Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 291: Prince Avalanche, take care

   Chapter 291 Prince Avalanche, take care

   "Royal Father, Xue Beng teased my little Tao, she is my candidate for the crown princess, and Father Father is the master of this matter." Xue Qinghe took Ma Xiaotao and went directly to Xue Ye to complain.

   "Pfft. Qinghe, what are you talking about?" Xue Ye looked at Ma Xiaotao and felt that her beauty was excellent in every aspect, and she was a candidate for the crown princess.

"When Xiao Tao was visiting the Heaven Dou Imperial City alone, he encountered Xue Beng, but Xue Beng used his identity as the fourth prince to molest Xiao Tao. And a Soul Douluo behind him shot Xiao Tao, if it wasn't for Xiao Tao's cultivation In order to be strong, it is estimated that the baby will not see her now." Xue Qinghe said that she almost burst into tears.

"You bastard, come here, go and call Xue Beng over to me. No matter what he is doing, he will bring him here. If he resists, he will break the dog's legs." Xue Ye was angry, what kind of Xue Beng was molesting the princess. If the outside world knew about this matter, then his Heaven Dou Empire's face would be completely lost.

  The guards outside the imperial study room of the palace were startled by the aura of Emperor Xue Ye, but they acted immediately and called Xue Beng to talk about it.

  These royal affairs are not something that a small guard can do.

  Prince Xue Beng walked into the palace with a bewildered face, the imperial study of Emperor Xue Ye, when he saw Ma Xiaotao, his feet were so unsteady,

   was obviously frightened by Ma Xiaotao's powerful fighting power.

   "Xue Beng, did you do something to tease your elder brother's crown princess?" Xue Ye's face was not very good-looking.

"No, I've been wronged by the emperor! I just saw this girl seems to be lost, and I just wanted to help arrange a better hotel. After all, I am also the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and I treat my own people no matter what. How can you not do anything wrong." How dare Xue Beng admit it!

   At the same time, he was also shocked. Why did he suddenly have a prince concubine? Could it be that Xue Qinghe deliberately married Ma Xiaotao and then conspired against him.

  If he dared to admit that Xue Ye would definitely beat him, he would be paralyzed.

   "Besides, the baby doesn't know that she is the eldest brother!" Xue Beng was jealous!

   Ma Xiaotao is so sexy, and a strong and powerful woman was actually preempted by his eldest brother. Especially the pair of huge peaks. Avalanche felt like it could suffocate him inside.

   As long as Xue Beng didn't admit that he had molested Ma Xiaotao, Xue Qinghe really couldn't do anything about him. Otherwise, as long as he dares to admit it, Xue Ye doesn't need to do it.

  Ma Xiaotao next to Xue Qinghe can make an avalanche of shit. Even in front of old man Xue Ye.

  The old man Xue Ye heard the words of his slutty son. Although he didn't believe Xue Beng's words, what's more, he couldn't do anything if he didn't believe it!

   At the same time, the old man Xue Ye turned his eyes to Xue Qinghe: "Qinghe, you see, this matter is about the face of the royal family. So."

  Xue Qinghe didn't understand what the old man Xue Ye said when he heard it. This was to tell him not to care, after all, it was about the royal family. The face of the Tiandou Empire royal family is important.

  Xue Qinghe's face turned black.

   turned to face the red feather skirt beside him, Ma Xiaotao said, "Xiao Tao, what do you think?"

   "If there is another next time, I will kill him directly. This time, it will be for the sake of the prince's brother. Hmph." Ma Xiaotao snorted coldly in a bad tone.

   Hearing this, the old man Xue Ye's face turned green with anger. In front of him, he actually said that he would kill his fourth son. This is a bit too arrogant.

   "Royal Father, Xiao Tao used to study abroad with her master. Now, at the age of 19, she has broken through to the Soul Emperor cultivation realm, so please Emperor Father not to care about Xiao Tao's words."

   means that Ma Xiaotao has a background.

  Xue Qinghe's words made Xue Ye and Xue Beng almost scared to pee. Nineteen years old, Soul Emperor, with such a cultivation base, he is simply a monster.

  Thinking about Ma Xiaotao's master, that is definitely a hidden Title Douluo!

   He Xue Ye dared not offend Titled Douluo no matter how daring he was!

   It's not that he's cowardly, but that he really doesn't dare. Even if his cultivation base is high, he has not fought for many years.

He almost forgot how to use the    soul skill. Anyone who enters a titled Douluo-level assassin-type soul master in the palace can kill him.

  Avalanche is so scary! He didn't know yet, if it wasn't for Yun Xiaofeng and Xue Ke's face, Xue Qinghe would have killed him hundreds of times.

   also got him to flirt with Ma Xiaotao on the street.

   But Xue Beng thought about it again. With Tang Ritian supporting him, he was no longer so afraid. After all, Qiandaoliu, who was known as the invincible sky, could only be with Tang Ritian.

   "Since Xiao Tao doesn't care about it anymore, then fourth brother, my eldest brother also warns you once, if I find out that you are bullying girls outside based on your identity, I will let Xiao Tao take you back and beat you."

  Xue Qinghe said this in front of the old man Xue Ye, Xue Ye couldn't say anything, after all, he also chose to cover up Xue Beng once.

   "Xue Beng, go back to face the wall and think about it for half a month. You can't walk out of the palace without my will!" Xue Ye patted the table. Facing the avalanche, it is a stern scolding.

   "Follow your orders, Royal Father." Xue Beng had no choice, Xue Ye shielded him, but let him think behind closed doors for half a month! He could only recognize it, and at the same time he also developed a kind of hatred for Xue Qinghe and Ma Xiaotao.

  Xue Beng, no matter if it is a real dude or a fake dude, it would be a particularly cruel punishment to let him think behind closed doors for half a month.

   "Father, I plan to marry Xiao Tao after half a month, so I can easily quell the rumors that I like male sex."

   After Xue Qinghe finished speaking to Xue Ye, he looked at Ma Xiaotao with affection, and then glared at Xue Beng with cold eyes.

  Ma Xiaotao's face was slightly red, revealing the shyness of a little girl. At the same time, she also went to hold Xue Qinghe's hand. A pair of phoenix eyes looked at Xue Ye, indicating that it was okay.

   "Okay, Qinghe, I'm sure about this, and it's also a good thing." From now on, the old man Xue Ye, who was already a little biased towards Xue Beng, turned to Xue Qinghe again. At the same time, I was also very happy that Xue Qinghe grew up and wanted to inherit the lineage. The best thing is to let Ma Xiaotao give Xue Qinghe a fat boy weighing eight pounds. Then he can retire directly and let Xue Qinghe take the throne.

  Xue Qinghe: "God's eight pounds, you're going crazy."

   "Thank you, Father, for your success." Xue Qinghe took Ma Xiaotao's hand and bowed to the old man Xue Ye, and then the two left the imperial study hand in hand.

   "Father, I really don't blame me for this!" After Xue Qinghe left, Xue Beng immediately began to complain to Xue Ye.

   "You bastard, don't think that this emperor doesn't know, the things you did outside, the number one dude in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, this title really hits you on the forehead."

  Xue Beng just finished speaking, Xue Ye patted the table. Furious, Xue Qinghe made him very satisfied now, after all, for the sake of the imperial family, Xue Qinghe still did not disappoint him.

   The matter of Ma Xiaotao being molested by the avalanche has been reduced to a small matter and a trivial matter! It shows that the Empire still cares about Xue Qinghe very much, but it is too gentle.

   As for Xue Beng, I already have the idea of ​​making Xue Ye recreate him.

  Xue Beng was frightened by the momentum of the old man Xue Ye, his legs softened, and instantly knelt in front of the desk in the imperial study.

   "Father, my son just wants to compete with the big brother." Xue Beng is ready to start dumping the blame!

   "Then why did you molest Marshal Ge Long's wife a few days ago and explain it to me! If it wasn't for Ge Long at the border, I would have rushed into the palace and hacked you to death."

  Xue Ye is so angry just thinking about it.

Heaven Dou Empire, the Grand Marshal of the Three Armies guarded the frontier for the empire, and his concubine was molested by the prince in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, this matter spread out, what the hell, the face of the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire was completely lost by Xue Beng. .

   When Xue Ye received the report today, his eyes almost popped out.

   He really didn't expect Avalanche to be so daring.

   Fortunately, it was stopped by the guards of Marshal Ge Long's wife. Otherwise, Ge Long will have to bring an army of millions to attack Heaven Dou City.

  Xue Ye thought of this, and he had the heart to cut Xue Beng.

   "That's how you fought with your big brother?" Xue Ye slapped the table again, and Xue Beng shook all over again. Shocked.

   "Father, the boy knows you're wrong." Xue Beng knew what he said at this time and it was useless. Only after admitting his mistake and calming Xue Ye's anger could he reposition himself. Go back and ask the master how to do it.

  Theoretical invincible master Yu Xiaogang: "Prince Xuebeng, I can't protect myself, you should take care."

   (end of this chapter)

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