Heaven Dou Empire.

Imperial City.

A heavily decorated carriage slowly drove out of the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

After driving out of the Soul Fighting Arena, when pedestrians on the street noticed the sign on the carriage, they immediately backed away and made way for the carriage, showing respect. Because there is a seven-story glazed tower embroidered on the carriage.

It is the symbol of the world's number one auxiliary martial spirit, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Inside the carriage, Dai Yao felt the delicate touch and was extremely comfortable. The carriage was very fast, but there was no hesitation at all. It was completely different from the carriage he had ridden before.

"It's nice to have money."

The sigh passed by in a flash, and his eyes focused on the ordinary-looking young man in front of him, who was about the same age as him.

This person is none other than the protagonist Tang San.

"It's just like the description in the novel, ordinary."

Dai Yao was a little emotional.

At the same time, he was also a little confused.

In the original work, didn't Tang San, together with Ning Fengzhi, meet Xue Qinghe after the battle with the Tiandou Royal Academy's second team? Why are you going to meet Xue Qinghe with him now that you have played more than ten games in the competition?

"Perhaps Salas postponed Shrek's game in the first game, which caused the timeline to change, which led to the current scene."

Dai Yao speculated in his mind.

Feeling Dai Yao's gaze, the first person to react was not Tang San, but Ning Rongrong who was standing beside him.

Ning Rongrong's eyes went back and forth between Dai Yao and Tang San several times before saying:

"Dai Yao, why do I feel like you care about the third brother?"

Tang San smiled and said:

"Brother Dai Yao, today's competition really opened my eyes. I didn't expect that there is such a terrifying existence like you among my peers!"


Ning Fengzhi looked at the two of them with twinkling eyes.

He seemed to see two rising stars in the soul master world, about to shake the entire continent.

Tang San had twin martial spirits, whose talents were unrivaled. Moreover, the second martial spirit was the best martial spirit in the world, the Clear Sky Hammer. As long as he continues to grow smoothly, he will definitely become a world-famous titled Douluo.

As for Dai Yao, although he is not a twin martial soul, his martial soul is of extremely high quality. Sword Dao Chenxin personally admitted that his martial soul is not as good as Dai Yao. Moreover, the soul rings he absorbed have successively subverted the concepts of the soul master world and broken the limits. He will definitely be a peak powerhouse in the future.

"What a pair of peerless prides!"

Ning Fengzhi was a little amazed when he thought about the future scene.

"However, one of them is from Haotian Sect, and the other is about to join Wuhun Palace. There will definitely be a battle between the two prides. But not long after, in this competition that the whole continent is paying attention to, the two of them will start their battle. It’s our first duel.”

After hearing Dai Yao's humble answer, Tang San asked:

"Brother Dai Yao, what's the matter?"

Dai Yao smiled and said: "Yes, I do have something to discuss with you."

"What's up?"

"I have heard that you know very well about many medicinal herbs, even many herbs that ordinary people don't know. As it happens, I am very interested in this knowledge, so I want to ask you if you can give me some information. Where can I exchange knowledge in this area?”

The reason why Dai Yao wants to exchange knowledge about herbal medicine with Tang San is because he knows nothing about the other types of fairy grass in the Ice and Fire Eyes except for the few grasses mentioned in the original work.

Unable to distinguish the types and pharmacology of those herbs, I dare not try them easily. I can only let those herbs stay in the eyes of the ice and fire, unable to exert their true medicinal effects.

This opportunity was wasted.

Therefore, he wanted to learn the knowledge about fairy grass from Tang San's mind.

Dai Yao's words reminded Ning Fengzhi on the side of him thinking of the Qiluo Tulip he had taken. He felt a little strange and asked:

"Dai Yao, you gave me a fairy grass called Qiluo Tulip. After taking this fairy grass, my martial spirit evolved into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. I didn't expect that you actually had some immortal grass that you didn't recognize. Grass?"

Dai Yao explained:

"I just read an ancient book and barely knew a few fairy grasses. There are many others I don't know."

Hearing this, Tang San's heart tightened.

Back then, after he absorbed the third soul ring in the Star Dou Forest, he woke up and found that Dai Yao was protecting him. Logically speaking, Dai Yao was kind to him, and he should be very grateful to him.

But for some reason, he always had a vague hostility towards Dai Yao in his heart. It was as if Dai Yao had taken away something very important from him.

Moreover, every time Dai Yao appeared, although Xiao Wu didn't say anything, Tang San could always detect Xiao Wu's fear of Dai Yao in her eyes.

Therefore, when he met Dai Yao by chance on Uncle Ning's carriage, he had always been secretly wary of Dai Yao.

Now when he heard Dai Yao talking about the fairy grass, his heart skipped a beat.

On the one hand, he was shocked that Dai Yao actually had some knowledge of fairy grass. On the other hand, through Ning Fengzhi's words, he inferred that Dai Yao also had many fairy grasses, otherwise he would not have asked him about herbal knowledge.

Thinking of this, his eyes paused, and he suddenly thought that the old monster Dugu Bo, who he met, had secretly mentioned that he had a medicine garden and gave it to a young man.

Could it be that this young man is Dai Yao?

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Tang San thought about his words, and then said:

"Brother Dai Yao, it's not that I don't want to, but I can't pass on this knowledge about herbal medicine."

Hearing Tang San's refusal, Dai Yao's heart sank. He couldn't go to whoring for nothing, and he had already made plans. Then he wiped the treasure bag on his waist with one hand and took out a jade box.

The jade box was opened, and an eight-petal orchid appeared in the box and said:

"What if I exchange this fairy grass?"

"This is······"

Looking at the eight-petal orchid in the Dai Yao jade box, Tang San's heart skipped a beat.

The petals tremble slightly, and the whole body is white and crystal clear, giving people a sense of purity.

A legendary name jumped out of his mind and he exclaimed:

"Eight-petal fairy orchid?!"

"What is the eight-petal fairy orchid?"

Ning Rongrong held her hands up and asked Dai Yao with a pair of light blue eyes full of curiosity.

But Dai Yao didn't answer. Instead, he said to Tang San:

"You explain it."

Tang San swallowed, a look of desire flashed in his eyes, and explained to Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong:

"This thing is called the Eight-petal Immortal Orchid. It needs to be made of gold and jade. As long as it is put in jade, it will last for thousands of years and will last for a hundred generations. The medicinal properties are soft and mellow, and it is very easy to absorb. It has the effect of strengthening the body and removing impurities from the body. .”

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong were both shocked.

As an auxiliary soul master, his cultivation speed is slow, and this fairy grass just makes up for this shortcoming.

Ning Fengzhi wanted to speak several times and buy it with money, but when she thought of the Qiluo tulip, she swallowed her words and did not say anything.

This eight-petal fairy orchid is a priceless thing. Even if the Qibao Glazed Sect is rich, it will not be able to find an equivalent treasure.

If they ask for this thing, Dai Yao will definitely give it to them, but they already owe the Qiluo Tulip a debt of gratitude and cannot repay it. This eight-petal fairy orchid will only increase their sense of debt.

Dai Yao looked into Tang San's eyes and said:

"How about I exchange this eight-petal fairy orchid with your knowledge about fairy grass?"

Why use eight-petal fairy orchid? The reason is that the jelly grass Dai Yao knows has either been taken, or it is too valuable to give.

Only the last two plants are left, namely the eight-petal fairy orchid and Wang Chuan Qiu Shui Dew.

The value of the Eight-petal Fairy Orchid was obviously higher than that of Wang Chuanqiu Shuilu, but Dai Yao had to exchange the Eight-petal Fairy Orchid with Tang San.

The reason is that although the value of Looking Through Autumn Water Dew is not as good as the Eight-petal Immortal Orchid, its value to Tang San is far greater than that of the Eight-petal Immortal Orchid.

In the original work, after Tang San took the See Through Autumn Water Dew, his Purple Demon Eyes evolved to the mustard seed realm, breaking the illusion of his time.

If it weren't for this fairy grass, Tang San would probably have died at the hands of Shi Nian.

Therefore, although Dai Yao currently does not dare to take action against Tang San personally, he is completely willing to take advantage of knowing the plot and use the hands of others to nip Tang San, the biggest threat to Wuhun Palace, in the bud.

Tang San exhaled slightly, a look of struggle flashing on his face. He didn't want to pass on the Tang Sect's knowledge of fairy grass to Dai Yao, but he also wanted to get the eight-petal fairy orchid, so after a long while, he said:

"Brother Dai Yao, can you try another way?"

"In what way?"

Dai Yao's heart moved.

"Why don't we make a bet on the competition between our two colleges. If Brother Dai Yao wins, I will give you the knowledge about the fairy grass with both hands, but if I win, Brother Dai Yao will give me the eight-petal How about giving me the fairy orchid for free?"

Hearing Tang San's bet, Dai Yao felt a little moved in his heart, but he suppressed it immediately.

This bet sounds beneficial to Dai Yao. After all, he had defeated Kamikaze Academy. After winning, he could gain knowledge about fairy grass for free without even spending the eight-petal fairy orchid. Why not?

However, this is Douluo Continent after all.

Tang Shenwang has the bet buff, and no one can beat Tang Shenwang in the bet. Even the god-level Qian Renxue, who clearly had a huge advantage when facing Tang San who was still a titled Douluo, was cheated by Tang San and won the bet.

Dai Yao didn't think that his current advantage was bigger than the gap between the god-level Qian Renxue and Tang San. Therefore, after Tang San proposed the bet, Dai Yao refused without hesitation.

After Dai Yao took a few breaths, he refused:

"No, I don't accept it."

"This bet is too unfair to Brother Tang. My current strength is far greater than that of Brother Tang. Once I win, Brother Tang will not only get the eight-petal fairy orchid, but also give me the knowledge of fairy grass. How can I Aren’t you getting nothing?”

Hearing Dai Yao's answer, Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong felt a little admiration in their hearts.

Now everyone knows that with Dai Yao here, Oakland's strength is number one among the 28 teams. Tang San's bet was like sending Dai Yao to win.

But he didn't expect that Dai Yao would be so upright and refuse a bet that was extremely beneficial to him.

I would rather suffer a loss than exchange the eight-petal fairy orchid with Tang San.

Hearing this, Tang San felt helpless. He didn't expect that Dai Yao wouldn't even accept the bet. His eyes flickered, and he had no choice but to say slowly:

"In this case, I agree to the transaction with Brother Dai Yao, but the knowledge about fairy grass is very complicated and systematic, and it will take a certain amount of effort to write it out and it will take a certain amount of time."

"When I finish writing the book, I can exchange it with Brother Dai Yao."

A flash of joy flashed in Dai Yao's eyes. He was finally getting the knowledge of fairy grass that he had dreamed of, and then he said with a bit of teasing:

"Didn't Brother Tang say that knowledge about fairy grass cannot be taught to outsiders?"

Tang San smiled and said:

"Since Brother Dai Yao is Uncle Ning's friend, he is naturally also my friend. Teaching it to a friend naturally does not count as teaching it to outsiders."

Hearing this, Dai Yao couldn't help laughing, thinking in his mind:

"As expected of Tang San, a flexible 'outsider' and a flexible double standard!"

After reaching the deal, Dai Yao still felt a little anxious.

The game is already halfway through. The game between Shrek and Canghui Academy in the original book is just a few days away. If it is not completed by then, Tang San may have been killed by Shi Nian. What he wants is the knowledge about fairy grass. No more.

Therefore he urged:

"Tang San, I hope you can complete the manuscript as soon as possible. I'm in a hurry."

Tang San's heart trembled, and he nodded in agreement:

"Okay, I will do it as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Dai Yao was slightly happy, and at the same time, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Tang San, Tang San, without the Purple Demon Eyes, I'll see how you can break through the illusion of time. Maybe, you can just watch Xiao Wu being tortured in the illusion in pain!"

"After we get rid of you, the thorn in the side of the future Wuhun Palace, the unification of the Douluo Continent will be a piece of cake."

The atmosphere in the carriage began to become lively. Ning Rongrong was worthy of being a little witch. She stared at Dai Yao and asked Dai Yao a few questions from time to time, trying to find out Dai Yao's trump card.

Tang San, who was on the side, listened to the conversation between Ning Rongrong and Dai Yao, with a light flashing in his eyes from time to time, secretly recording the information about Dai Yao.

Dai Yao was a little troubled. Under Ning Rongrong's weird questions, he was caught off guard and some of his trump cards were revealed. Of course it's all trivial information.

He said helplessly: "Rongrong, please stop asking. If you continue to ask, you will pull out the underwear of our college."

The corners of Ning Rongrong's mouth curved up, and she smiled sweetly:

"Brother Dai Yao is so powerful. I just asked my sister a few questions. How could I expose my brother's strength? Did I make my brother angry?"

Dai Yao seemed to smell the fragrance of tea. The sweet smile on Ning Rongrong's face seemed to turn into the smile of a little witch. He felt a headache and looked at Ning Fengzhi helplessly.

Feeling Dai Yao's gaze, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but raise his forehead. As Ning Rongrong's father, he was also very troubled by Ning Rongrong's weird witch character, and said seriously:

"Rongrong, be quiet. I told you before that Tang San and Dai Yao and I have serious matters to discuss, so you can calm down. You got in the car and started messing around again."

"Dad, you are so partial. As soon as Dai Yao asked you for help, you immediately helped him. Am I still your daughter?"

Ning Rongrong said dissatisfiedly, with an oil bottle hanging from the corner of her mouth.

Ning Fengzhi and Dai Yao looked at each other. They knew clearly that Ning Rongrong was pretending to be dissatisfied, but they couldn't get angry at all. They sighed helplessly:

"Of course you are my baby girl!"

He stretched out his hand to hold Ning Rongrong in his arms. Ning Rongrong, who was still dissatisfied at first, immediately smiled like a flower, making it difficult for people to tell whether it was an illusion just now.

After a while, an antique teahouse appeared in front of you.

After getting off the carriage, he followed Ning Fengzhi all the way up to the uppermost seating area. When he pushed open the folding screen, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Dai Yao stared at him for a moment. Just by showing his back, he could make people feel a unique temperament that was outstanding and gentle.

It was Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire.

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