

The disciple looked back, his eyes were blank, and he immediately knelt down on one knee and said in a trembling voice:

"Disciple has met the second elder."


Immediately afterwards, a slender figure rose into the sky with a white stream of light.

Two other rainbows followed closely behind.

Looking at the fiery red clouds in the sky, the old man known as the Second Elder, with white beard and hair, and long white beard hanging down, frowned slightly and murmured:

"What kind of mischief is this kid Lao Wu doing? Making such a big noise?"

Two other figures of Liu Guang were also revealed. One was slightly rich and full of wrinkles; the other was well-proportioned and dressed like a scholar, with long hair that was slightly white. It seemed that he was the youngest among the three.

Although the three elders dress differently, they have one thing in common, and that is the domineering air that is inadvertently revealed in every move.

As the figures of the three people floated into the sky, the children of the Dai family living in the White Tiger Mountains became excited.

"Look! It's the second elder, the third elder and the fourth elder!"

"Several elders haven't shown up for a long time, but today we can finally meet some of our ancestors!"

"These elders are all the pillars of our Dai family! They all have Contra strength. Even the youngest fifth elder has advanced to Contra for more than ten years!"

"If you ask me, the most powerful person in our Dai family is the Great Elder! That is a powerful man at the level of Titled Douluo!"

"Yes, the Great Elder is the most powerful person in our Dai family!"

Seeing this, the slightly rich third elder smiled and tried to smooth things over:

"You also know the temper of Lao Wu, second brother. It's just like that and can't be changed."

Having said this, a light flashed through his slender eyes:

"However, Lao Wu has been honing his skills in the royal family for a long time in the past few years. The last time I saw him, he also gained a lot. There should be something important when he comes back this time, otherwise, he wouldn't be so mobilized."

Hearing this, the lean and lanky second elder immediately blew his beard and stared:

"He's gotta stop it! Last time, he was arguing with me because of that boy whose name he was! We need to change the ancestral system! If you hadn't persuaded me, third brother, I would have taught that boy a lesson. Don't think that becoming a Contra is enough. You are qualified to go up against me."

The rich elder said helplessly: "Second brother, it's not like you don't know, Fifth Brother, that you have a bad temper. You two have been fighting for almost half your life, and I'm almost tired of it!"

The middle-aged man dressed as a scholar looked at the second elder beside him, and then at the red clouds in the distance. A hint of envy flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Still maintaining the same silence as for many years.

While they were chatting, the red clouds far away in the sky were already very close. All the creatures in the White Tiger Mountain Range felt this huge aura, and became silent and horrified.

The fiery red fireworks slowly disappeared, and a thick muscular figure was revealed. He glanced at the three old men and said:

"Third brother, fourth brother."

Finally, his eyes glanced at the old man with white beard, and he snorted slightly:

"Second brother!"


The second elder also snorted coldly and drank:

"If you don't stay well in the royal family, why are you going back to your ancestral home? Why are you making so much noise?"

Seeing the smell of gunpowder in the air as soon as the two met, the rich third elder held his forehead and said helplessly:

"You two have been fighting since childhood. I really don't know what to argue about. Let's go down first, otherwise we will make these juniors laugh at us, right?"

"You'd better explain. If you can't tell me what's good or bad, I'll have to make you recall how I beat you when you were a child."

Hearing this, the face of the fifth elder, who was originally so mighty, immediately changed.

There is a difference of more than twenty years between the second elder and the fifth elder. While the fifth elder is still wearing crotchless pants, the second elder has already reached his crown. At that time, the father of the fifth elder passed away, and the so-called elder brother is like a father, so the second elder took on the task of sheltering the fifth elder from wind and rain.

But as a child of the Xingluodai family, it is easy to kill the enemy in battle, but he knows nothing about taking care of children.

Whenever the fifth elder did something wrong, the second elder would punish him with sticks.

In this way, although the fifth elder has not gone astray, he still loves and hates the second elder. Every time he reaches a higher level, he will challenge the second elder and want to get back what he has suffered.

The result was without exception. Not only did they not get it back, but they were taught love again.

"Let's go down first."

The second elder said.

With the disappearance of the four elders, the lively White Tiger Mountain Range once again returned to its former lively scene.

The third elder prepared a cup of tea for everyone. Amidst the faint fragrance of tea, the second elder picked up the tea cup and said:

"Tell me, why did you come back so suddenly?"

The tea is a good tea worth one or two thousand gold, but the fifth elder has no intention of drinking it at this time. Hearing the second elder's question, his fiery red eyes stared at the second elder and said:

"I want to see my ancestors!"

The third elder and the fourth elder were both shocked.

The second elder's arm that was sitting on the teacup stiffened, he raised his head and said solemnly:

"What's going on? The Great Elder is now at a critical moment of hitting the ninety-fifth level bottleneck, so he can't be disturbed easily."

The fifth elder took a deep breath and said:

"I don't want to disturb the great elder, but only he can make the decision now. Second brother, do you still remember Dai Yao I mentioned to you?"

"Dai Yao?"

A flash of doubt flashed in the eyes of the second elder, but he immediately thought of the incident where the fifth elder had a fight with him. Wasn't the source of that incident Dai Yao?

He asked sternly:

"Are you going to disturb the great elder's practice because of this kid? I think you are really lawless!"

The third elder quickly smoothed things over and said:

"Second brother, don't be angry yet. It's not too late to wait until Lao Wu finishes speaking. Lao Wu, I remember that kid defected, didn't he?"

The fifth elder nodded and said:

"Yes, third brother, you are right. Dai Yao escaped to the Tiandou Empire with the help of Wuhun Palace."

"What does that have to do with your meeting with the Great Elder?"

The fifth elder said solemnly: "Second brother, do you still remember why I wanted to fight with you in the first place?"

The second elder fell into memories. After a while, he said:

"Because that little traitor obtained a thousand-year soul ring when he was in his second soul ring, you have to change the ancestral system so that he will no longer participate in the battle for the throne."

Immediately, he snorted and said:

"The ancestral system must never be changed! No matter how talented the traitor is, he can never change the ancestral system!"

"It's so stupid!"

The fifth elder slapped the table angrily, his hair and beard all bulging.

"Do you know how terrifying his growth is! Now he has obtained the fourth soul ring, and the fourth soul ring is the ten thousand year soul ring!"

Hearing this, the second elder swayed and the teacup in his palm fell to the ground with a harsh sound.

But no one paid attention, and all focused on what the fifth elder had just said.

"What did you say?"

"The fourth soul ring is the ten thousand year soul ring?!"

The second elder and the third elder said in disbelief. Even the fourth elder, who had always been taciturn, cast a shocked look.

"Are you lying to me?"

The second elder didn't quite believe what the fifth elder said. It wasn't that he didn't trust the fifth elder, but that what the fifth elder said was too unbelievable.

"I have stayed in my ancestral land for too long! Now the news has spread throughout the entire continent! If you ask around, you will know whether what I said is true!"

"Besides, not long ago, Dai Yao used his fourth soul skill to change the entire sky of Tiandou City. He used an attack comparable to that of Contra. One person defeated Shenfeng Academy, one of the five elemental academies. Easily swept!"

The second elder felt that the whole world was unfamiliar to him. He noticed that his throat was a little dry and he swallowed.

The fifth elder said painfully: "This is originally the glory that belongs to our Star Luo Empire!"

The second elder showed a ruthless look in his eyes: "We must not let this person grow up! We must eradicate him as soon as possible, otherwise, with his talent, he will definitely be a huge disaster if he grows up!"

Dai Yao can perform attacks comparable to those of a Contra in his fourth spirit ring. Once he grows into a titled Douluo, how terrifying it will be. Thinking of this, the second elder shudders.

The fifth elder said angrily: "Absolutely not. If I hadn't agreed to change the ancestral system, how could this day have happened! Dai Yao is a bloodline of my Dai family, and things will definitely turn around!"

Not only was the fifth elder angry, hearing the second elder's words, the fourth elder on the side also snorted slightly, looking at the second elder with a hint of disdain.

"A turning point? What other turning point is there! The ancestral system must not be changed! He has defected, which means he has no loyalty to our Dai family at all! What we have to do now is to eradicate the root of the problem and nip the problem in the bud. .”

The second elder also said angrily.

When loyalty was mentioned, the fifth elder became furious. Before Wuguan, Dai Yao's desperate roar was still vivid in his mind. You want a child who grew up in a desperate situation to be loyal? !

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more tense, the third elder drank:

"That's enough, you two. Since we can't decide the current situation, let's ask our ancestors to make a decision!"

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